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AI in

AI in UK


Artificial Intelligence in UK
Landscape Overview
First Edition

Table of Contents
AI in UK Industry Landscape Mind Maps………………………………………………………. 3
Executive Summary…………………………………………………………….…….…………... 6
Chapter I: Landscape Overview……………………………………………….……….............. 11
Chapter II: AI and UK Government: Key Statements & Development Strategies……….…. 29
Chapter III: Key Persons about AI industry in UK……………………………….…………….. 38
Chapter IV: All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence / Reports: …………….. 54
Chapter V: House of Lords report on Artificial Intelligence……………………………………. 79

Appendix / Profiles
Top 10 UK AI Companies……….....………………………………........................... 88
Top 20 AI in UK Investors………….……..………………………............................. 99
300 UK AI Companies Profiles……………………………………………………….. 120
100 UK AI Investors Profiles……………………………………............................... 181
60 UK AI Influencers………………..…………………………….............................. 202
12 UK AI Think Tanks..…………………………………...…………......................... 236
10 UK AI Tech Hubs….…………………………………...…………......................... 244
15 UK AI Journalists…….………………………………………….………………….. 251
Marketing &
AI in UK Advertising 300 AI Companies
Industry 100 AI Investors
Landscape 2018

Chatbots & FinTech

AI Assistants & Finance

Top 10 UK
AI Companies

AI Hubs

Security Entertainment

Top 10 UK
AI Investors

Healthcare Education
& Research

Others Transport &

AI in UK 300 AI companies

Chatbots & Recomm. Search Engines & Internet
Others Robotics Computer Vision Machine Learning Intelligent Data Analysis
AI Assistants Systems Language Processing Of Things
AI in UK 300 AI companies

Industrial Applications
GovTech Transport & Education
CyberSecurity FinTech & Finance Marketing & Advertising Entertainment Healthcare Consulting Others
Infrastructure & Research
Executive summary
AI in UK
Increased use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can bring major social and economic benefits to the UK. With the help of AI,
computers can analyze and learn from information with greater speed and accuracy than humans. AI offers massive
gains in efficiency and performance to most or all industry sectors, from drug discovery to logistics. Software using AI
can be integrated into existing processes to improve them, scale them, and reduce their costs, by making or suggesting
more accurate decisions through better use of information.

The AI industry has caught the attention the British Government, the scientific community and the business community.
To this end, the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) meeting on artificial intelligence was established in January
2017 to discuss the impact and the implications of AI. Following recent political developments in the EU, Britain is
considering artificial intelligence as a means of neutralizing economic risks after Brexit. It has been estimated that AI
could add an additional USD $814 billion (£630bn) to the UK economy by 2035, increasing the annual growth rate of
GVA from 2.5 to 3.9%. By contrast, in order to catch up, France’s Macron announced $1.8 billion for AI to compete with
the U.S. and China.

Statistics show that 47% of all employment opportunities will be taken by machines within the next two decades. It is
little wonder then that people perceive Artificial Intelligence as a threat. There is no telling where science will take us
next, or what the next step for AI will be. AI has the potential to greatly improve areas like healthcare, education, poverty
and security. AI systems can do some very beneficial things already today, that humans will simply never be able to do.
If we leverage that to augment what humans do well, AI could positively impact society, business and culture more than
the internet did. Some statistics show that countries where automation of blue-collar jobs by robotics has accelerated,
such has Japan and South Korea, GDP has increased, and the entire process has promoted the decline of routine work
and the growth of creative, intelligent work. In the same way, AI will displace many white-collar workers, but can be
expected to increase the overall amount of white-collar jobs by providing a new industry in need of an intelligent
workforce, and should result in an overall increase of GDP.


In this report we systemized and summarized all the publically available data on the AI in UK industry, and created
comprehensive mind maps to represent this data. Our aim in producing this report was to provide useful tools for
decision makers and technical experts to further the development of this industry.

The AI revolution is going to be enormous and it demands the concentrated attention of a dedicated legislator at the
government level. AI is likely to have wide applications in the processing of applications and submissions, including for
tax, benefits, visas, passports, and other Government licenses. Thus, AI is going to have strategic positions in the
world’s economy and politics. It is possible to see AI becoming a utility, improving the functioning of all digital
applications and digitized functions.

“AI in UK: Artificial Industry Landscape Overview” begins with an analysis of the current state of the AI industry in the
UK. It is well known that UK is one of a group of countries leading the AI industry. In March 2017, the UK Government
announced an industry-led review of how industry and Government can create the conditions for the AI industry to
continue to thrive and grow in the UK, as part of a broader Digital Strategy for the UK economy. Likewise, building
public confidence and trust will be vital to successful development of UK-based AI. That is why the Government should
actively promote and bring awareness of the impact that AI will have.

The report has several chapters dedicated to 300 companies based in the UK and 100 investors, and focuses on
various AI subsectors, including: computer vision, machine learning, big data analysis, robotics etc. It profiles the top 10
companies operating in AI industry in the UK. Among them are Deepmind, Improbable, Swiftkey, Darktrace, Magic Pony
Technology, and others. In the report are also presented list of as well as top 10 investors, which were chosen by the
amount of investment in each respective subsector.

A specific chapter is dedicated to 30 influencers and is divided into 3 parts: influencers in business, academia and
government. Lord Clement-Jones, Christopher Holmes, Stephen Metcalfe etc.

The goal of the report is to give a clear perspective on the AI industry in the UK and identify the main players
(companies, investors, influencers, hubs, journalists) involved in the industry.

The main purpose of this report is to provide better tools for understanding the entire AI field in UK. The report
categorises the industry to provide a better overview of the current landscape. Utilization of comprehensive MindMaps
provide additional tools and leverages for assessment and optimization of further development of the industry. By using
this approach, we have made clear which subsectors are overcrowded with companies and investments, and which
subsectors are not yet developed enough.

The UK has quite enough resources on the side of investment, scientists, government support, companies, etc, but AI
industrial applications are significantly disproportionate. For example, there is an obvious and unnecessary abundance
of sectors such as marketing and advertising, entertainment and fintech, and a clear lack of development in such
strategically important sectors as EdTech or GovTech.

The UK has all the elements required to become a leader in the AI industry, but additional work should be applied to
optimize the assembly of these elements and to create maximum synergy between the existing components of the
entire AI field. In this regard, significant developments and initiatives are required, focusing on the repositioning and
recombination of the UK’s existing resources in order to to achieve greater synergy among them, and the accelerated
development of the AI industry in the UK.

This disproportionality is also present between scientific advances and practical applications that are arriving on the
market, as well as in the development of specific methods of AI technology itself - on this matter an additional list of
proposals could be produced which will consider these gaps, and recommendations could be provided on how these
gaps could be filled, taking in account examples of successful solutions implemented in other countries.

General conclusions: Nearly half of firms believe the current wave of Artificial Intelligence will be transformational and
widespread; ushering in fundamental paradigm shifts in the industries and markets they work in. However, only a third
of firms feel their business has the skills to adopt data-driven technologies. Thus, the UK must act quickly to bridge the
knowledge gap as international competition heats up. For most businesses in most sectors, AI is new, perceived as
complex, and not well understood. It is difficult for most businesses to understand how AI could improve their
productivity, products and services. The UK government must provide all the possibilities and take all opportunities to
increase the number of AI specialists which are living in the UK. The UK has a very strong potential to become a global
leader of the AI industry, and it is doubtlessly now among the top 10 countries in this field (currently around the 5th

The necessary resources and will of the government are in place. These resources are quite significant and enough to
gain an undeniable leadership position on a global scale. But further optimization of the assembling and structuring of
existing resources is still required, in order to increase synergy between subsectors and commit resources strategically,
being transferred them from overvalued subsectors to subsectors that are comparatively lacking, despite being much
more important in terms of both potential value as well as strategic impact.

China and US are currently obvious leaders, but there is no obvious #3 yet. Several countries are competing for this
third position (Canada, Russia, EU, Israel, as well as Southeast Asia countries, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, South
Korea, Taiwan and Japan).

Accordingly to the recent declarations of president Macron France is also making significant investments on the
government level to accelerate the development of its AI industry. UK and Canada are the best contenders for #3 and
has the strong possibility to outcompete the EU, Russia and Southeast Asia (not includes China), but because of the
fact that UK is also a global financial hub, it has a strategic competitive advantage over Canada.

Based upon our analysis, it is clear that UK has all the necessary elements to become a global leader in the AI industry
above the other competing countries, and that these elements and resources just need to be assembled in a more
efficient and synergistic manner, such as through the creation of government-led national development programs -- i.e
substantial commitment to support and prioritize the AI industry.

If UK will create prioritised AI national development and industrial strategy (similar to the “Manhattan Project” for AI,
much like how Japan previously made a bet on the robotics industry, or how South Korea on the semiconductor
industry), while simultaneously optimizing and repositioning its existing resources (i.e. no additional resources are
required), it can certainly become the third largest AI hub in the world already by 2020.

This is the first edition of “AI in UK: Artificial Industry Landscape Overview”, and is intended to incentivise participants to
provide corresponding data, with the aim to produce regularly updated new editions.

This report includes profiles of companies and investors based on dataset analysis and tangible metrics. They are
projections and as such, are not exhaustive or definitive.

Chapter I
Landscape Overview
List of Top 35 Russian Investors / 300 Companies

1. Abaka 34.Behavox 67. Cloud.Iq

2. Accelerated Dynamics 35.Benevolent Ai 68. Cloudnc
3. Action.Ai 36.Bibbio 69. Cocoon
4. Acuity Trading 37.Big Data For Humans 70. Codec
5. Adama Robotics 38.Biobeats 71. Cognism
6. Adbrain 39.Biorelate 72. Cognitionx
7. Admedo 40.Bird.Io 73. Cognitiv+
8. Adoreboard 41.Blac Swan Data 74. Concured
9. Adorial 42.Blippar 75. Consequential Robotics
10. Aesthetic Integration 43.Bloomsbury Ai 76. Context Scout
11. Ai Build 44.Blue Lion Research 77. Converstity
12. Aiden 45.Blue Vision Labs 78. Coppelia
13. Aimbrain 46.Bmll Technologies 79. Corax
14. Aire Labs 47.Boldmind 80. Cortexica
15. Alchera Technologies 48.Boomapp 81. Create Intelligence
16. Algodynamix 49.Botsandus 82. Crowdemotion
17. Almax Analytics 50.Bottr 83. Crowdvision
18. Alpha I 51.Braintree 84. Crystal
19. Ampliphae 52.Brighttarget 85. Cyberlytic
20. Anumerics 53.Brolly 86. Cybersparta
21. Applied Ai 54.Brylyt 87. Cybertonica
22. Aridhia Informatics 55.Buzzradar 88. Cyra
23. Arria Nlg 56.Calipsa 89. Cytora
24. Artesian Solutions 57.Callsign 90. Daden
25. Artios 58.Cambridge Quantum Computing 91. Darktrace
26. Artomatix 59.Celaton 92. Datasine
27. Assist Ai 60.Century Tech 93. Decibel Insight
28. Attest 61.Chatterbox Labs 94. Deepmind
29. Automated Intelligence 62.Chattermill 95. Deontics
30. Avalon Ai 63.Check Reipient 96. Desktop Genetics
31. Avora 64.Clarice Travel 97. Diffblue
32. Babylon Health 65.Cleo 98. Digital Contact
33. Baro Vehicles 66.Clinithink 99. Digitalbridge
100. Digital Genius

List of Top 35 Russian Investors / 300 Companies

101. DigitalMR 134. Gluru 167. Kluster Intelligence

102. Disperse.Io 135. Grad Dna 168. Knowsis
103. Drauson Technologies 136. Grakn 169. Kompas
104. Duedill 137. Graphcore 170. Krzana
105. Eblur 138. Greedy Intelligence 171. Kwiziq
106. Echobox 139. Green Running Ltd aka Verv 172. Lagenius
107. Eigen Technologies 140. GrowthIntel 173. Lifecake
108. Elliptic 141. Grumgo 174. Lifetracker
109. Emote Robotics 142. Gyana 175. Limejump
110. Emotech Ltd 143. Hadean 176. Linguamatics
111. Emteq.Net 144. Headstart 177. Livemetrics
112. Encode 145. Hertzian 178. Lobster
113. Ernest.Ai 146. Hoxton Analytics 179. Logical Glue
114. Evi 147. Hubble 180. Loopme
115. Evolve Dynamics 148. Hutoma 181. Luminance
116. Existor 149. Idio 182. Machine Medicine
117. Exscientia 150. Illumr 183. Machines With Vision
118. Factmata 151. Imago Tech Media 184. Magic Pony Technology
119. Fantoo 152. Import.Io 185. Massive Analytic
120. Featurespace 153. Improbable 186. Mediagamma
121. Fedr8 154. Index Scale 187. Medopad
122. Findtheripple 155. Insidedna 188. Meniga
123. Fingenius 156. Insider 189. Mentat Innovations
124. Firedrop 157. Intelligentx 190. Mercanto
125. Fitwell 158. Interactive Tech 191. Klydo
126. Fiveai 159. Iotec 192. Metafused
127. Flexciton 160. Iproov 193. Metageni
128. Focal Point Positioning 161. Itzme 194. Mevitae
129. Forecastthis 162. Jclarity 195. Microblink
130. Fractal Labs 163. Jukedeck 196. Mind Foundry
131. Fraud / Fraugster 164. Kami 197. Mindi
132. Givevision 165. Keelvar 198. Mogees
133. Global Data 166. Kisanhub 199. Molplex
200. Motion Metrics Digital

List of Top 35 Russian Investors / 300 Companies

201. Mwr Infosecurity 234. Redsift 267. Synap

202. Neon Century Intelligence 235. Reinfer 268. Synthase
203. Neurence 236. Remitradar 269. Tallysticks
204. Nudgr 237. Resolver 270. Telectic
205. Nuritas 238. Retechnica 271. Terrabotics
206. Onfido 239. Ripjar 272. Theysay
207. Oseven Telematics 240. Roborace 273. Third Space Auto
208. Otus Labs 241. Rotageek 274. Thisway Global
209. Oval Money 242. Saberr 275. Thoughtriver
210. Oxbotica Ltd 243. Sanctum 276. Thread
211. Oxtractor 244. Satalia 277. Tractable
212. Peak 245. Seldon 278. Travelai
213. Perfect Channel 246. Selerio 279. Trudera
214. Permutive 247. Senseye 280. True Ai
215. Phrasee 248. Sentisum 281. Tumra
216. Pi-top 249. Signal Media 282. Twizoo
217. Picfair 250. Simudyne 283. Velmai
218. Pixoneye 251. Singular Intelligence 284. Vendormach
219. Platform360 252. Skim.It 285. Visii
220. Plum 253. Sky-futures 286. Visio Ingenii
221. Policy Radar 254. Skylads 287. Visual Dna
222. Popcorn Metrics 255. Snap40 288. Vivacity Labs
223. Potentially 256. Sonalytic 289. Volume
224. ProvidensAI 257. Sparrho 290. Vortexa
225. Prowler.Io 258. Speechmatics 291. Vyking
226. Q-bot 259. Sportr 292. Weave.Ai
227. Quantemplate 260. StatusToday 293. Wefarm
228. Qubit 261. Stelae Technologies 294. Wirewax
229. Rainbird Technologies 262. Storystream 295. Wrapidity
230. Rais 263. Surreal Vision 296. Xihelm
231. Ravelin 264. Sweet Pricing 297. Xmos
232. Ravn Systems 265. Swiftkey 298. Yedup Ltd
233. Realeyes 266. Swogo 299. Your.MD
300. Zeno Vision Ltd

AI in UK / 100 Investors
1. 01 Ventures 34. Founders Factory 67. Newable Private Investing
2. 500 Startups 35. Frontline Ventures 68. NorthStar
3. Acequia Capital 36. Global Founders Capital 69. NorthZone
4. ADV 37. Google for Entrepreneurs 70. Notion Capital
5. Amadeus Capital Partners 38. Growing Capital 71. Octopus Ventures
6. Andreessen Horowitz 39. GV 72. Orkla Ventures
7. AngelCoFund 40. Horizons Ventures 73. Oxford University
8. Anthemis Exponential Ventures 41. Hoxton Ventures 74. Par-Equiy
9. Ascension Ventures Limited 42. Huawei Technologies 75. Passion Capital
10. ASOS 43. Idinvest Partners 76. Paua Ventures
11. ATOMICO 44. Ignition Partners 77. Pitch@Palace
12. Balderton 45. Imperial Innovations 78. Playfair Capital
13. Ballpark Ventures 46. Index Ventures 79. Qualcomm Ventures
14. Cambridge Angels 47. Infineon Technologies 80. Robert Bosch Venture Capital
15. Cambridge Innovation Capital 48. Innovate U.K. 81. Route 66 Ventures
16. Citigroup 49. Insight Venture Partners 82. SeedCamp
17. Columbia Lake Partners 50. Invoke Capital 83. Smedvig Capital
18. Crane Venture Partners 51. IQ Capital Partners LLP 84. SoftBank
19. DN Capital 52. Kernel Capital 85. SOSV
20. Downing Capital 53. Khazanah Nasional 86. Startup Funding Club
21. Draper Esprit 54. Kima Ventures 87. Startup Sesame
22. EC1 Capital 55. Kinnevik AB 88. Startupbootcamp
23. EcoMachines Ventures 56. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. 89. Summit Partners
24. Emerge Education 57. Kreos Capital 90. Telefonica
25. Enterprise Ireland 58. KRW Schindler 91. Tracsis
26. Entrepreneur First 59. Lakestar 92. True Ventures
27. Entrepreneurs Fund 60. Lifeline Ventures 93. TTV Capital
28. Episode 1 61. LocalGlobe 94. Wayra
29. ETF Partners 62. London Venture Partners 95. White Star Capital
30. FinTech Sandbox 63. Lumia Capital 96. Winton Ventures
31. Firestartr 64. m8 Capital 97. Wllington Partners
32. Force Over Mass 65. Mitsui & Co 98. Woodford Investment Management
33. Foundation Capital 66. MMC Ventures 99. Xilinx
100. Zetta Venture Partners

AI in UK / 300 Companies


Search Engines
& Language




of Things


& Assistants

Data Analysis

Transport & Marketing & FinTech Education

Healthcare Infrastructure Advertising & Finance CyberSecurity Entertainment & Research GovTech Consulting Others Industry
AI in UK / 100 Investors





Chatbots &
AI Assistants

Data Analysis

Healthcare Transport & Marketing & FinTech Cyber

Infrastructure Entertainment Robotics Others Industry
Advertising & Finance Security
List of Top 35 Russian Investors in AI
Top 10
UK AI Companies

1.Deepmind 6.Graphcore

2.Improbable 7. LogicNow

3.Swiftkey 8.BenevolentAI

4.Darktrace 9.Qubit

5.Magic Pony

All Party Parliamentary Group on AI / 2017-2018 Reports

1. People, Power and Technology: The 2018 Digital Attitudes Report

2. The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence: Forecasting, Prevention, and Mitigation
3. Power Up: UK Skills
4. The Future of Jobs
5. Towards a Reskilling Revolution
6. Gsma Global Mobile Radar: Spotlight on Artificial Intelligence
7. Will Robots Really Steal Our Jobs?
8. Oxford Insight’s Government AI Readiness Index
9. Independent Review: Growing the Artificial Intelligence Industry in the UK
10. The State of AI 2017: Inflection Point
11. AI ​Now​ ​2017​ ​Report
12. The Impact of AI in the UK Constituencies: Where will Automation Hit Hardest?
13. The Rsa Report: The Age of Automation
14. The Future of Skills: Employment in 2030
15. How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Retail Conversation
16. Pwc’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study: Exploiting The AI Revolution
17. Policy Proposition Think Piece: Intangible Asset Reporting and an Intangible Assets Charter
18. Artificial Intelligence Market Forecasts
19. Intangible Asset Reporting
20. Machine Learning: The Power And Promise of Computers that Learn By Example
21. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and their Impact on the Workplace
22. Mind Over Machines: New Technology and Employment Relations
23. Why AI is the Future of Growth?

