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In Rapunzel, a certain order is maintained until the moment when the father steals the
lettuce. This act can be assimilated to a break in the respect of the authority of the ancients,
which bans stealing. Because of the fault of the father, Rapunzel is cast out of society; she
cannot live at her parents'. She must live with the witch in the forest, a punishment she does
not deserve. In Cinderella it was follows the same pattern or we can assume that the Rapunzel
Story has a Cinderella Complex. According to Colette Dowling(1987) woman have their
own desire to become a weak personality and want to seved by handsome and rich man like a
prince, as follows :
Traditionally, women have not been expected to confront fear and go
beyond it. We've been encouraged to avoid what scares us, taught, from the
time we were very young, to do only those things that allow us to feel
comfortable and secure. In fact we were not trained for freedom at all, but for
its categorical opposite--dependency. Up to a point, dependency needs are
quite normal, for men as well as for women. But women have been
encouraged since they were children to be dependent, and to a degree that
contemporary society finds unhealthy. Thus, we're stuck in a bind: the
Cinderella Complex. (Dowling, 1987)
Cinderella is treated as a servant when she is the daughter of the house.
This disturbance in the social order implies a lack of contact with the external world: she is
refused the right to go to the ball. Snow White is another example of the pattern of the victim
suffering from a lost equilibrium: she is the princess of the realm and yet her stepmother
attempts to kill her. Snow White flees from her realm: therefore she cannot fulfil her function
as a princess which introduces a break in the rules of society. Here, in literary criticism, this
Rapunzel story can be analyzed using structuralism theory. Structuralism is a kind of theory
which is

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