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Food Control 17 (2006) 942–949

Development of new quality index method (QIM) schemes

for cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and broadtail shortfin
squid (Illex coindetii)
a,b,* b
Paulo Vaz-Pires , Pedro Seixas
ICBAS—Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar, University of Porto, Largo Professor Abel Salazar, 2, 4099-003 Porto, Portugal
CIIMAR—Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, University of Porto, Rua dos Bragas, 289, 4050-123 Porto, Portugal

Received 24 November 2004; received in revised form 4 July 2005; accepted 4 July 2005


This article describes the development of sensory schemes for freshness grading of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and broadtail
shortfin squid (Illex coindetii) based on the recent quality index method (QIM). As preliminary work, four storage experiments were
performed to choose the relevant sensory parameters for building the schemes. From an initial large set of parameters, some were
chosen to be attributes for the QIM scheme. For cuttlefish, appearance, odour and mucus of skin, texture of flesh, cornea and pupil
transparency, odour of the mouth region and connection between bone and head tissues; and for squid, appearance, odour and
mucus of skin, texture of flesh, appearance of the eyes and ocular tissue brightness and odour of the mouth region. Five storage
experiments were then used to test the tables and to shelf-life studies. The shelf-life, as measured by sensory attributes, is considered
to be 10 days in ice for cuttlefish and 9 days in ice for squid. Sensory and shelf-life differences between these two species can be
explained by morphological and biological reasons that probably include higher rigidity of the cuttlefish caused by the presence
of the internal bone. For both species a high correlation between the quality index and the storage time in ice was obtained.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cephalopods; Sensory analysis; Quality index method; Squid; Cuttlefish; Shelf-life

1. Introduction mon in Mediterranean and in Oriental countries, partic-

ularly Japan, South Korea and China. The world total
Cephalopods are regarded nowadays as important re- landing of cephalopods is highly dependent on the fish-
sources that can be exploited all over the world. They eries of the four top producing countries: Japan, China,
are recognised as promising species for the future of fish- Korea and Argentina (FAO, 2003).
ing because of their abundance, rapid stock renewal and Cephalopods are also promising in terms of farming
short life cycles. Depending on the species, their life cy- potential. Some species of octopus, cuttlefish and squid
cles may vary from six months for small species to three are believed to be among the new species with high poten-
years for larger ones (Mangold, 1987). They are com- tial for aquaculture in the future. Their rapid growth,
high reproductive rate, acceptance of natural and artifi-
cial foods, and high market price are the main character-
* istics that influenced the first aquaculture attempts in
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 351 22 206 22 72; fax: +351 22 206
22 32. countries like Japan, Italy, Spain, France and Portugal
E-mail address: (P. Vaz-Pires). (Vaz-Pires, Seixas, & Barbosa, 2004).

0956-7135/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Vaz-Pires, P. Seixas / Food Control 17 (2006) 942–949 943

