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Professional Learning Tool:

TQS 1: A teacher builds positive and productive relationships with students, parents/guardians, peers
and others in the school and local community to support student learning.

Student teacher practices: Influence on Student learning:

-Making classroom expectations with the -Students understand the expectations towards
students on the first day of practicum. myself as their new teacher, I understand what
they expect from me, and they understand
what they expect from each other.

-I seek to meet the needs of my students in -Students are able to gain support in areas they
planning lessons, learning activities, and know they need help in. Students know they
assessment. Discussions with my TM and can come to me for help with assignments, and
discussions with the students helps me to know that I will understand if they are unsure about
what they need from me. anything.

-Getting to know students’ names right away. -Students feel known and valued, therefore are
willing to listen and learn from their teachers.

-Greeting students in the morning and chatting -I noticed that this practice really helped me to
about personal life. get to know the students better. I felt a comfort
between us growing as we spent more time
together and the lines of personal
communication grew.

-I observed my student using his device more

-Recess times with my student who is throughout the practicum. Having another
nonverbal. I joined this student for morning adult communicate to this student with his
recesses. It was wonderful getting to know him device appeared to help him learn to use the
better, to learn his likes and dislikes. We were device better. Growth with using the device
able to practice using his communication did not come from just myself, but was a joint
device during recess times. effort with the teachers and educational
assistants in the school.

-Working with students who have complex -The daily routine helped my students to know
needs. We worked through a daily routine what was coming next, and to get excited for
together. Spending some time daily with these the next activity. Most of these students got
students. together to work on the daily routine with
excitement. I felt as though I got to learn the
likes and dislikes of these students throughout
this practicum.
-Working with support staff throughout each -I was able to reach many more of my students
day. This practicum brought me into working during math and language arts with the help of
closely with the Educational assistants in my the grade six E.A.
-Students were able to receive help as soon as
possible during work period times. Working
-Communicating with the E.A.’s in my closely with support staff helped the students
classroom. I made sure to try to always discuss to gain the assistance they needed.
what we were doing in each class with my
E.A. My classroom E.A often knew where she
was needed during core subjects. -During these portions of work periods, I was
able to see many students, working towards
-Workshop and conferencing during work aiding their learning. This helped students to
periods. feel comfortable coming to me with questions.

-A few of my students told me they used the

breathing strategies I have taught them to calm
-Speaking individually with students who have themselves when they are stressed. Many of
some anxiety when writing tests to help them the students told me in a survey that they do
breath through the stress. not use them outside of our practice time, but
they do think they would be useful to use
outside of school.
TQS 2: A teacher engages in career-long professional learning and ongoing critical reflection to
improve teaching and learning

Student teacher practices: Influence on Student learning:

-Having options for seating and areas for -Students get some movement during a class
students to work in. This has proved to be period. This has helped their focus
necessary in gaining and increasing student significantly.

-Recognizing individual needs. After -Students appreciate a brain break when it is

reflection, I have realized that understanding needed and given.
what students are going through in their home
life is necessary to help them learn in each

-Differentiated instruction needs through -Students can get he instruction they need. I
reflection. I have realized through reflection am able to polish my plans upon reflection to
that I need to explain some concepts again, and help students gain the assistance they require
to explain them in different ways. Sometimes to learn and thrive. My students show me with
this is in one-on-one instruction, and at other a thumbs-up when they understand
times it is through using different teaching information.
strategies to the whole class.
-Students were much more engaged when we
-I developed a Professional Inquiry project, used a movement strategy during their
looking into if and how teaching wellness learning. The students looked forward to
strategies to my students would help gain and movement breaks and even asked for them at
increase student engagement in their learning. times. Many of the students knew when they
Reflection on my part helped me to see that needed some movement (some students would
movement activities that were part of a give me a sign of a small wave when they
learning activity were the most beneficial to required a brain or movement break)
their learning.

-Targeting different types of engagement.

There are three types of student engagement -Students were engaged in learning, and able
(cognitive, emotional, and behavioral). At to see that some of the strategies we practiced
times, you can focus on one of these types of were directly done to help the students one a
engagement during one lesson. At other times, personal/mental level rather than just an
you should target more than one type of academic level. A few students told me their
engagement during a lesson. This helps favorite breathing strategy verbally, ad the rest
students to understand they are valued and to told me through a wellness survey I had them
help them learn in different ways. fill out.

-Professional development days focusing on

social and emotional wellness for ourselves -I was able to bring wellness strategies into the
and for our students. I partially formed my idea classroom, such as breathing strategies and
for my PIP project when being part of these mindfulness. Having a calm mindset when
PD days. I was also able to learn and practice taking care of my own wellness, made me
strategies that take care of my own wellness, more excited when teaching.
so I could work towards being in a regulated
mindset while with my students.

TQS 3: A teacher applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective planning, instruction,
and assessment practices to meet the learning needs of every student.

Student teacher practices: Influence on Student learning:

-PD sessions on concept-based learning helped -Focusing on how ideas are connected and why
me to see that breaking down big ideas are we are moving through this learning helped the
important for students to understand their students tie together their learning.

-Making sure I mark assessment quickly and -Students use my feedback to inform their later
efficiently. I tried to constantly mark and learning. Students can quickly apply feedback
return student work within one week of when to later assignments and learning. Students
the students handed in their assignments. know what changes they need to make for the
next assignment, and what to pay close
attention to.