List of Top 35 Russian Investors in AI
Top 10 Top 10
International AI UK based
Investors in UK AI Investors

1. 500 Startups, USA 11. Index Ventures

2. Sosv, USA 12. Northstar
3. Andreessen Horowitz, USA 13. Seedcamp
4. Gv, USA 14. Balderton
5. Kima Ventures, France 15. Octopus Ventures
6. Foundation Capital, USA 16. Amadeus Capital Partners
7. Summit Partners, USA 17. Dn Capital
8. Qualcomm Ventures, USA 18. Scottish Equity Partners
9. Ignition Partners, USA 19. Ip Group
10. Insight Venture Partners, USA 20. Draper Esprit

Tech Hubs

1. TechHub 6. Level39

2. Edinburgh Centre 7. Plexal

for Robotics

3. Future AI and 8. Robotics and

Robotics for Space Artificial Intelligence
Hub (FAIR-SPACE) for Nuclear (RAIN) Hub

4. Leverhulme Centre 9. St John'

for the Future of Innovation Center

5. National Centre for 10. TechCube

Nuclear Robotics

Think Tanks

1. Future Advocacy 7. Big innovation


2. Society for the Study of 8. CognitionX

Artificial Intelligence and
Simulation of Behaviour

3. BIMA 9. Reform

4. Future of Humanity 10. Nesta


5. RSA 11. Demos

6. Open Data Institute 12. Institute for Public

Policy Research
60 UK AI Influencers

Government Academia Business Think Tanks

1. Lord Clement-Jones 1. Miles Brundage 1. Demis Hassabis 1. Geoff Mulgan

2. Christopher Holmes 2. Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh 2. Nigel Toon 2. Tabitha Goldstaub
3. Stephen Metcalfe 3. Peter Eckersley 3. Azeem Azhar 3. Birgitte Andersen
4. Matthew Hancock 4. Richard Stirling 4. Reggie Bradford 4. Will Hutton
5. Richard Hollick 5. Dame Wendy Hall 5. Jacob Ayres-Thomson 5. Matthew Fenech
6. Anthony St John 6. Stephen Cave 6. Ali Parsa 6. Berndt Müller
7. Matthew White Ridley 7. Ivan Griffin 7. Goncalo de 7. Tarek Nseir
8. Andy Forrester 8. Peter McOwan Vasconcelos 8. Nick Bostrom
9. Lord Puttnam 9. Mike Wooldridge 8. Kenneth Mulvany 9. Anthony Painter
10. Eileen Burbidge 10. Alan Winfield 9. Katia Walsh 10. Eleonora Harwich
11. Rajesh Agrawal 11. Chanuki Illushka 10. Stan Boland 11. Charlie Muirhead
12. Theo Blackwell Seresinhe 11. Rishi Khosla 12. Pete Trainor
13. Anthony Giddens 12. Rodrigo Mendoza 12. Nicole Eagan 13. Jeni Tennison
14. Greg Clark Smith 13. Jérôme Pesenti 14. Tom Kibasi
15. Joan Dawson 13. Kaspar Althoefer 14. Andrew Anderson 15. Olly Buston
Bakewell 14. Christine Foster 15. Mark Nicholson
15. Mark Briers
AI in UK / Key Influencers

Lord Clement-Jones Christopher Holmes Stephen Metcalfe Matthew Hancock Richard Hollick

Anthony St John Matthew White Ridley Andy Forrester Lord Puttnam Eileen Burbidge

Rajesh Agrawal Theo Blackwell Anthony Giddens Greg Clark Joan Dawson Bakewell
AI in UK / Key Influencers

Miles Brundage Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh Peter Eckersley Richard Stirling Dame Wendy Hall

Stephen Cave Ivan Griffin Peter McOwan Mike Wooldridge Alan Winfield

Chanuki Illushka Rodrigo Mendoza Smith Kaspar Althoefer Christine Foster Mark Briers
AI in UK / Key Influencers

Demis Hassabis Nigel Toon Azeem Azhar Reggie Bradford Jacob Ayres-Thomson

Ali Parsa Goncalo de Vasconcelos Kenneth Mulvany Katia Walsh Stan Boland

Rishi Khosla Nicole Eagan Jérôme Pesenti Andrew Anderson Mark Nicholson
AI in UK / Key Influencers
Think Tanks

Geoff Mulgan Tabitha Goldstaub Birgitte Andersen Will Hutton Matthew Fenech

Berndt Müller Tarek Nseir Nick Bostrom Anthony Painter Eleonora Harwich

Charlie Muirhead Pete Trainor Jeni Tennison Tom Kibasi Olly Buston
UK AI Journalists

Rory Cellan-Jones Madhumita Murgia Jessica Davies David McClelland Ingrid Lunden

Mark Bridge James Titcomb Mike Butcher Peter Judge Alex Hern

Andrew Orlowski Mark Scott Arjun Kharpal Steve O'Hear Tom Cheshire
Chapter II
AI and UK Government:
Key Statements & Development Strategies
Industrial Strategy: Building a Britain Fit for the Future
The UK Government sees AI as an opportunity to reduces the political and economic risks after Brexit. AI
technologies can be a basement for a new technological breakthrough for the UK and bring it to the 3d place after US
and China in AI developing countries.
“Industrial Strategy aims to help young people develop the skills they need to do the
high-paid, high-skilled jobs of the future. It backs our country for the long term: creating the
conditions where successful businesses can emerge and grow, and helping them to invest
in the future of our nation. And it identifies the industries that are of strategic value to our
economy and works to create a partnership between government and industry to nurture
them. In doing so, it will help propel Britain to global leadership of the industries of the future
- from artificial intelligence and big data to clean energy and self-driving vehicles.”

Britain is extraordinarily well-placed to benefit from this new industrial revolution. We are an
Theresa May
open enterprising economy, built on invention, innovation and competition. We will put the Prime Minister
UK at the forefront of the artificial intelligence and data revolution.

The government and the artificial intelligence (AI) sector have agreed a Sector Deal to boost the UK’s global position
as a leader in developing AI technologies. AI’s extraordinary potential is already well known: by one estimate it could
add £232bn to the UK economy by 2030. The UK is a recognised world leader in developing AI: Deepmind, Babylon
and Swiftkey – which was backed by Innovate UK – are all globally renowned companies founded here. For the
economy to realise the benefits of AI, the sector and the government will coordinate action on solutions to shared
challenges and opportunities through an AI Council, a new government Office for Artificial Intelligence, an expansion
of Tech City UK to become Tech Nation and a new GovTech Fund.


UK Government Supports AI for Healthcare

The government's healthcare tsar, Sir John Bell, has told BBC
News that AI could "save the NHS".

John Bell said that NHS patient records are uniquely suited for driving
the development of powerful algorithms that could transform healthcare
and seed an “entirely new industry” in AI-based diagnostics.

“What Google’s doing in [other sectors], we’ve got an equivalent unique position in the health space,” he said. “Most of
the value is the data. The worst thing we could do is give it away for free.”

Researchers at an Oxford hospital have developed artificial intelligence (AI) that can diagnose scans for heart disease
and lung cancer. The heart disease technology will start to be available to NHS hospitals for free this summer.
"There is about £2.2bn spent on pathology services in the NHS. You may be able to reduce that by 50%. AI may be
the thing that saves the NHS," he said.

The system will save billions of pounds by enabling the diseases to be picked up much earlier.

In January 2017, Stephen Metcalfe MP and Lord Clement-Jones CBE set up a new body: The All-Party Parliamentary
Group on Artificial Intelligence, which aims to unpack the term, to gather evidence to better understand it, to assess its
impact, and, ultimately, to empower decision-makers to make policies in the sphere. AARPG Group Officers also
include Chris Green MP, The Right Reverend Doctor Steven Croft, Baroness Kramer, Lord Janvrin, Lord Broers, Lord
Holmes of Richmond, Lord Willetts, Baroness McGregor-Smith, Mark Hendrick MP and Carol Monaghan MP. Without
being too technical, the APPQ-AI is trying to understand how AI will impact the lives of UK citizens and organisations,
and subsequently, whether and how it should be regulated. Bringing together government, business, and academia
the body shares evidence and assist in setting an agenda for how the UK should address AI moving forward.

AI in the UK: All Party Parliamentary Group
“I think the report we've done on robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) is quite influential. It
came off the back of the Government making this one of its 'eight great technologies.Our
report uncovered some interesting issues and is helping to direct the discussion around
buzzwords such as AI and the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' – for example, the creation of a
standing committee to look at some of the ethical and social issues that this technology will
undoubtedly bring”.
Secondly, given that global regulation and standards are required, the UK is well placed for
this, skilled at building consensus amongst stakeholders and creating frameworks that are
flexible and permit innovation.
The machine learning component of AI is powered by data and much of that data has been,
and will continue to be, personal. The contracts between corporations and individuals that
permit use of this data are multiple, wordy, and opaque, so that questions of consent and Stephen Metcalfe
ownership are meaningless. The idea of a charter on how data can be used was suggested. Chair of the House of
In this ‘sharing revolution’, the individual would have control of their own data, and consent, Commons Science and
Technology Select
transparency, fairness, and accountability, would be built-in. Committee
“As long as we manage the pace of change – and by that I don’t mean stand in front of the technology and try to
hold it back, but make sure that we are giving people skills to work in this changing environment and enabling new
technologies, new opportunities to take hold fairly quickly – then I see no reason why, although there will be
disruption, we will not continue to succeed, our people will continue still to have rewarding, fruitful careers, jobs.
They just may be in things we have yet to identify…
“It’s impossible to know where this will finish but we can see where it’s starting and we’ve got to be conscious of that
and one of the things I want the committee to focus on is how we make sure that society comes along with this
technology rather than it suddenly arrives and there’s so much disruption we don’t really know how to handle it.”
When he became committee chairman last October, Metcalfe said he was determined to make sure the government
did “all it can” to maintain the UK’s status as a “science superpower”.

Artificial intelligence - opportunities and implications for the future of
decision making
The UK is a world leader in the science underpinning this technology, with a rich ecosystem of investors, employers,
developers and clients, and a network of supporting bodies such as the Alan Turing Institute. Innovations developed
first in universities such as Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial and University College London have found their way into
tools used by millions.

Artificial intelligence: opportunities and implications for the future of decision making the globe, with increasing
numbers of UK startups electing to remain in the UK, further strengthening expertise and capability in this country.
The potential is driving a rapid take-up of artificial intelligence across a range of sectors.
In the words of the technology pundit Kevin Kelly: “the business plans of the next 10,000 startups are easy to
forecast: Take X and add AI”.

Estimating the size of this growth is challenging given the different definitions of ‘artificial intelligence’, ‘machine
learning’ and related terms: it is also hard to specify where sectors like ‘big data’ end and ‘machine learning’ begins.

Looking at big data more widely, a report earlier this year on the value of big data and the internet of things
estimated £240 billion in cumulative benefits to the UK between 2015-20; manufacturing should derive the greatest
benefits, with the greatest gains across all sectors set to come from efficiency savings.

Another report from 2015 predicts major operational savings for European governments by using big data, in
addition to opportunities to increase tax revenues and reduce fraud and error.

A 2014 study of 500 UK businesses, meanwhile, concluded that those who make better use of customer and
consumer data are between 8 and 13 per cent more productive than firms who don’t9 . More broadly-defined
forecasts for the impact of systems combining robotics, data and artificial intelligence – sometimes labelled “Industry
4.0” 10 – also promise substantial gains.
Source: Analytical report by UK Government Office for Science:
Artificial intelligence, opportunities and implications for the future of decision making.

Growing the Artificial Intelligence Industry in the UK
The UK is well placed to become a world leader in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), according to a government-commissioned report published in
October, 2017. The 78-page report contains 18 proposals for how the UK government can work with industry to stay ahead of the competition and grow
the UK's use of AI.

Proposals in the "Growing the Artificial Intelligence Industry in the UK" report include:

● To facilitate the sharing of data between organisations.

● To improve the availability of data for developing AI systems.
● To support text and data mining as a standard and essential tool for research.
● Government, industry and academia must embrace the value and importance of a diverse workforce for AI.
● Industry should sponsor a major programme of students to pursue MA and PHD programs in AI.
● Universities should encourage the development of advanced credit-bearing AI MOOCs and online Continuing Professional Development
● An International fellowship programme for AI in the UK should be created in partnership with the Alan Turing Institute.
● The Alan Turing Institute should become the national institute for artificial intelligence and data science.
● Universities should use clear, accessible and where possible common policies and practices for licensing IP and forming spin-out companies.
● The Alan Turing Institute, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
and Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) should work together to coordinate demand for computing capacity for AI research, and
negotiate for the UK research community.
● Government should work with industry and experts to establish a UK AI Council to help coordinate and grow AI in the UK.
● The Information Commissioner’s Office and the Alan Turing Institute should develop a framework for explaining processes, services and
decisions delivered by AI, to improve transparency and accountability.
● The Department for International Trade should expand its current support programme for AI businesses.
● TechUK should work with the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Digital Catapult, and key players in industry sectors, to develop practical
guidance on the opportunities and challenges of successful adoption of AI across the UK economy.
● Government, drawing on the expertise of the Government Digital Service, the Data Science Partnership and experts working with data in other
Departments, should develop a programme of actions to prepare the public sector and spread best practice for applying AI to improve operations
and services for citizens.
● Government should ensure that challenges addressed by the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) and Small Business Research Initiative
(SBRI) are designed to attract and support applications of AI across the full range of challenge areas and set funded challenges which use public
sector data for AI.

Source: Growing the Artificial Intelligence Industry in the UK

AI in UK / Healthcare

Healthcare was the only industry presented in the report “AI in the UK: ready, willing and able?” as successful in AI

● Opportunities. The application of artificial intelligence in the delivery of healthcare in the UK offers significant
opportunities to improve the diagnosis and treatment of the unwell, as well as to help the NHS and other
healthcare providers be more efficient
● The value of data and its safety. Maintaining public trust over the safe and secure use of their data is
paramount to the successful widespread deployment of AI and there is no better exemplar of this than personal
health data.

Deep Knowledge Analytics published in February 2018 the

report “AI in healthcare in UK”.
The authors stressed following advantages of AI in UK
● Good implementation of digital health and big data
● Computer vision in Healthcare have multiple startups
and implementations.
● Many conferences on AI in Healthcare, and almost all
AI conferences includes healthcare sections.
● Number AI in healthcare companie and investors
helds significant portion in the entire AI in UK industry.
● AI in healthcare topic is recognised by government as


AI for Advanced R&D in Healthcare

The most crucial and important sectors of

application AI in Healthcare:
- Advanced R&D
- Drug Discovery
- in silico Clinical Trials
- Diagnostics and Biomarker
- NeuroTech
- Surgery

● The broad field of AI in Healthcare has already experienced a significant rise during 2016, especially in the
application of computer vision, text analysis and chatbot technologies. Since all these techniques were first
developed in the IT-sector, it was possible to easily repurpose them for the healthcare sector.

● However, the segment of applying AI for advanced R&D is limited to companies and researchers with very high
levels of expertise. This creates a specific scarcity for AI specialists in this niche.

● 2018 is expected to become the year in which AI will be recognized as the most powerful driver of progress in
solving the crucial challenges in the most advanced sectors of science and R&D in the healthcare and Biotech

● Applying AI for advanced R&D, biomarker development and drug discovery will bring the most disruptive impact
on the business model of the Pharma and entire Biotech industry.

● This is why the players from the AI for drug discovery market can become new game changers and significantly
influence the capitalization of pharma companies.

Investments in AI in UK

The UK has ramped investment in the technology, announcing deals to fund private and public AI ventures.

"Artificial intelligence provides limitless opportunities to develop new, efficient and accessible products and
services which transform the way we live and work. Today's new deal with industry will ensure we have the right
investment, infrastructure and highly-skilled workforce to establish the U.K. as a driving force in the development
and commercial use of artificial intelligence technologies." - Greg Clark, U.K. business and energy secretary

At the beginning of May 2018 the UK announced a deal between private and public groups that would bring more
than $200 million of AI investment into the country. The UK government is pledging $30 million to build AI tech
incubators. The government will also take a more proactive role in funding academic research, financially
supporting 1,000 AI PhDs at any given time. This supports universities such as Cambridge and Oxford, which
both have large artificial intelligence programs.

A group of international tech firms and venture capitalists injected almost £1 billion ($1.4 billion) into the U.K.'s
artificial intelligence (AI) industry in April 2018. The deal was backed by Japanese venture capital firm Global
Brain, Canadian venture capital firm Chrysalix, U.K. automaker Rolls-Royce, the British government and other
investors. The investment will be used to fund new specialist AI qualifications and computer science teachers, to
tackle a skills shortage in the sector. Theresa May's government has been driving an industrial strategy to tap into
the growing industry, which Gartner estimates will be worth more than $3.9 trillion in business value by 2022.

Britain's nascent AI sector has seen increasing interest from overseas investors. In April 2018, London-based
BenevolentAI raised $115 million from new investors in the U.S. and existing investors, including the U.K.'s
Woodford Investment Management. The British government said that the money raised also would be used to
create a data ethics center to ensure the ethical development of AI.


Chapter III
Key Persons about
AI Industry in UK
Why The AI Revolution Needs its Own Government Overseer

A UK cross-political party group has produced some interesting and compelling recommendations around AI policy
that could be usefully adapted at home and internationally.

In 2017 legislators and policymakers around the world have become more and more interested in the societal and
economic implications of the AI revolution, resulting in a myriad of programs to explore the consequences and come
up with recommendations.

Such a Minister would have 5 job objectives, suggests the AAG AI:
● To bring forward the roadmap which will turn AI from a Grand Challenge to a tool for untapping UK’s
economic and social potential across the UK.
● To lead the steering and coordination of: a new Government Office for AI, a new industry-led AI Council, a
new Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, a new GovTech Catalyst, a new Future Sectors Team, and a
new Tech Nation (an expansion of Tech City UK).
● To oversee and champion the implementation and deployment of AI across government and the UK.
● To keep public faith high in these emerging technologies.
● To ensure the UK’s global competitiveness as a leader in developing AI technologies and capitalising on
their benefits.

The AI revolution is going to be enormous and it demands the concentrated attention of

a dedicated legislator at the top of government.

