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Lesson Plan Template

Grade: 5rd Grade Subject: Language Arts

Materials: Worksheets, pencils, Poetry Hand-outs, Bucket of Technology Needed: Smartboard


Instructional Strategies: Guided Practices and Concrete Application:

€ Peer teaching/collaboration/
€ Direct instruction cooperative learning € Large group activity € Hands-on
€ Guided practice € Visuals/Graphic organizers € Independent activity € Technology integration
€ Socratic Seminar € PBL € Pairing/collaboration € Imitation/Repeat/Mimic
€ Learning Centers € Discussion/Debate € Simulations/Scenarios
€ Lecture € Modeling € Other (list)
€ Technology integration
€ Other (list) Explain:

Standard(s) K-12 ND State Standards: Differentiation

SL.5 Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual Below Proficiency: Teacher will follow
displays in presentations when appropriate to enhance the modifications/accommodations in IEP/504. Students who are
development of main ideas or below proficiency and needing help within this lesson will receive
one-on-one from the teacher during guided practice &
independent practice. If need be, they may take more prompts
from the bucket and have first access to examples of books and
W.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or
print outs.
events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event
Above Proficiency: Students who are above proficiency will be
scaffolded to the next level during independent practice or have
the opportunity to tutor approaching/emerging proficiency

Objective(s) Approaching/Emerging Proficiency: Students who are

approaching and/or emerging in proficiency will receive help as
needed during guided and independent assignments.

The students will compose three poems and one story based off of St.
Modalities/Learning Preferences: IEPs or 504s will be followed.
Patrick’s Day related prompts.
Students will have the opportunity to work with small items such
as stress balls, as well as have access to flexible seating as the
situation allows. Students may also be allowed to stand up while
Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive Level: 5, Synthesis working, or to work apart from their classmates.

Classroom Management- (grouping(s), movement/transitions, etc.) Behavior Expectations- (systems, strategies, procedures specific to
the lesson, rules and expectations, etc.)
The bell method and a behavior chart will be utilized, ranging from
different colors and different levels of acceptable behavior. The
consequences range from not getting their prize cards stamped at the
end of the day to principal or parent involvement as individual names Students will be expected to sit respectfully during the lesson and to
get moved down on the scale. raise their hands when they have a question. They will also be
expected to participate to the best of their ability when called upon for
discussion (for answers).
Lesson Plan Template
When transitioning to a new activity, a brief wind-down period will
also be needed in order to transition to the next activity calmly. No electronics will be allowed to be accessed during this particular

Minutes Procedures


The teacher will set up the promethean board ahead of time in order to play the YouTube video:

Engage: (opening activity/ anticipatory Set – access prior learning / stimulate interest /generate questions, etc.)

To engage the students, we will read a set of four poems printed out for their benefit. All four originated in Ireland. The students
will be called upon at random to read the poems out loud to the class.

Explain: (concepts, procedures, vocabulary, etc.)

This will be a two-day lesson. On the first day, the teacher will then explain the idea of stanzas and rhythm (which should not be
new to the class, as they covered Limericks earlier in the year). The video will be shown to the students, and the writing of the
poems will begin. The Scramble Poetry Bucket will be introduced, and each student will be given five-seven prompts with which
they must include in their poetry. All Stanza’s must match the example in rhythm and length.

Explore: (independent, concrete practice/application with relevant learning task -connections from content to real-life
experiences, reflective questions- probing or clarifying questions)

After the first poems are written, the Leprechaun acrostic poem (acrostic poetry being something they’re familiar with) as well as
the word find and story sheet will be handed out. This point should be well into the second day of the lesson. The students are to
complete the word find, and also use the vocabulary from the wordfind to use in their Leprechaun stories. The title of their story
will be “A Day in the Life of a Leprechaun”. During this writing process, the teacher may write a simple Limerick on the smartboard
with class involvement in order to demonstrate the rhyming process without looking at prompts.

Review (wrap up and transition to next activity):

While transitioning to a new activity, the notes from the Scramble Bucket will be collected, and the students will settle down in
preparation for the next class.
Lesson Plan Template

Formative Assessment: (linked to objectives) Summative Assessment (linked back to objectives)

Progress monitoring throughout lesson- clarifying questions,

The summative assessment of this lesson will be the two poems
in strategies, etc. modelled after W.B. Yeats’s poetry outline, as these have the most
strict rules among their work.

Formative assessment will take place during the writing process,

mainlythrough teacher observation.

Consideration for Back-up Plan:

As a back-up plan, the class will play a game of St. Patrick's Day
hangman or sparkle to wrap up the end of the activity.

Reflection (What went well? What did the students learn? How do you know? What changes would you make?):

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