Cephalopods are also important among other sea- excessive emphasis is laid on each of the attributes, a
food sources in terms of yield: due to the lack of bones, sample is not rejected on the basis of a single criterion;
the average edible part of cephalopod species is between there is not too much influence of slight differences in
80% and 85% of the total body, which is higher that that the total QIM scores (Luten & Martinsdóttir, 1997).
of crustaceans (40%–45%), teleosts (40%–75%) and The QIM system is expected to be the main future sen-
cartilaginous fish (25%) (Kreuzer, 1984). sory method for use in laboratories, for research pur-
During the last few years, there has been a great pro- poses, and possibly also in fish auction markets, for
gress in marketing, quality assurance and freshness more precise inspection and clear decisions about fish
assessment of fish products, but there have been only quality. A complete list of the species for which QIM
few studies on cephalopods quality, most of them being schemes have been developed was compiled by Barbosa
directed to squid. and Vaz-Pires (2004).
Once caught, cephalopods undergo very rapid pro- These authors have recently developed a specific QIM
tein degradation due to endogenous and bacterial scheme for whole iced octopus (Octopus vulgaris) based
enzymes. Such high proteolytic activity produces an on the analysis of some freshness quality parameters, as
increase in levels of muscle-derived nitrogen, hence follows: appearance/colour, odour and mucus of the
favouring proliferation of degenerative flora and rapid skin; texture of the flesh; cornea and pupil of the eyes;
decomposition (Hurtado, Borderı́as, Montero, & An, colour, odour and mucus of the mouth region and
1999; Hurtado, Montero, & Borderı́as, 1998). finally presence of material in the sucker of arms.
As seafood spoils, it goes through a sequence of Recently developed QIM schemes were presented for
changes that are detectable by the human senses. Sen- raw gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) (Huidobro, Pas-
sory methods are the oldest and still the most satisfac- tor, & Tejada, 2000) and for farmed Atlantic salmon
tory way of grading and assessing the freshness of fish (Salmo salar) (Sveinsdóttir, Hyldig, Martinsdóttir,
and fish products (Branch & Vail, 1985; Howgate, John- Jørgensen, & Kristbergsson, 2003).
ston, & Whittle, 1992) and sensory evaluation is com- The aim of this set of storage experiments was to
monly considered as the most important method for design specific QIM schemes for cuttlefish (Sepia offici-
freshness evaluation in the fish research (Martinsdóttir, nalis) and broadtail shortfin squid (Illex coindetii), that
1997). may be used to better assess the ‘‘freshness level’’ of
In Europe, the most commonly used method for both species stored in crushed ice.
quality assessment in the inspection service and in the The development of the QIM schemes as presented in
fish industry is the EU Freshness Grading (or EC this article is the first of a series of steps, which includes
scheme) (EC Council regulations nrs. 103/76 and 104/ also the writing of a manual with photographs and
76, Howgate et al., 1992; EC regulation nr. 2406/96). explanations, the inclusion of both tables in the QIM list
There are three levels in the EC scheme for quality grad- of schemes, the addition of these schemes to the list
ing of fish products: E (Extra, the highest quality), A available in software form and the training of assessors
(good quality) and B (satisfactory quality). Below level for the correct use of this new QIM schemes (Mar-
B (lower than B is sometimes called unfit or C) fish is tinsdóttir, Sveinsdóttir, Luten, Schelvis-Smit, & Hyldig,
no longer acceptable for human consumption and thus 2001).
is rejected or discarded. However, this kind of scheme
is somehow limited when classifying the quality of some
species. It does not take into account differences between 2. Materials and methods
species and it only uses general parameters to describe
the changes for iced fish (Luten & Martinsdóttir, 1997; 2.1. Cuttlefish and squid source
Nielsen, 1995, 1997). Another limitation is that all
parameters analysed must be divided in four levels or Cuttlefish (S. officinalis) and broadtail shortfin squid
grades, which is not always appropriate. The EC scheme (I. coindetii) were purchased at the first sale auction mar-
only presents one table dedicated to cephalopods, appli- ket in Matosinhos fishing harbour, north of Portugal,
cable exclusively to the species of cuttlefish Sepia offici- from February 2004 to September 2004. Cuttlefish were
nalis and Rossia macrosoma. caught along the coast of Portugal, between Porto and
These generally recognized limitations of the EC Aveiro, by artisanal boats using nets. Squids were
scheme and other previous schemes originated improved caught by bottom trawling boats operating along the
freshness quality grading systems, like the quality index coast of Portugal, between Porto and Sesimbra. Cepha-
method (QIM). QIM is based upon objective evaluation lopods were transported from the market to the labora-
of certain attributes of raw fish (skin, eyes, gills, etc.) tory (1 h maximum) in clean and insulated containers;
using a demerit points scoring system (from 0 to 3). both species were placed inside plastic bags and sur-
The scores are summarized to give the quality index rounded by crushed ice. At the laboratory they were
which increases linearly with storage time in ice. As no measured, weighed and briefly washed with tap water
944 P. Vaz-Pires, P. Seixas / Food Control 17 (2006) 942–949

in order to remove the excessive ink. The cephalopods day-to-day changes that occurred during storage of
were then placed in boxes with crushed ice, with perfo- whole raw cuttlefish and squid along 13 days of storage
rated bottom, to allow the drainage of melted water to in crushed ice. The first four experiments were used for
an empty box placed underneath just to collect drained training the evaluators and for choosing the appropriate
water. Cephalopods were finally covered with crushed parameters for the last five experiments, where the first
ice. Boxes were stored at refrigeration temperature versions of the tables were tested extensively. Each of
(2 ± 2 °C). Crushed ice was added daily as required in the three assessors evaluated daily all samples available
order to maintain cuttlefish and squid always sur- (between 8 and 12 for each species) in ice for each exper-
rounded by ice. In all these experiments ice was in direct iment. The species were evaluated separately in relation
contact with the skin of the cephalopods. to time but, for some of the experiments, they were
A total of 39 whole raw cuttlefish with an average obtained simultaneously.
weight of 536 g (range 176–823 g) and 59 whole raw
squid with an average weight of 190 g (range 63–577 g) 2.3. Development of QIM
were used.
The definition of the time of rejection is a step
2.2. Preliminary experiments needed for the QIM development. As previously done
for O. vulgaris (Barbosa & Vaz-Pires, 2004), sensory
In order to design the QIM, three assessors with pre- characteristics were used to define the time of rejec-
vious experience in seafood sensory analysis described tion, mainly general skin appearance and smell, both