"Access to computation power is amongst the significant barriers to innovation around

machine learning and AI".
Dame Wendy Hall,
Source: the co-author of' "Growing the
artificial intelligence industry in
the UK"

AI in UK: Experts recommendations

“The UK should “lead by example” and focus on building a national infrastructure and
investing in government competency in respect to AI. For best practices, UK can look at
Canada. I recommend that the UK government retain its leadership developing AI for the
common good working with other countries and groups with a similar commitment.”
Allan Dafoe
Research Fellow at Future of
Humanity Institute at the University
of Oxford and Assistant Professor
of Political Science at Yale
“Although UK is a hotbed for academic research, this is not enough in order to reap the full University
benefits of AI. CEO Parry Malm from Phrasee called for government to build policies that
ensures the future workforce represents diverse groups, opens borders to innovation and
new talent, and incentivises R&D.The UK’s history of innovation built an economic and social
power. However, right now, all anyone talks about are short term blips, like Brexit and
inflation. Instead, we need to talk about long-term challenges the UK is facing – in particular,
a protracted under-investment in innovation. Today, my evidence, much of which cites
Canadian policy as an exemplar, will focus on what the UK needs to do to become a leader
in the digital economy of tomorrow.” Parry Malm
CEO at Phrasee

“Historically, UK standards have always had a major impact on international standard

committees. In fact, 95% of global standards (not regulations) are derived from British
standards. The UK has the opportunity to lead the world in standardisation once again. To
drive the economy and society forward, UK can provide a vehicle for thought leadership
looking into the implications of AI and other emerging technologies. If we don’t act quick in
creating AI standards and a Code of Practice for ethical design, other countries will. UK is
well placed at the moment for this challenge, and must take this opportunity.” Scott Steedman
Source: Director of Standards, BSI

AI in UK: Inequality, Education, Skills, and Jobs

“If technological unemployment is coming, it will be preceded by a panic. If we do nothing

now, the resulting panic would lead to appalling political consequences. We have recently
seen populist triumphs in the UK and the US. A panic over technological unemployment
would usher in something far, far worse than President Pinocchio. Fascism is not the
worst possible outcome. We must avoid that. Calum Chace asked for the UK government
Calum Chace
to invest in think tanks to research the risks and opportunities of AI, and use this evidence Author of ‘The Economic
to pave the path for how society can overcome a likely period of transition and panic.” Singularity: Artificial Intelligence and
the Death of Capitalism’ and
‘Surviving AI: The Promise and Peril
of Artificial Intelligence’

“Our analysis suggests that up to 30% of UK jobs could potentially be at high risk of
automation by the early 2030s, lower than the US (38%) or Germany (35%), but higher
than Japan (21%). PwC’s recent findings showed that the economic opportunities (it is
estimated that AI will boost the UK economy by 10% by 2030) but also the disruption that
is anticipated to take place (30% of UK jobs are in risk of being automated). He
recognised that disruption will not affect all social groups and/or regions equally, and we
need to realise that AI will create clear winners and losers. He recommended: vocational
John Hawksworth
training for young people, investment in life-long learning, and the rethinking of a welfare Chief UK economist
system with a stronger safer net.”

“At every level, from getting people online for the first time, to attracting and training the
world’s top coding talent, Britain needs stronger digital skills if we are to thrive in the years
Matt Hancock
Source: British politician of the Conservative

Governance, Social and Organisational Perspective for AI
Krishna recommended the UK Government to promote the free movement of data,
implement General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), continue to invest in research and
development, and promote relevant skills across all generations. Moreover, it is estimated
that AI will boost economic growth in the UK by adding £140 billion to the UK economy by
2034, and boost labour productivity by 25% across all sectors, including in Britain’s strong
pharmaceutical and aerospace industries. The UK Government should implement the GDPR
through the Data Protection Bill and agree to a successor to the Privacy Shield post Brexit to Krishna Sood
foster digital trust and facilitate the free movement of data. Senior Technology Lawyer,

The UK has a unique opportunity to lead on both the technical and governance aspects of
AI. Additionally, there are significant security-related applications of AI, both for good (e.g.
better crime prediction and detection) and for ill (e.g. automated cyber-attacks from
criminals) which the UK Government should explore more fully. The UK Government should
commit to ensuring that AI developed within its borders is of wide benefit to humanity, and
explore cooperation with countries around the world to avoid reckless racing in the
Miles Brundage
development of advanced AI systems. Doing all of this will require the UK to improve its AI Policy Research Fellow,
recruitment and retention of top AI talent within the Government so that it remains on the Oxford Future for Humanity
Institute, University of Oxford
cutting edge as the underlying technology develops.

The UK is well-positioned for AI expertise, but AI as ICT implies business potential to reach
billions of customers. For this, the UK requires transnational cooperation. The EU presently
leads globally in AI and data policy, and also embodies a leading model of transnational
economic and legal cooperation - a position gained with British ingenuity.
Dr Joanna Bryson
Department of Computer Science,
University of Bath; and Affiliate,
Source: Center for Information Technology
Policy at Princeton University

The Impact of AI in UK Constituencies:
Where will automation hit hardest?
“AI is a huge economic opportunity for the UK but automation supercharged by AI could also greatly amplify
geographic inequalities. There will be great reward for whichever party gets this right.” - Olly Buston, CEO of Future
The UK Government should:
● Commission and support further detailed research to assess which employees are most at risk of job
displacement by automation.
● Develop smart, targeted strategies to address future job displacement, based on the results of research into the
differential impact of automation by sector, region and demographic group in the UK.
● Draft a White Paper on adapting the education system to maximise the opportunities and minimise the risks
created by AI.
● Make the AI opportunity a central pillar of the UK’s Industrial strategy and of the trade deals that the UK must
negotiate post-Brexit.
● Ensure that the migration policy in place following Brexit will still allow UK-based companies and universities to
attract the brightest and best AI and robotics talent from all over the world.
● Conduct research into alternative income and taxation models that result in fairer distribution of the wealth that
these technologies will create.
The jobs in transport, warehousing and associated industries that coalesce around Heathrow and Gatwick may be at
high risk of displacement by automation by the early 2030s. Along with the attention paid by academic, commercial,
third-sector, and other institutions, there has been increasing political interest in both AI and the potential
consequences of automation. Firstly, it is important that the Government learns the lessons that the recent history of
manufacturing, mining and similar industries in the UK have taught us. Secondly, it is important to implement policies
that recognise the likely unequal distribution of the impact of automation - ‘one-size-fits-all’ policies will be not be
sufficient. Therefore, policymakers thinking about the impacts of automation should ensure that adequate funding and
trained staff are available to provide psychological and similar support in those areas identified as being likely to suffer
the highest rates of job displacement.

Growing the Artificial Intelligence Industry in the UK

“Artificial intelligence presents us with a unique opportunity to build on our strengths and track
record of research excellence by leading the development and deployment of this
transformational technology. We will continue to work with the sector in the coming months to
secure a Comprehensive Sector Deal that make the UK the go to place for AI and helps us grasp
the opportunities that lie ahead.”

It has been estimated that AI could add an additional USD $814 billion (£630bn) to the UK
Greg Clark
economy by 2035, increasing the annual growth rate of GVA from 2.5 to 3.9%.To continue Secretary of State for
developing and applying AI, the UK will need to increase ease of access to data in a wider range Business, Energy and
of sectors.Skilled experts are needed to develop AI, and they are in short supply. To develop Industrial Strategy
more AI, the UK will need a larger workforce with deep AI expertise, and more development of
lower level skills to work with AI.

“In our AI review, we focused on recommendations that are both practicable and deliverable. By
following these recommendations, government, academia and industry can help strengthen the
UK’s position in the global AI market. Our proposals are deliberately specific and boil down to
three fundamentals – enable better access to data, create a greater supply of AI skills and
promote the uptake of AI. I am looking forward to working with government, academia and
industry to drive these changes.”
Jérôme Pesenti
CEO of BenevolentTech


The State of AI: Inflection Point

“Most early stage UK AI companies  —  five in every six  —  are applying machine learning to
challenges in specific business functions or sectors. Reflecting the nascent stage of the field,
however,oneinsixisdevelopinganAItechnology —acapability,platformorsetofalgorithms — applicable
across multiple domains. These companies’ activities range from the development of computer
vision solutions to the creation of algorithms for autonomous decision-making. Nine out of 10 AI
companies are predominantly ‘B2B’, developing and selling solutions to other businesses. Just
one in 10 sells directly to consumers (‘B2C’).” We map 400 innovative, early stage AI software
companies in the UK and highlight key dynamics. AI entrepreneurship is thriving – a new AI
company is founded every five days – but focus is uneven, with areas of competition and David Kelnar
opportunity. Nearly two thirds of companies are at the earliest stages of their journeys, and their Report author,
Investment Director &
path to monetisation can be longer. We also highlight 11 of the UK’s leading early stage AI Head of Research.
companies. MMC Ventures

Increasingly, AI enables traditionally human capabilities – understanding, reasoning, planning, communication and
perception – to be undertaken by software effectively, efficiently and at low cost. We are entering a second wave of AI
investment and exits. Capital is being allocated to developers of vertical applications.
Keys to value potential are: scope for value release and disruption; unattractive alternatives; suitability of AI to a
business problem; a path to acceptable technical performance; and suitability of available data.
Keys to value realisation are: management commerciality; quantifiability of ROI; buyer readiness; benign regulation;
and deployment scalability.
Keys to defensibility are: distance from AI monoliths’ offerings; domain complexity; data network effects; proprietary
algorithms; attractive AI talent dynamics; and strong capitalisation.

UK AI companies comprise nearly half the UK AI companies are nascent. Two thirds of companies are in the earliest
stages of their journey, with Seed or Angel funding. The sector, however, is maturing rapidly. UK companies are less
embryonic than their European counterparts. European total. AI is well represented in the UK, with a slightly higher
proportion of startups focused on AI than in Europe (excluding the UK) or the US.

Building Britain’s Intangible Infrastructure

Lack of knowledge of intangibles and their impact on product quality,

business processes and general economic dynamism is pervasive in
British business. Reported productivity and business performance
measures are at best not embracing this new economy, at worst they are
close to crisis. There is growing agreement that traditional accounting
methodologies, largely unchanged in their core principles since the
industrial revolution and post-war assembly line paradigm, are no longer fit
for purpose. There is an urgent need to create a better reporting template
for intangibles.

The UK government has budgeted to create a £23bn National Productivity

Investment Fund (Autumn Statement 2016).

“Big Innovation Centre is a hub of innovative companies and organisations,

thought leaders, universities and 'what works' open innovators. Together
we test and realise our commercial and public-purpose ideas to promote
company and national innovative capabilities in a noncompetitive and
neutral environment. We act as catalysts in co-shaping innovation and
business model strategies that are both practical and intellectually
grounded. Our vision is to help make the UK a Global Open Innovation and
Investment Hub by 2025, and to build similar initiatives internationally.”
Birgitte Andersen

Growing the Artificial Intelligence Industry in UK
Education is on the first place
Jérôme Pesenti, from BenevolentAI, and Wendy Hall, a computer scientist at the University of
Southampton, say “there should be greater training and access to data if the UK is going to
compete with other countries around the world on AI”.

It has been estimated that AI could add an additional USD $814 billion (£630bn) to the UK
economy by 2035, increasing the annual growth rate of GVA from 2.5 to 3.9%. Our vision is for
the UK to become the best place in the world for businesses developing and deploying AI to
start, grow and thrive, to realise all the benefits the technology offers.

Key factors have combined to increase the capability of AI in recent years, in particular:
● New and larger volumes of data; Jérôme Pesenti
● Supply of experts with the specific high level skills; VP of AI at Facebook
CEO of BenevolentTech
● Availability of increasingly powerful computing capacity. The barriers to achieving
performance have fallen significantly, and continue to fall.
Skilled experts are needed to develop AI, and they are in short supply. To develop more AI, the UK will need a larger
workforce with deep AI expertise, and more development of lower level skills to work with AI. This Review

● An industry-funded Masters programme in AI;

● Market research to develop conversion courses in AI that meet employers’ needs;
● 200 more PhD places in AI at leading UK universities, attracting candidates from diverse backgrounds and
from around the world;
● Credit-bearing AI online courses and continuing professional development leading to MScs;
● Greater diversity in the AI workforce;
● An international AI Fellowship Programme for the UK.

‘Strategic Data’ is Key to AI Sector
“Most proposals I see [for investment] involve using machine learning. But, 90% of these don’t
really have AI. The other 5% have not tried their solution in the real world yet and the last 5%
are real. AI is still hard to do. The number of people who can do it is low. There is also a very
strong first mover advantage in investing in AI now. Whoever gets going first has an advantage.”
He added that from his personal experience as an investor in machine learning companies that
the difference between wannabe AI applications and those that are truly robust is significant,
with only around 5% of the ‘AI companies’ he sees that pitch to him qualifying as ‘real’ in his
view. He also noted that the legal market, which had initially been viewed as a sector where
resistance to AI was expected, had in fact seen rapid adoption of the technology. Mike Lynch,
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (APPG AI) that heard Lynch’s, as Invoke Capital
well as other experts’ views, was set up in January 2017 with the aim to explore the impact and
implications of artificial intelligence across a range of issues, including trade, employment and
the law.
In this session the experts from around the UK’s AI sector were invited to present their views to the APPG AI
Chairman, Conservative MP Stephen Metcalfe, primarily with a focus on how AI would impact the overall economy
and what part AI companies would play in it. That’s not to say there are not dozens of very robust AI companies out
there, even just in the UK and many more globally, however, it does suggest that too many businesses are claiming
to have AI capability when they don’t really do much more than have a bit of automation or some very rudimentary
responsive capability. Or, in other cases, the systems are of a high quality, but simply break down in more complex
and unpredictable real world situations where users can be guaranteed not to behave in an easy and linear way.

Lynch concluded by saying that the focus on legal due diligence came about in part because ‘M&A due diligence
was a good area for AI because you had all that data [for machine learning],’ which related back to his earlier point
about the value of strategic data.

‘It is the second that is having an impact and AI is just shorthand for machine learning. Expert systems are not
shaking the world up,’ he summed up.

A New Company Every Week: Inside The UK’s AI Revolution

The UK’s artificial intelligence sector is booming and the technology is transforming how
businesses of all sizes operate. Five of the world’s biggest technology companies have bought
UK AI businesses in recent years, including DeepMind, which was acquired by Google for a
reported $400m in 2015, SwiftKey (bought by Microsoft for an estimated $250m) and Magic
Pony Technology (acquired by Twitter for $150m). Analysis by MMC Ventures shows the
number of AI companies founded in the UK doubled in 2014-16, compared with 2011-13. Over
the past three years, a new AI company has been launched almost every week.
As technology advances, AI will continue to push the boundaries. Research by consultancy firm
Accenture shows that realising the UK’s potential in this sector would add £654bn to the
economy by 2035. Earlier this month, Siemens UK chief executive Juergen Maier warned that
AI is vital to the UK staying competitive.

AI is already redesigning how entire industries operate – from chatbots providing customer
service support, automated virtual assistants, and art recommendations, to the machine
learning that powers self-driving cars and platforms that can diagnose skin cancer. Daniel Winterstein
Good-Loop CTO &
SoDash founder
AI firms are changing how brands engage with customers. SoDash, a UK-based software
company founded by Daniel Winterstein and Joe Halliwell in 2011, enables companies to work
with social media at scale and is used by brands such as Virgin Trains to analyse messages,
prioritise customer service issues and isolate irrelevant social chatter. This year, Winterstein
and Halliwell developed Orla, a bot that helps small businesses improve their reach on Twitter.

“Traditionally with a social automation tool, you tell it broadly who you want to interact with, turn
the key, and hope,” Winterstein says. “Not only is this highly risky, it’s an insincere and
deceptive method of interaction.”

Artificial Intelligence and Equity

‘The UK has internationally leading activity in Machine Learning – DeepMind is the world
leader, and several UK universities have world-class groups. The main opportunity for the
UK is in leveraging this advantage, particularly in the start-up sector.’ - Professor Michael

Current technology in legal practice in England mainly involves working with documents
since this is the most time- consuming part of a practicing lawyer’s job. It broadly operates
in two main areas: document automation and information retrieval from structured and
unstructured documents. The technology is currently suitable for procedural or mundane Michael Wooldridge,
tasks. It uses weak AI, role of senior practitioners is not much changed and continues to Head of Department of
involve exercising judgment based on experience and an understanding of commercial Computer Science at the
University of Oxford.
parties’ positions and market practice. If strong AI is developed, it will change this analysis
significantly. There is no expectation that strong AI will be available to lawyers in the
immediate future, however. This still leaves open questions arising from foreseeable
advances in weak AI.
Equity in a legal context refers to doctrines and remedies originally developed by the English courts of equity. As
Hanbury & Martin: Modern Equity (Sweet & Maxwell, 2015) notes: ‘It is not synonymous with justice in a broad
sense.’ is suggests that AI could be programmed to follow rules of equity: if there are rules to be followed then AI
could follow them.

Clearly, there is no conclusion, except that lawyers in all disciplines should look further than the practical applications
of AI to what it means for theory (and to start measuring and collecting more and better data). In the UK we do,
however, have world- leading technologists and an expedient political desire to develop the country’s technology
(including AI) sector far beyond its current size.


The Big Gap

Tech guru Hermann Hauser says drug giants are in denial.

The founder of ARM Holdings, believes big pharma is poised for its own
“Kodak moment” as healthcare moves away from drugs and towards
artificial intelligence.

Big pharma was “hardly” reacting at all, keeping its best people in
developing new drugs. “They know this is coming, but their heart isn’t in it,”
he said. “That’s why start-ups are so important, because many of these Source: The Sunday Times

ideas are crazy and will fail. But that’s why we need more venture

● The major progress in these technologies is coming not from biotech side but from IT side.
● Those Bio Pharma companies that do not accept AI will repeat the mistakes of Kodak, who were once the
leader of their industry, but went to bankruptcy because they failed to embrace digital photography as the
disruptive trend it was, even despite the fact that the digital camera was invented inside Kodak labs.
● Banks and IT giants are snapping up the best AI specialists and startups and it is inevitable that Pharma will
require the same scarce technology and talent. Biopharma must recruit advanced deep learning teams (as
Google did with Deep Mind).

The role of Think Tanks in AI development and implementation

“Government and policymakers are not technology experts,” argued Professor Birgitte
Andersen, CEO of Big Innovation Centre. “Practical, accessible examples of AI in action
provides a real-time understanding of the impact and implications of AI for our business and
society. More informed decision-making allows the UK to get AI-ready as a leading global

In an effort to educate policymakers about how AI can help transform businesses and local
communities, the workshop provided an overview of the technology’s applications in
Birgitte Andersen,
infrastructure, ranging from healthcare and transportation to smart city proposals. By getting CEO of
government staff to grips with the concepts behind neural networks, the partnership Big Innovation Centre
between NVIDIA, UCL, APPG-AI, and the Big Innovation Centre provided officials with
unprecedented insights into the workings of AI.

There exists a fundamental and systemic gap in how Government-led technology policy formulation and
implementation is executed. Government representatives are the ones with the power to implement and reform
technology policy, yet they are not specialists in the specific technologies that they build policies around. In order to
bridge and neutralize this gap, Think Tanks occupy a much needed position, whereby the coordination of technology
experts, specialists and scientists on the one hand and policy-experts on the other join forces in order to study and
survey a technology’s potential societal and industry impact, and to formulate policy-based recommendations on how
such technologies should be developed, governed, regulated and distributed, for the betterment of the nation. Such
Think Tanks are in a position to create the most sensible policy recommendations because they are composed of
actual experts on the technology, and experts on how policy formulation, reform and implementation actually work.
There is thus a pressing and very important need for such Think Tanks in terms of shaping the ongoing development,
regulation and governance of emerging technologies like AI, in order to make informed policy recommendations to
Government officials.


The Big Innovation Centre exists to help businesses, public agencies and universities put their open innovation
principles into practice. Acting as an open innovation hub, Big Innovation Centre convenes a network of
representative global companies in every sector, plus national public agencies and some of the best universities.
Through this coalition we are building world-class innovation ecosystems and co-creating global innovation and
investment hubs. Our aim is to help rebalance and grow national and regional economies.

