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El gran mito erótico de los años cincuenta





Dentro de este fanzine podemos encontrar
diferentes trabajos realizados individualmente
en cada uno de ellos podemos encontrar

Primero iniciaremos con una autobiografía

donde contaré un poco sobre mi vida como tal.

Segundo encontraremos una fotonovela donde

encontraran una historia acerca de un robo el
cual salió perfecto se leerá de izquierda a 

Tercero encontraremos una pieza publicitaria

tipo collage recortes acerca de Marilyn Monroe.

Cuarto y último lugar encontraremos la historia

y resumen acerca de la vida de la actriz y
modelo de los años 50 Marilyn Monroe.
I am honored to be today telling a little of my life to return, I left and all e s different world, there I began to
you apprentices and instructors of the Seine. study to work which was going well for me and at the
I will start with elementary school, I was a boy who same time I became independent and I went to live alone
occupied the first positions in the flag hoists and and I was traveling, but I was bored being alone so after
had the best grades in the grade, until I went on to three years I decided to return to Colombia to be again
secondary school since I started in the degree of with my friends and go back to look for my ex-partner,
being the boy with good grades to do the most lazy which when I arrive brings me great disappointment
and that of The worst grades I had in the group since those who I thought were my friends turned their
really didn't look at a solution with me, the teachers back on me, my ex-partner rejected me since I had a new
and my parents couldn't correct me either since I partner and what I want to get to. Today with this story is
didn't go to classes, I only went twice a week to do not expect anything from anyone do not stick to other
attend, once when I was at 6 it was the month people's perspectives which could be the opposite, do
August and my father had been told that I was your own thing and take advantage of all the opportuni-
already losing the year and that there was no way to ties you have since I did not know how to take advantage
recover it, I told my father to relax that it was just a of it.
story that I was going to win the year, I told my After being here in Colombia I finished studying my high
father that If he gave me a play 3 that was fashiona- school, I dedicated myself to traveling through the cities
ble at that time, if he gave it to me that I won the of our beautiful land and enjoyed a lot of parties and rock
year and we stayed in stratum, I don't know how I events nationwide until I met a social circle of friends
did in reality but in 3 months I recovered who are photographers, which my name is A lot of atten-
everything and I only enabled two subjects and I tion and I learned a little about it, so I decided to go to
won the win , the day I claimed the prize from my study and I got the opportunity to study at the Sena, at
dad he told me what and I had no money, that day I the Sena I learned many things apart from what I really
felt cheated by my own father, it was very sad. wanted to learn, but I also learned at the Sena to be
n the next years 7, 8 and 9 high school I used responsible and a better person, since at the beginning of
different methods to be able to be lazy always the beginning to study I was a very irresponsible person with
first months I was missing and I did not deliver the class schedule, today I have the opportunity to be
anything, after that I was missing but I had all the again in the seine studying, which I am grateful since it is
jobs a day and in the last months to finish the year I a development as a person and learning For me, because I
went without fail and the year passed without have no fucking idea how I got here knowing that I was a
having to qualify a subject which made my classma- lazy boy and that he didn't like studying at all I'm surpri-
tes angry since they went without fail and they sed at myself: v
stayed recovering subjects or simply lost the year, Today on this day I invite you to that no matter how
when I was in the ninth grade I was 15 or 14 years difficult or easy jobs they are, we can all get this technolo-
old in the middle of that year, my mother had come gist forward, if I could graduate from high school and I
from California to go live with her which I did not could graduate from the technician, I know that everyone
want, because I did not want to leave my comfort in this group will also be capable and many will be better.
zone my social zone of friends since everyone knew successes and blessings in their lives
me I lived a quiet life I had a stable job with my
father and I had a spectacular girlfriend who I did
not want to leave, she advised me a lot about
leaving since I was going to have a good future to
which in the end I agreed to leave, which gave me
hard because I did not know when I was going to


“No one
ever told
me I was
pretty when I
was a little girl.
All little girls
should be told
they’re pretty, even
if they aren’t.”
heredado, especialmente cuando era
internada por sus frecuentes depresio-
nes. Su infancia y adolescencia transcu-
rrieron entre un orfanato (en el que
ingresó a la edad de nueve años y traba-
jó como ayudante de cocina), la casa de
sus abuelos y las de varias familias que
la adoptaron. En una de estas casas de
acogida sufrió al parecer abusos sexua-
les por parte del cabeza de familia
cuando contaba ocho años.
Nada hacía pensar que Norma Jean
El 5 de agosto de 1962, la actriz estadounidense Marilyn tuviera una futura carrera como actriz,
Monroe, el gran mito erótico de los años cincuenta, fue ni tan siquiera el hecho de que su
hallada muerta en su casa de Hollywood. Aunque el forense madre, una mujer extraordinariamente
dictaminó que la actriz se había suicidado con una sobredosis atractiva, hubiera trabajado durante un
de somníferos, las causas de su muerte permanecen aún tiempo como montadora de negativo en
confusas; se apreciaron algunas contradicciones en el Consolidated Film Industries. Marcada
informe médico de su trágico fin. por la inestabilidad emocional y la
Las dificultades profesionales y su agitada vida sentimental pobreza, a los dieciséis años, tras aban-
parecieron estar en el origen de su muerte. En cualquier donar sus estudios, se empleó en una
caso, la jovialidad y el vivir desenfrenado y despreocupado planta de construcción de aviones. En la
que muchas veces había representado en el cine y fuera de él misma fábrica conoció a un mecánico
se corresponden poco con el verdadero perfil de su vida, de 21 años, James Dougherty, con quien
marcada por las contradicciones y los complejos de una niñez contrajo matrimonio el 19 de junio de
y una juventud desgraciadas, seguidas después de un éxito 1942 y de quien se divorciaría cuatro
arrollador al que no supo hacer frente, ni siquiera cuando años después.
creyó encontrar, junto a personalidades como Arthur Miller,
la estabilidad y la seguridad que persiguió durante toda su
Marilyn Monroe, de verdadero nombre Norma Jean Baker
(o Norma Jean Mortenson, apellido de su padrastro), nació
el 1 de junio de 1926 en Los Ángeles, en el estado
norteamericano de California. Hija de Gladys Baker, quien
nunca le comunicó la identidad de su padre, su primera
infancia fue muy dura. Su madre la dejó en manos de un
matrimonio amigo hasta que cumplió siete años; entonces se
la llevó a vivir consigo.
Pero un año más tarde Gladys fue internada en un sanatorio
psiquiátrico en el que se le diagnosticó una esquizofrenia
paranoide, enfermedad que luego Marilyn creería haber

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