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Q Academy of Management Review

2019, Vol. 44, No. 2, 405–423.


Temple University

The dangers of mindless behaviors remain better defined than their remedies. Even as
mindfulness becomes increasingly prevalent, we lack clarity on three key questions:
What is mindfulness? How does mindfulness training operate? And why might mind-
fulness matter for organizations? In this article I introduce a new conceptualization of
mindfulness, which I call metacognitive practice. Metacognitive practice is so named
because it blends insights from metacognition and practice theory to answer these three
key questions. First, when seen as metacognitive practice, mindfulness is not a single
mode of information processing to be applied in all situations. Instead, it is a meta-
cognitive process by which people adjust their mode of information processing to their
current situation. Second, this metacognitive process is made possible by three specific
beliefs that supersede lay beliefs about human information processing. A core function
of mindfulness training, thus, is to provide a context that cultivates these beliefs. Third,
when these beliefs are put into practice, people gain greater agency in how they re-
spond to situations. This matters for organizations, because as people interrelate their
individual actions into a collective response, metacognitive practice can get embedded
in amplifying processes that transform the organization—or in fragmentation processes
that threaten it.

Mindfulness is currently in vogue. Over 13 per- training operate? And why might it matter for or-
cent of the working population has received some ganizations? These three questions cannot be
mindfulness training—and organizations from answered independently. How we define and
progressive Silicon Valley firms like Google to train mindfulness determines its impact on orga-
traditional corporate mainstays like General nizations. The challenge for organizational and
Mills train their employees by the thousands management theory (OMT) scholars, thus, is not
(Gelles, 2015; Olano et al., 2015). Scholars have merely to better define mindfulness but to do so in
responded to this trend with a notable stream of a way that explains how mindfulness works in
work on the topic (Reb & Atkins, 2015). Given how organizations. Otherwise, scholars may invest
popular mindfulness is in organizational practice their time in a construct that lacks clarity, and
and scholarship, one might expect it to be well practitioners may embrace mindfulness training
understood by now. But this is not the case. We without understanding its potential impact on
lack answers to even the most basic questions: their organizations.
What is mindfulness? How does mindfulness Clarifying mindfulness and its impact on or-
ganizations requires shifting from a “borrowing”
This article was written while I was a doctoral candidate at process to a “blending” process (Oswick, Fleming,
Washington University in St. Louis. Many thanks to Dev Bhave, & Hanlon, 2011). Borrowing takes existing defini-
Bill Bottom, Todd Braver, Stuart Bunderson, Erik Dane, tions and applies them to organizations without
Kurt Dirks, Sara Fredman, Andy Hafenbrack, Andrew Knight,
Karren Knowlton, Alka Kudesia, Elizabeth Luckman, changing them much—and is the dominant ap-
Michael Parke, Jason Pierce, Jochen Reb, Chris Reina, Samah proach to mindfulness in OMT. But borrowing
Shaffakat, Sudeep Sharma, Ray Sparrowe, Dana Sumpter, may be inappropriate for mindfulness, given its
and Pisitta Vongswasdi for conversations or close readings lack of a clear existing definition. For instance,
that helped shape this work. I owe a special debt of gratitude
mindfulness is often defined by what it is not:
to my advisor, Markus Baer, for his encouragement, the
Buddhist monk Tashi Nyima for his wisdom, and former as- mindlessness. People are mindless when they
sociate editor Kris Byron and each of the reviewers for their rely primarily on established concepts to interpret
insights. I appreciate financial support from the Future Re- situations, which makes them respond to situa-
silient Systems project at the Singapore-ETH Centre, which is tions without discerning their unique features
funded by the National Research Foundation of Singapore
under its Campus for Research Excellence and Technological
(Ashforth & Fried, 1988). It is much harder to define
Enterprise program (FI 370074011). Per usual, none of the mindfulness by what it is. To do so, OMT scholars
above should be assumed to endorse these ideas. have used two borrowed definitions. Both of these
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406 Academy of Management Review April

prior definitions treat mindfulness as an information mindfulness training operate? And why might it
processing style, but they have critical differences. matter for organizations? When conceptualized
One entails inhibiting the use of concepts (Brown & as metacognitive practice, mindfulness is not a
Ryan, 2003; Kabat-Zinn, 1994), whereas the other single style of information processing, as in prior
entails refining concepts through use (Langer, 2014; definitions. Instead, mindfulness is the meta-
Sternberg, 2000). Some see these definitions as in- cognitive process by which people adjust their
herently different (Good et al., 2016), whereas others mode of information processing based on the sit-
see them as related (Sutcliffe, Vogus, & Dane, 2016). uation at hand. Mindfulness training operates by
Part of the problem is that vague phrases like “be in replacing constraining beliefs about information
the present moment” hint at similarities between processing with enabling beliefs that increase
these definitions but do not actually reconcile their people’s agency to make these adjustments. And
differences. This lack of clarity should make us mindfulness matters for organizations because in
question whether mindfulness is just an umbrella organizations people must interrelate their ac-
construct for several different ways to remedy tions to form a collective response to situations
mindlessness (Lutz, Jha, Dunne, & Saron, 2015; (Weick, 1979). Thus, if mindfulness helps people
Williams & Kabat-Zinn, 2011). If so, scholars have respond to situations with more flexibility, then this
reason to be wary. Umbrella constructs can spark flexibility can be amplified through social interre-
excitement in a topic, but this excitement often de- lating to beneficially transform the organization—
clines when differences under the umbrella cannot or it can fragment interrelating in ways that erode
be reconciled (Hirsch & Levin, 1999). coordination and competencies.
In this article I therefore apply a blending process As a roadmap, the structure of this article mir-
to mindfulness: identifying assumptions that make rors that of Figure 1. I first compare the model of
its prior definitions hard to reconcile and then information processing assumed in prior defini-
replacing these assumptions with alternate as- tions of mindfulness with the alternate model
sumptions (Oswick et al., 2011). These alternate from practice theory (the middle level). I then in-
assumptions come from research on metacognition tegrate insights related to metacognition, such as
and practice theory. Metacognition entails the pro- the three beliefs cultivated by mindfulness train-
cesses by which people monitor and adjust their ing (the upper level). Finally, I explore how a
information processing (Fernandez-Duque, Baird, & conceptualization of mindfulness blending prac-
Posner, 2000; Nelson, 1996). Practice theory offers a tice theory and metacognition clarifies its impact
model of information processing that interfaces on organizations (the lower level). I conclude with
well with OMT theories of routines, resources, contributions for scholars and practitioners.
strategy, and more (Feldman & Orlikowski, 2011;
Nicolini, 2012). This blending process results in a WHAT IS MINDFULNESS?
new conceptualization of mindfulness that recon-
In this section I compare two models of information
ciles its prior definitions into a coherent whole,
processing that could underpin mindfulness. One
rather than an umbrella construct—and better sit-
model is assumed in prior definitions, whereas the
uates it in organizations. This new conceptualiza-
alternate model comes from practice theory. I suggest
tion rests on three principles. First, when people
that the practice theory model best improves the
monitor the state of their information processing
clarity of mindfulness and its relation to organiza-
relative to their current situation, they gain agency
tions. This model also surfaces a key paradox of de-
to adjust what information they process and how
fining mindfulness as an information processing
they process it. Second, people’s beliefs about in-
style, as prior definitions have done. This paradox, I
formation processing can enable or constrain their
suggest, can be overcome by treating mindfulness as
agency to make these adjustments. Third, when
a metacognitive process. These two alternate as-
people adjust their information processing, they
sumptions, blended together, form the basis for con-
respond to situations with more flexibility.
ceptualizing mindfulness as metacognitive practice.
Because this new conceptualization of mind-
fulness blends insights from metacognition and
The Information Processing Model Assumed in
practice theory, I call it “metacognitive practice.”
Prior Definitions of Mindfulness
Metacognitive practice provides much-needed
answers to the key questions posed at the outset The model assumed in prior definitions dates
of this article: What is mindfulness? How does back at least to Descartes but took hold in
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Metacognitive Practice in Organizations