Our partners pool and share resources – technology, IP, data, skills, space, entrepreneurial finance – so our people
can work together as co-catalysts to solve the grand challenges. Big Innovation Centre enlarges the innovative
capability of its partner organizations, and itself becomes a ‘go-to’ place where commercial and public sector ideas
are shared, tested and realized

We create a trusted space for people from cutting edge companies, universities and public agencies to meet and
co-create a better world.


Chapter IV
All Party Parliamentary Group
on Artificial Intelligence
All Party Parliamentary Group on AI / 2017-2018 Reports

1. People, Power and Technology: The 2018 Digital Attitudes Report

2. The Malicious use of Artificial Intelligence: Forecasting, Prevention, and Mitigation
3. Power Up: UK Skills
4. The Future of Jobs
5. Towards a Reskilling Revolution
6. Gsma Global Mobile Radar: Spotlight on Artificial Intelligence
7. Will Robots Really Steal Our Jobs?
8. Oxford Insight’s Government AI Readiness Index
9. Independent Review: Growing the Artificial Intelligence Industry in the UK
10. The State of AI 2017: Inflection Point
11. AI ​now​ ​2017​ ​report
12. The Impact of AI in the UK Constituencies: Where Will Automation Hit Hardest?
13. The Rsa Report: The Age of Automation
14. The Future of Skills: Employment in 2030
15. How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Retail Conversation
16. Pwc’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study: Exploiting the AI Revolution
17. Policy Proposition Think Piece: Intangible Asset Reporting and an Intangible Assets Charter
18. Artificial Intelligence Market Forecasts
19. Intangible Asset Reporting
20. Machine Learning: The Power and Promise of Computers that Learn by Example
21. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and their Impact on the Workplace
22. Mind Over Machines: New Technology and Employment Relations
23. Why AI is The Future of Growth?

People, Power and Technology:
The 2018 Digital Attitudes Report

Publication February 23, 2018


Authors Doteveryone (Catherine Miller, Ollie Sheldrick, Alex Lemon)


Executive This new research from Doteveryone looks beyond internet usage and explores how the British public thinks and feels about the
Summary internet technologies shaping our world and changing our lives. It is based on a nationally representative survey of 2,000 people
online and 500 by phone, backed by in-depth conversations in focus groups, which are quoted in this report.

This report highlights:

● The internet has had a strongly positive impact on our lives as individuals, but people are less convinced it has been
beneficial for society as a whole. 50% say it has made life a lot better for people like themselves, only 12% say it’s had a
very positive impact on society.
● There is a major understanding gap around technologies. Only a third of people are aware that data they have not actively
chosen to share has been collected. A quarter have no idea how internet companies make their money.
● People feel disempowered by a lack of transparency in how online products and services operate. 89% want clearer terms
and conditions, half would like to know how their data is used but can’t find out.
● There is a public demand for greater accountability from technology companies. Two thirds say government should be
helping ensure companies treat their customers, staff and society fairly.

The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence:
Forecasting, Prevention, and Mitigation

Publication February 2018


Authors Miles Brundage, Shahar Avin, Jack Clark, Helen Toner, Peter Eckersley, Ben Garfinkel, Allan Dafoe, Paul Scharre, Thomas
Zeitzoff, Bobby Filar, Hyrum Anderson, Heather Roff, Gregory C. Allen, Jacob Steinhardt, Carrick Flynn, Sean O Helgeartaigh,
Simon Beard, Haydn Belfield, Sebastian Farquhar, Clare Lyle, Rebecca Crootof, Owain Evans, Michael Page, Joanna Bryson,
Roman Yampolskiy, and Dario Amodei.


Executive This report surveys the landscape of potential security threats from malicious use of artificial intelligence technologies, and
Summary proposes ways to better forecast, prevent, and mitigate these threats. This report focuses on what sorts of attacks we are likely to
see soon if adequate defenses are not developed.

As AI capabilities become more powerful and widespread, it is expected the growing use of AI systems to lead to changes in the
landscape of threats as: expansion of existing ones, introduction of new threats and change to the typical character of threats.

This report proposes the exploration of several open questions and potential interventions within four priority research areas:

● Learning from and with the cybersecurity community.

● Exploring different openness models.
● Promoting a culture of responsibility.
● Developing technological and policy solutions.

The proposed interventions require attention and action not just from AI researchers and companies but also from legislators, civil
servants, regulators, security researchers and educators.

Power Up: UK Skills

Publication 2017

Authors Deloitte


Executive There is a great deal of uncertainty about which of today’s jobs will continue to exist in the near future. The number of people
Summary employed in 44 per cent of occupations in the UK is declining. If the predictions of technology disrupting entire industries come to
pass, workers will need the ability to move into different types of jobs and at different points in their career, and apply underlying
transferable “human” skills to different contexts.

We should build and make better use of the transferable skills required to adapt to changing demands in the workplace,
preconceptions about traditional career pathways based on academic achievement and expertize need to be challenged. Instead,
more should be done to identify transferable skills across all parts of the workforce and create pathways for workers to transition
between industries and different roles.

Recognizing these skills in a more open-minded way, and helping young people and existing workers to strengthen them will
improve worker mobility and make the UK labour force resilient in the face of significant change.

The Future of Jobs

Publication October 2017


Authors Recruitment & Employment Confederation


Executive “The best way to pre-empt the future is to create it. Let’s make the UK the best jobs market in the world.”
The world of work is rapidly changing, and many of the jobs being undertaken today will simply not exist in seven years. At the
same time, many new jobs are emerging – driven by the advancement of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, 3D
printing, and robotics. Many of these new jobs will require skills very different from today’s requirements. In an era of disruption,
there is a need of an agile labour market that is also underpinned by good hiring and management practices.

The commission examined what this aspirational vision of a future jobs market means for three specific audiences: individuals,
employers, and the government.

The REC is committed to playing a leading role in effectively measuring and reviewing progress towards a shared goal of creating
the best jobs market in the world by 2025.

Towards a Reskilling Revolution

Publication January 22, 2018


Authors World Economic Forum


Executive Towards a Reskilling Revolution aims to provide one key building block for workers looking to find their place in the future of work
Summary and for business leaders and governments looking to build more prosperous companies and productive economies and societies.
the report introduces an innovative, big data approach built on conventional labour market information systems as well as online
job postings. It demonstrates the power of data-driven approaches for finding solutions to job disruptions, including job transition
pathways and reskilling opportunities that might not be immediately apparent.

There is a sense that the rise of artificial intelligence, robotics and other digital developments is upending the primacy of human
expertise in the economy. The individuals who will succeed in the economy of the future will be those who can complement the
work done by mechanical or algorithmic technologies, and ‘work with the machines’. For both individuals and employers facing
these disruptions—and for governments and other stakeholders seeking to support them—is how to better anticipate and
proactively manage the current realignments and transitions of the labour market to shape a future of work that expands economic
growth and opportunities for all.

GSMA Global Mobile Radar:
Spotlight on Artificial Intelligence

Publication September 14, 2017


Authors GSMA


Executive Global Mobile Radar is an exclusive and interactive community for industry strategic foresight.Big tech platforms are leading the
Summary race on AI ; strategies differ on their approach to data privacy & data ecosystems. AI is driving the next and
deepest wave of disruption across the ecosystem.

“Gone is the era of PC, and soon will we say goodbye to the era of mobile internet – we believe that coming is the era of AI”
- Robin Li, CEO, Baidu

At this webinar were discussed the following points:

● AI as reality, not myth

● AI is a technology, not a product
● The ecosystem is moving to an AI first strategy
● AI will drive the next wave of ecosystem disruption
● Economic and social impact could be significant

Will Robots Really Steal Our Jobs?

Publication February 6, 2018


Authors PwC


Executive Over the past few years, fears of technology-driven job losses have re-emerged with advances in ‘smart automation’ – the
Summary combination of AI, robotics and other digital technologies that is already producing innovations like driverless cars and trucks,
intelligent virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa and Cortana, and Japanese healthcare robots.

While traditional machines, including fixed location industrial robots, replaced our muscles (and those of other animals like horses
and oxen), these new smart machines have the potential to replace our minds and to move around freely in the world driven by a
combination of advanced sensors, GPS tracking systems and deep learning - if not now, then probably within the next decade or

Businesses need to consider now how successive waves of AI-related technologies might further break down barriers to entry in
their sector and challenge existing business models. Individuals also need to be more entrepreneurial, taking responsibility for their
lifelong learning and seeking to generate their own intellectual property and start new businesses. Businesses and governments can
help to maximise the benefits of AI and robotics while minimising as far as possible the negative impacts of these disruptive

Oxford Insight’s Government AI
Readiness Index


Authors Richard Stirling, Hannah Miller and Emma Martinho-Truswell


Executive Artificial intelligence will revolutionise public service delivery. Governments around the world are starting to see its enormous
Summary potential: for their economies, their societies, and their own public services. Although the UK has great starting conditions for AI
development, it faces stiff competition from other countries seeking to be top of the global rankings. China, the US, Russia and
Canada have all announced plans to be world leaders in AI. If the UK wishes to retain its high ranking in our capacity index, the
government will need to continue to invest in order to remain competitive in future years. The US lags behind the UK on measures
including digital skills and data quality. Our index highlights a number of key areas for investment if the US is to prepare better for
the AI revolution, such as a stronger focus on digital skills training and data infrastructure.

There is no clear geographical clustering in terms of AI readiness: the top five ranked countries are from North America, Europe and
Asia. It is now up to governments to ensure that they are well placed to take best possible advantage of the
AI revolution.

Independent Review: Growing the Artificial Intelligence Industry
nn The UK

Publication October 15, 2017


Authors Professor Dame Wendy Hall and Jérôme Pesenti


Executive Increased use of Artificial Intelligence can bring major social and economic benefits to the UK. AI, computers can analyse and learn
Summary from information at higher accuracy and speed than humans can. It has been estimated that AI could add an additional USD $814
billion (£630bn) to the UK economy by 2035, increasing the annual growth rate of GVA from 2.5 to 3.9%.

To develop more AI, the UK will need a larger workforce with deep AI expertise, and more development of lower level skills to work
with AI.

This review recommends:

- An industry-funded Masters programme in AI
- Market research to develop conversion courses in AI that meet employers’ needs
- 200 more PhD places in AI at leading UK universities, attracting candidates from diverse backgrounds and from around the world.
- Credit-bearing online AI courses and continuing professional development leading to MScs
- Greater diversity in the AI workforce
- An international AI Fellowship Programme for the UK.

The State of AI 2017: Inflection Point

Publication October 2017


Authors Numis and MMC Ventures


Executive Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been described as “the ultimate breakthrough technology” (Satya Nadella, Microsoft). While the last
Summary ten years have been about building a world that is mobile-first, “in the next ten years, we will shift to a world that is AI-first.” (Sundar
Pichai, Google). In 2017 AI reached an inflection point, driven by milestones in investment, capability, entrepreneurship and

Every chapter includes actionable recommendations for executives, entrepreneurs and investors.

In this report the authors:

● provide an accessible introduction to AI for the non-specialist.

● explain the applications, implications and adoption of AI.
● explore the ecosystem of early stage AI companies in the UK.
● explain how investors can identify promising early stage AI companies.

AI Now 2017 Report

Publication October 2017


Authors Alex Campolo; Madelyn Sanfilippo; Meredith Whittaker; Kate Crawford


Executive AI systems are already integrated in everyday technologies like smartphones and personal assistants, making predictions and
Summary determinations that help personalize experiences and advertise products. Beyond the familiar, these systems are also being
introduced in critical areas like law, finance, policing and the workplace, where they are increasingly used to predict everything from
our taste in music to our likelihood of committing a crime to our fitness for a job or an educational opportunity.

We must also ask how broader phenomena like widening inequality, an intensification of concentrated geopolitical power and
populist political movements will shape and be shaped by the development and application of AI technologies.

This report focuses on new developments in four areas: labor and automation, bias and inclusion, rights and liberties, and ethics
and governance. We identify emerging challenges in each of these areas and make recommendations to ensure that the benefits of
AI will be shared broadly, and that risks can be identified and mitigated.

AI is already with us, and we are now faced with important choices on how it will be designed and applied. AI systems are already
being integrated in social, political and economic domains, and the implications can be complex and unpredictable.

The Impact of AI in the UK Constituencies:
Where Will Automation Hit Hardest?

Publication October 17, 2017


Authors Matthew Fenech, Cath Elliston, and Olly Buston


Executive The UK is home to world-beating artificial intelligence (AI) companies and world-class academic centres of AI research. Automation
Summary will impact different geographies, genders, and socioeconomic classes differently. The proportion of jobs at high risk of automation
by the early 2030s varies from 22% to 39% for different constituencies.

A poll data from our annual survey of the UK public’s attitudes to AI shows that despite evidence suggesting high levels of
automation are coming, the majority of people remain unworried about the impact of automation on their jobs and on jobs in their
local area. It seems a deeper public debate about the future of work is urgently required. So far no party has anything like an
adequate policy response to maximising the opportunities and minimising the risks that lie ahead.

This report offers suggestions to the government of what policies it should implement and explains the necessity to act as quickly as

The RSA Report: The Age of Automation

Publication September 2017


Authors Benedict Dellot and Fabian Wallace-Stephens


Executive Public interest in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics is gathering steam – and for good reason. Alarming newspaper headlines
Summary such as ‘Robots will destroy our jobs – and we’re not ready for it’ and ‘Robots will take a third of British jobs by 2030’ are now
common. Most studies reveal a technological bias against low-skilled and low-paid workers.

We conclude that jobs are more likely to evolve than be eliminated, and that new occupations will emerge in the long run, often of a
more valuable and ‘human-centric’ nature. What is less clear is how AI and robotics will change the quality of work. Sales of
industrial robots to the UK fell in the period between 2014 and 2015, with the UK purchasing fewer robots than France, the US,
Germany, Spain and Italy. Today the UK has just 33 robot units for every 10,000 employees, compared with 93 in the US and 213
in Japan.

On average, UK workers are 30 percent less productive than their counterparts in the US. Our problem is not with the number of
jobs available today but rather with their quality.

We firmly believe there is such a thing as automation on our own terms, and we spell out a positive vision for how this can be

The Future of Skills: Employment in 2030

Publication September 28, 2017


Authors Hasan Bakhshi, Jonathan M. Downing, Michael A. Osborne, Philippe Schneider


Executive This report maps out how employment is likely to change in the future – including the implications for skills – and anticipates a
Summary number of new occupations. It also shows likely dynamics in different parts of the labour market — from sectors like food and
health to manufacturing. It was found that education, health care, and wider public sector occupations are likely to grow. It is also
explained why some low-skilled jobs, in fields like construction and agriculture, are less likely to suffer poor labour market outcomes
than has been assumed in the past.

Crucially, through the report, the authors point to the actions that educators, policymakers and individuals can take to better
prepare themselves for the future. Also skills, abilities and knowledge areas that are most likely to be important in the future, as well
as the skills investments that will have the greatest impact on occupational demand, provides information that educators,
businesses and governments can use for strategic and policy-making purposes.

History is a reminder that investments in skills must be at the centre of any long-term strategy for adjusting to structural change. A
precondition for this is access to good information on skills needs — without which policymakers risk flying blind.

How Artificial Intelligence is
Transforming the Retail Conversation

Publication June 2017


Authors The Store WPP in partnership with IBM


Executive The rapid digitization of communication, shopping and almost every other aspect of daily life has entirely up-ended consumers’
Summary habits and expectations. People are now digitally connected to each other, to brands and even - through the Internet of Things - to
their appliances.

AI is not a single technology but a range of tools that can perform some of the tasks we’ve previously thought of as being
exclusively human. These tools can understand natural language, and learn from text, images, videos and sound.

Advanced AI systems like Watson can absorb vast amounts of information in seconds and minutes, learning in similar ways to
humans – through sensing, processing information, and experiencing – only much, much faster than people. Then AI can use that
learning to make reasoned decisions and recommendations. IBM calls this ‘cognitive computing’, because it approaches human

Pwc’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study:
Exploiting the AI Revolution


Authors PwC


Executive There’s a lot of expectation surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). There’s also a significant amount of wariness. In this new series
Summary of PwC reports, the goal is to highlight how AI can enhance and augment what enterprises can do, the value potential of which is as
large, if not larger, than automation. The analysis carried out for this report gauges the economic potential for AI between now and
2030, including for regional economies and eight commercial sectors worldwide.

In this opening report, it is outlined the regional economies that are set to gain the most and the three business areas with the
greatest AI potential in each of eight sectors.

Policy Proposition Think Piece: Intangible
Asset Reporting and an Intangible Assets

Publication July 2017




Executive The intangible economy – the universe encompassed by the revolution in technological advances, data, digitalisation, intellectual
Summary property and sophisticated services – is now the driving force of economic development.

Investment in intangibles ranging from digital information and business processes to intellectual property rights and digitally
enabled networks is running at nearly twice the rate of investment in the tangibles of machines and factories. Intangibles are now
driving business performance, the organisation of work and competitiveness. Lack of knowledge of intangibles and their impact on
product quality, business processes and general economic dynamism is pervasive in British business.

The government has indicated that it is aiming to lift infrastructure spending as a pillar in its new Industrial Strategy. Nonetheless,
another core objective of Industrial Policy over the next five years should be to unlock the value of intangible assets so they can be
the cornerstone of the 21st-century economy – and the charter is the best means to secure that end.

Artificial Intelligence Market Forecasts

Publication May 2017


Authors Tractica


Executive Tractica’s market forecast is focused on identifying the software, hardware, and services revenue opportunity for AI, building a
Summary bottom-up, use case-based model that classifies and estimates the revenue potential of each use case and rolls it up by industry,
technology, and world region to estimate the overall market.

This Tractica report provides a quantitative assessment of the market opportunity for AI across the consumer, enterprise, and
government sectors. The report includes market sizing, segmentation, and forecasts for 154 specific AI use cases and the 29
industries in which they will play a role. The market forecasts span the period from 2016 through 2025 and include segmentation
by the six fundamental AI technologies: machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, NLP, machine reasoning, and strong AI.
Revenue forecasts are further segmented by software, hardware, and services, in addition to segmentation by world region.

Intangible Asset Reporting

Publication July 2017


Authors Birgitte Andersen, Sandra Batten, Richard Heys, David Stroll, Philip Wales, Ruth Yeoman


Executive Intangible assets have become the most significant driver of economic growth and business models alike. The purpose of this
Summary report is to assess the multiple definitions of intangibles and develop a workable synthesis of how they can best be defined and
measured in order better to analyse and understand them.

The Intangible Gold Project’s definition of Intangible Assets is a mixture of above, and we believe that it can satisfy all stakeholder
criteria. An intangible within a company is an asset if it:

• Creates financial and/or non-financial benefits (such as increased productivity, innovation, purpose, revenue, etc.);
• Can be traded' in the marketplace; and/or
• Can be controlled’ by any stakeholder internal or external to the organization.

Machine Learning: The Power and Promise
of Computers that Learn by Example

Publication April 25, 2017




Executive Machine Learning: the power and promise of computers that learn by example comes at a critical time in the rapid development
Summary and use of this technology, and the growing debate about how it will reshape the UK economy and people’s lives. Crucially the
report calls for research funding bodies to support a new wave of machine learning research that goes beyond technical
challenges, and into areas aimed at addressing public confidence in machine learning – vital to the UK maintaining its
internationally competitive edge at the forefront of this area.

The report calls for action in a number of key areas over the next five to ten years to create an environment of “careful
stewardship” that can help ensure that the benefits of this technology are felt broadly. Understanding who will be most affected,
how the benefits are likely to be distributed, and where the opportunities for growth lie, will be key to designing the most effective
interventions to enable people and businesses to adapt to, and take advantage of, the machine learning driven changes to their
lives and livelihoods. The report also offers the first evidence about the UK public’s views on machine learning, including the
application areas about which they are particularly positive, and the need for the real-world data feeding the growth of this
technology to be dealt with fairly and securely.

