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Date: 25-03-2021
Young Planet, an international youth magazine, runs a regular feature on topical issues. This
month the magazine has asked readers to send in essays on the following topic:

When choosing a career, a person should

seek self-fulfilment rather than money.
It is more important to ‘live one’s dream’
than to earn a good salary.

You have decided to write an essay arguing either for or against this topic. You should:
 Think the main factors that influence a person’s choice of career
 consider whether some jobs are more worthwhile than others
 discuss the importance of a good salary when choosing a career
Give your essay a title. Write around 150-200 words.

well I think that this topic is somewhat controversial because it would be a personal opinion, I
think that choosing a career is something of personality more than of passion, that is to say
that one chooses what one believes convenient in a future but knowing beforehand that we
serve for that, I believe emphatically that no career is more important than another but if
differences exist in the difficulty of each one, I believe that no career is more important than
another but there are differences in the difficulty of each one, that is why one chooses by
vocation because one likes that career even if it has traps and obstacles in the way because
that is what the degree course is about to be a professional and in terms of money or salary for
the work I will do I think that is something secondary but important I think that will be
remunerated due to my performance and if I like doing what I do, and if I like it will not be an
impediment to continue updating my knowledge.

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