Note: The bottom level depicts organizational situations, the middle level depicts information processing, and the top level
depicts metacognitive processing.

psychology during the cognitive revolution (e.g., but process it only superficially. Or they can con-
Broadbent, 1958). In this model information pro- ceptualize deeper interpretations of a situation, but
cessing follows a linear sequence. In this se- using a smaller amount of the available information.
quence people first perceive a large amount of However, they cannot do both at the same time.
objective information in situations: color, volume, To avoid mindlessness—that is, to be
texture, direction, and so forth. The information at mindful—people must manage this trade-off be-
this point is still “raw”: it is processed only to a su- tween perception and concepts. How, exactly,
perficial level. For levels of deeper processing, in- should they manage it? This is where opinions dif-
formation must proceed further, to the conceptual fer. The two prior definitions of mindfulness both
end of the sequence. At this end of the sequence, assume the linear sequence model. But they locate
people use concepts to more fully interpret what the mindfulness at opposing ends of the sequence. In
situation means and how best to respond to it. one, mindfulness expands the perceptual end of the
Mindlessness becomes a risk at the conceptual sequence. In the other, mindfulness refines the
end of the sequence (Ashforth & Fried, 1988). conceptual end. Both are compelling, but they ap-
Concepts help people interpret situations. But pear irreconcilable because of this model’s as-
people can only interpret a small amount of the sumed trade-off between perception and concepts.
information they perceive. So, to use concepts, Mindful attention. The first definition—mindful
they must first use attention to filter out some of attention—emphasizes the early perceptual end
the information, while allowing the rest to pro- of the linear sequence (Brown & Ryan, 2003; Kabat-
ceed. It is therefore possible that the filtered-out Zinn, 1994). This definition originated in clinical
information could have been important—and if settings for people with mental distress. Such
people had allowed this information to proceed in people habitually conceptualize in self-limiting
the sequence, they may have responded differ- ways. For instance, if they fall short of a goal, their
ently to the situation. This linear sequence model minds might start to wander down a dark path:
is therefore all about trade-offs. People can per- conceptualizing themselves as worthless, their
ceive a large amount of information in situations, situation as bleak, and their best response as
408 Academy of Management Review April

giving up. Mindful attention limits these dangers deeply they process situations depends on a per-
by keeping information processing at the early son’s level of expertise in the situation. For in-
perceptual end. It prolongs people’s “initial con- stance, consider chess (see Dreyfus & Dreyfus,
tact with the world” before concepts take hold 2005). Beginners need concepts like “a weakened
(Brown, Ryan, & Creswell, 2007: 212). Mindful at- king’s side” to notice opportunities for attack. But
tention thereby prevents people’s minds from with time they learn to perceive ever-subtler var-
wandering away from situations to potentially iations of these board positions and the best re-
negative conceptualizing (Schooler et al., 2011). It sponses to them. Their concepts remain abstract,
also prevents concepts like judgments or expec- but as they gain expertise, these concepts are
tations from filtering out much information from supplemented by enhanced perception. Experts
situations. As a result, people will perceive a can perceive 50,000 board positions and respond
larger amount of information (Dane, 2011). Such to them within 5 to 10 seconds without hurting
information could disconfirm their concepts and their performance. They can respond so quickly
cue new responses. In sum, mindful attention because they are no longer using concepts. Per-
remedies mindlessness by limiting the overall ception lets them see how to respond to situations.
influence of concepts on information processing. It embodies expertise that is too subtle and situ-
Mindful conceptualizing. The second definition— ation specific to be captured by abstract concepts.
mindful conceptualizing—emphasizes the later Thus, in this model perception and concepts are
conceptual end of the linear sequence (Langer & not opposed. They are intertwined in ways that
Moldoveanu, 2000; Sternberg, 2000). This definition depend on expertise. This model is called practice
originated in the study of repetitive situations. When theory because people develop expertise by par-
people repeat situations over and over, they form ticipating in practices like chess. But chess is not
concepts. These concepts link typical features of unique; salespeople, teachers, corporate lawyers,
the situations with a dominant response, which and university administrators all have expertise
can prevent people from considering alternative in their respective practices (see Chia & Holt, 2006;
ways of responding. For instance, people re- Sandberg & Tsoukas, 2011). In all these cases, any
peatedly receive requests for minor favors. Thus, trade-off between perception and concepts seems
they form a concept of how such requests typi- to disappear. Perception and concepts can entail
cally proceed and how to handle them—which is either superficial or deep levels of processing
why people often respond to such requests without depending on one’s level of expertise. Thus, prac-
discerning the unique features of a specific request tice theory does not make any claims about the
(Langer, Blank, & Chanowitz, 1978). Mindful con- sequence of information processing mechanisms.
ceptualizing limits this risk by helping people re- It instead discusses modes of engagement: the
fine their concepts. People refine their concepts actual first-person experience of information pro-
when they continuously make distinctions be- cessing in a specific situation. In particular, people
tween the current situation and other past situa- shift between two modes of engagement based on
tions (Langer, 2014). Making distinctions helps their level of expertise.
people notice the unique features of their current Absorbed engagement. People mostly act within
situation, which allows them to conceptualize al- absorbed engagement—spontaneously drawing
ternatives to the dominant response. In sum, on their expertise to respond to situations with-
mindful conceptualizing remedies mindlessness out needing to use concepts (Chia & Holt, 2006).
by always refining established concepts. People in absorbed engagement have partici-
pated in a particular organizational practice
long enough to embody the relevant expertise.
The Alternate Information Processing Model
As with the chess players, they simply see
from Practice Theory
what must be done and how to do it. As a result,
The alternate model from practice theory draws they experience situations as a holistic land-
on sources as diverse as phenomenology, cogni- scape: the information they perceive makes
tive science, and philosophy of mind (Dreyfus, sense based on their previous actions, and they
1995; Rowlands, 2010; Wheeler, 2005). It was in- know how to use the available resources to keep
troduced explicitly to solve issues with the linear continuing with their current actions. However,
sequence model. In this alternate model, percep- this absorbed engagement stops during mo-
tion and concepts are intertwined—and how ments known as breakdowns (Dreyfus, 1995).
2019 Kudesia 409

