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Statement of Purpose


I would like to start by saying, I had this special interest in treating patient and consider them
as my own family since early days of my study in medical school. It began once I treated a
patient in emergency department, he complained of weakness on one side of the body and
difficulty speaking. My physical examination suggested he was having acute stroke
infarction. Evidently, the CT-Scan result was supporting my suspicion. After long therapy
sessions from neurologist, now he recovered and was able to act as before. This experience is
one of many reasons for me to be an neurologist in the future.

Geriatrics is included in the national program in the Indoneisa Hospital Accreditation

National Standarts. There is an increase in the elderly population in Indonesia which can
cause problems related to medical, psychological, economic, and social aspects so that it is
necessary to improve health services for elderly citizens. I was given the task of managing
the geriatric service system at the Muhammadiyah Hospital Ahmad Dahlan. Geriatric services
at my hospital include outpatient services and homecare. I really enjoyed interacting with
geriatric patients who gave me good experience.

I completed my medical school studies from Universitas Muhammdiyah Malang, Indonesia.

Currently, I’m working as a general practitioner in Muhammadiyah Hospital of Ahmad
Dahlan, Kediri, Indonesia. Right now I’m eager to learn as much as I can, about
understanding of diseases, diagnostic approach, pharmacologic and non pharmacologic
therapeutic approach, medical ethics overseas, and everything about internal medicine. In
accordance to this, I believe International Clinical Training Intake year 2019-2020 by Taiwan
International Healthcare Training Center can provide a great academic progression, as a
valuable life experience for my future career pursuit.

Taiwan has been known with its an outstanding higher education system that provides
opportunities for international students to study a wide variety of subjects. Not forget to
mention it’s advanced in infrastructure, law-enforcement and transportation, communication,
including medical and public health systems which are considered excellent by Tai-Yin Wu in
article “An overview of the healthcare system in Taiwan” on National Center for
Biotechnology Information. Nonetheless, international students In Taiwan live and study in
safety and comfort environment. Those facts make me feel more motivated to join this
program which I’m sure will enrich me with beneficial experiences and skills.

I plan to apply as much positive thing as possible to my patients as a general practitioner and
share the experience following my comeback to Indonesia. It’s always been is my passion to
contribute knowledge and skills as a doctor to society. Indonesia may have high Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) based on World Bank data, but unfortunately low Human
Development Index (HDI). Meanwhile compared to Taiwan which has 0.88 HDI. This is why
Taiwan is considered more developed than Indonesia.

Healthcare in Taiwan is considered as one of the most highly efficient health care systems in
the world. Every citizen in Taiwan is fully covered and there is no such thing as pre-existing
health condition. In other way of saying, my country has all potential and possess all tools to
become a developed country. Being  accepted in International Clinical Training Intake
program will surely help to prepare myself to become a great doctor, provide a good health
service for society and actively participate for this country development.

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