Table 1
QIM scheme for whole raw cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) stored in crushed ice
Freshness quality parameters Description QIM score
Skin (dorsal side)
Appearance/colour Very bright, dark brown or brown, iridescent reflexes all over the mantle 0
Bright, becoming white-beige or light-grey 1
Rather dull, rose-purplish specially in the fin and sides of the body 2
Dull, purplish in the sides, central portion of the mantle becomes brownish 3
Odour Seaweedy, (sea) fresh 0
Slightly seaweedy, neutral 1
Fishy, metallic 2
Mucus Transparent, watery, shining 0
Slightly milky, moderate or absent 1
Skin (ventral side)
Elasticity/colour Elastic, very firm, white 0
Soft, wrinkles when pulled, pink 1
Texture Very firm, tense, consistent 0
Firm, less consistent 1
Soft, flaccid 2
Cornea Translucent, watery, shining 0
Slightly opalescent 1
Opalescent 2
Pupil Black shining 0
Black, tarnished 1
Dark red, red bloody 2
Mouth region
Odour Seaweedy, fresh 0
Neutral 1
Slightly fishy 2
Fishy, intense, sulphurous 3
Internal ‘‘bone’’
Connection bone/head Firmly attached to the upper part of the head region 0
Loosely attached to the upper part of the head region 1
Range of QIM score 0–17
P. Vaz-Pires, P. Seixas / Food Control 17 (2006) 942–949 945

Table 2
QIM scheme for whole raw squid (I. coindetii) stored in crushed ice
Freshness quality parameters Description QIM score
Skin (dorsal side)
Appearance/colour Very bright, well defined pigments of different 0
sizes and colours (brown, purple, rose and dark red), iridescent skin
Bright, becoming discoloured 1
Rather dull, without shine, purplish in the central 2
axis of the body, general orange/pink areas
Odour Seaweedy, (sea) fresh 0
Slightly seaweedy 1
Neutral, slightly fishy 2
Intense, metallic, fishy 3
Mucus Transparent, watery, shining 0
Slightly milky, moderate or absent 1
Texture Firm, tense, consistent 0
Soft, less consistent 1
Flaccid, flabby 2
Shape/appearance Convex 0
Flat 1
Concave 2
Ocular tissue Translucent, watery 0
Slightly opalescent 1
Opalescent 2
Mouth region
Odour Seaweed, fresh 0
Neutral 1
Slightly fishy 2
Intense, fishy, acid 3
Mucus Absent or clear transparent 0
Slightly yellowish 1
Range of QIM score 0–16

considered as the more important parameters that affect because this was the moment where the table was com-
selling and consumption in the whole form. Three asses- pletely developed. Adjustment to a linear shaped curve
sors with previous experience in cephalopod sensory was obtained.
analysis and commercial characteristics of these species
were asked to indicate if they consider samples accept-
able or rejectable for commercial use and human con- 3. Results and discussion
sumption. A total of 20 cephalopods in three
experiments for each species were used. Rejection was Several different parameters were initially observed
defined when at least two of the three assessors consid- and registered for both species. For cuttlefish, they
ered the samples rejectable. Taste analysis was not used included, at the dorsal side: skin appearance, skin col-
because it is not considered as ideal for use with cepha- our, skin elasticity, skin odour, skin mucus, presence
lopod species whenever these are sold in the whole form; of black blots under the skin (above internal shell), cor-
this was already explained by Barbosa, Bremner, and nea transparency, pupil colour, eye general appearance,
Vaz-Pires (2002) and Barbosa and Vaz-Pires (2004). colour and odour of head and arms, texture of the flesh,
From the initial set of parameters observed, the ones connection between internal bone and the head and col-
that showed more visible and clear variation during our of the fin. At the ventral side, skin appearance, skin
storage time were used to build the first versions of the colour, skin elasticity, skin odour, skin mucus, mouth
QIM schemes. These first versions were then used and region odour and presence of mucus, presence of ink
tested in a total of three new experiments, in order to surrounding the mouth, colour of the mouth region, col-
rearrange the table and improve precision. The quality our of the suckers, arm odour, arm texture, presence of
index graphs were plotted only from the last two exper- black blots under the skin and colour of the internal
iments on a total of 12 individuals for each species, bone (observed after removal).
946 P. Vaz-Pires, P. Seixas / Food Control 17 (2006) 942–949