Breakdowns are any “situation of non-obvious- person experience of information processing,

ness” where people cannot continue acting on rather than inaccurately modeling its complex
the basis of their existing expertise (Winograd & underlying mechanisms in terms of a trade-off
Flores, 2008: 165), such as when people cannot between perception and concepts.
interpret the meaning of a situation, when they Relevance. By placing perception and concepts
cannot locate a response, or when their actions in opposition, the linear sequence model is hard to
produce unexpected outcomes. relate to organizations. It portrays perception in
Deliberative engagement. When faced with terms of objective raw information. But such in-
breakdowns, people switch to a deliberative formation is rare in organizations; it is available
mode of engagement. During deliberative en- mostly at the organization’s “periphery,” where
gagement, people use concepts to diagnose why customer interactions or frontline operations oc-
their expertise failed and how to repair it (Chia & cur (Regnér, 2003). By the time it reaches man-
Holt, 2006). Instead of being fully immersed in agers, most information becomes alphanumeric,
action, people must reflect on what to do. This not perceptual. For instance, managers do not
fractures their experience of a holistic landscape: objectively perceive operational quality by watch-
information, actions, and resources no longer flow ing the assembly line. Instead, they read internal
together in seamless way. Instead, people in de- reports that distill the perceptual information into
liberative engagement have to single out partic- a “sigma” scale that captures defects-per-million
ular pieces of information, reassess how their (Mezias & Starbuck, 2003). The linear sequence
actions interrelate with the actions of others, and model thus portrays perception in a way that would
puzzle over the best way to use their resources. limit the relevance of mindful attention in organi-
When breakdowns are mild, people can continue zations (Table 1, rows 2–4).
acting while they diagnose the problem (Yanow & Similar limits exist with concepts. Both prior
Tsoukas, 2009). But severe breakdowns make any definitions of mindfulness portray concepts in a
action impossible; people must repair their ex- way that is consistent with their origins but is less
pertise through abstract conceptual reasoning relevant to the roles that concepts play in orga-
before they can reenter absorbed engagement. nizations. Namely, mindful attention originated
in clinical settings where concepts often cause
mental distress. And mindful conceptualizing
Comparing the Two Information
originated in repetitive settings where people are
Processing Models
unlikely to respond to novel information unless
These two models of information processing they refine their concepts. Concepts can serve
thus differ in a key respect: the linear sequence different roles in organizations. Unlike in clinical
model entails a trade-off between perception and settings, concepts in organizations store valuable
concepts, whereas the practice theory model lessons from past experience. These lessons also
portrays perception and concepts as intertwined. help people interrelate their actions by providing
Either model could underpin mindfulness in OMT. a shared understanding of how their actions will
But I suggest that the practice theory model is fit together (Feldman & Pentland, 2003). And un-
preferable for three key reasons: it is more accu- like in repetitive settings, novel information is
rate, it is more relevant to organizations, and it plentiful in organizations. But novelty can reflect
enables a more precise analysis of organizations. random noise, rather than something meaningful.
Accuracy. The linear sequence model and its Concepts therefore provide stability in organiza-
key trade-off between perception and concepts tions (Tsoukas & Chia, 2002). They prevent people
remain unsupported (Cohen, 2014). After decades from anchoring their responses on noise. Thus, if
of inconclusive evidence, debate on the topic people limit the influence of concepts on in-
stalled and has largely been abandoned. A linear formation processing, or constantly refine their
sequence is too simplistic to accurately model the concepts, they might erode their organization’s
mechanisms of information processing (Allport, competencies—forsaking the lessons of experi-
1993). But a more accurate model would require a ence while making it hard for people to interrelate
level of complexity beyond the scope of OMT, with their actions (Levinthal & Rerup, 2006; Table 1, row
multiple processors operating in parallel and 6). Taken together, the linear sequence model and
recursively. Practice theory is therefore more its use in prior mindfulness definitions have lim-
promising for OMT. It accurately models the first- ited relevance to OMT.
410 Academy of Management Review April

Reconciling Prior Mindfulness Definitions in Metacognitive Practice

Prior Definition Relevance for OMT Treatment in Metacognitive Practice

Mindful attention 1 Emphasizes how people dynamically Models how monitoring helps people
regulate their attention over time, in notice and thus control mind
contrast to more static “resource” wandering, especially when
accounts that imply scarcity (cf. concepts are active (see Pathway 5)
Warm, Parasuraman, & Matthews,
– If mindfulness requires direct Models perception and concepts as
perception of objective information, intertwined, so mindfulness applies
this process is relevant mostly at the throughout the entire organization
periphery of organizations
– Without conceptual processing, it Models how concepts direct attention
becomes implausibly hard to learn at low level of expertise, but how
new tasks, filter out task-irrelevant absorbed engagement guides
perceptual information, or notice attention at high levels (see Pathway
breakdowns—all of which require 1) and how monitoring helps people
conceptual expectations and notice breakdowns (see Pathway 4)
– If mindfulness is perceptual, it limits Emphasizes how monitoring increases
abilities to articulate expertise and the ability to articulate otherwise
coordinate across people (Weick & implicit aspects of absorbed
Sutcliffe, 2006: 521), which harms engagement, which improves
collective responses to breakdowns coordination (see Pathway 3)
Mindful conceptualizing 1 Recognizes that concepts can be a key Models conceptualizing as an activity
source of flexible responses—if that occurs in the wake of mild
people refine prior concepts to breakdowns to help repair expertise
interpret their current situations and continue action
– Refining established concepts in light Models conceptualizing as an activity
of current situations may erode that occurs in the wake of mild
competencies and cause people to breakdowns, not as something that
anchor on random noise people should always do
– Conceptualizing singles out isolated Emphasizes how deliberative
parts of situations, which prevents engagement using concepts results
people from entering a holistic from breakdowns and how absorbed
landscape of absorbed engagement, engagement makes better use of
thereby limiting their developing existing expertise in a holistic
expertise landscape
– Distinction making can refine concepts Models how distinction making fixes
but may lack the “computational minor breakdowns by refining
power” to doubt established conceptualizing as people act on
concepts (Chi & Ohlsson, 2005) breakdowns (see Pathway 5)
Mindful metacognition 1 Identifies an important and Incorporates this role in the map-
understudied role of monitoring that terrain differentiation belief, which
helps people detach from their is most needed during severe
conceptual interpretations of breakdowns (see Pathway 6)
– Does not model the metacognitive Introduces three key metacognitive
adjusting function or any beliefs and models how they
metacognitive beliefs, which paints influence both the monitoring and
an incomplete picture of the adjusting functions
– Focuses on personal outcomes, Models how doubt produces responses
downplaying the promise and that transform situations and how
dangers alike of doubting this can either fragment or support
established concepts in social heedful interrelating
Note: The 1 and – signs indicate whether the feature of a definition is relevant to OMT or not. Features with a negative sign
contain assumptions that are incompatible with organizational contexts, whereas features with a positive sign provide insights
into core OMT phenomena. The six pathways are summarized in Table 2.
2019 Kudesia 411

