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A. Pick out the word whose sound of the bold parts is pronounced differently from that of the
1. A. dinosaur B. diorite C. diode D. dint
2. A. baths B. bathymetry C. clothier D. thaw
3. A. close B. close-up C. nosegay D. nosy
4. A. huddle B. hooch C. hoody D. hautboy
5. A. tear B. teasel C. tearful D. teardrop
6. A. clime B. clinch C. cling D. clinic
7. A. tomb B. tomboy C. tombstone D. comb
8. A. dangle B. Danish C. dapper D. slap
9. A. chemosphere B. chenille C. machine D. chauvinism
10. A. leisure B. occasion C. cosy D. usual
B. Underline the stressed syllables of the following words:
1. Twinborn 2. Parachute 3. Psychiatry 4. Memorial
5. Secession 6. Seclusionist 7. Fanaticise 8. psychiatrist
9. Canasta 10. Verbatim


A. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets:
1. The _____________ accused the government of an evasion of responsibility.(OPPOSE)
2. Two members of the expedition died from _____________. (EXHAUST)
3. Carol's new catering business turned out to be very _______________. ( BENEFIT)
4. The weather _____________ changes for the worse whenever we go on holiday. (VARY)
5. We have already made _____________ progress towards solving the problem. (SUBSTANCE)
6. You can travel from one end of the park to the other on a ____________ railway. (MINIMISE)
7. At the moment there is no _____________ of the Prime Minister resigning. (LIKE)
8. Is it possible to _____________ between a hobby and an interest ? (DISTINCT)
9. Our city has some open spaces, but they are not very ______________. (ACCESS)
10. Two people have been arrested for illegal possession of ____________ in a police raid. (ARM)

B. Choose the most suitable word or phrase:

1. I only ________ we were running low on petrol after we had passed the last filling station.
A. observed B. witnessed C. beheld D. noticed
2. Peter agreed reluctantly to sign the form but looked extremely ill at ______________.
A. agreement B. ease C. heart D. soul
3. Kate spent the morning __________ along the sea-front.
A. hiking B. rambling C. strolling D. crawling
4. We decided to celebrate by going out and painting the town ___________.
A. red B. purple C. gold D. brown
5. The bus stopped at the traffic lights with a ___________ of the brakes.
A. screech B. howl C. crash D. grind

6. The saucepans fell onto the floor with a great _____________.
A. clatter B. rattle C. crunch D. squeak
7. With the end of childhood, and the onset of_________ , young people experience profound
A. teenage B. childhood C. middle-age D. adolescence
8. Jean has a very easy-going _________ , which is why she is so popular.
A. role B. characteristic C. personality D. reputation
9. The barman began to ________ his fists in a threatening manner so I left.
A. gather B. fold C. bundle D. clench
10. We have just having a friendly _________ about football.
A. chat B. whisper C. gossip D. report
A. Put a suitable word or phrase in each space so that the sentence contains a phrasal verb:
1. The exact total _________ at just over $750.
2. We are having our living room _________________.
3. The crisis was ______________ by Brenda's resignation.
4. The plan ______________ at the last minute.
5. Sue is ________________ well with her new job.
6. I think you _____________ the whole story.
7. Guess who I ____________ at the supermarket yesterday afternoon.
8. Don't worry about that missing book, it's bound to __________ sooner or later.
9. An inquiry into the accident has been _____________.
10. Don't be ____________ by her apparent shyness.

B. Supply an appropriate form or tense of the verbs in brackets:

1. Have you tried __________ ( windsurf ). It's great.
2. She is considered ________ (be) the finest pianist of her generation.
3. How dare you __________ (speak) like that to the headmaster ?
4. Having been abandoned by his colleagues, the Minister was forced ________ (resign).
5. I'll get round to _________ (do) the washing up sooner or later.
6. Here is the news. The Home Office _________ (announce) that the two prisoners who
_________(escape) from Dartmoor prison earlier this morning________________________
(give themselves up) to the local police.
7. - Who are you ?
- What do you mean ? I _________(live) here.
8. Don't phone after 11.00. I __________ (be) asleep.

C. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition or adverbial particle:

1. I'm very glad to get this awful business ______ with.
2. I can offer you a temporary job ________ a clerk.
3. Queen Victoria was not amused ________ naughty stories.
4. I think the chief let us go simply _____ ______ sympathy for our plight.
5. Everyone was shocked _______ hearing your bereavement.