18 transparency, colour and odour of head and arms, tex-

ture of the flesh, mouth region odour and presence of
16 mucus, colour of the mouth region, colour of the suck-
ers, connection between suckers and arm, arm odour,
arm texture, connection between head and mantle and
12 colour of the fin.
For cuttlefish, 8 parameters were chosen: appearance,
Quality index

10 odour and mucus of dorsal skin, colour and elasticity of

the ventral side skin, texture of flesh, cornea transpar-
8 ency and pupil colour, odour of the mouth region and
connection between bone and head tissues, totalizing
17 demerit points at rejection (day 10).
For squid, appearance, odour and mucus of skin, tex-
y = 1.6227x + 0.3485 ture of flesh, eye shape and ocular tissue transparency
2 R2 = 0.9939 and odour of the mouth region were the parameters
selected to be part of the scheme, ending with a total
0 of 16 demerit points at rejection (day 9).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
The final scheme for cuttlefish is presented in Table 1
Storage time (days in ice)
and for squid in Table 2.
Fig. 1. Quality index for iced whole cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Filled Fig. 1 shows the graph of the quality index over time
line: regression analysis line for values between 0 and 10 days in ice. for cuttlefish (last two storage experiments), and Fig. 2
Dashed line: theoretical QIM line (from origin to rejection point).
the same for squid. From these graphs it can be
Vertical bars represent means ± s.d. (data from the two last storage
experiments, performed by three assessors; each point represents the observed that the characteristic linear shape of the
mean of 12 cuttlefish). QIM graphs was obtained, with high correlation coeffi-
cients for both species. In these graphs, the theoretical
QIM line between the origin and the rejection day was
plotted, as usual in all QIM schemes. The rejection
around days 10 (cuttlefish) and 9 (squid) means that
16 the shelf-life of cephalopods is much shorter (approxi-
mately between 50% and 80%) than for most fish species
14 stored at similar temperatures and conditions. This fact
reflects the morphological and biological fragility of the
12 cephalopods as food, namely their more simple and
Quality index

fragile skin, lack of scales, higher softness and exposure

of muscular tissue, and specially the general biochemical
8 composition, much more easily degradable in this
group, mainly due to rapid and effective autolysis (Hur-
6 tado et al., 1999).
One of the possible uses of the QIM values, apart
y = 1.7884x – 0.1561
from the estimation of the storage time in ice, is to
2 R2 = 0.9954 obtain remaining shelf-life estimations (Luten & Mar-
tinsdóttir, 1997; Martinsdóttir et al., 2001), by applica-
0 tion of the tables to samples of unknown time of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 storage and by subtracting the days in ice already spent
Storage time (days in ice) from the total until rejection. These estimations, how-
Fig. 2. Quality index for iced whole broadtail shortfin squid (I.
ever, must take into account that in the particular case
coindetii). Filled line: regression analysis line for values between 0 and of cephalopods, the shorter storage time until rejection
9 days in ice. Dashed line: theoretical QIM line (from origin to (or shelf-life) means all degradation phases are conse-
rejection point). Vertical bars represent means ± s.d. (data from the quently also quite shorter. This means that the errors
two last storage experiments, performed by three assessors; each point in these estimations can be comparatively higher than
represents the mean of 12 squid).
for fish or other seafood groups; consequently, safety
margins for cephalopod shelf-lives should be carefully
established. QIM schemes can have a precision of
For squid, the initial parameters were skin appear- ±1.5 to 2 days in ice, as it occurs for farmed Atlantic sal-
ance, skin colour, skin elasticity, skin odour, skin mon (Sveinsdóttir, Martinsdóttir, Hyldig, Jørgensen, &
mucus, eye shape and surrounding colour, ocular tissue Kristbergsson, 2002), which is much more useful and
P. Vaz-Pires, P. Seixas / Food Control 17 (2006) 942–949 947

Skin (dorsal side) Skin (ventral side)

3 2

QIM demerit points

QIM demerit points

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Storage time (days in ice) Storage time (days in ice)

2 Flesh Eyes
QIM demerit points

1 QIM demerit points 1

Texture Pupil

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Storage time (days in ice) Storage time (days in ice)

Mouth region Internal bone

3 2
QIM demerit points

QIM demerit points

Odour Internal bone

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Storage time (days in ice) Storage time (days in ice)

Fig. 3. Graphical representation of the attribution of demerit points for each sensory characteristic of cuttlefish, showing the different onset of the
several parameters tested (data from the five last storage experiments, performed by three assessors). It should be noted that the different number of
quality index points for each parameter (between 0 and 1 until between 0 and 3) reflects the division in a certain number of categories and help to
show the onset of the changes (sooner or later) for each characteristic considered.