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and
Their Impact on the Workplace

Publication April 2014


Authors IBA (International Bar Association)


Executive The present wave of automation, driven by artificial intelligence (AI) – the development of computer systems able to perform tasks
Summary normally requiring human intelligence – is creating a gap between current legislation and new laws necessary for an emerging
workplace reality.

The report focuses on potential future trends of AI, and the likely impact intelligent systems will have on: the labour market, the
structures of companies, employees’ working time, remuneration and the working environment. In addition to illustrating the thread
and importance of law in relation to these areas, the report assesses the law at different points in the automation cycle – from the
developmental stage, when computerisation of an industry begins, to what workers may experience as AI becomes more
prevalent, through to issues of responsibility when things go wrong. These components are not examined in isolation, but in the
context of economics, business and social environment.

Mind Over Machines: New Technology and
Employment Relations

Publication June 2017


Authors Patrick Briône (IPA)


Executive Most technology is introduced with the expectation that it will in some way increase productivity and we see numerous examples
Summary of where the technology has made employees working lives easier, by automating some of their more difficult or tedious tasks, by
saving time, by easing physical burdens or by providing helpful data and information. However, we also see ways in which
technology can increase the burden of work on employees, by enabling greater work intensification, by increasing the amount of
work that needs to be done to analyse reams of new data, provide technical support and cyber security and retrain ways of
working, sometimes continuously, to keep abreast of technological changes.

The structures of workplaces may themselves change, with flatter management structures being potentially more appropriate for
more highly automated environments and line managers themselves facing the potential erosion of parts of their role as they
increasingly compete with ‘management algorithms’ that claim to be able to do their job better. These algorithms pose major
dangers in terms of accountability, transparency of decision making and ultimately the ability of humans to retain control of the
workplace environment and ensure it is grounded in human values. However, these algorithms promise much greater efficiency
of decision making based on the ability to process data far beyond human capabilities.

Why AI Is the Future of Growth?

Publication September 2016


Authors Mark Purdy and Paul Daugherty


Executive There has been marked decline in the ability of increases in capital investment and in labor to propel economic progress.
These two levers are the traditional drivers of production, yet they are no longer able to sustain the steady march of prosperity
enjoyed in previous decades in most developed economies.

With the recent convergence of a transformative set of technologies, economies are entering a new era in which artificial
intelligence (AI) has the potential to overcome the physical limitations of capital and labor and open up new sources of value and

Policy makers and business leaders must prepare for and work toward a future with artificial intelligence. They must do so not with
the idea that AI is simply another productivity enhancer. Rather, they must see AI as the tool that can transform our thinking about
how growth is created.

Chapter V

AI in the UK: ready, willing and able?

Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence
16 April 2018
“AI in the UK: ready, willing and able?”
16 April 2018, the House of Lords published on a Report of Session 2017–19 “AI in the UK: ready, willing and able?”.
The Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence published the Report with the aim of underlining the fact that AI presents
a significant opportunity to solve complex problems and potentially improve productivity. Additionally, they stated that
the UK currently enjoys the position of being one of the best countries in the world in which to develop artificial

Britain contains many leading AI companies, a dynamic academic research culture, a vigorous start-up ecosystem and
a constellation of legal, ethical, financial and linguistic strengths located in close proximity to one another. Artificial
intelligence, handled carefully, could be a great opportunity for the British economy.

The report “AI in the UK: ready, willing and able?” covers following topics, we the analytical department of Deep
Knowledge Ventures considers the most important:

1. Ethics AI - a new priority of AI development in the UK.

2. Share of data. Large companies must not restrict SME access to data or prevent the growth of an AI developer
3. Personal data protection.
4. Establishing The AI Council, the Government Office for AI and Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation.

The state has an important role in supporting AI research through the research councils and other mechanisms, and
should be mindful to ensure that the UK’s advantages in AI R&D are maintained. The UK Government and its
universities have an important role to play in supporting diverse subfields of AI research, beyond the now well-funded
area of deep learning, in order to ensure that the UK remains at the cutting edge of AI developments.


AI and Ethics
Data and AI are interconnected, and there is no AI without data. AI wil be used to either assist or replace humans at
making certain types of decisions, and if AI start to make ethical and political decisions for us, then this means that
the study of ethics and ethics training are now more important than ever. In light of these concerns, the government
is putting ethics at the core of how the United Kingdom develops and harnesses the power of AI and automation.

Birgitte Andersen, Chief Executive of the Big Innovation Centre, considers data sharing as a part of the “social
contract” between each person and their society.

“Just as we require a driving licence and car insurance to drive a car, so users of a driverless car should be required
to share their data for everyone’s collective good.”, said Birgitte Andersen.

The Big Innovation Centre asserted that the government must establish a stakeholder data charter stating what can
be realized with personal and business data, thus everyone can operate with it.

UK Government raised the problem of ethics in report AI in the UK: ready, willing and able? It is said that:

1. Artificial intelligence should be developed for the common good and benefit of humanity.
2. Artificial intelligence should operate on principles of intelligibility and fairness.
3. Artificial intelligence should not be used to diminish the data rights or privacy of individuals, families, or
4. All citizens should have the right to be educated to enable them to flourish mentally, emotionally, and economically
alongside artificial intelligence.
5. The autonomous power to hurt, destroy, or deceive human beings should never be vested in artificial intelligence.


Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation
In January 2018, the Prime Minister announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos that she wanted to establish
“the rules and standards that can make the most of artificial intelligence in a responsible way”, and emphasised that
the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation would work with international partners on this project, and that the UK
would be joining the World Economic Forum’s new council on artificial intelligence, which aims to help shape global
governance in the area.

“This would be a “world-first advisory body” which would review the current “governance landscape” and advise the
Government on “ethical, safe and innovative uses of data, including AI”.

The centre “will not be a regulatory body, but it will provide the leadership that will shape how artificial intelligence is
used”. The Minister also noted that the Government wanted “to ensure that the adoption of AI is accompanied, and in
some cases led, by a body similarly set up not just with technical experts who know what can be done but with
ethicists who understand what should be done so that the gap between those two questions is not omitted”.

“The Government plans to adopt the Hall-Pesenti Review recommendation that ‘data trusts’ be established to
facilitate the ethical sharing of data between organisations. However, under the current proposals, individuals who
have their personal data contained within these trusts would have no means by which they could make their views
heard, or shape the decisions of these trusts. We therefore recommend that as data trusts are developed under the
guidance of the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, provision should be made for the representation of people
whose data is stored, whether this be via processes of regular consultation, personal data representatives, or other

China declared its goal to become the global leader in AI by 2030. Two months later, Vladimir Putin announced that
the nation that leads in AI “will be the ruler of the world.” AI is now a key element of May’s “industrial strategy”, the
Keynesian plan to foster growth through central planning. To compete, the UK government needs to free up data
wherever possible.

The AI Council and the Government Office for AI
The Hall-Pesenti Review recommended that the “Government should work with industry and experts to establish a
UK AI Council to help coordinate and grow AI in the UK.” This recommendation was based on the perceived need to
facilitate engagement between industry, academia, Government and the public, as “AI in the UK will need to build
trust and confidence in AI-enabled complex systems”.

In the Industrial Strategy, the Government announced that they were taking forward this recommendation, and
“working with industry to establish an industry-led AI Council that can take a leadership role across sectors”. It was
announced that the Council would be supported by a new Government Office for AI. The Industrial Strategy stated
that both these bodies would:

● champion research and innovation;

● stimulate demand and accelerate uptake across all sectors of the economy;
● increase awareness of the advantages of advanced data analytic technologies; and
● promote greater diversity in the AI workforce.


Alan Turing Institute
The Alan Turing Institute is the national institute for data science and artificial intelligence, headquartered in the
British Library, London. It is named in honour of Alan Turing (23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954), whose pioneering work
in theoretical and applied mathematics, engineering and computing are considered to be the key disciplines
comprising the fields of data science and artificial intelligence. Five founding universities – Cambridge, Edinburgh,
Oxford, UCL and Warwick – and the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council created The Alan
Turing Institute in 2015 as the national institute for data science. In 2017, as a result of a government
recommendation, ATI added artificial intelligence to their remit.

The Alan Turing Institute is interested in research which tackles the big challenges in data science with lasting
effects for science, the economy and the world. Core areas of its research range from data-centric engineering,
high-performance computing and cyber-security, to smart cities, health, the economy, government and data ethics.

In the “AI in the UK: ready, willing and able?” report Alan Turing Institute is mentioned for several times as a
recommended for artificial intelligence development tool:

● “The UK has an excellent track record of academic research in the field of artificial intelligence, but there is a
long-standing issue with converting such research into commercially viable products.We recommend that the
Alan Turing Institute, as the National Centre for AI Research, should develop this concept into concrete policy
advice for universities in the UK, looking to examples from other fields and from other nations, to help start to
address this long-standing problem.”
● “We recommend that the Government ensures that publically-funded PhDs in AI and machine learning are
made available to a diverse population, more representative of wider society. To achieve this, we call for the
Alan Turing Institute and Government Office for AI to devise mechanisms to attract more female and ethnic
minority students from academic disciplines which require similar skillsets, but have more representative
student populations, to participate in the Government-backed PhD programme.”

Alan Turing Institute

● “The potential for well-meaning AI research to be used by others to cause harm is significant. AI researchers and
developers must be alive to the potential ethical implications of their work. The Centre for Data Ethics and
Innovation and the Alan Turing Institute are well placed to advise researchers on the potential implications of their
work, and the steps they can take to ensure that such work is not misused. However, we believe additional
measures are required.”
● “We welcome the new focus for the Alan Turing Institute as the national research centre for artificial intelligence.
We want it to be able to fulfil this role, and believe it has the potential to do so. As such, the new focus must not
simply be a matter of rebranding. The successful institutes in Canada and Germany, such as the Vector Institute
and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, offer valuable lessons as to how a national research
centre should be operated.The Government must ensure that the Alan Turing Institute’s funding and structure is
sufficient for it to meet its new expanded remit as the UK’s national research centre for AI. In particular, the
Institute’s current secondment-based staffing model should be assessed to ensure its suitability, and steps taken
to staff the Institute appropriately to meet the demands now placed upon it.”
● “We recommend that a cross-sector ethical code of conduct, or ‘AI code’, suitable for implementation across
public and private sector organisations which are developing or adopting AI, be drawn up and promoted by the
Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, with input from the AI Council and the Alan Turing Institute, with a degree
of urgency. In some cases, sector-specific variations will need to be created, using similar language and
branding. Such a code should include the need to have considered the establishment of ethical advisory boards
in companies or organisations which are developing, or using, AI in their work. In time, the AI code could provide
the basis for statutory regulation, if and when this is determined to be necessary.”


Handling of Personal Data
Authors consider issues of the use and monopolisation of data:

● Recommendation for making a distinction between data more generally, and personal data. While ‘data’ could
refer to almost any information (such as temperature readings) on a computer, or which is intended to be held
on a computer, ‘personal data’ has a specific meaning under the Data Protection Act 1998, and generally
covers any set of information relating to individuals.
● Mechanisms for enabling individual data portability, such as the “Open Banking” initiative ( refers to a series of
reforms relating to the handling of financial information by banks), and data sharing concepts such as data
trusts, will spur the creation of other innovative and contextappropriate tools, eventually forming a broad
spectrum of options between total data openness and total data privacy.
● Access to data is essential to the present surge in AI technology, and there are many arguments to be made for
opening up data sources, especially in the public sector, in a fair and ethical way.
● Legal and technical mechanisms for strengthening personal control over data, and preserving privacy, will
become increasingly important as AI becomes more widespread through society.
● Establishment of data trusts and preparation of advice and guidance for data controllers in the public sector to
enable them to estimate the value of the data they hold, in order to make best use of it and negotiate fair and
evidence-based agreements with private-sector partners. The values contained in this guidance could be based
on precedents where public data has been made available and subsequently generated commercial value for
public good.


Top 10 UK AI Companies………………………………………... 88
Top 20 AI in UK Investors……..……………………………..….. 99
300 UK AI Companies Profiles…………………………………. 120
100 UK AI Investor Profiles…………………………...……..…. 181
60 UK AI Influencers………………..……………………………. 202
12 UK AI Think Tanks.………………………………………….... 236
10 UK AI Tech Hubs…………………………………………….... 244
15 UK AI Journalists…..…………………………………………. 251
List of Top 35 Russian Investors in AI
Top 10 UK AI

1.Deepmind 6.Graphcore

2.Improbable 7. Logicnow


4.Darktrace 9.Qubit

5.Magic Pony

1. Deepmind

Info: DeepMind Technologies Ltd. operates as an artificial intelligence company. They builds
general-purpose algorithms for use in simulations, e-commerce applications, and games.
DeepMind markets its products and services internationally.

Based: London, United Kingdom

Founded: 2010
Number of Employees: 201-500
Founders: Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
Technologies: Deep Learning
Industries: Healthcare
Investors: Google

2. Improbable

Info: Improbable is dedicated to building powerful technology designed to help solve previously
impossible problems and enable the creation of new realities. In gaming and entertainment,
Improbable unlocks truly next-generation gameplay through virtual worlds of unprecedented
scale, persistence and richness. In other industries, we hope to help answer critical questions
through simulations that could lead to a better functioning world.

Based: London, United Kingdom

Founded: 2012
Number of Employees: 101-250
Founders: Herman Narula, Rob Whitehead
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: Entertainment
Investors: SoftBank, Horizons Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz

3. Swiftkey

Info: SwiftKey is a technology company that aims to enhance interaction between keyboards and
people. It upgrades smartphone keyboards to make typing faster, by utilizing artificial
intelligence to learn from each user in order to autocorrect and predict their next word. The
SwiftKey Keyboard for Android supports more than 80 languages.

Based: London, United Kingdom

Founded: 2008
Number of Employees: 101-250
Founders: Ben Medlock, Jon Reynolds
Technologies: Search Engines & Language Processing
Industries: Marketing & Advertising
Investors: Index Ventures, Octopus Ventures

4. Darktrace

Info: Darktrace is one of the world’s fastest-growing cyber defense companies and a leader in
Enterprise Immune System technology, a new category of cyber solutions based on
pioneering Bayesian mathematics developed at the University of Cambridge. Darktrace
addresses the challenge of insider threat and advanced cyber-attacks through its unique
ability to detect previously unidentified threats in real time, as manifested in the emerging
behaviors of the network, devices and individuals.

Based: Cambridge, United Kingdom

Founded: 2013
Number of Employees: 101-250
Founders: -
Technologies: Cyber Security
Industries: Recommendation Systems
Investors: Insight Venture Partners, KKR & Co., Summit Partners, Invoke Capital Partners

5. Magic Pony Technology

Info: Delivering advanced video upscaling, compression and enhancement technologies built on
novel machine learning & computer vision research with 5+ patents pending.
Magic Pony Technology's world-class R&D team has gained 30+ yrs combined research
experience at Imperial College, King's College & UCL, 100+ publications in major international
conferences & journals and 300+ citations from institutions such as Harvard, CMU and
Microsoft Research.

Based: London, United Kingdom

Founded: 2014
Number of Employees: 11-50
Founders: Dr. Zehan Wang, Rob Bishop
Technologies: Search Engines & Language Processing
Industries: Marketing & Advertising
Investors: Balderton Capital

6. Graphore

Info: Graphcore is a hardware systems company developing IPU-Accelerator™ cards and

IPU-Appliance™ products that will accelerate machine learning applications.

Based: Bristol, United Kingdom

Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 11-50
Founders: Nigel Toon, Simon Knowles
Technologies: Machine Learning
Industries: Marketing & Advertising
Investors: Sequoia Capital, Atomico, Robert Bosch Venture Capital

7. Logicnow

Info: LOGICnow delivers the world’s leading 100% SaaS, fully cloud-based IT service management
(ITSM) platform, backed by collective intelligence and the highest levels of layered security.
LOGICnow’s MAX products – including Risk Intelligence, Remote Management, Backup &
Disaster Recovery, Mail and Service Desk – comprise the market’s most widely-trusted
integrated solution.

Based: London, United Kingdom

Founded: 2001
Number of Employees: 501-1000
Founders: -
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: GovTech
Investors: -

8. BenevolentAI

Info: BenevolentAI is a British company harnessing the power of AI to enhance and accelerate
global scientific discovery. Between Q4 2013 and Q3 2015 the company has conducted four
rounds of funding, raising a total of $87.72 million at a final valuation of $1.781 billion. Lead
investors included Woodford Investment Management, Lansdowne Partners, Lundbeck H/S
and Upsher Smith Laboratories Inc. In 2014 signed a licence deal with a US
pharmaceutical organisation based on two novel targets for the treatment of Alzheimer’s
disease. In September 2016, the company changed its name from Stratified Medical to to better reflect the wider application of its technology outside of human
healthcare and drug discovery.

Based: London, United Kingdom

Founded: 2013
Number of Employees: 51-100
Founders: Brent Gutekunst, Ivan Griffin, Ken Mulvany, Michael Brennan
Technologies: Machine Learning,
Industries: Artificial Intelligence Neuroscience
Investors: Woodford Investment Management, Upsher Smith Laboratories, Lansdowne Partners,

9. Qubit

Info: Qubit provides a product suite that both collects and processes large data sets to identify and
execute the biggest levers for improving online profitability through machine learning,
statistical analysis and high performance computing.

Based: London, United Kingdom

Founded: 2010
Number of Employees: 251-500
Founders: Daniel Shellard, David Armitage, Emre Baran, Graham Cooke, Ian McCaig
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: Marketing & Advertising
Investors: Goldman Sachs, Accel Partners, Balderton Capital

10. Xmos

Info: XMOS Ltd. provides embedded voice controllers and audio interfaces for consumer
electronics. The unique xCORE architecture and highly differentiated software delivers
class-leading far field voice capture and the highest quality digital multi-channel audio
interfaces. VocalFusion voice controllers position XMOS at the interface between embedded
voice processing, biometrics and artificial intelligence, with flexible integration to automatic
speech recognition (ASR) systems.

Based: Bristol, United Kingdom

Founded: 2005
Number of Employees: 51-100
Founders: Ali Dixon, David May, Hitesh Mehta, James Foster, Noel Hurley
Technologies: Chatbots & AI Assistants
Industries: Transport & Infrastructure
Investors: Infineon Technologies, Foundation Capital, Robert Bosch Venture Capital

List of Top 35 Russian Investors in AI
Top 10 Top 10
AI in UK UK based
International Investors AI Investors

1. 500 Startups, USA 11. Index Ventures

2. Sosv, USA 12. NorthStar
3. Andreessen Horowitz, USA 13. SeedCamp
4. GV, USA 14. Balderton
5. Kima Ventures, France 15. Octopus Ventures
6. Foundation Capital, USA 16. Amadeus Capital Partners
7. Summit Partners, USA 17. DN Capital
8. Qualcomm Ventures, USA 18. Scottish Equity Partners
9. Ignition Partners, USA 19. IP Group
10. Insight Venture Partners, USA 20. Draper Esprit

1. 500 Startups

Info: 500 Startups is a global venture capital seed fund with a network of startup programs
headquartered in Silicon Valley with over $350M in committed capital across 4 main funds
and 13 micro funds. We have invested in 1,800 technology startups all over the world.