Precision. Practice theory, in contrast, is directly Sutcliffe et al., 2016). Practice theory, however, can
relevant to OMT; the rhythm and pacing as people reconcile these prior definitions as part of a single
shift between the two modes of engagement are integrated process. For instance, practice theory
integral to how they organize (Sandberg & describes two modes of engagement: absorbed
Tsoukas, 2011). Consider operators of a circuit engagement and deliberative engagement. The
board assembly machine who faced a breakdown phenomenology of mindful attention, where peo-
(see Tyre & von Hippel, 1997). Drawing on their ple process situations in a more direct and per-
expertise, they perceived that the machine was ceptual manner, is largely indistinguishable from
placing components in wrong locations on the that of absorbed engagement. And the phenome-
circuit board and knew the consequences. But nology of mindful conceptualizing, where people
they could not diagnose the cause—either among process situations by refining their concepts, en-
themselves or in conversations with off-site en- tails a form of deliberative engagement. Practice
gineers. Yet, when an engineer arrived, he in- theory, however, does not merely describe the
stantly perceived the cause: loose screws on the phenomenology of these prior definitions but in-
camera that guides placement. tegrates them into a single process. It suggests
This example shows the precision of practice that people should not try to process situations
theory. Expertise in organizational practices using perception unless their perception is en-
guided what information various people per- hanced by expertise. And they should not try to
ceived: operators looked at the machine output, reconceptualize situations unless their expertise
while the engineer looked at the machine itself. It breaks down. Thus, the information processing
further shows how people in different groups must styles entailed by prior definitions of mindfulness
be able to articulate the conceptual logic of their need not be treated as conflicting remedies or
absorbed engagement to resolve breakdowns. placed under an umbrella construct. They are part
Rather than perception and concepts existing in a of a single process and become more or less use-
trade-off, the two are intertwined. People perceive ful based on the situation at hand.
by building on conceptual understandings—and Downsides. Indeed, a key benefit of the prac-
specific situations determine whether they will tice theory model is that it helps identify the sit-
use concepts or articulate concepts to others. Even uations in which these information processing
in this example, where perception of objective styles will produce downsides (see Table 1). For
raw information was possible, the linear se- instance, mindful attention emphasizes percep-
quence shed little light. As such, of the two tion, rather than using concepts as a filter. It
models, practice theory enables a far more pre- may therefore limit people’s ability to perform
cise analysis of organizations. tasks in situations where a lot of irrelevant in-
formation exists, since they would pay attention
to even “trivial” information instead of filtering
Blending Mindfulness, Practice Theory,
it out (Dane, 2011: 1005). Similarly, consider
and Metacognition
mindful conceptualizing. As the chess example
The value of the practice theory model, how- showed, people must leave concepts behind to
ever, becomes most evident when it is blended attain expertise rather than mere competence.
with mindfulness. A key feature of this model The 50,000 board positions that experts can
in the blending process is its emphasis on how identify are embodied in their perception, not
people vary their information processing based stored in concepts. Thus, continual distinction
on their situation. This feature provides three making will prevent expertise from developing
benefits: it helps integrate the two prior defini- (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 2005).
tions of mindfulness, it identifies their down- Agency paradox. These downsides surface a
sides, and it surfaces an important paradox crucial paradox at the definitional heart of mind-
at the heart of these prior definitions. This par- fulness. The paradox is that mindfulness is dis-
adox motivates the need to view mindfulness in cussed in terms of the agency to change one’s
terms of metacognition rather than information responses to situations—but mindfulness has
processing. been defined as an information processing style,
Integration. OMT scholars remain conflicted which fails to model the processes that are most
about how to reconcile mindful attention and essential to this agency. By definition, agency
mindful conceptualizing (cf. Good et al., 2016; requires that people adjust their information
412 Academy of Management Review April

processing to the situation at hand (Bandura, 2006; established interpretations, or select new re-
Emirbayer & Mische, 1998). Agency therefore sponses to situations. Third, people monitor and
cannot be tied to any single style of information adjust the state of their information processing in
processing, whether that style favors perception light of their metacognitive beliefs. These beliefs
(as with mindful attention) or concepts (as with concern how information processing works, what
mindful conceptualizing). Indeed, if mindfulness is strategies best regulate information processing,
defined as a style of information processing, then and which responses should be utilized.
people in a “mindful” state can paradoxically be Metacognition helps resolve the agency para-
mindless. A person could be in a “mindful” state by dox by modeling how people can adjust their in-
favoring perception or concepts—even in a situa- formation processing based on their current
tion where that information processing style pro- situation (Pressley, Borkowski, & Schneider, 1987).
duces downsides. According to the definition, they Indeed, metacognition may even entail “the most
would be mindful. Yet, in reality, the person using distinctly human” aspect of agency, because
that “mindful” style of information processing without its processes of monitoring, adjusting,
would either have to be oblivious to the downsides and beliefs, people cannot respond to their situ-
of that style or lack the ability to adjust their in- ations with flexibility (Bandura, 2006: 165). How-
formation processing style to better suit their situ- ever, metacognition only provides a framework
ation. Defining mindfulness in this way thus seems that specifies which processes matter. It cannot
to erase its very essence. alone explain how these processes should be put
Metacognition. The mark of mindfulness, there- into practice. Mindfulness has much to offer here.
fore, is not what information processing style Practice theory scholars have long noted that
people use but how they adjust their information some people can better adjust their mode of en-
processing to the situation at hand. To resolve gagement to their situations, but they have not
the agency paradox, mindfulness cannot be de- identified why (Louis & Sutton, 1991; Yanow, 2015).
fined as an information processing style. Rather, Mindfulness offers unique value because a
it must be defined in terms of the underlying deeper examination of mindfulness training can
processes by which people determine their in- help identify this missing element.
formation processing style in a situation. These
processes are metacognitive in nature. Indeed,
metacognition originated in educational psychol- HOW DOES MINDFULNESS RELATE
ogy for precisely this purpose: to model how TO TRAINING?
students monitor their comprehension levels as
In the previous section I argued that mindful-
they read and, thus, adjust their reading strate-
ness is not an information processing style.
gies (Flavell, 1979).
Rather, it is a metacognitive process, one that in-
In the metacognition framework, people re-
forms how people adjust their information pro-
spond to situations based on the interplay of a
cessing to their current situation. I also argued
lower-order information processing level and a
that a deeper examination of mindfulness train-
higher-order metacognitive level (see Figure 1;
ing is needed to understand how people actually
Nelson, 1996). At the information processing level,
put metacognition into practice. In this section I
people perceive, conceptualize, and respond to
therefore examine mindfulness training in tradi-
situations. The higher metacognitive level entails
tional and therapy contexts. In doing so I identify
three processes (Fernandez-Duque et al., 2000;
the crucial but undertheorized role of the meta-
Flavell, 1979). First, people can monitor the state of
cognitive beliefs that shape how people monitor
their information processing in real time, as they
and adjust information processing. I thus elabo-
perceive, conceptualize, and respond to current
rate three beliefs of special importance.
situations. Monitoring is therefore responsible for
the ongoing sense people feel for whether or not
they are in a familiar situation, have relevant
Examining Mindfulness Training
expertise, are successfully enacting their inten-
ded responses, and so forth. Second, based on A deeper examination of mindfulness training
monitoring, metacognition can adjust information has three key benefits. First, it helps address
processing. For instance, adjustments may filter prevalent misconceptions about mindfulness
out irrelevant perceptual information, replace training in the current literature. Second, it better
2019 Kudesia 413

