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Study Notes Dated : 2016-02-28

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1:
What's the best thing about traveling? How about the worst thing?
Answer :
Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the
nation survive; and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the
war came.

Question 2:
Records, tapes, CDs, MP3s, streaming. Which did you grow up with? What is good and
bad about each?
Answer :
Ethics is not definable, is not implementable, because it is not conscious; it
involves not only our thinking, but also our feeling.

Question 3:
What cartoons did you watch as a child?
Answer :
Uplifting traditions ... that promote love for Deity and unity in families and
among people are especially important.

Question 4:
Can you think of any technology that has only made the world worse? How about a
piece of technology that has only made the world better?
Answer :
Children are the most expensive form of entertainment.

Question 5:
What kinds of food do you usually eat on your favorite holiday?
Answer :
If you would not be forgotten, As soon as you are dead and rotten,? Either write
things worthy reading, Or do things worth the writing.

Question 6:
Have you ever given a presentation in front of a large group of people? How did it
Answer :
The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very

Question 7:
Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction books?
Answer :
The farther we get away from the land, the greater our insecurity.

Question 8:
What are your goals for the next two years?
Answer :
Let me arise and open the gate, to breathe the wild warm air of the heath, And to
let in Love, and to let out Hate, And anger at living and scorn of Fate, To let in
Life, and to let out Death.

Question 9:
What food do you know you shouldn't eat but can't stop yourself?
Answer :
Explaining why President Bush wasn't following up on his campaign pledge that there
would be no loss of wetlands: He didn't say that. He was reading what was given to
him in a speech.

Question 10:
What was the last funny video you saw?
Answer :
In my career I have had many wonderful things happen to me, many more than I ever
dreamed would ever happen. But I would like for you young brethren especially to
know that all that has happened to me in my chosen profession is a mere drop in the
bucket compared to the truly important things in my life. The testimony of the
gospel of Jesus Christ that I have, along with my wife and my family, are my most
important possessions.

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