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Mathematics Game

For my math game, I created a number bond addition game that allows students to

practice creating number bonds and relating them to addition problems. This game was created

for a 1st-grade lesson that focuses on operations and algebraic thinking. As students play the

game they practice their addition and number bonding. If they want to get to the finish line the

fastest, students must answer the equation correctly. The equations are visual and meet the needs

of a variety of students in the class. To play the game, students will need to choose a game piece

and roll the dice. The game pieces can be substituted for other items around the classroom if the

students wish to use something else. To meet a student’s needs, counters may be used to assist

with solving the equation.

Number Bonds to 10 Game!

Rules of the game
Age: 1st Grade+
Number of players: 1-3
Object of the game: Make it to the finish line first by answering math
equations correctly.
Items: game board, 1 6 sided dice, game pieces
To start the game each player picks a game piece. Next, roll the dice to see
who starts. The person with the largest number starts first.
Begin the game!
1. Roll the dice.
2. Move your game piece forward the number of squares you rolled.
3. Answer the math equation. If you answer the question correctly you
may move forward that number of spaces. If you are incorrect stay
where you are.
4. If you land on a blue square follow the instructions.
5. After the person has finished their turn the next person rolls.

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