6. Herbert was a man _______ few words but he was a man _______ a sense of when to say the
right thing.
7. Every vote ________ me will be a vote ________ the party I oppose.
8. I was totally baffled _________ Tim's behaviour.
9. Stop running everybody __________.
10. Guess who turned __________ at our party last night? Your ex-boyfriend, Harry.
D. Supply the missing word(s):
1. ______ he stayed up late for film last night, he would be tired now.
2. She is considering not _______________.
3. Although he had run as fast as he __________, he only placed fourth in the race.
4. _________ eaten and drunk too much the night before, he woke up with a headache.
5. If she knew _______ to drive, he would lend her his car.
6. "Here is a message on my desk". It may be concluded that , "my friend _______ have called me
last night."
7. There is no ____________ in going in Mary's car if there is no parking space.
8. _____________ early the following year was he able to take up the post.
9. _____________ had the doctor fallen asleep when the phone woke him up.
10. To __________, it was rather disappointing.


A. Read each of the following selections carefully. After each selection, there are questions to be
answered or statements to be completed. Choose the best answer:
Passage 1: One man's productivity, however, varies greatly from country to country. It depends on
the amount of assistance the average worker is given in the form of machinery - that is to say, on the
horsepower per head. It depends also - and this may be a point of growing importance - on the spirit
and stamina of the workers. The industrial workers of certain countries have been working under
heavy strain for many years. During that time they have been badly fed. Moreover, the countries
referred to have become independent in a significant degree on slave labour, the inefficiency of
which is notorious.
1. The main topic of this passage is
A. machinery makes the difference B. horse power per head
C. worker productivity D. the importance of spirit and stamina
2. the author implies that
A. workers have neglected their health B. machinery adds one horsepower to each worker
C. slaves are weak D. working under strain reduce output
3. Productivity as used in this passage is most nearly similar in meaning to
A. horsepower per head B. output under strain
C. stamina D. efficiency
Passage 2: Much has sometimes been made of the great importance for human evolution of the
hand with its opposable thumb; it was important, certainly, but only as the servant of the growing
brain. The hands of the higher monkeys would be perfectly capable of the finest skills had they a
mind to set them to work; monkeys could be watchmakers had they ever conceived the notion of

A further stimulus to mental growth was given our ancestors when they left the trees and a
mainly vegetarian diet and began to adapt themselves to living in relatively open country and eating
meat. Undoubtedly meat's nutritive value, so much greater than that
of herbs and fruit, relieved them of the necessary of perpetual eating. More important, the need for a
creature with a relatively flat muzzle and no sharp claws or canine teeth to kill, skin and break up
animal food must have led first to the use and then to the manufacture of tools.
4. The most important element in human evolution, according to the author, was a
A. growing brain B. sharpening of sight
C. flexible hand D. opposite thumb
5. It can be inferred that when man learned to eat meat, he
A A. improve his brain B. spent less time eating
C. suffered nutritionally D. was equipped to obtain animal food
6. Man's beginning to eat meat had as its first direct consequence
A. a flat muzzle B. canine teeth
C. the use of tools D. increased barbarity
B. Choose the most suitable word for each space:
Someone once described the age we live in as that of a vanishing world, one in which the
familiar is constantly disappearing forever and technological change is often difficult to
(1)____with. So it should come as no surprise to most of us to hear that yet another part of everyday
life is (2)______ to go for ever. Still, when I read recently that within the next decade money as we
(3)______ it will probably cease to exist to technologically advanced countries, I had to read the
article twice to make sure it wasn't April 1st (4)______ to Professor Gerry Montague of the Institute
for Economic Reform, the familiar (5)____and banknotes will soon be replaced entirely by credit
cards of various kinds. And the shop of the future (the 'retail outlet' as Prof. Montague put it) will be
(6)______ directly to the network of banking computers. The assistant will simply key in your bank
account code number and the (7)______ you have spent, and thank you politely. You won't have to
dig deep in your (8)_____ for change or pretend at the pub that you have left your money at home.
You may not even have a number for your (9)______ as such, as the computer may by then be able
to read your handprint. So no more
credit card frauds (10)______ . But I am afraid that I shall (11)______ money. I have felt strongly
attached to it, ever since I received my first pocket money when I was five, and kept it in a money-
box. Even if my credit card of the future will be able to tell me exactly how much (12)_____ power
I have left in the computer files, even if it lights up and plays a happy (or sad) tune at the same time,
nothing will be able to replace the sheer pleasure I gained from (13)____
The coins in my money-box. Not to (14)______ the other obvious problems which will be caused
by (15)______ of real money - like how to start a football match, for example!
1) A. keep B. manage C. cope D. survive
2) A. about B. almost C. ready D. tending
3) A. earn B. know C. use D. need
4) A. Thanks B. Contrary C. According to D. Accustomed
5) A. banks B. coins C. change D. pence
6) A. taken B. alone C. responsible D. linked
7) A. money B. charge C. cost D. amount
8) A. pockets B. wallet C. cheque book D. cash
9) A. wealth B. savings C. account D. payment
10) A. arrested B. either C. stolen D. however
11) A. miss B. spend C. waste D. borrow
12) A. more B. financial C. economical D. spending
13) A. rattling B. withdrawing C. estimating D. throwing
14) A. tell B. confront C. guess D. mention
15) A. a shortage B. an expense C. an absence D. a replacement
C. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE appropriate word:
The computer has brought nothing (1)_______problems to the world of the twentieth century.
Chief among the problems has (2)________the dehumanization of society. People are no
(3)___________ human. Each of us is a series of numbers, numbers to be fed into computers. There
are our credit card numbers, our bank account (4)____________ , our social security numbers, our
telephone and electricity numbers - the computer number game is endless.
What happens to these computerized numbers ? They are distributed to a network of government
agencies and business (5)_____________can use them to invade our privacy. The Internal Revenue
Service stores millions of facts about every citizen. Credit agencies exchange (6)___________ on
the spending and saving practices of nearly every American adult. Mailing lists are (7)__________
available by computers to dozens of organizations, public and private, who bombard us with
unwanted mail.
Just let the computer which stores (8)___________ concerning our accounts, let us say with a
credit card company, make an error and it is almost impossible to correct it. The result is an
avalanche of bills, threads, and loss of credit standing.
The computer has thrown thousands of people out of (9)________________ . The gamut of
computer- generated unemployed runs from highly skilled technicians to typists.
These are some of the reasons why I feel that the (10)_____________ of the computer has been
detrimental to the quality of our life in the twentieth century.

