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As you remember, I spoke with you about participating in a group with a

different specialty. And we had a misunderstanding with the group, because

when I was talking to you, I heard that I had a deadline for Wednesday, and
theirs for Thursday, as I told them, and they agreed to hand over everything for
tomorrow. But as it turned out today, the deadline is on Tuesday, so I no longer
wanted to act ugly and ask them to finish even earlier, so I am sending you only
my part of the total work on Mars Limited.

I hope for your understanding :(:

4) Initially, Frank Forrest was the creator of the first Milky Way chocolate recipe, and it was produced in
America, but his son decided to transport this business idea to Britain. Frank's son, Forrest Mars, had a
dream to create his own confectionery business in Britain, where he went, armed with $ 50,000 in start-up
capital and a unique recipe for a Milky Way bar. In 1932, Forrest Mars rented a workshop in the small town
of Slow to make candy. Intuition told Forrest: in order to set up a business in an unfamiliar country, you
need to make your name known to everyone. Calling his British campaign Mars Limited, Forrest decided to
develop a product of the same name. This is how the Mars chocolate bar was born, made on the basis of
the Milky Way recipe. However, the British market reacted very coolly to the new product. The fact is that
the British, especially adults, ate very little sweets. It took an extraordinary approach that could influence
the conservative psychology of the English inhabitants, and Mars Jr. found it. With his characteristic energy,
he began to convince consumers that the Mars chocolate bar is not a delicacy at all, but food that a person
needs to keep the body in good shape. The Mars ad said that chocolate boosts stamina, glucose provides
energy, and milk quickly replenishes. The red logo placed on the wrapper of the bar also spoke of the
“energetic charge” of the product. This marketing ploy turned out to be very successful - the British
believed in Mars, and Forrest Jr.'s business went up the hill. It was the first country after America to know
about Milky Way. Then there was a very long and interesting story about how, during the war, the company
supplied its M&M candies to the US Army, which further used symbolic pictures on the labels, such as a
soldier who feeds sweets to babies who had just been liberated from the occupation of the Third Reich.
Actually, this is how people learned about Mars in European countries

Task 1
7) I think the very fact that the company existed for almost 100 years, and is still the market leader almost
from the first day of its existence, already says that their reputation is very high and people highly
appreciate the quality of the company's bars and chocolate. What is it about? It seems to me that if you are
not a fan of Ilon Mask or deeply interested in astronomy, when I say "Mars" you will most likely think of a
bar, which already speaks of how deeply this brand has been rooted in the consumer culture for almost 100

As for my personal opinion, this is a great snack, and it costs significantly less than its other competitors in
the range of the same quality. Moreover, the difference in goods is impressive, from cocktails with the taste
of bars (although of course the bars themselves originally appeared from the cocktail, but usually people
think that the opposite is true, which once again proves to us how deeply Mars penetrated into the
everyday market) to microversions of bars, which cannot but rejoice , there is always something to your
Of course, many people think that everyday food in the form of chocolate is not very healthy, but take a
look here. A standard Mars bar is 51g, down from 65g in the 1990s. It is still high in calories at 228kcal per
bar, which is equivalent to at least four apples. It is also more than double the 100 calories Public Health
England suggests parents impose on their kids' snacks. Even for adults, a Mars a day just isn't a good idea.

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