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Luis Alejandro Intriago Campos


who the love affects your brain?

Have you been loving someone like your boyfriend or girlfriend?
well, love is a kind of science, let me explain, in 2008 the doctor Helen Fisher and her
investigation team makes a studied that show the activity of the brain of the participants
while they saw photos of beloveds and later had seen photos of people just meet someday
or just know who they are.
she said that she could discover that when the participants saw the imagen of the beloveds
happens that the activity of the brain (in the tangential ventral zone and nucleus accumbent
of the caudate nucleus) increase exponentially.
These parts of the brain are associate with rewards, gratifications, behaviors aimed at those
involved with addictions.
the science has been discovered activity on this part of the brain when junkies consume
cocaine, so when you have consumed cocaine your brain put in an ocean of dopamine that
is a neurotransmitter that is too addictive. Spite of I will never prove the cocaine.
There was another experiment where groups of rats have had a helmet with dopamine, the
rats just want the helmet to consume dopamine and they just stopped of eating and sleep,
they only wanted the dopamine.
but... Who loved the dopamine? our body? or our Brian?
The answer is too easy, our brain loves the dopamine, but ... what all of this must relate
with the love? it is simple, when we are in love, our brain produces two effects:
first one: increase of dopamine, you will start to feel euphoric, giddily happy, and full of

second one: reduce the serotonin, that reduces the anxiety, restlessness, you stop being
restless and tendencies to be possessive.
Love makes greats things to your brain and body, be in love.

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