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with. In the case of Arthur, he is afflicted

by numerous mental illnesses, the most
apparent of which causes him to burst
out into uncontrollable fits of laughter at
random times. Throughout the movie, we
see Arthur mocked, ostracized, and even
assaulted as a direct result of this illness. In
fact, there are only two scenes in the movie
in which Arthur is given a chance to ex-
plain his laughter to others, and both end
with Arthur feeling even more alienated
as a result of their reactions. In Arthur’s
own words, “the worst part about having a
mental that people expect you to
behave as if you don’t.”
The poor, on the other hand, are
refused acknowledgement for just that
reason: because they’re poor. Early in the
film we see Wayne discussing the circum-
stances surrounding the subway killings
ABOVE Arthur Fleck, finally donning the iconic Joker makeup, is making an appearance on the on TV, during which he claims that “those
late night talk show “Live with Murray Franklin” of us who’ve made a good life for ourselves
will always look at those who haven’t as

Redefining Income nothing but clowns.” Such a claim pre-

supposes that everyone is born with equal
opportunity, and in doing so ignores the

Inequality in ‘Joker’
inherent advantages enjoyed by those
born into wealth such as better schooling,
significantly lower rates of violence, and
more financial opportunity. The lack of
HOW JOKER USES MENTAL HEALTH TO REPRESENT POVERTY these advantages, although not tradition-
ally thought of as a disability, can certainly
By Micah Nystedt be interpreted as such. Just like Arthur’s
mental illness, it is a condition one is born
into, and one that inhibits individuals from
In a year filled with movies This becomes painfully obvious soon after succeeding in society as easily as others.
discussing income inequality and classism, Arthur, dressed as a clown, murders three And just as society refuses to recognize the
Joker sets itself apart by using Arthur’s rich Wayne employees on a subway. His legitimacy of Arthur’s mental illness, so
mental illness as a representation of pov- decision, although not politically moti- to do the politicians of Gotham refuse to
erty, and in doing so allows the film to tell vated, is interpreted as such, and the poor acknowledge the disadvantages inherent
a familiar story in a unique manner, pro- citizens of Gotham begin to view Arthur among those born into poverty.
viding the audience with a new perspective as a hero and his actions as commendable. That very ignorance is demon-
with which to evaluate its major themes Speaking to his therapist after the killings, strated best when Wayne announces his
and ideas. Arthur claims that “until a little while official run for mayor of Gotham City.
The relationship between Ar- ago it was like nobody ever saw me, even Referencing the growing number of pro-
thur’s mental illness and the poverty of I didn’t know if I really existed. But I do. testors, Wayne claims that “something is
Gotham’s citizens is developed through And people are starting to notice.” This wrong with those people, [...] I want to lift
the journey they each experience, the claim is shocking as it demonstrates just them out of poverty, help make their lives
journey to be seen. Throughout the film, how desperate Arthur is for acknowledge- better. That’s why I’m running.” But if we
the poor continually express their desire ment, and, perhaps more importantly, just look at Arthur as a representation of the
to be seen by the wealthy and powerful, a how much acknowledgement was lacking poor population as a whole, then we see
desire that is demonstrated through the from his life up until that point. that these same social programs, proposed
garbage strike, protests, and eventual riots As the film progresses, it becomes by politicians with the guarantee of help,
in Gotham city, with one impoverished clear that the source behind society’s disre- are never sufficient enough to actually do
citizen claiming “it’s gonna show ‘em that gard for Arthur is the same as that behind so. Instead of lifting the less fortunate from
they can’t ignore us. Our voices need to be their disregard for the poor. The lack of their circumstances and preventing the
heard.” Arthur, on the other hand, seeks support they both experience is a direct development of disabilities, the programs
recognition from anybody and everybody. result of the disadvantages they’re born are given just enough funding to keep