contextualizes traditional ideas about the role broader, system-level perspective. This is known
of metacognition in training. Third, it surfaces as realizing the “perfected nature.”
a third definition of mindfulness that is known Therapy. These traditional Buddhist ideas
in therapy trainings but seldom addressed about monitoring have recently been put to use in
in OMT. therapy contexts. In fact, in the third definition—
Misconceptions. At least some of the appeal of mindful metacognition—mindfulness is this very
mindfulness stems from its presumed basis in process of stepping back and monitoring con-
Buddhist meditation trainings. But it is no easy cepts with detachment (e.g., Bernstein et al.,
matter to extract scholarly insights from these 2015; Shapiro, Carlson, Astin, & Freedman, 2006;
culturally and historically situated trainings. Teasdale et al., 2002; Wells, 2005). For decades
Indeed, central ideas in the mindfulness litera- therapists tried to help their patients change
ture serve as rough approximations of the source specific negative concepts. Now, therapists in-
material (Grossman, 2011). Included among spired by this third definition use mindfulness
these is the idea that mindfulness is best training to change how their patients relate to
defined as an information processing style. This concepts: recognizing that concepts are tools of
idea most likely stems from a popular mis- the imagination and therefore have no basis in
reading of an introductory lesson by the monk reality (Hayes, Villatte, Levin, & Hildebrandt, 2011).
Nyanaponika Thera (1973), when it was pub- This recognition helps free patients from their
lished in book form (Sharf, 2014). Despite Thera’s negative concepts. It could have similar impor-
protestations, this idea proliferated into the tance within OMT but has received little study to
mindfulness literature—including OMT (see date.
Purser & Milillo, 2015).
Tradition. In contrast to the current literature,
Three Beliefs Entailed in Metacognitive Practice
which emphasizes information processing, tra-
ditional approaches more strongly emphasize The most important benefit of examining
metacognition. The role of metacognition in mindfulness training, however, is the emphasis
mindfulness training is perhaps most clearly de- it brings to beliefs, which remain undertheorized
scribed within the Tibetan zhäntong tradition (Teasdale, 1999). Both traditional and therapy
(Hookham, 1991; Stearns, 2010). This tradition ar- contexts imply that beliefs could offer new in-
gues that people can keep monitoring as their sights into how mindfulness training works. The
information processing shifts between absorbed current explanation is that mindfulness training
and deliberative modes of engagement (Kudesia increases the capacity of neural regions that
& Nyima, 2015). Mindfulness training serves to help people monitor and adjust information
help people maintain monitoring with stability processing (Chiesa, Calati, & Serretti, 2011;
in order to realize the “three natures” of first- Verhaeghen, 2016). This explanation is likely
person experience (Garfield, 2002). Namely, true, especially for long-term training (Lazar
when people keep monitoring, they step back et al., 2005). But the shorter-term training in or-
mentally and relate to the contents of their in- ganizations may not primarily change people’s
formation processing with detachment. As a re- neural capacity to monitor or adjust. Rather, it
sult, they realize that their concepts have no may change beliefs that shape how people
basis in reality: concepts are tools of the imagi- monitor or adjust.
nation used to interpret events. This is known as Consider a common mindfulness training
the “imaginary nature.” People also realize that exercise. In this exercise participants hold an
their perceptions do have a basis in reality but ice cube in their hands as it melts. Initial re-
are dependent on causes and conditions: the way actions are often negative: the cold feels un-
a person perceives a situation depends on their pleasant and the exercise seems pointless. Yet
past experiences and their current intentions. when trainers instruct participants to monitor
This is the “dependent nature.” In Buddhism, their information processing, the participants’
people who realize this nature of information experience changes. They often realize how the
processing gain agency to respond to situations unpleasant feeling of the cold ice leads them to
in an enlightened manner. They can better de- conceptualize the entire exercise as pointless,
tach from self-centered thoughts and feelings which then generates anger at the trainer for
and respond to situations in the interest of a wasting their time and even diminishes their
414 Academy of Management Review April

opinion of other participants who take the Attentional sufficiency. First, attentional suffi-
pointless exercise so seriously. Without chang- ciency is the belief that attention is not depleted
ing people’s neural capacity, this exercise by use. It challenges the common constraining
changes their beliefs about information pro- belief that paying attention now makes one less
cessing; they see the interdependence among able to pay attention later. To be sure, people can
what information they pay attention to, how they only attend to a limited number of things at any one
monitor their information processing, and how point in time. But there is little evidence showing
they relate to their concepts. Such changes in that people necessarily must lose their ability to
beliefs form a crucial link: explaining how ex- sustain attention over time (Bruya, 2010; Kurzban,
ercises during mindfulness training can shape Duckworth, Kable, & Myers, 2013). During training,
information processing during everyday situa- people sustain attention for prolonged periods of
tions (see Table 2). time to phenomena like ice melting in their hand or
Three beliefs in particular seem especially in- the feeling of breathing. Training may reshape
tegral to mindfulness training. beliefs that attention is a scarce resource that

Metacognitive Practice and Engagement Modes

Mode Phenomenology Characteristic Property Metacognitive Practice Pathway Influence on Organizations