Based: Mountain View, California, United States

Founded: 2010
Number of investments: 1612
Founders: Christine Tsai, Dave McClure
Technologies: Chatbots & AI Assistants
Industries: Marketing & Advertising
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Seed
Focus Region: Global

2. Sosv

Info: SOSV began supplying start-ups with rocket fuel 20 years ago. We are now a global fund with
more then $250M assets under management and a staff of nearly 50 operating
world-renowned accelerators in the areas of hardware, software, biology, food, robotics,
medical devices, transportation, green energy, and beyond. We have over 400 companies in
our portfolio, and graduate over 150 start-ups from our accelerator programs each year.

Based: Princeton, New Jersey, United States

Founded: 1995
Number of investments: 1025
Founders: Sean O'Sullivan
Technologies: Internet of Things
Industries: Healthcare
Investment Stage: Debt, Early Stage Venture, Seed
Focus Region: Global

3. Andreessen Horowitz

Info: Andreessen Horowitz LLC is a venture capital firm specializing in investing in seed, start-ups,
early, mid stage, growth, and late stage. It prefers to invest in the social media business and
technology sector with a focus on software, back-end infrastructure, infrastructure of the
Internet, cloud computing, enterprise software and services, consumer, business Internet,
mobile-Internet, consumer Internet, cloud computing, data-storage.

Based: Menlo Park, California, United States

Founded: 2009
Number of investments: 566
Founders: Ale Resnik, Ben Horowitz, Marc Andreessen
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: Entertainment
Investment Stage: Debt, Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity, Seed
Focus Region: Global
Invested in: IMPROBABLE

4. Gv

Info: Launched as Google Ventures in 2009, GV is the venture capital arm of Alphabet, Inc.
They’ve invested in more than 300 companies that push the edge of what’s possible. In the
fields of life science, healthcare, artificial intelligence, robotics, transportation, cyber security,
and agriculture, their companies aim to improve lives and change industries.

Based: Mountain View, California, United States

Founded: 2009
Number of investments: 531
Founders: Bill Maris
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: Marketing & Advertising
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Seed
Focus Region: Global

5. Kima Ventures

Info: Foundation Capital is a venture capital firm dedicated to the proposition that one
entrepreneur's idea, with the right support, can become a business that changes the world.
The company is made up of former entrepreneurs who set out to create the firm they wanted
as founders. This forward-thinking team of VCs has helped companies like Lending Club
change the way money is lent and borrowed, Sunrun reinvent the residential clean energy
market, and Netflix revolutionize media distribution and consumption, among many others.

Based: Paris, Ile-de-France, France

Founded: 2010
Number of investments: 457
Founders: Jeremie Berrebi, Xavier Niel
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: FinTech
Investment Stage: Debt, Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity, Seed
Focus Region: Global

6. Foundation Capital

Info: Foundation Capital is a venture capital firm made up of former entrepreneurs who set out to
create the firm they wanted as founders.

Based: Menlo Park, California, United States

Founded: 1995
Number of investments: 455
Founders: Bill Elmore
Technologies: AI assistant
Industries: Transport & Infrastructure
Investment Stage: Debt, Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity, Seed
Focus Region: Global

7. Summit Partners

Info: Founded in 1984, Summit Partners is a global alternative investment firm that is currently
investing more than $9.5 billion into growth equity, fixed income and public equity
opportunities. Summit has invested in more than 460 companies in technology, healthcare,
life sciences and other growth industries. These companies have completed more than 140
public equity offerings, and more than 180 strategic mergers and sales.

Based: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Founded: 1984
Number of investments: 311
Founders: E. Roe Stamps, Gregory Avis, Stephen Woodsum
Technologies: Recommendation Systems
Industries: Security
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Grant, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity, Seed
Focus Region: Global

8. Qualcomm Ventures

Info: Qualcomm Ventures was formed in 2000 to make investments in startups developing
next-generation technologies that will promote future growth for Qualcomm Inc. Qualcomm
Ventures has over 140 active companies in its portfolio and has generated significant financial
returns, including five exits over a billion dollars: Invensense, NQ Mobile, Waze, Fitbit, Cruise

Based: San Diego, California, United States

Founded: 2000
Number of investments: 292
Founders: Paul E. Jacobs
Technologies: Computer Vision
Industries: Entertainment
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Seed
Focus Region: Global

9. Ignition Partners

Info: Ignition is a venture capital firm dedicated to helping the best entrepreneurs seize opportunity.
With over $2B under management, Ignition invests in emerging and future leaders in
enterprise software.
Ignition brings together an unparalleled combination of domain focus, technical expertise, and
global operational experience. Ignition's partners are proven business leaders who have built
some of the world's most successful businesses of the last two decades, including Microsoft
Windows and Office, McCaw Cellular Communications, AT&T Wireless and Starbucks.

Based: Bellevue, Washington, United States

Founded: 2000
Number of investments: 276
Founders: Frank Artale, John Connors, Jonathan Roberts, Nick Sturiale
Technologies: Machine Learning
Industries: FinTech
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture
Focus Region: Global

10. Insight Venture Partners

Info: Founded in 1995, Insight Venture Partners is the fastest-growing venture capital firm
specializing in growth-stage Software and Internet investing globally. Insight's team of growth
experts is composed of both technology investors and operating executives with significant
experience scaling technology companies. Since inception, Insight has raised more than $7.6
billion to invest in market leading companies through both minority and majority deals.
Insight's investing flexibility enables companies and entrepreneurs to obtain the deal that
makes sense for them, in addition to gaining access to growth expertise and global reach.

Based: New York, New York, United States

Founded: 1995
Number of investments: 262
Founders: Jerry Murdock
Technologies: Recommendation Systems
Industries: Security
Investment Stage: Debt, Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity, Seed
Focus Region: Global

11. Index Ventures

Info: Index Ventures is a multi-stage international venture capital firm that backs the best and most
ambitious entrepreneurs. These leaders are building truly transformative companies that are
reshaping the world around them, including: Dropbox, Etsy, Sonos, SoundCloud, Flipboard,
King, BlaBlaCar, Squarespace, Just Eat, Lookout, Hortonworks, Nasty Gal, Pure Storage,
Supercell, Criteo, Funding Circle and many others.

Based: London, United Kingdom

Founded: 1996
Number of investments: 606
Founders: David Rimer, Giuseppe Zocco, Neil Rimer
Technologies: Search Engines & Language Processing
Industries: Marketing & Advertising
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Seed
Focus Region: UK

12. NorthStar

Info: Northstar Ventures has been supporting entrepreneurs in the North East of England since
2004. It is looking for strong teams with great ideas – ideas that will drive high growth,
scalable businesses. As the North East’s leading early stage investor, Northstar makes and
manage investments into a wide range of innovative ventures, and its investment managers
have a wealth of experience supporting new and growing businesses.

Based: Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Founded: 2004
Number of investments: 467
Founders: -
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: Healthcare
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Seed
Focus Region: Global

13. SeedCamp

Info: Seedcamp is Europe's seed fund, identifying and investing early in world-class founders
attacking large, global market and solving real problems using technology. Since launch a
decade ago Seedcamp has invested in 250 startups including the likes of fintech unicorn
TransferWise along with some of Europe's fastest growing companies Revolut, UiPath and

Based: London,United Kingdom

Founded: 2007
Number of investments: 246
Founders: Reshma Sohoni, Saul Klein
Technologies: Robotics
Industries: Transport & Infrastructure
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Seed
Focus Region: Global

14. Balderton Capital

Info: Balderton backs breakthrough technology businesses in Europe. Our partnership consists of
some of Europe's most successful entrepreneurs and venture investors. By bringing their
combined experience to bear, we enable our portfolio companies to access an unrivalled
array of knowledge, skills and capital. Our focus is on ambitious entrepreneurs, disruptive
technology and sustainable businesses.

Based: London, United Kingdom

Founded: 2000
Number of investments: 227
Founders: -
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: Healthcare
Investment Stage: Debt, Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity, Seed
Focus Region: Global

15. Octopus Ventures

Info: Octopus Ventures is a London and New York based venture capital firm, focused on backing
unusually talented entrepreneurs. We have been fortunate enough to work with the founding
teams of over 60 companies, including Conversocial,, LoveFiLM, Property Partner,
Secret Escapes, Sofar Sounds, SwiftKey, Swoon Editions, Uniplaces,, Zoopla
Property Group and Zynstra.

Based: London,United Kingdom

Founded: 1999
Number of investments: 170
Founders: -
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: FinTech
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Seed
Focus Region: Global

16. Amadeus Capital Partners

Info: Amadeus Capital invests in technology companies at all stages, from seed to venture buyout;
we also buy stakes from other investors or founders, to ensure that companies and
entrepreneurs have the runway they need to succeed. We invest in a broad variety of sectors
including enterprise and infrastructure software, consumer and business services, medical
technology and healthcare IT, and cleantech and resource efficiency.

Based: London,United Kingdom

Founded: 1997
Number of investments: 158
Founders: Anne Glover, Herman Hauser
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: Security
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity, Seed
Focus Region: Global

17. DN Capital

Info: DN Capital is a Pan-European early-stage venture capital firm. They typically invest €0.25-15
million per company focusing primarily seed and growth stage investments. They also look to
help US companies enter the European market.

Based: London,United Kingdom

Founded: 2000
Number of investments: 148
Founders: Nenad Marovac, Steve Schlenker
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: FinTech
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Seed
Focus Region: Global

18. Scottish Equity Partners

Info: Scottish Equity Partners (SEP) has $1 billion under management and one of the longest and
strongest venture capital track records in Europe having invested in over 150 companies over
the last 20 years. Operating from offices in London, Glasgow and Edinburgh, SEP typically
makes equity investments of £10-20 million+ across a range of sectors, with a particular
interest in enterprise software, consumer internet and tech-enabled service businesses.

Based: London,United Kingdom

Founded: 2000
Number of investments: 135
Founders: Calum Paterson, Gary Le Sueur, Stuart Paterson
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: FinTech
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Seed
Focus Region: UK

19. IP Group

Info: IP Group's core business is the creation of value for its shareholders and partners through the
commercialisation of intellectual property originating from research intensive institutions. Their
strength lies in managing this process from finding suitable intellectual property to
commercialise to either helping develop businesses and create value out of them, or
identifying and establishing appropriate commercial partnerships to do so.

Based: London,United Kingdom

Founded: 2001
Number of investments: 133
Founders: -
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: Healthcare
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity, Seed
Focus Region: UK

20. Draper Esprit

Info: Draper Esprit is a Pan-European venture capital fund that invests into disruptive tech
companies at the early and growth stages. They are one of the most active venture capital
firms in Europe with over 50 active portfolio companies and $1b in assets under management.

Based: London,United Kingdom

Founded: 2006
Number of investments: 108
Founders: Simon Cook, Stuart Chapman, Tim Draper
Technologies: Intelligent data analysis
Industries: Marketing & Advertising
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Seed
Focus Region: Regional, UK

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

1. Abaka Abaka is the company which focused on Personal 2015 11-50 London, https://www.abak Marketing &
financial assistant. United finance
AI Assistants,

2. Accelerated Accelerated Dynamics builds AI for robot mission control 2015 1-10 London, https://www.accel Security &
Dynamics and fleet management. United erateddynamics.c Infrastructure
Kingdom o/

3. solves the hardest part of building an Intelligent 2015 11-50 London, https://www.actio Consulting &
Chatbot – understanding users’ requests to enable United Outsourcing
human-like responses. Kingdom
AI Assistants,

4. Acuity News analytics company specialising in the visualisation 2013 1-10 England, https://www.acuit FinTech
Trading of financial market sentiment for retail traders. United
Kingdom Intelligent data

5. Adama Adama Robotics is a Robotics and Artificial Intelligence 2016 - England, https://www.adam Education
Robotics (AI) company that produces and sells educational United
robotics kits equipped with a full range of unique and Kingdom
comprehensive concepts.

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

6. Adbrain Adbrain is a global leader in resolving customer identity 2012 11-50 London, https://www.adbr Marketing &
for marketers and their partners across people, places United finance
and devices. Kingdom vice-technology/
Intelligent data

7. Admedo Admedo is a self-serve online advertising platform that 2012 11-50 London, https://www.adme Marketing &
focuses on developing performance-driven tools. United Advertisement
Intelligent data

8. Adoreboard The company specializes in emotion analytics, a 2011 11-50 Belfast, https://adoreboar Marketing &
pathway to improve customer experience and loyalty. United Advertisement
Intelligent data

9. Adorial Adorial Pharma, the developer of Taxonomy3. Both 2014 1-10 United Healthcare
businesses were funded by Innovate UK. Kingdom
Intelligent data

10. Aesthetic We create groundbreaking tools for analysing 2014 11-50 England, https://www.iman Marketing &
Integration algorithms, helping make them safe, fair and United finance
transparent. Kingdom
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

11. AI Build Developing Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Additive 2015 1-10 England, Marketing &
Manufacturing technologies for the built environment. 3D United / Advertisement
printing services for large scale objects. The objects are Kingdom
built with the use of PLA- and ABS-based materials.

12. Aiden Aiden is the world’s first AI-powered analyst for 2016 1-10 London, https://www.aiden Marketing &
marketers. Combination of AI and a marketing United .ai/ Advertisement
expert-system, to build an "expert AI". Kingdom
AI Search
Engines &

13. AimBrain AimBrain is a BIDaaS (biometric identity as-a-service) 2014 11-50 London, https://aimbrain.c Security (anti
platform providing Cloud-based biometric authentication United om/ fraud)
(voice, facial & behavioural). Kingdom
Intelligent data

14. Aire Labs Aire gives people a new credit score to help them qualify 2014 1-10 London, Marketing &
for essential financial products. United Advertisement
Intelligent data

15. Alchera Alchera Technologies has a strong and rich pedigree of 2014 1-10 London, https://www.alche Transport &
Technologies world-leading machine learning and computer vision United Infrastructure
sensing technologies. Kingdom m/

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

16. Deep data risk analytics platform used by investment 2014 1-10 London, https://www.algod FinTech
AlgoDynamx banks and asset managers including hedge funds and United
family offices. Kingdom Intelligent data

17. Almax A news analytics system that functions like a human. 2016 11-50 London, http://almaxanalyt Marketing &
Analytics Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology puts information into United finance
context. Kingdom
Big Data

18. Alpha I The company’s mission is to bring research into the 2000 1-10 London, https://www.alpha Marketing &
heart of quantitative investing. United finance

19. Ampliphae Ampliphae Ltd is an innovative start-up that is 2014 11-50 Belfast, http://www.amplip Marketing &
revolutionising how service provider and enterprise Wide United Advertisement
Area Networks (WAN) are configured and operated to Kingdom
support Cloud Computing.

20. Anumerics Advanced numerical computation for the future of 2014 1-10 London, http://anumerics.c Consulting &
engineering and business. United om/?i=1 Outsourcing
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

21. Applied AI Applied AI Ltd is a data science consultancy, providing 2013 1-10 London, Marketing &
data-driven insights and software solutions using the United finance
tools and techniques of applied artificial intelligence. Kingdom
Intelligent data

22. Aridhia Aridhia informatics provides biomedical informatics and 2008 51-100 Edinburgh, Healthcare
Informatics analytics services to improve the management of chronic United
diseases. Kingdom Intelligent data

23. Arria Nlg Arria NLG is the leader in real-time data storytelling 2011 50-200 London, https://www.arria. Marketing &
using Natural Language Generation (NLG) technologies. United com/ finance
Chatbot &

24. Artesian Artificial intelligence layered on top of company info, 2006 51-100 Winnersh, https://www.artesi Marketing &
Solutions data and news, to help you prospect, build relationships United Advertisement
and accelerate sales. Kingdom
Intelligent data

25. Artios Artios uses maths and data science to increase website 2015 1-10 England, Marketing &
traffic and improve user experience (UX). United finance
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

26. Artomatix Artomatix makes it easy to create realistic, immersive 3D 2014 11-50 Dublin, https://artomatix.c Entertainment
worlds by developing the first creative artificial Dublin, om/
intelligence that automatically generates 3D content. Ireland Intelligent data

27. Assist AI Assist makes AI powered solutions that helps Customer 2015 1-10 England, Marketing &
Service teams be more efficient. United m Advertisement
Internet of

28. Attest Attest's brand and market intelligence tools help 2015 11-50 England, https://www.askat Marketing &
businesses to grow and innovate across the world. United Advertisement
Intelligent data

29. Automated Automated Intelligence (AI) provides information 2010 11-50 England, Marketing &
Intelligence management software and services that enable United mated-intelligenc Advertisement
organisations to easily transition to, and make the most Kingdom
Intelligent data
of, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Azure and Office

30. Avalon AI Avalon AI builds Deep Learning-based Computer Aided 2015 51-100 England, http://avalonai.stri Healthcare
Diagnosis tools to facilitate the detection of brain United
degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and enable Kingdom Intelligent data
better patient stratification in clinical trials.

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

31. Avora Avora is a next generation data intelligence platform - 2014 11-50 London, Consulting &
delivering companies a cost effective, agile BI & United Outsourcing
Machine Learning as-a-service. Kingdom
Intelligent data

32. Babylon Babylon delivers high quality healthcare via your mobile 2013 101-250 London, https://www.babyl Health &
Health phone. United Biotech
Chatbots &

33. Baro Baro Vehicles manufactures and designs car robots and 2015 1-10 Nuneaton, http://www.barov Transport
Vehicles self driving cars for the intelligent transport of people & United
goods. Kingdom Robotics

34. Behavox Behavox is an enterprise platform that unifies all types of 2014 51-100 London, https://www.beha Marketing &
data into a single data lake, allowing users to query the United finance
data and apply machine learning to identify capital Kingdom
Intelligent data
markets misconduct and insider threats.

35. A British company harnessing the power of AI to 2013 51-100 London, http://benevolent. Health &
BenevolentAI enhance and accelerate global scientific discovery. United ai/ Biotech

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

36. Bibblio Content recommendation toolkit helping publishers and 2014 11-50 London, http://www.bibblio Marketing &
content businesses deliver more relevant and engaging United .org/ Advertisement
discovery experiences. Kingdom
Intelligent data

37. Big Data for Big Data for Humans provides a data 2014 11-50 London, http://www.bigdat Marketing &
Humans science-as-a-service platform for Customer Marketing in United Advertisement
Retail and Travel sectors. Kingdom
Intelligent data

38. Biobeats Artificial Intelligence for Human Wellbeing. We build 2012 1-10 London, https://biobeats.c Health &
technologies that respond to physiologic data and learn United om/ Biotech
from how you interact with them, to help people live Kingdom
Chatbots &
more engaging, healthier lives.

