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Stock Market Tracking

Julia Gleason
Week 1
Healthcare XLV-100 Healthcare-possible vaccine for COVID-19
3M MMM-50 3M-in demand for masks
Square Inc-mobile payment (in demand)
Square Inc SQ-50 Disney-currently down, hopefully will shoot
up when quarantine ends
Disney DIS-100 Johnson and Johnson-always in demand
(especially during quarantine)
Johnson and Johnson JNJ-50 Technology-high online working and
Technology XLK-50 Vanguard-cheapest S&P with little variance

Vanguard S&P VOO-50

Week 2
4/27- I sold all Johnson and Johnson (JNJ). The panic for household items is dropping as well as
the stock value, and will most likely drop more
5/2- I bought 100 stocks of American Airlines (ALL) This stock is dropping a lot due to
quarantine, so I am taking a risk hoping that they will go back up by July.

Week 3
5/5- I bought and sold nothing- 3M, Disney, and American Airlines are going down, so I’m
going to keep them until they rise again, the others are going up so I’m going to keep them

Week 4
5/13- Some stocks are going down, but like I was hoping, Disney is going up again. Because the
economy seems to be stabilizing, I’m not going to sell or buy anything at the moment.

Week 5
5/18- I bought 25 stocks from VOO. Stocks were increasing a lot, so I wanted to be spontaneous
and get more.
5/20- No activity because the stocks are doing quite well. I am, however, getting very excited
because American Airlines has started to improve. I wonder if it will last.
5/23- Stocks are going way up! I want them to keep growing to gain more investment

Week 6
5/26- I bought ORGO-100, USIO-100, METC-150. I found this article suggesting that these
penny stocks are going to increase. I bought extra METRC because they have recently dropped a
lot but are normally high.
5/28-I made no changes because I am curious to see how the new stocks I bought will go. So far
they are increasing.
5/28-I was really tempted to sell USIO because it went down 19%, but I’m trying to stick it out
and hope it goes back.

Week 7
6/3- I bought 100 stocks of Pfizer (PFE). Zoloft has been at a shortage, and their stocks dropped
a lot. I’m trying to buy low before it goes back up.
6/1- ORGO, USIO, and METC are all dropping still. I really want to sell them, but I am going to
still risk waiting it out.

Week 8
6/11- Stocks are doing terrible right now, no increases, so I want to stick it out and not sell, but
just in case it gets worse, I’m not going to buy anything either to save money.

Week 9
There was a huge drop in stocks.

Week 10
6/23- I held all my stocks. I am getting really worried about the latest stocks I invested in,
because they are dropping substantially. However, I do not want to sell low, so I am trying to
hold out till they hopefully go up more.
6/26- My new stocks are going up! I’m so happy about that, and I’m leaving it to grow more!
6/27-I bought 10 shares or Amazon (AMZN) because they are currently down. However, I
looked at the history of Amazon and it seems to be steadily increasing in the long run.

Week 11
6/29- I’m still waiting for Amazon stocks to go up. On the bright side, PFE an METC are gaining

Week 12
7/8- Most of the stocks are doing well…Ramaco dropped substantially though. (33%).
7/9- Everything is going up except for Square Inc, which only dropped 2%. I am keeping
Week 13
7/15- Purchased 100 more stocks of SQ, because I have witnessed a great overall growth of the
company through the past few months and anticipate that it will continue to grow.
7/16- I am happy with my purchase of SQ, because it continues to grow.

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