Absorbed engagement Without past experiences and 1. Greater ability to use concepts Reduces the time needed for
• More perceptual expert judgment, people lack a like goals and step-by-step skill acquisition at the early
• Holistic landscape basis to decide what procedures to filter irrelevant stages—and improves the
• Embodied knowing perceptual information to perceptual information ability to follow through on
• Private experience process or filter out in a Key belief: attentional plans (Kanfer & Ackerman,
particular situation sufficiency 1989)
Over time, the many steps in 2. Greater flexibility Facilitates improvisation and
tasks can become excessively within absorbed more granular adjustments to
compiled and fuse together, engagement—because routines (Cohen & Bacdayan,
making absorbed monitoring inhibits excessive 1994; Levinthal & Rerup, 2006;
engagement rigid and, thus, levels of compilation Moorman & Miner, 1998)
subject to breakdowns Key belief: virtue of monitoring
Embodied, situation-specific 3. Greater ability to articulate Helps people share their
knowledge and feelings are aspects of absorbed expertise with others (Dreyfus
difficult to articulate, engagement like procedures, & Dreyfus, 2005) and better
especially to others, which is intuitions, emotions, and interrelate their actions
precisely what is needed assumptions (Weick & Roberts, 1993) to
during breakdowns Key belief: virtue of monitoring respond collectively
Deliberative Breakdowns may not be noticed 4. Greater ability to notice subtle Facilitates continuous learning
engagement early when they are most affective sensations of over time (Yanow, 2015) and
• More conceptual easily controllable, prompting “conflict” helps better switch helps people respond to
• Isolated parts ineffective switching from modes of engagement situations that require
• Verbal knowing absorbed to deliberative Key belief: virtue of monitoring deliberation (Louis & Sutton,
• Potentially social engagement 1991)
Conceptualizing can drift into 5. Greater ability to self-regulate Improves task performance
task-irrelevant thoughts or attention and direct when tasks are not especially
into ruminating about the conceptualizing toward engaging (Beal, Weiss, Barros,
task, both of which withdraw relevant information & MacDermid, 2005) and aids
deliberation from the situation Key belief: attentional recovery from minor
at hand sufficiency breakdowns (Yanow &
Tsoukas, 2009)
Deliberative processes like 6. Greater ability to doubt Cultivates doubt, which poses
distinction making may lack established concepts, rather dangers for social
the computational power to than refining them through interrelating, but also helps
transcend established awareness of assumptions fix severe breakdowns in
concepts that constrain Key belief: map-terrain organizations (Nystrom &
responses to situations differentiation Starbuck, 1984)
2019 Kudesia 415

people literally “pay” to use. Attention is sufficient, information processing and adjust it to their cur-
not scarce. This enabling belief will make people rent situation. In this section I make this process
more willing to sustain attention during their ev- more concrete. To do so I explore six pathways by
eryday situations (Jensen, Vangkilde, Frokjaer, & which it enables more flexible responses to or-
Hasselbalch, 2012). ganizational situations. I then foreground a ten-
Virtue of monitoring. Second, virtue of moni- sion between such flexibility and organizational
toring is the belief that monitoring is valuable structuring. This tension can resolve into amplify-
and appropriate. It entails a greater receptivity ing processes that transform the organization—or
to internal experiences—including potentially into fragmentation processes that threaten it.
unpleasant experiences—rather than the more
common, but constraining, tactic of avoiding
Six Pathways of Metacognitive Practice
them (Hayes et al., 2011). As the ice exercise
in Organizations
showed, in training, people learn how simply
monitoring information processing can help When seen as metacognitive practice, mind-
them sustain attention to situations and inter- fulness entails the coming together of expertise
pret their situations in new ways. This enabling embedded in perception and concepts, enabling
belief makes people more likely to monitor on an beliefs about information processing, and the
ongoing basis. crucial human ability to step back and monitor
Map-terrain differentiation. Third, map-terrain one’s mental activity—all of which jointly shape
differentiation is the belief that one’s “map” of how people engage with situations. Through
situations does not necessarily reflect the “ter- metacognitive practice, monitoring helps people
rain” on which they act. During training, people increase the robustness of both absorbed and
engage monitoring to step back and detach from deliberative modes of engagement and helps them
their processing of situations. This detached more flexibly adjust their mode of engagement
monitoring helps them replace a common con- to the situation at hand. As such, metacognitive
straining belief that their experience of a situation practice produces different consequences in dif-
necessarily reflects objective reality (Shapiro ferent organizational situations. These different
et al., 2006). Instead, they recognize how their ex- consequences can be considered in light of six
perience may not have a basis in reality. This specific pathways, as summarized in Table 2. Each
enabling belief helps them embrace doubt about of these six pathways reflects a different level of
their expertise when faced with breakdowns in expertise that a person can have in an organiza-
their everyday situations (Kitchner, 1983). tional situation. Considering these six pathways
Taken together, these beliefs foreground an helps reveal why mindfulness cannot entail a
incredibly generative insight: information pro- single mode of information processing that a per-
cessing bends around our understanding of it. son can apply in all situations. Rather, mindful-
Mindfulness is not merely a capacity to monitor ness entails the ongoing adjustment of a person’s
and adjust information processing. It is a specific mode of engagement to their current situation—
way of doing so, as informed by unique beliefs. adjustments that are made possible by the meta-
Mindfulness training thus operates by providing cognitive process of monitoring.
a context in which people can identify and chal- Pathway 1: Gaining expertise. When people
lenge their constraining beliefs about information lack expertise, they must rely on the expertise of
processing—and replace them with more en- others. This expertise is often stored in concepts.
abling beliefs. These new enabling beliefs can Concepts incorporate the collective expertise of
then be applied outside training contexts to help many people in organizations in a general way
people adjust their information processing as that can be shared with others (Tsoukas & Chia,
they respond to their everyday situations. 2002). Concepts can include chessboard positions
or step-by-step procedures for circuit board as-
sembly. Monitoring helps people use concepts
to filter out information defined as irrelevant
(Fernandez-Duque et al., 2000). Instead of pro-
In the previous section I argued that mindful- cessing all the available information “without
ness is a metacognitive process. During this pro- judgment,” as some mindfulness scholars argue,
cess, people draw on three beliefs to monitor their people at this stage must use organizational
416 Academy of Management Review April

