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Ch 4

1. Ancient Rome's initial methods of financing its growing empire consisted primarily of:

Raiding and conquering other cities and nations.

2. Ancient Rome's economy was based primarily on:

Importing profits and wealth

3. Which of the following Roman Emperors was the first to devalue the silver coin currency?


4. Which Roman government policy was responsible for putting its citizens, outside of Rome, into
poverty and eventually causing a revolt?


5. The implementation of wage and price controls by Emperor Diocletian primarily created which
of the following economic effects:

Product supply shortages.

6. The continued devaluation of the Roman currency to a point of near worthlessness coincided
with which of the following events:

The collapse of the Roman economy

7. What is the name of the religious order, formed in Jerusalem, considered as the first
international bankers?

The Templars

8. In addition to being considered the first bankers this religious order were also described as?


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