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New York Times Upfront: “Why the Civil War Still Isn’t History” Article Questions
1. The Civil War was a war that killed how many people?

ItvI It killed 620,000 people

2. Last December, what did a ball in Charleston mark the anniversary of?


3. What is Lonnie Randolph, president of the South Carolina NAACP, dumbfounded by?

4. What was South Carolina the first of?

5. Why did similar reactions follow in Montgomery, Alabama?

6. According to Jeff Antley, what does he say many people in the South still believe?

7. Mississippi is the only state that does what?

8. For some Southerners, what does the flag honor?

9. For others, what is it a symbol of?

10. Until last year, what was the longtime mascot of the University of Mississippi?

11. According to Andrew Young, why didn’t the Civil War really set black folk free?

12. Fifty years ago, the centennial of the Civil War (1961 – 1965) coincided with what?

13. What was most of the South segregated by?

14. Although the Civil Rights movement ended the Jim Crow laws, what didn’t it end?
15. Using the statistics under the “The Battle Continues…” section, which of those do you find the most
interesting or most shocking? Explain your answer in complete sentences and in paragraph form,
adding in why you think the Civil War still causes issues for the United States today.
























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