D. There are 11 errors in the following passage. Identify, then underline and correct them: O is an
Drug abuse is like a communicable disease it (0- which) spreads - by example, by word of
mouth, and by imitation. Drug abuse is certainly increasing, but so are the number of young people
who has tried drugs and want out. As we provide treatment services for them. These young people
become able to tell other youth that the drug scene is not as great as they thought they was, before
they got hooked. And, of greater importance, they are believed by their contemporaries before
experimentation become habit.
Parents can help use drug usage by setting example, by knowledge, and by understanding. If
they are to talk to their children about drugs, they must be informed, usually they know far less
about drugs than do their children.
Ideally, before their child is tempted to experiment, they will have be able to explain to him the
undesirability of the drugged life. What is even more convincing to young people, they will have
been able to communicate of him the actual damage that a drug abuser does to their body.


A. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it:
1. The keeper had no sooner opened the cage door than the lion attacked him.
Hardly _______________________________________________________.
2. No other city in Vietnam is so large as Ho Chi Minh City.
Ho Chi Minh City is ______________________________.
3. They produce a lot of paper, so they need a lot of wood pulp.
The more _________________________________________.
4. We spent our childhood in that beautiful mountain resort, and we always remember it.
We always ____________________________________________________________.
5. She insisted that she should be called Joyce.
She insisted on ______________________.
6. It might be a good idea to use honey instead of sugar.
Why _______________________________________.
7. When you lie, some gestures can show you are lying.
Some gestures _______________________________.
8. He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
At no _____________________________________.
9. My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band's decision to stop playing.
The moment ________________________________________________________.
10. The only way to eliminate world terrorism is by untied opposition.
Only by _______________________________________________.
B. Rewrite the following sentences using the given words. Do not alter these words:
1. Whatever difficulties Anna had, she still attended university. (SHINE)
2. I can imagine how worried Barbara's husband was. (MUST)
3. These things must be done, so make sure that they are. (SEE)
4. Nobody does her any harm. (FINGER)
5. The price of the house has been reduce as much as possible because the owner needs some
money. (BONE)
6. I am sure the entertainer will cheer them up. (BOUND)
7. You haven't explained exactly how the money disappeared. (ACCOUNTED)
8. You can't get to the village in winter because of the snow. (ACCESS)
9. I realized I had said something wrong. (CONSCIOUS)
10. The whole team was in a happy mood. (SPIRITS)

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