39. Biorelate Biorelate is a venture-backed AI start-up with a mission 2014 n/a Oldham, Biorelate
to curate truths in biomedicine. United
Kingdom Intelligent data

40. Big data from Space, SaaS, Artificial Intelligence. Bird.i 2014 11-50 Glasgow https://www.hibird FinTech
collates and disseminates the best of the world’s City, United
satellite, airborne and drone imagery in real time. Kingdom Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

41. Black Swan UK's Leading Smart Data, Digital and Predictive 2011 101-250 London, Marketing &
Data Analytics Agency. Black Swan creates better outcomes United Advertising
through technology, prediction and data science. Kingdom
Intelligent data

42. Blippar Blippar is a technology company specializing in 2011 101-250 London, Entertainment
augmented reality, artificial intelligence and computer United
vision. Kingdom Computer

43. Bloomsbury AI enables everyone to easily create their 2015 1-10 London, http://bloomsbury. Education
Bloomsbury AI own question-answering system. United ai/
Kingdom Search
Engines &

44. Blue Lion Blue Lion Research is an artificial Intelligence for 2016 11-50 London, https://www.blueli Marketing &
Research alternative investments. United finance
Intelligent data

45. Blue Vision Blue Vision Labs, a new technology-focussed startup 2016 11-50 London, http://www.bluevi Transport &
Labs working on solving the big problems in machine United Infrastructure
perception. Kingdom

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

46. BMLL BMLL is a cloud-based data science platform offering 2014 11-50 London, https://bmlltech.c FinTech
Technologies access to level 3 limit order book exchange data United om/
(equities, futures and options), unlimited compute power Kingdom Machine
and a wide range of data science and machine learning

47. Boldmind Boldmind is an IoT consultancy specialized in building 2012 11-50 London, https://www.bold Marketing &
connected devices. It develops IoT solutions for the United Advertising
retail and outdoor advertising sectors. Kingdom
Internet of

48. BoomApp boomApp is a computer vision and machine learning 2015 1-10 London, https://boomapp.c Entertainment
startup that recognizes millions of videos with just a United o/
simple scan of your phone's camera. Kingdom Search
Engines &

49. BotsandUs Botsandus develop state of the art robotics and AI 2015 1-10 London, https://www.botsa Entertainment
products. United
Kingdom Robotics

50. Bottr Bottr provides personal chatbot in a click. 2016 1-10 London, Entertainment
Kingdom Chatbots &

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

51. Braintree Braintree is a research company specialising in 2002 11-50 London, Consulting &
Ltd. providing data analysis and machine learning for large United m/ Outsourcing
organisations. Kingdom
Intelligent data

52. BrightTarget is specialist in Artificial Intelligence 2014 11-50 Sutton www.brighttarget. Marketing &
BrightTarget solutions for B2B Sales & Marketing. Coldfield, com Advertising
Intelligent data

53. Brolly Brolly is an AI-driven insurance advisory services app. 2016 1-10 London, https://www.heybr Consulting &
United Outsourcing
Intelligent data

54. Brytlyt Speed of thought analytics at scale. 2013 1-10 London, https://www.brytly Marketing &
United finance
Intelligent data

55. Buzz Radar Buzz Radar is an industry leader in making data, 2012 11-50 London, http://www.buzzra Marketing &
insightful, accessible and actionable. United finance
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

56. Calipsa Calipsa provides a platform to automate visual 2016 1-10 London, Transport
inspection and monitoring tasks. United
Kingdom Intelligent data

57. Callsign Protects businesses and their users with AI based 2012 51-100 London, https://www.callsi Security &
technology - Intelligence Driven Authentication. United Infrastructure
Intelligent data

58. Cambridge CQCL develops tools for the commercialisation of 2014 11-50 Cambridge, https://cambridge FinTech
Quantum quantum computers by understanding quantum United
Computing Kingdom Intelligent data
protocols and also quantum algorithms.

59. Celaton Celaton provides inSTREAM™, a hosted service built on 1993 51-100 Milton Marketing &
artificial intelligence to automate and streamline inbound Keynes, m/ finance
information streams. United
Kingdom Intelligent data

60. Century Century is a personalised learning platform combining 2013 11-50 London, http://www.centur Education
Tech A.I., big data and behavioural science to provide United
real-time insights to educators. Kingdom Recommender

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

61. Chatterbox The company is focused on Cognitive computing, 2010 11-50 London, http://chatterbox.c Marketing &
Labs Machine Learning, AI. United o/ finance

62. Chattermill Helps minimise churn through better customer insight. 2015 1-10 London, https://chattermill. Marketing &
United io/ finance

63. CheckRecipient prevents highly sensitive information 2013 11-50 London, https://www.tessi Social & Media
CheckReсipient being sent to the wrong people over email. United
Kingdom Search
Engines &

64. Clarice Clarice Travel is a personal travel assistant, powered by 2015 - London, http://www.clarice Entertainment
Travel Artificial Intelligence and human travel experts. United
Kingdom Chatbots &

65. Cleo Cleo is an intelligent assistant that helps users manage 2015 1-10 London, Entertainment
their finances. United
Kingdom Chatbots &

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

66. Clinithink Clinithink offers cloud-based text processing capability to 2009 11-50 London, https://clinithink.c Health &
support data analytics, coding, and decision support in United om/ Biotech
healthcare applications. Kingdom
Intelligent data

67. Cloud.IQ Cloud.IQ is an AI and machine learning based 2012 11-50 London, Marketing &
automated conversion rate optimisation platform for United finance
e-commerce businesses. Kingdom
Intelligent data

68. CloudNC CloudNC uses AI and cloud supercomputing to control 2015 2-10 London, Marketing &
CNC machines more efficiently than humans can. United m/ finance
Intelligent data

69. Cocoon Cocoon is a smart home security device that combines 2014 11-50 Leeds, Marketing &
HD Camera, Motion Detection & SUBSOUND:tm: United / Advertising
Technology to sense activity throughout your home. Kingdom

70. Codec Artificial intelligence for Content Marketing. 2015 11-50 London, http://www.codec. Marketing &
United ai/ finance
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

71. Cognism Cognism is a lead generation and management tool. 2015 11-50 London, https://www.cogni Marketing &
United finance
Big Data

72. CognitionX CognitionX provides data experts, software developers, 2015 11-50 London, https://cognitionx. Education
platform vendors, researchers and hardware. United com/

73. Cognitiv+ Cognitiv+ is an artificial intelligence platform that 2015 11-50 London, http://www.cogniti Marketing &
automates knowledge extraction from legal data. United finance
Intelligent data

74. Concured Concured uses Artificial Intelligence to show marketers 2015 1-10 London, https://www.conc Marketing &
exactly what topics drive engagement, and what to write United finance
about next. Kingdom
Intelligent data

75. CR delivers the best of British & international design and 2014 1-10 London, http://consequenti Education
Consequential engineering to the development of next generation United
Robotics Kingdom Robotics
consumer and commercial robots.

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

76. Context Context Scout develops new information retrieval and 2015 1-10 London, https://contextsco Research/Edu
Scout machine learning technology for web search, United cation
professional assistance and knowledge work. Kingdom

77. Converstity Conversity Ltd provides customer acquisition and 2003 11-50 London, http://www.conver Marketing &
retention solutions in the United Kingdom. It offers United finance
Accelerated Intelligence, a hosted Web-based system Kingdom
Intelligent data
for customer retention and acquisition.

78. Coppelia Coppelia Machine Learning and Analytic combine an 2014 1-10 London, http://www.coppel Marketing &
Machine agile design methodology with the latest developments United finance
Learning and Kingdom
in machine learning & data science.
Intelligent data

79. Corax Corax is cloud-based software helping the insurance 2013 11-50 London, https://www.corax Fintech
industry maximize the cyber opportunity. United
Kingdom Intelligent data

80. Cortexica Visually Empowering Business through the power of 2008 11-50 London, https://www.corte Marketing &
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision. United finance

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

81. Create Create Intelligence was founded in 2011 with the aim of 2011 11-50 Woodbridge, https://chorusintel Marketing &
Intelligence delivering a cost effective solution to the tsunami of data United .com/ Advertising
that analysts face in today’s environment. Kingdom
Intelligent data

82. Emotion inspired artificial intelligence company that 2013 1-10 London, https://www.crow Entertainment
CrowdEmotion enables technology to see, hear, and feel the way United
humans do. Its proprietary emotion engine helps Kingdom Computer
companies, academics, and users recognise human
emotion to deliver a better experience and life for users.

83. CrowdVision is an automated pedestrian analytics 2009 11-50 London, https://www.crow Device
CrowdVision company. Our software shows what's happening to an United manufacturing
entire population in real time. Kingdom

84. Crystal Crystal is the AI powered advisor for business 2016 51-100 London, AI Assistants /
intelligence. It gets to the heart of any connected data United Business
source, turning it into actionable insights in natural Kingdom Intelligence

85. Cyberlytic Intelligent web application security that applies cognitive 2013 11-50 London, https://cyberlytic.c Security &
machine learning & risk analytics to detect, prioritize & United om/ Infrastructure
prevent web attacks Kingdom
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

86. CyberSparta's 'ATHENA Cyber Platform' is 2015 11-50 London, https://cyberspart Security
CyberSparta a next-generation IT network solution. United (Cyber)
Intelligent data

87. Cybertonica Cybertonica provides a cloud risk intelligence hub to 2013 11-50 London, https://cybertonic Security &
reduce basket drop-off and increase conversion for United Infrastructure
banks, PSPs and e-merchants. Kingdom

88. Cyra Cyra aiming to make the hiring process cost effective for 2016 1-10 London, https://www.cyra. Marketing &
the employers of small to medium businesses, by United ai/ Advertising
providing AI recruiting assistant. Kingdom

89. Cytora Cytora is a leading data analytics provider to the 2014 11-50 London, Marketing &
insurance industry. United / finance
Intelligent data

90. Daden Daden Limited is a 3D/VR immersive environments and 2004 1-10 Birmingham, http://www.daden Education &
AI solution provider based in Birmingham, UK. They United Research
offer a 3D/VR training and education solution ( Kingdom
Trainingscapes/Fieldscapes) and develop bespoke
chatbot solutions for training, team and individual
support, and corporate knowledge management.

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

91. Darktrace Darktrace provides enterprise immune system 2013 100-250 Cambridge, https://www.darkt Security &
technology for cyber security. United Infrastructure

92. DataSine Changing how financial institutions interact with 2015 1-10 London, https://datasine.c Marketing &
customers; using transactional & biographical data to United om/ finance
build customer personality profiles. Kingdom

93. Decibel Decibel Insight reveals exactly how users behave on 2013 11-50 London, https://www.decib Marketing &
Insight websites & apps, making it easy for enterprise United Advertising
businesses to quantify and improve CX. Kingdom
Intelligent data

94. Deepmind Google DeepMind develops learning algorithms that use 2010 100-500 London, https://deepmind. Marketing &
data or raw experience to better themselves. United com/ finance
Big Data

95. Deontics Deontics has a world leading AI and cognitive computing 2014 1-10 London, http://www.deonti Health &
Clinical Decision Support and Compliance platform designed United Biotech
to reduce unwarranted variation in clinical practice and to save Kingdom
money Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

96. Desktop Building an AI to re-engineer the human genome. 2012 11-50 London, https://www.desk Health &
Genetics United Biotech
Intelligent data

97. Diffblue Diffblue is a University of Oxford spin-out that is applying 2016 11-50 London, http://www.diffblu Consulting &
artificial intelligence to software development. United Outsourcing
Chatbots &

98. Digital Digital Contact provides digital media analytics and 2012 1-10 Rochester, http://digitalconta FinTech
Contact enriched metrics for the financial industry, public sector United
and media. Kingdom Intelligent data

99. DigitalBridge is a computer vision and machine learning 2012 11-50 Manchester, http://digitalbridge Device
DigitalBridge platform that allows customers to visualise home United .eu/ manufacturing
decor/furniture in their own room. Kingdom

100. DigitalGenius brings practical applications of deep 2012 11-50 London, https://www.digita Device
Digitalgenius learning & artificial intelligence to customer service United manufacturing
operations of large companies. Kingdom
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

101. DigitalMR DigitalMR is a technology company with proprietary 2010 1-10 London, https://www.digita Marketing &
solutions for market research, that specialises in the use United Advertising
of Artificial Intelligence for customer insights and the Kingdom
integration of Social, Survey, and Sales data. Following Intelligent data
years of R&D, partly financed by government grants, analysis
DigitalMR’s main areas of research include text and
image analytics, particularly sentiment and semantic
(topics analysis), emotions analysis...

102. Computer vision to transform construction project 2015 1-10 London, http://www.disper Transport & delivery and on-site progress analysis. United Infrastructure

103. Drayson An IoT platform company using innovative wireless 2007 11-50 London, https://draysontec Healthcare
Technologies charging technology & machine learning software to United
create smart sensor networks. Kingdom Internet of

104. DueDil DueDil is a due diligence tool and free online company 2011 51-100 London, https://www.duedi Marketing &
database storing information on businesses. United Advertising
Intelligent data

105. eBlur Eblur develops an artificial intelligence based game 2017 1-10 London, http://www.eblur.c Entertainment
coaching software which serves as an automated coach United
for eSports games. Kingdom Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

106. Echobox We are building the world's first artificial intelligence that 2013 11-50 London, https://www.echo Social & Media
understands the meaning of content. United
Kingdom Big Data

107. Eigen Eigen is a research-driven AI company specialising in 2014 51-100 London, https://www.eigen Fintech
Technologies NLP for businesses in finance, law and professional United
services. Kingdom Intelligent data

108. Elliptic Blockchain intelligence. Elliptic identifies illicit activity on 2013 1-10 London, https://www.ellipti Security (anti
the Bitcoin blockchain. United fraud)
Intelligent data

109. Emotech Emotech is a London-based robotics startup exploring 2014 11-50 London, Marketing &
LTD how to improve relationships between people and United m/ finance
technology. Kingdom

110. Emote Artificial intelligence with Humanistic Qualities. 2014 1-10 Abergavenny http://www.emote Device
Robotics United manufacturing

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

111. Emteq The world's first emotion recognition and analysis 2015 11-50 Brighton, Healthcare
platform in smart glasses. United
Kingdom Computer

112. Encode Enorasys Security Analytics enables continuous cyber 2001 51-100 London, http://www.encod Security
situational awareness to address advanced persistent United (Cyber)
threats (APTs). Kingdom
on Systems

113. Ernest.AI Ernest a personal Banker for All powered by Artificial 2015 1-10 London, FinTech
Intelligence: a chatbot that answers questions, gives United
insights & forecasts issues. Kingdom Machine

114. Evi Evi is a technology company focused on knowledge 2005 11-50 Cambridge, https://www.evi.c Security &
base and semantic search engine software. United om/ Infrastructure
Chatbots &

115. Evolve UAV innovations company, working on computer vision, 2014 1-10 London, http://www.evolve Device
dynamics AI autopilot systems, long flight solutions and rapid United manufacturing
ready-to-fly/deploy platforms. Kingdom

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

116. Existor Existor is a London-based company, creating 1988 1-10 Brighton, http://www.existor Entertainment
conversational Artificial Intelligence software for United .com/
business, education, and entertainment. Kingdom Chatbot &

117. Exscientia Exscientia is applying AI and big data processing to 2012 11-50 Oxford, https://www.exsci Big Data
accelerate drug discovery and development. United Services

118. Factmata Factmata is a year old artificial intelligence startup 2017 1-10 London, https://factmata.c Social & Media
backed by Mark Cuban, Biz Stone, Sunil Paul, Craig United om/
Newmark and more. Their mission is to improve and Kingdom Search
Engines &
build a quality media ecosystem by producing algorithms
that can score content on subjective factors such as
argument quality, controversy, satire, news bias,
polarisation and more.

119. Fantoo Fantoo is a software company offering a personal 2012 11-50 London, https://www.fanto Security &
intelligence engine for email and messaging platforms. United Infrastructure
Big Data

120. Featurespace is a UK-based provider of adaptive 2008 101-250 Cambridge, https://www.featu Marketing &
Featurespace behavioral analytic technology and services such as the United Finance
ARIC engine. Kingdom
Big Data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

121. Fedr8 Fedr8 is a UK company that has software to accelerate 2012 1-10 Farnborough, http://www.fedr8. Marketing &
the adoption of cloud computing and reduce the cost of United com/ Advertising
Digital Transformation. Kingdom

122. The AI-driven platform supporting marketers in creating 2014 1-10 London, http://findtheripple Marketing &
FindTheRipple content with impact, finding untapped trends and United .com/ Finance
resonating digital assets for target audiences. Kingdom
Intelligent data

123. FinGenius FinGenius is a technology company that develops 2013 1-10 London, http://www.fingeni FinTech
artificial intelligence and natural language processing United
solutions for financial institutes. Kingdom Intelligent data

124. Firedrop AI designer - Sacha - builds websites and landing 2015 1-10 London, Marketing &
pages. United Advertising
Chatbots &

125. Fitwell Fitwell helps you to improve the quality of your life and 2014 1-10 London, https://www.fitwell Health &
get into shape. Yet, Fitwell's real power lies in its ability United .co/ Biotech
to help you to recognise your own strengths. Kingdom
Chatbots &

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

126. FiveAI This Cambridge-based AI startup, has a bold mission: 2015 1-10 Bristol, Transport
building its own autonomous driving system and using United
its AI-based platform to take on Uber and other Kingdom Computer
transportation services with a fleet of self-driving taxis.

127. Flexciton The company’s mission is to revolutionise industrial 2016 1-10 London, https://www.flexci GovTech
automation in the process systems and energy sector. United
Kingdom Intelligent data

128. Focal Brings accurate position and timing to smartphones and 2015 1-10 Cambridge, https://www.focal GovTech
Point autonomous platforms, indoors and out. United pointpositioning.c
Positioning Kingdom om/ Machine

129. Generates forecasts and optimizes complex future 2016 1-10 London, https://www.subje Marketing &
ForecastThis objectives for investment managers and quantitative United finance
analysts using their own data. Kingdom /

130. Fractal Fractal Labs is an automated financial assistant for 2014 1-10 London, https://www.askfr Marketing &
Labs businesses. United finance
Kingdom .html
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

131. Fraud Fraugster is a German-Israeli anti-fraud company that 2014 11-50 Cambridge, https://fraugster.c Security &
uses artificial intelligence to eliminate fraud and increase United om/ Infrastructure
customers’ profits. Kingdom
Intelligent data

132. GiveVision Software for Smart Glasses to act as eyes for Blind and 2014 1-10 London, http://www.givevi Marketing &
partially sighted people. United Advertising

133. Global GlobalData is a world leading provider of data and 2016 1000-1500 London, https://www.globa Marketing &
Data analysis for consumer, technology and healthcare United finance
businesses. Kingdom
Intelligent data

134. Gluru Gluru is a customer experience management (CEM) 2013 1-10 London, Chatbots &
solution provider that uses AI to streamline the customer United Assistants
support process for customers and support Kingdom

135. Grad DNA Grad DNA matches students and recent college grads 2015 1-10 London, http://www.grad-d Education
with the right employers through app based United
psychometric assessments. Kingdom Intelligent
data analysis

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

136. Grakn Grakn is a hyper-relational database for knowledge 2015 11-50 London, Education
engineering. It is the knowledge base platform for United
intelligent/cognitive systems. Kingdom Chatbots &

137. Graphcore Bristol-based Graphcore is building the chip of choice to 2016 11-50 Bristol, https://www.grap Social & Media
accelerate processing of complex Machine Learning United
models for training and inference. They got the entire “AI Kingdom Intelligent data
Royalty” in the UK as investors in the round. analysis

138. Greedy Greedy Intelligence is a University of Cambridge 2009 11-50 London, Education
Intelligence spin-out, specializing in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and United m
Natural Language Processing Kingdom

139. Verv (ex Machine learning experts in the energy sector, Verv are 2010 11-50 London, IoT
Green the creators of an AI-based smart hub that serves as a United
Running) home energy assistant. Verv are pioneers of peer-2-peer Kingdom
energy trading in the UK using their AI tech + blockchain

140. GrowthIntel is an AI platform that helps revenue-hungry 2011 11-50 London, http://growthintel. Marketing &
GrowthIntel CMOs maximise their sales and marketing efforts by United com/ Advertising
prioritising every UK businesses by their likelihood to Kingdom
convert, their potential spend and responsiveness to Intelligent data
different marketing channels. GrowtIntel brings together analysis
machine learning and proprietary open web data to
demystify why businesses buy and eliminate uncertainty.