1 _____ Variety

existing disabilities under control. This is thunderous applause. Arthur is seen. cowed anymore. Instead, he’s sitting across
evident through the therapy sessions we But the movie is careful not to from a therapist in a padded cell. Arthur
see Arthur in at the beginning of the film. end here. If the last shot of the movie had has been placed in Arkham Asylum. As he
It’s clear through the interaction that nei- been Arthur standing above the crowd of talks to the hospital therapist, the scene is
ther party enjoys being there, with Arthur protestors, a bloody smile smeared across eerily reminiscent of that earlier in the film
going so far as to accuse the social worker his face, then suddenly all of Arthur’s between the social worker and himself.
of never listening, instead just prescribing violent actions would have been justified. Despite all the acts of violence he’s com-
him more medications and “[asking] the Up until this point, every act of violence mitted in hopes of recognition, Arthur has
same questions every week.” Strangely, the committed by Arthur felt intentionally an- once again been reduced to nothing more
social worker doesn’t deny his accusations, imalistic and unnecessary. He chased and than another patient. And despite all the
instead telling him that “[the city doesn’t] killed an unarmed man that had assaulted protests and riots carried out by the poor
give a shit about people like you, Arthur. him. He repeatedly slammed the head of in hope of better social programs for the
And, they really don’t really give a shit a deceased coworker into the wall because less fortunate, the help Arthur is receiving
about people like me either.” This claim he got Arthur fired. He publicly execut- now is no better than it was at the start of
lays blame not on the social program itself, ed Murray Franklin because he mocked the movie. The acts of violence through-
but rather on the government who denies Arthur on live television. Although the out the movie remain unjustified. And
it the proper funding and resources with motivation behind each attack was initially instead of the movie becoming a danger-
which to provide a real difference, and rational, the excess of Arthur’s decisions ous rallying cry to all the marginalized and
by extension the politicians like Wayne elevate each murder into absurdity, and in dejected members of society to commit
who perpetuate and enable such a broken doing so make them entirely unjustifiable. acts of violence in the name of recognition,
system to exist. That is until this moment. Suddenly, the it becomes a glimpse into the inevitable
The movie culminates as Arthur recognition Arthur is receiving is a direct outcome of a society in which the less for-
is invited to appear on “Live with Murray result of these acts of violence. His actions tunate are refused the acknowledgement
Franklin,” a show hosted by Arthur’s for- become justified. But the scene chang- and aid they so desperately need. Not a
mer celebrity obsession. A celebrity that, es, and Arthur isn’t standing amidst the justification, but a cautionary tale.
more recently, aired a video of Arthur’s
standup routine, mocking him throughout. BELOW TOP Arthur watches a clip of his stand up routine being mocked on TV
In a way, the relationship between Arthur BELOW BOTTOM Arthur practices his smile before going out to work as a party clown
and Murray can be seen as a representa-
tion of the relationship between Thomas
Wayne and the poor citizens of Gotham.
On the outside, both Wayne and Murray
make efforts to “help” their counterparts,
Wayne by running for mayor and “[lifting]
them out of poverty,” and Murray by giv-
ing Arthur the chance to fulfill a lifelong
dream of his. But in reality, Wayne has
no intention of helping the poor through
any effective means while Murray’s only
intentions are to mock Arthur even further
and boost his own ratings. Arthur comes
to this very conclusion while on Murray’s
show and, seeing one last opportunity to
make his mark on the world, shoots Mur-
ray live on TV.
As Arthur is taken by police
and driven through the city, he sees it
engulfed in flames. The riots no longer
organized, have spilled onto the streets.
Cars lie overturned as buildings crumble
in the distance. The poor are finally being
seen. Suddenly Arthur’s vehicle is struck
by an ambulance hijacked by a protester,
and Arthur’s unconscious body is pulled
from the rubble. Arthur awakes to a sea of
protestors surrounding him, looking on
with concern. As he rises the crowd begins
to cheer, and standing tall he’s met with

2 _____ Variety

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