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To do or not to do

I often talk to people who have never done inner work but have spent their lives working
and making a place for themselves in society, raising their children, caring for their elderly
parents, making their marriages work and contributing to being good citizens. Yet at the
end, they feel exhausted and frustrated.

We all live under the influence of social norms, implicit rules that prescribe proper behavior
in society. Mass media, corporate executives, high school and university teachers or sports
coaches, all seem to have a limited vocabulary: excel, progress, evolve, improve, control,
succeed, win...

Contrary to the rhythm of nature, where everything is harmoniously balanced by opposing

cycles that complement each other - like the seasons -, it seems that modern humans have
only one direction to ensure their survival: always stronger, always further, always better.

It is all about surpassing oneself, carving out of the fabric of one's personality a suit that
conforms to standards, where not a thread of fantasy protrudes, not an incongruous
attitude, not a provocative word. Uniformity is the norm in a ruthless environment,
organized in a hierarchy where the one above crushes the one below.
It is the race of the hamster in its wheel, until it dies. PROACTIVE from the cradle to the

This excessive materialism cuts us off from our soul, from our heart, from everything that
makes us unique and precious.

Even in personal development, you have to be efficient: create your reality, have a goal, a
life mission, create your financial abundance, find your soul mate and even kill your ego!!!
People who have gone a long way in personal development often find themselves
disoriented after a few years: "I have meditated for years; I have read tons of books; I have
attended dozens of courses, seminars, retreats, where I have fasted, I have found my inner
child, I have practiced forgiveness and compassion, I have balanced all my chakras and my
feminine and masculine side. And I still feel caught in emotional and thought patterns. I am

Even sadness, boredom, melancholy and depression are now suspect and listed in the
diagnostic manual of mental disorders. Society wants us to perform and be productive, at
all times, like a machine.

What is going on? What is wrong with us? Are we missing something?
Or should we let go of something?

Just as nature rests in autumn and winter and is reborn in spring and summer, we must
return to an organic rhythm of life. Going through phases of rest allows us to integrate what
we experience in our more active moments.

Let's make room for idleness, for laziness, for doing nothing.
Let us free ourselves from what imprisons us and return to nothingness: accomplishing
nothing, planning nothing, projecting nothing. No relationship with someone, no burden, no
involvement, no effort. No performance. STOP. Don't even try to fill free time with
scheduled distractions. Disconnect from the world.

Let the natural flow of life, with its own rhythm, flow through you.
Allow your body and energy to be restored.
Lie on the grass.

Any tachyon will help you synchronize with the tempo of life.
Choose your favorite one and breathe.

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