-Focusing on directly relating outcomes from -I found that communicating what students are
the program of studies to my learning doing and why helped gain their buy-in to the
objectives, therefore to my instruction, learning activity and material. Students do
learning activities, and assessments. I found need engaging activities, but they also need
this to be a challenge at first, as it is much activities that directly help them learn and
easier to find interesting learning activities, practice what is in the curriculum.
and use ones that can relate to the learning
outcome. I learned to closely link my
outcomes to the learning objectives, then to put
together learning activities that achieve the

-I used movement, technology, and hands-on -The students enjoy a change in activities and
activities for engaging student in their learning. mediums. If there was too much lecture time
bunched together, they would lose interest.
Keeping the activities moving along and using
different mediums kept the students interested
and wanting to do more.

-Student choice for writing formats, this way, -Most of my students chose to type out their
students can use a medium they are short stories rather than writing them out by
comfortable with. hand. One student in particular chose to write
his story out by hand, because he knows he is
faster with writing, than he is with spelling.

-Example of a classroom activity: Making -Students all work together and must
triangles in groups. This has students all communicate to complete the task.
working together. The activity cannot be
completed without all students participating

-Cross-curricular learning (LA and Art). These -All of the students participated in this activity.
two subjects have a clear connection to each Students learned to communicate and work
other. together during this activity.
-Focus on formative assessments to give -Students quickly caught onto drawing the
students many opportunities to improve their images that come to mind when reading a
work. novel coming out of an open book.

-Keeping detailed notes on student work and -Students appreciated feedback and would
improvement helped inform me on how to almost always read the comments I had.
support student learning later on, and when -I found that this really helped me to target
making report cards. student needs. Written feedback, along with
verbal feedback and support was made much
easier with detailed notes on my end. I found
that the students knew what they needed to
change/make better in their future work, and it
was obvious in later work that they made the
necessary changes.
TQS 4: A teacher establishes, promotes and sustains inclusive learning environments where diversity
is embraced and every student is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe.

Student teacher practices: Influence on Student learning:

-I taught a few Blackfoot values as themes -Students were excited to learn words in a new
during a short stories unit language. A few of the students were excited
to use the Blackfoot value themes in their own

-Writing conferences: Students could sign-up -Almost all students would consistently sign-
with me to have me review their writing. I up for workshop. They learned to appreciate
would at times call students to come see me feedback.
and bring their writing so I could check-in with
each student.

-Planning and practicing strategies aimed -One of my students with a learning disability
towards provided help for my students who used speech to text sometimes. This same
have learning disabilities. A few of my student would often work with myself or an
students require differentiated instruction and EA to plan out his writing assignments and
practice. practice math problems.
Reminding a few other students to constantly
focus was also necessary.

-Differentiated presentation activities: A few -The students learned new information about
of my students are quite timid and would not ancient Athens without the stress connection.
be comfortable presenting their projects to the Many students shared new information they
entire class. I had the class do a gallery walk gathered from their walk.
for their Ancient Athens project so they could
see everyone’s project in a low-stress situation.

-Aiding student communication in the complex -It would sometimes take more than one class
needs room. My students here mainly time until the students were comfortable
communicated with devices and limited verbal finding the core word on their device. The
communication. It was important to create fine students were happy for the most part to sit
motor activities that helped the students quietly and listen to the book of the week and
practice their core word of the week. practice using their core word.

TQS 5: A teacher develops and applies foundational knowledge about First Nations, Métis and Inuit for
the benefit of all students.

Student teacher practices: Influence on Student learning:

-In this practicum, I taught my students a few -Students learned a few words in another
Blackfoot values in connection to themes of language. Students learned an appreciation for
short stories. My university Consultant Don the Blackfoot culture. A few of my students
Shade taught me how to say a few of the were excited to use the Blackfoot values as
Blackfoot values and I taught them to my themes in their stories. The students were
class. Before teaching these values, I made excited to remind me when they remembered
sure to gather the students’ background how to say the Blackfoot word as well.
knowledge about the Blackfoot people and to
explain why I was teaching them a few words
in Blackfoot. IT is important to understand
cultures that are both different and like our
own. We also need to learn to appreciate what
other cultures can teach us.

-Sharing circle: I wanted my students to share -My students gave each other their full
their short stories with each other after they attention while their fellow group members
were finished and marked as a celebration. We were explaining their story. It was wonderful
used a sharing circle format for this. The to see the students respectfully listening.
students each took turns explaining their story Groups of five students lowered the stakes of
and reading a section in some cases. presenting, as most of the students were
comfortable sharing to a group of that size.

TQS 6: A teacher demonstrates an understanding of and adherence to the legal frameworks and
policies that provide the foundations for the Alberta education system.

Student teacher practices: Influence on Student learning:

-Following safe distance rules with one of my -I only had a few minor issues with this student
complex need’s students. One of the students I at recess times. Informing this students’
was often supervising at recess needed to be classroom teacher was a quick call to make
given space at times. If there was an issue with and the situations were dealt with.
this student, I was unable to step in to even
touch this student. I made sure to give this
student space.

-Reflecting on the professional code of -It is my hope that professional behavior on

conduct. I wanted to become more familiar my part would help my students and parents of
with this document. Reflecting on this my students respect the position of teachers.
document helped me to reflect n and better
understand my relationship to my students,
school, colleagues, and to the teaching
profession in general.

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