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In this chapter is introduced a dystopian future where for any reason the most of womens can not have
children. In this society the women that can get pregnant are treated as handmaid and used by wealthy
families for having babies. In this oppressor system the fertility seems to be the unique value of the woman.

The main character is Offred, one of the last fertil womens. Throughout of chapter it show us two timelines: the
present ,where Defred is handmaid and it is presented the actual state of the world, and the past where it
show the old world where i guess it will show us what happened.

I like the serie argument, it is different from other dystopian series or movies that i have seen, but this first
episode maybe is little slow compared to other series (like twelve monkeys, for instance). However i want to
see more episodes for knowing what happened in the past with the world and with Offred

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