precise than other common sensory schemes like the EC the same kind of observations can be drawn for squid on
scheme. graphs of Fig. 4, where skin (all data) and eyes are
The attribution of demerit points for each separate examples of earlier variations, while the mucus on the
sensory parameter is shown in Fig. 3 (cuttlefish) and mouth region is only perceivable after 5 days of storage
Fig. 4 (squid). From the graphs of Fig. 3, obtained with in ice. The presence of characteristics with variations
data from the last 5 experiments, it is possible to observe within all the storage period is convenient, as it helps
that some cuttlefish parameters show an early variation, to increase the precision of the QIM schemes in both
like skin appearance (dorsal side) and eyes, while others earlier and later degradation phases.
only vary later within the degradation period, like skin In the particular case of the cuttlefish, it should be
appearance (ventral side) and internal bone connection; noted that the skin at day 0 (first hours after catch) is
948 P. Vaz-Pires, P. Seixas / Food Control 17 (2006) 942–949

Skin (dorsal side) Flesh texture

3 2

QIM demerit points

QIM demerit points

Flesh texture
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Storage time(days in ice) Storage time(days in ice)

Eyes Mouth region

2 3
QIM demerit points

QIM demerit point


Shape Odour
Ocular tissue Mucus

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Storage time(days in ice) Storage time(days in ice)

Fig. 4. Graphical representation of the attribution of demerit points for each sensory characteristic of squid, showing the different onset of the
several parameters tested (data from the 5 last storage experiments, performed by three assessors). It should be noted that the different number of
quality index points for each parameter (between 0 and 1 until between 0 and 3) reflects the division in a certain number of categories and help to
show the onset of the changes (sooner or later) for each characteristic considered.

normally dark brown, due to the expansion of the chro- slightly longer shelf-lives, but the general parameters
matophore organs. This general dark pattern is soon used in sensory tables are very similar. Octopus seems
lost, due to the post-mortem relaxation of the chromato- to be more fragile and sensitive to spoilage than squid
phores. It was decided to separate clearly these two early and, specially, cuttlefish.
stages in the skin (appearance/colour) parameter, in
order to allow the correct differentiation within day
zero, which means also the zero demerit points are the- 4. Conclusions
oretically attainable.
The differences found between the choice of attributes Previously unavailable QIM schemes for cuttlefish (S.
for cuttlefish and squid were due to biological and mor- officinalis) and broadtail shortfin squid (I. coindetii) were
phological factors, which include the different general obtained within this study. Cuttlefish table is based on 8
resistance given by the internal ‘‘bone’’ that is thick parameters, totalizing 17 demerit points at the rejection
and very strong in the cuttlefish, but thin and flexible at day 10. Squid table is based on 9 parameters, ending
in squid. The presence of the bone could interfere with with 16 demerit points at rejection (day 9). These schemes
storage capability, probably increasing it, but these can be used for more discriminatory and precise sensory
experiments were not designed to clarify how this evaluations and grading of the species, in the most com-
occurs. When compared to the QIM scheme for octo- mon commercial presentation (whole, box and iced).
pus, for which a shelf-life of 8 days was defined (Barbosa Further work can be focused in other commercially
& Vaz-Pires, 2004), both cuttlefish and squid show relevant cephalopod species (like the squid Loligo vulga-
P. Vaz-Pires, P. Seixas / Food Control 17 (2006) 942–949 949

ris) and/or other commercial presentations, as QIM European Fish Technologists Association Conference, October 4–
schemes are specific for the products and conditions 7, Tromsö, Norway.
Kreuzer, R. (1984). Cephalopods: handling, processing and products.
assumed during scheme development. One possibility FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 254.
of such a product is packaged eviscerated mantle plus Luten, J. B., & Martinsdóttir, E. (1997). QIM: a European tool for fish
corresponding arms, one of the most common products. freshness evaluation in the fishery chain. In: G. Olafsdóttir, J.
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freshness. In G. Olafsdóttir, J. Luten, P. Dalgaard, M. Careche,
V. Verrez-Bagnis, E. Martinsdóttir & K. Heia (Eds.), Methods to
Authors would like to thank Dr. Micaela Mota for determine the freshness of fish in research and industry. Proceed-
her precious collaboration on laboratory evaluations. ings of the final meeting of the concerted action ‘‘Evaluation of Fish
Freshness’’, AIR3CT942283 (FAIR Programme of the EU) Nantes
Conference, November 12–14 (pp. 306–312). Paris: International
References Institute of Refrigeration.
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