concepts to direct their information processing. situations (Bartel & Saavedra, 2000), articulat-
Otherwise, they cannot get absorbed in organi- ing both emotions and concepts can help peo-
zational situations. ple fix breakdowns.
Pathway 2: Retaining expertise. As people gain Pathway 4: Noticing breakdowns. Breakdowns
expertise, their conceptual knowledge starts to activate deliberative processes like search, prob-
get “compiled” (Anderson, 1982). During compila- lem solving, and sensemaking (March, 1994;
tion, the many smaller steps of a task fuse to- Smith, 1988; Weick, 1979). But how do people notice
gether into fewer bigger steps. Compilation them? Breakdowns do not exist out there objec-
makes it easier to perform tasks but can cause tively in the world. Rather, they come into exis-
problems if left unchecked. For instance, people tence subjectively, based on a person’s expertise
become less able to adjust their responses and in a given situation. What the circuit board op-
less able to discover new responses when their erators experienced as a severe breakdown the
compiled response fails. Unless a task is very re- engineer experienced as a minor issue with a
petitive (Table 3, row 1), excessive compilation loose screw. Monitoring helps people notice the
can make absorbed engagement inflexible and subtle sensations of “conflict” that often precede
more likely to result in breakdowns. The dangers breakdowns: when they cannot identify a situa-
of compilation expand in organizations because tion, locate a response, or face unexpected results
people need to interrelate their actions through from actions (Botvinick, Braver, Barch, Carter,
routines. And routines are stored in the same type & Cohen, 2001; Saunders, Rodrigo, & Inzlicht,
of memory that is affected by compilation (pro- 2016). By better noticing potential breakdowns,
cedural memory; Cohen & Bacdayan, 1994). Yet people can respond before they become severe.
continued monitoring may reduce the dangers of Pathway 5: Directing concepts. In absorbed
excessive compilation. This is why people who engagement, people’s expertise spontaneously
receive mindfulness training show more ability to imbues a situation with meaning. This makes it
adjust their response steps (Greenberg, Reiner, & easy to pay attention. For instance, chess experts
Meiran, 2012). They retain their expertise in a see more happening on the chessboard, so they
manner that allows for more flexible responses. can more easily attend to the gameplay. But in
Pathway 3: Articulating expertise. During deliberative engagement, people must use con-
compilation, people rely less on conceptual cepts, which often wander from the relevant in-
knowledge. As a result, they can lose their ability formation (Schooler et al., 2011). Monitoring helps
to articulate what they are doing or why they are people notice when their minds wander and bring
doing it (Anderson, 1982). This traps expertise in conceptualizing back to the situation (Malinowski,
individuals (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 2005), and without 2013). It can therefore help people perform tasks
the ability to articulate expertise, people find it that are not inherently interesting, thus prompt-
hard to fix breakdowns. Consider NASA’s Colum- ing mind wandering (Beal, Weiss, Barros, &
bia shuttle disaster. An unexpected problem arose MacDermid, 2005). It also helps repair minor
during launch, but it was never solved because breakdowns. To repair minor breakdowns, peo-
people could not articulate the logic of their ple have to conceptualize. But they must direct
absorbed engagement (Dunbar & Garud, 2009). In this conceptualizing at information that is rele-
contrast, if people articulate the steps in their tasks vant to the breakdown—all while they try to fix it
(Hutchins, 1991) or the logic of their prior sponta- through action (Yanow & Tsoukas, 2009). Moni-
neous responses (Salvato, 2009), they form a toring helps people direct their conceptualizing
shared basis to interrelate their actions. By re- while they act (Fernandez-Duque et al., 2000). In
ducing compilation, monitoring may help people so doing, it may help people consider alterna-
better articulate their absorbed engagement. tives to their current response (Langer, 2014). If
This includes not only cognitive aspects like its one of these alternatives works, people can re-
task steps or logic but also its emotional aspects enter absorbed engagement and can do so with
(Carlson, 2013). For instance, monitoring helps refined expertise going forward.
people step back and view their emotions Pathway 6: Doubting concepts. In severe
from a detached perspective, where emo- breakdowns, however, action stops altogether.
tions become easier to articulate (Farb et al., People are left either to “stare helplessly” at the
2010; Heeren, Van Broeck, & Philippot, 2009). situation or to change how they use concepts
Given that emotions imply interpretations of (Dreyfus, 1995: 79). Severe breakdowns cannot be
2019 Kudesia 417

Identifying and Repairing Fragmented Metacognitive Practice

Stage Idealized Process Fragmentation Risk Potential Remedies

Personal Mindfulness limits Highly repetitive tasks that are learned • Avoid encouraging mindfulness for
practice compilation, thus implicitly require high compilation these types of tasks (e.g., Lunn, 1948)
making absorbed levels
engagement flexible
Tactics like regularly Outcomes from such tactics may • Attract, select, and retain employees
changing forms or depend on metacognitive beliefs; with existing interest in mindfulness
scheduling breaks can employees who believe attention is • Offer free mindfulness training
routinize mindfulness sufficient may value these tactics, • Leaders should role model
(Elsbach & Hargadon, but they may be frustrating to others mindfulness
2006; Levinthal & Rerup,
Tactics are context specific; for • Ignore easy one-size-fits-all
instance, changing forms adds solutions
helpful novelty to more automated • Design custom tactics by considering
jobs (Bainbridge, 1983) but will most how the specific nature of the work
likely hurt in more complex jobs tasks and the relevant cognitive
processes interact
Heedful Mindfulness can be Heterogeneity in map-terrain • Compose groups with less deep-
interrelating facilitated by heedful differentiation beliefs within a team level heterogeneity in metacognitive
interrelating that could produce conflict; for instance, if beliefs
articulates and doubts some members challenge the • Encourage team members to
established concepts concepts that other members closely articulate absorbed engagement as
identify with, those being challenged they interrelate their actions (see
may lose their “ontological security” Pathway 3) and make the
(Giddens, 1984: xxiii) environment psychologically safe to
do so
Mindfulness enables It may be harder to doubt concepts than • Groups should consider how the
groups to continuously to reduce compilation, and groups nature of their environment and the
adjust their routines may thus adjust the steps of routines past experience of their members
but not their concept of the routine; influence the deliberative and
such “practical drift” erodes past absorbed aspects of their
learning and coordination (cf. Snook, performance (cf. Miller, Pentland, &
2000) Choi, 2012)
Organizational Mindfulness helps Less mindful managers may • Managers should model
transformation articulate expertise and unnecessarily hamper metacognitive beliefs, shape
doubt concepts in ways transformations from amplifying, relevant job characteristics, and
that will amplify thereby frustrating employee voice encourage voice that facilitates
through heedful and increasing employees’ turnover change (cf. Vogus & Sutcliffe, 2007,
interrelating to intentions 2012)
transform the broader
Groups may transform collective • Appropriately structure information
responses in ways that make sense flows to triangulate shared attention
for their situations but clash with the to emerging issues (e.g., Dunbar &
logic or priorities of other groups, Garud, 2009; Leveson, Dulac, Marais,
which leads to coordination & Carroll, 2009; Levinthal & March,
problems or incoherence in 1993; Rerup, 2009)
emergent strategies

fixed by refining concepts. Rather, severe break- so by giving people a chance to explore their un-
downs require people to doubt their concepts stated assumptions not only about solutions to the
(Nystrom & Starbuck, 1984). Doubt helps people go breakdown but about the nature of the problem
beyond established concepts to discover a fun- itself. This ability is important, since some 75 percent
damentally new way to interpret a breakdown of strategic problems are first formulated in ways
(Locke, Golden-Biddle, & Feldman, 2008). It does that must be later doubted (Lyles, 1981). But doubt
418 Academy of Management Review April

