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Step 1. – The company of this research is “Fitbit”. The marketing problems are the
company’s sales decline. One reason for this are the other brands on the market which have
better competitive advantages than Fitbit. Another reason is the loss of market shares,
which dropped from 21,9% to 13,7%. All of the mentioned reasons lead to a decrease of
customers and sales.

Step 2. – The information data collected is both quantitative and qualitative. The reason for
choosing both types of data is to obtain as much information as possible so to successfully
solve the marketing problems which are focused mainly on customers. Moreover, primary
and secondary types will be used. Past research projects on this segment will be observed
and concluded information will be withdrawn and combined with the newly received data.
This will ensure the complete understanding of the problems.
The received data will be helpful for making managerial decisions because by gathering
specific insight into the customers’ wishes and needs, adjustments and improvements can
be made in order to meet the expectations of the target group.

Step 3. – For the quantitative research data surveys are being conducted. These surveys
focus people who are already using the products of Fitbit, in order to find out what is lacking
in the products for them. (details) people with accounts and from forums and people who
recently buy products will receive the survey – if they fill in the survey, they will win reward
points for milestones
For the qualitative research data, personal interviews are being performed, so to try and
understand what is stopping people from buying Fitbit products over the competitors’ ones.
(details) AD, social media, 5% discount on future purchase from Fitbit
By collecting both types of data, conclusions will be withdrawn, in order to come up with a
plan on how the company can go back to its previous market shares values and solve its
marketing problems by winning more customers.

Step 4. – A group consisting of members who all have at least one characteristic in common
is called a research population. Based on this statement the population used for this
research are people who strive to live a healthy life, and those who are just about to begin
with it. In order to successfully complete a research report, a concrete sample of the
mentioned population must be withdrawn. This sample will consist of two groups: people
who are in doubt and cannot make a decision from which brand to get a device; and people
who are already using the products of Fitbit, but they feel like something is missing.
It is considered that this sample of the population is truly representative, because it aims for
the market segment group of the research company Fitbit – the fitness community.

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