is difficult, partly because people have more new concept would cue a different routine related
practice refining concepts than doubting them to product redesign: making the product beautiful
(Chi & Ohlsson, 2005) and partly because em- rather than making it stronger.
bracing doubt can be anxiety producing (Stein, Even here metacognitive practice could trans-
2004). To this end, monitoring can help people not form the situation—or it could fragment social
only detach from unhelpful concepts (Kudesia, interrelating. The transformational power of the
Baer, & Elfenbein, 2015) but also from the ac- “product aesthetics” concept depends largely on
companying anxiety. whether the other engineers are receptive to it or
not. Given how harshly people often respond to
others who doubt their organizational concepts
Situating Metacognitive Practice Within
(e.g., Van Maanen, 1978), there is little guarantee
Organizational Structure
that this insight will bring about a collective re-
These pathways help situate metacognitive sponse. Thus, if metacognitive practice facilitates
practice in organizations. But they represent only doubt, it may be best that people who must in-
half of the picture. A tension exists between how terrelate all jointly enact metacognitive practice.
people enacting metacognitive practice respond Otherwise, one person may seize upon doubt,
to situations and how organizations structure seeking to transform situations, while others seek
situations. Organizations structure situations by to reproduce established responses, likely lead-
directing information to people based on their ing to interpersonal conflict (Table 3, row 4). Yet
expertise, providing established concepts to help such fragmentation risks should not overshadow
people interpret situations, and allocating re- the potential for transformation of situations.
sources to help people interrelate their responses Heedful interrelating. To that end, consider
to situations (Ocasio, 1997; Ranson, Hinings, & engineers who jointly enact metacognitive prac-
Greenwood, 1980). Metacognitive practice entails tice and embrace their doubt. They do not merely
agency that helps people respond to situations swap concepts from “structural integrity” to
more flexibly. Such flexibility could transform the “product aesthetics.” Because they interpret their
organization through amplifying processes—or situation in new ways, new routines and re-
could fragment it in hazardous ways (see Table 3). sources become available for use (Feldman, 2004).
Which one occurs depends on how this tension is And when they use these new routines and re-
managed (cf. Emirbayer & Mische, 1998). sources, their situation transforms (Sewell, 1992).
Fragmentation risks. This potential for trans- Interpreting the product breakage as an aes-
formation or fragmentation is most evident when thetics problem, for instance, could prompt the
people must interrelate their individual actions engineers to invite end users into focus groups.
into a collective response. For instance, product This new routine might cultivate closer relation-
engineers may receive information flows about ships with the end users, encouraging them to
an unexpectedly high number of broken products share new information about their product use.
returned under warranty. But useful user feed- Such new information, in turn, may serve as a
back information may remain cloistered within resource that builds consensus among the engi-
the sales department. Thus, even if the engineers neers about the best collective response. This
enact metacognitive practice, they do so in light of consensus will not only repair the current break-
poorly structured information flows. This makes down but can help the engineers interrelate in a
them less likely to diagnose the cause of the manner that is more robust to future breakdowns.
product breakage (Table 3, row 7). They might Other shared bases for interrelating that use co-
accept an established concept like “structural ercion, convention, or compromise quickly fall
integrity” as a diagnosis, which would cue a re- apart when situations change (Follett, 1924). In
lated routine: product reengineering. Yet what if this way, metacognitive practice can embed itself
an engineer gains access to customer information into the very processes by which people organize
and enacts metacognitive practice to doubt the into collectives. When this happens, people gen-
structural integrity diagnosis? The engineer may erate high-quality “heedful” interrelating. In
introduce a new concept of “product aesthetics”— heedful interrelating, people act in ways that
the product breaks not because it is weakly build a collective capacity to jointly respond to
designed but because customers find it uninspired breakdowns (Weick & Roberts, 1993). People in-
and, thus, take poor care of it (Kudesia, 2015). This terrelate heedfully when they articulate their
2019 Kudesia 419

absorbed engagement into the collective and doubt these past judgments. And it takes us out-
adjust their responses to situations on the basis of side the confines of the individual to model how
this shared understanding. mindfulness becomes embedded in patterns of
Amplification. When the engineers jointly enact social interrelating.
metacognitive practice as they interrelate, they
cultivate a second effect besides heedful inter-
relating. This second effect is akin to a “hall of
mirrors”: their internal metacognitive practice is Scholars and practitioners of mindfulness in
mirrored in their external interrelating (Schön, organizations have historically emphasized its
1987). One person’s willingness to offer their at- effects on well‐being (Kucinskas, 2014). This em-
tention, be receptive to their internal experiences, phasis on well‐being, however, draws attention
and detach from their maps invites the other to do away from other, potentially negative conse-
the same. This helps them see how the quality of quences of mindfulness (Hafenbrack, 2017; Purser
their interrelating with one another reflects the & Milillo, 2015). It also ignores the possibility that
quality of their practice with themselves. For in- mindfulness changes how people respond to sit-
stance, when switching concepts, the engineers uations as collectives, rather than as individuals.
may notice how doubting their maps need not The blending process used to conceptualize mind-
produce anxiety but can actually make their fulness as metacognitive practice therefore does
work more interesting and, thus, easier to pay not merely reconcile prior definitions (Table 1).
attention to. These are the three core beliefs that Instead, it builds out these missing areas of
support metacognitive practice. People can how mindfulness changes a broader range of be-
therefore help each other enact metacognitive haviors (Table 2) and when these changes will
practice as they interrelate. As a result, an am- positively or negatively impact organizations
plifying effect emerges: people who jointly enact (Table 3). In doing so it can motivate new scholarly
metacognitive practice not only transform their research and inform best practices for practitioner
situations but also strengthen the very meta- trainings.
cognitive practice that enables them to transform In particular, scholars have identified several
situations. If metacognitive practice indeed am- psychological processes by which individuals keep
plifies in this manner as people interrelate, it organizations resilient (Helfat & Peteraf, 2015;
seems to offer unique insight into how people Teece, 2007), but they have not identified ways to
transform their organizations and stay resilient help people better use these processes. Meta-
to breakdowns. cognition has been noted as one such way, but it
remains underdeveloped (Hodgkinson & Healey,
2011). As a result, our view of individuals can over-
emphasize limits in psychological processes that
Mindfulness is not an easy concept to pin down. constrain agency (Kilduff, 1993; Porac & Tschang,
For this reason, scholars and practitioners have 2013). Metacognitive practice balances out this view
accepted notions of “being in the present mo- by modeling how people exert agency in organiza-
ment” with an attitude of “nonjudgment.” But tional situations. And it also traces this agency from
mindfulness is becoming far too prevalent to de- individuals to collectives. As such, metacognitive
fine so loosely. Metacognitive practice is one practice helps clarify an idea that appeals to
attempt to clarify mindfulness. To be sure, meta- scholars and practitioners alike: when people re-
cognitive practice entails major changes in how spond to situations as collectives, their response
mindfulness is conceptualized in organizations. can contain a greater intelligence than any one
But these changes are intended to redeem the person could possess—and mindfulness may be
essence of the prior definitions, not to erase them. integral to this collective intelligence (e.g., Eggers &
Metacognitive practice takes us deeper into “the Kaplan, 2013; Salvato & Rerup, 2011; Woolley, 2011).
present moment” to model first-person experience
as it expands into a holistic landscape with ex-
pertise and fractures into isolated parts during
breakdowns. It takes us beyond “nonjudgment” to In closing, our understanding of mindfulness
model how past judgments produce new situations— has not kept pace with its growing prevalence
and how new situations can help people refine or in organizations. In this article I offer a new
420 Academy of Management Review April

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Ravi S. Kudesia ( is an assistant professor at the Fox School of

Business at Temple University. He received his Ph.D. in business administration from
Washington University in St. Louis. In his research he examines how cognition transfers
across individuals as they assemble into collectives and how these collectives solve
problems and make sense of their environments.
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