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

141. Grumgo Grumgo is the ultimate travel companion for smart city 2017 1-10 London, https://www.grum Entertainment
breaks, powered by AI. Plan less, explore more with United
your personalised itinerary. Kingdom Predictive

142. Gyana Gyana is an AI powered, cloud based data insights 2015 11-50 London, https://www.gyan Marketing &
platform that provides on-demand insights on people United Advertising
and places. Kingdom
Consulting &

143. Hadean Hadean is a distributed compute platform. Lets a 2014 11-50 London, https://www.had FinTech
developer write code that runs at any scale, with zero United
ops, and zero tuning. Kingdom Intelligent data

144. Headstart Headstart is a technology company which uses artificial 2015 1-10 London, Consulting &
intelligence and machine learning to improve diversity in United Outsourcing
recruitment. With offices in London, San Francisco and Kingdom
New York, Headstart works with global enterprise
organisations, providing an end-to-end platform which
enables fairer hiring.

145. Hertzian Specialists in understanding user generated content 2015 1-10 Truro, United http://www.hertzia FinTech
through the use of Natural Language Processing & Kingdom
Machine Learning. Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

146. Hoxton IoT edge sensor which counts and profiles customers 2014 1-10 London, https://www.hoxto Marketing &
Analytics anonymously and accurately, based on their footwear. United Advertising

147. Hubble Hubble is an online marketplace that makes renting 2013 11-50 London, https://hubblehq.c Transport &
office space easy. United om/ Infrastructure

148. Hutoma Building emotionally evolved AI interfaces for connected 2015 1-10 London, https://www.hut Marketing &
devices, app and web powered by Deep Learning. United Advertising
Chatbots &

149. Idio Idio predicts the interests & intent of high-value 2006 11-50 London, https://www.idiopl Marketing &
customers, personalizing the digital and advisor United finance
experience for enterprise clients. Kingdom

150. Illumr illumr helps organizations to better understand and 2013 1-10 London, Others
predict patterns of behavior that affect them. United

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

151. Imago Imago Techmedia has brought expert knowledge, 2004 11-50 London, https://www.imag Education
Tech Media technology and communication specialists and business United
leaders together. Kingdom Intelligent data

152. Import.Io is the number one web data extraction 2012 11-50 London, https://www.impor FinTech
platform. Using our patented technology, we provide United
100s of global businesses with high-quality, scalable Kingdom Intelligent data
data from the web without breaking the bank.

153. Improbable develops an operating environment that 2012 101-250 London, https://improbab Entertainment
Improbable makes building simulated worlds possible. United
Kingdom Search
Engines &

154. Index Index To Scale is a smart and intuitive Filter Engine that 2017 - London, http://www.indext Social & Media
Scale allows users to find personalised online content. United
Kingdom Search
Engines &

155. InsideDNA InsideDNA makes drug discovery faster and cheaper 2013 11-50 London, https://insidedna. Health &
with artificial intelligence and genomics. United ai/ Biotech
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

156. Insider Insider is a digital experience delivery platform for 2012 101-250 London, http://useinsider.c Marketing &
marketers. United om Advertising
on Systems

157. IntelligentX produces the world’s first beer brewed by 2016 1-10 London, http://intelligentx. Consulting &
IntelligentX artificial intelligence. United ai/ Outsourcing
Chatbots &

158. Interactive Help businesses of the future transform for the internet 2015 1-10 London, http://www.inter Entertainment
Tech of things (IoT), gamification and what we like to call the United
mobile app diverse. Kingdom / Intelligent data

159. Iotec iotec is the ethical adtech company trusted by brands to leverage 2013 51-100 Plymouth, https://www.iotec Marketing &
unparalleled machine learning technology to effectively engage United Advertising
with their next customer. Kingdom

160. iProov iProov is a London-based startup that focuses on 2016 11-50 London, https://www.iproo Security &
user-friendly strong identity authentication. United Infrastructure

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

161. itzMe Aims to transform way people interact with services and 2015 1-10 Cambridge, Social & Media
devices. United
Kingdom Intelligent data

162. jClarity Java/JVM performance analysis tools. Light-weight, 2012 1-10 London, https://www.jclarit Social & Media
intelligent Performance Analysis and Monitoring tools for United
Java/JVM applications - based on Machine Learning and Kingdom Chatbots &
hosted in the Cloud or in the enterprise.

163. Jukedeck Jukedeck develops an artificially intelligent system that 2014 11-50 London, https://www.juk Entertainment
writes original music completely on its own. At Jukedeck United
they train deep neural networks to understand music Kingdom Chatbots &
composition at a granular level so that they can build
tools to aid creativity.

164. Kami Kami is an AI conversational platform which powers 2014 1-10 London, Social & Media
businesses with smart robot advisory services. United
Kingdom Chatbots &

165. Keelvar Keelvar provides best-in-class e-procurement software 2012 11-50 Cork, Ireland Marketing &
that improves speed and efficiency in sourcing projects. m/ Advertising
Advanced eSourcing Enterprise SaaS provider.
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

166. KisanHub Integrated data analytics and monitoring for farmers and 2012 11-50 Cambridge, https://www.kisan Marketing &
growers. United Advertising
Intelligent data

167. Kluster Predictive Sales Analytics - Utilise big data and machine 2016 1-10 London, Marketing &
Intelligence learning to sell smarter. United m/ finance

168. Knowsis Knowsis is a London-based web intelligence company 2012 1-10 London, http://www.kno FinTech
developing financial markets data for financial United
institutions. Kingdom Marketing &

Intelligent data

169. Kompas Creates a customised plan of things to do in your city 2015 11-50 London, https://www.komp Entertainment
based on budget. United
Kingdom Search
Engines &

170. Krzana Krzana is a cloud-based search engine that provides its 2014 1-10 London, FinTech
users with a range of real-time search technologies. United m/
Kingdom Search
Engines &

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

171. Kwiziq Kwiziq is an A.I. language coach that helps people learn 2012 11-50 London, https://www.kwizi Education
a second language. United
Kingdom Intelligent data

172. LabGenius Harnessing evolution with AI to develop radically new 2012 1-10 London, https://www.labge Health &
protein materials and components. United Biotech
Engines &

173. Lifecake Lifecake enables parents to organise and back up digital 2012 11-50 London, https://www.lifec Entertainment
memories and share them privately on phones, tablets, United
computers, and books. Kingdom Computer

174. AI based context aware mobile app that reminds to do 2015 11-50 London, https://lifetracker.i Consulting &
LifeTracker right things at the right time. United o/ Outsourcing
Chatbots &

175. Limejump Limejump is a Technology-Driven Utility: harnessing the 2013 11-50 London, http://www.limeju Sustainable
power of big data to positively disrupt and transform United Energy
today’s energy market. Kingdom

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

176. Linguamatics provides an NLP-based text mining 2001 51-100 Cambridge, https://www.lingu Marketing &
Linguamatics software suit for processing text-based content. United Advertising

177. Creates a customised plan of things to do in your city 2016 11-50 London, http://www.liveme Marketing &
LiveMetrics based on budget. United finance
Chatbots &

178. Lobster Lobster is a platform which enables brands, agencies 2013 11-50 London, https://lobster.m Marketing &
and the media to licence visual content directly from United edia/ Advertising
social media users. Kingdom
Intelligent data

179. Logical Logical Glue is a software company that creates 2012 11-50 London, https://www.logic FinTech
Glue products to analyze data for a business to predict United
profitable outcomes for a business. Kingdom Machine

180. LoopMe LoopMe is the unifying platform for all mobile video ad 2012 101-250 London, Marketing &
formats, leveraging algorithms that optimise ad United m/ finance
placements in real-time. Kingdom
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

181. Luminance Artificial intelligence to read and understand legal 2015 50-100 London, https://www.lumin Machine
documents much like a human does, thus improving the United learning
efficiency of processes such as due diligence and Kingdom

182. Machine Machine Medicine uses computer vision to detect and 2017 1-10 London, http://machinem Healthcare
Medicine anticipate clinically significant events, such as falls, United
pressure sores and infection. Kingdom Computer

183. Machines Machines with Vision provides precise and reliable 2016 1-10 Edinburgh, https://www.mach Transport
With Vision localisation for rail and autonomous driving by creating United
visual fingerprints of the ground surface below the Kingdom m/ Computer
moving vehicle

184. Magic Magic Pony Technology develops state-of the-art 2014 11-50 London, https://cortex.twitt Social & Media
Pony machine-learning based approaches for visual United
Technology Kingdom Search
processing on web, desktop and mobile.
Engines &

185. Massive Massive Analytic is a London-based analytics innovator, 2010 11-50 London, http://www.massi FinTech
Analytic with patented world leading technologies and global big United
data heritage. Kingdom Machine

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

186. MediaGamma is an advertising technology company 2014 1-10 London, http://mediagam Marketing &
Mediagamma specialized in machine learning and big data science. United finance
Intelligent data

187. Medopad Medopad creates smart data: data driven insights, 2011 1-10 London, http://medopad. Health &
statistically sound, in real time. United com/ Biotech
Intelligent data

188. Meniga Leader in digital banking solutions helping financial 2009 101-250 London, https://www.meni Healthcare
institutions worldwide utilise data to improve digital United
channels & customer engagement. Kingdom Intelligent data

189. Mentat Mentat Innovations creates smart data: data driven 2012 1-10 London, http://www.ment. FinTech
Innovations insights, statistically sound, in real time. United at/
Kingdom Machine

190. Mercanto Mercanto is an AI-as-a-service company powering CRM 2016 1-10 London, https://mercanto.x Marketing &
experiences for B2C enterprises. United yz/ finance
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

191. Klydo "AI-powered foresight intelligence" - Klydo is an 2016 1-10 London, Marketing &
(ex-Metadrift) intelligent research assistant accelerating breakthrough United Advertising
innovation by helping brands radically re-think the future Kingdom
of their business.

192. Metafused Metafused uses AI with real time data to enhance marketing 2014 1-10 London, https://metafuse FinTech and
decision making and generate new revenue opportunities. United Finance

193. Metageni Metageni creates predictive models for customer journey 2015 1-10 London, http://www.meta Marketing &
optimisation and growth. United Advertising

194. MeVitae Helps companies get the employees they want by 2014 1-10 Oxford, United http://mevitae.c Marketing &
writing their job specs and posting them to relevant job Kingdom om/ finance
Big Data

195. Microblink Microblink is an R&D company developing ML-based 2014 11-50 London, https://microblin FinTech and
computer vision for mobile and web applications. United Finance

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

196. Mind Mind Foundry is formed from research and consulting within 2016 11-50 Oxford, United http://mindfoundr Fintech
Foundry the Machine Learning Research Group. Kingdom

197. Mindi Mindi combines the best of human and artificial intelligence. 2016 1-10 Covent Machine
Garden, Learning
Kingdom AI Sphere

198. Mogees Combines a vibration sensor with revolutionary music 2013 11-50 London, United https://www.moge Device
software, transforming any object into a unique musical Kingdom manufacturing

199. Molplex Molplex uses AI, Big Data and automated laboratory systems 2010 1-10 Newcastle, Health &
to rapidly identify new drug candidates at a fraction of the United m Biotech
normal cost, de-risk discovery across a broad portfolios of Kingdom
drug assets. Big Data

200. Carv by Digital sports coaching using wearable technology and 2013 1-10 London, Device
MotionMetrics artificial intelligence. United m/ manufacturing
Chatbots &

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

201. MWR MWR InfoSecurity provide specialist cyber security advice and 2002 51-100 Basingstoke, GovTech
InfoSecurity solutions, proactive web defense, secure C++, proactive United
mobile defense. Kingdom Internet of

202. Neon Open Source Intelligence - Cyber Security - Corporate 2014 1-10 London, http://www.neonc GovTech
Century Investigations. United
Intelligence Kingdom Intelligent data

203. Neurence Neurence provides Intelligent cloud-based recognition engine 2013 11-50 Cambridge, http://neurence.c Device
allowing computers to understand unstructured human United om/ manufacturing
environments. Kingdom
Marketing &

204. Nudgr A self-learning exit internet platform driven by Machine 2016 11-50 Manchester, Marketing &
Learning. United Advertising

205. Nuritas Nuritas combines artificial intelligence and genomics to 2014 11-50 Dublin, Ireland http://www.nuritas Healthcare
discover and unlock natural bioactive peptides with .com/
extraordinary health benefits. Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

206. ONFIDO Onfido delivers next-generation identity verification and 2012 100-250 London, Security &
background checks, helping businesses to quickly verify United m/ Infrastructure
anyone in the world. Kingdom

207. Oseven Insurance telematics and driving behavioural analytics. 2015 11-50 London, https://www.osev FinTech
Telematics United
Kingdom Machine

Intelligent data

208. Otus Labs Enables the conversion of user data into a structured. 2012 1-10 Sheffield, https://otuslabs.c Social & Media
United om/
Kingdom Intelligent data

209. Oval Oval Money is a personal finance marketplace that combines 2016 1-10 London, https://www.oval FinTech
Money expense tracking, saving and investing for young adults in United
Europe, all into one platform. The app helps people save Kingdom Machine
automatically and effectively, teaching them to monitor spending Learning
habits and makes selecting financial products transparent and

210. Oxbotica Oxbotica is developing the next generation of autonomous 2014 11-50 Oxford, United https://www.oxbot Transport &
Ltd vehicles, creating the software that makes them go. Kingdom Infrastructure


Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

211. Oxtractor Oxtractor extracts actionable insights from social data using 2017 1-10 Oxford, United https://www.oxtr Marketing &
natural language processing. Kingdom Advertising

Intelligent data

212. Peak Peak provide a subscription-based Data Analytics service 2014 11-50 Manchester, Marketing &
that's fully managed, deployed quickly & delivers value United Advertising
immediately. Kingdom
Intelligent data

213. Perfect Intelligent marketplace technology. 2011 51-100 London, https://www.perfe Marketing &
Channel United Advertising
Intelligent data

214. Permutive Permutive is a technology company focused on helping 2013 1-10 London, http://permutive.c Marketing &
businesses use their behavioral data to make real time United om/ Advertising
decisions in their product. Kingdom

215. Phrasee Phrasee uses AI to write better marketing language than 2015 11-50 London, Marketing &
humans. United / Advertising
Chatbots &

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

216. Pi-Top Pi-Top enables users to build and understand their own 2014 11-50 London, Education
Raspberry Pi powered laptops. United m/
Kingdom Machine

217. Picfair Picfair is an open-to-all image licensing marketplace. 2013 1-10 London, https://www.picfai Marketing &
United Advertising

218. Pixoneye Pixoneye is a data analytics SaaS company, which analyses 2014 11-50 London, https://www.pixon Marketing &
and provides consumer insights via platform dashboard by United Advertising
using machine learning on mobile users' photo-galleries to Kingdom
create advanced user segmentations. Chatbots &

219. Plum Plum is a personal savings assistant that links, monitors 2014 1-10 London, om/
https://withplum.c FinTech
users current accounts, and send notifications about United
balances and savings. Kingdom Intelligent data

220. Platform360 is the global leader in Native advertising solutions 2013 11-50 London, United http://www.platfor Marketing &
Platform360 Kingdom Advertising

Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

221. Policy Llatest technology in machine learning to collect and analyse 2016 1-10 London, United https://policyradar FinTech
Radar thousands of political conversations each day, providing a Kingdom .com/
parliamentary monitoring platform like no other. Machine

222. Popcorn Popcorn Metrics is a visual integration solution to setup events 2013 1-10 London, United https://www.pop Marketing &
Metrics and track customer actions on websites, without writing Kingdom Advertising
custom code. m/
Intelligent data

223. Potentially Talent science to understand, match, accelerate and develop 2014 1-10 London, United https://www.poten Education
better teams. Kingdom
on Systems

224. ProvidensAI provides artificial intelligence and machine 2015 1-10 London, United FinTech
ProvidensAI learning solutions to real estate and asset management Kingdom /
industry. Machine

225. PowlerIO focuses on behavioural learning and simulation in 2016 1-10 Cambridge, https://www.prowl GovTech
virtual environments. United
Kingdom Machine

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

226. q-bot Q-Bot is a robotics company that develops intelligent tools for 2012 11-50 Wandsworth, Transport &
a wide range of industries and applications. United Infrastructure

227. Machine learning data transformation and analytics solution 2013 11-50 London, https://www.qua FinTech
Quantemplate for insurance professionals. United
Kingdom Machine

228. Qubit Qubit gives marketers the tools to understand their visitors, 2010 251-500 London, https://www.qubit. Marketing &
and personalize their online presence to drive conversions in United com/ Advertising
real time. Kingdom
Intelligent data

229. Rainbird Rainbird is an automated decision-making platform powered 2013 11-50 London, Consulting &
Technologies by AI but governed by human rules. It enables businesses to United Outsourcing
encode the knowledge of their subject matter experts and Kingdom
automate high-value, complex judgements at scale. Predictive

230. rais The Virtual Personal Data Analyst - AI-driven Customer Data 2015 11-50 Cambridge, Marketing &
Management, Intelligence and Activation platform for United finance
eCommerce. Kingdom
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

231. Ravelin Ravelin offers fraud protection for the on demand economy. 2014 11-50 London, https://www.raveli Marketing &
United finance
Intelligent data

232. Ravn Ravn Systems is experts in Artificial Intelligence. 2010 11-50 London, Security
Systems United
Kingdom Chatbots &

233. Realeyes Emotionally Intelligent Marketing - using computer vision and 2007 51-100 London, https://www.reale Marketing &
machine learning to unlock the full potential of video United Advertising
marketing. Kingdom

234. Redsift Red Sift provides smart apps and bots to work on data to 2015 1-10 London, Marketing &
automate workflows and surface actionable insights. United / Advertising
Intelligent data

235. Reinfer Re:infer is the enterprise intelligence system that makes 2015 1-10 London, Marketing &
communications data understood and actionable. United finance
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

236. RemitRadar services the needs of an emerging global 2014 11-50 London, https://remitradar. FinTech
RemitRadar community of 2.5bn people dependant on remittance services. United com/
Kingdom Intelligent data

237. Resolver Resolver provides an end-to-end complaint-resolution 2012 11-50 London, https://www.resol Consulting &
service. United Outsourcing
Chatbots &

238. Makers of Ingenia, a text analytics solution to enable 2012 11-50 London, http://www.retech Marketing &
Retechnica companies to extract value from content. United Advertising

239. Ripjar Ripjar offers a strategic intelligence platform for the enterprise. 2013 11-50 Cheltenham, Security &
United Infrastructure
Big Data

240. Roborace Global race series for driverless electric cars. 2015 1-10 London, Transport
Kingdom Computer

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

241. RotaGeek Intelligent staff scheduling for businesses. 2009 11-50 London, Consulting &
United Outsourcing
Chatbots &

242. Saberr Use sophisticated mathematics and psychology to build 2013 1-10 London, Consulting &
powerful algorithms that allow us to predict the likelihood United Outsourcing
of success for working relationships. Kingdom
Chatbots &

243. Sanctum Sanctum is web security company specializing in web 2011 11-50 Louth, sanctum-network Consulting &
application security testing and firewall software. Ireland Outsourcing

Chatbots &

244. Satalia We push the boundaries of data science, optimisation 2008 50-100 London, Transport
and artificial intelligence to solve the most difficult United
problems in industry. Kingdom Intelligent data

245. Seldon Seldon is the open-source machine learning pipeline for 2014 1-10 London, Education
real-time recommendations and enterprise-grade United
predictive analytics. Kingdom Big Data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

246. Selerio Selerio is an AI start-up spin-out from the University of 2017 1-10 Cambridge, http://www.seler Entertainment
Cambridge doing live 3D reconstruction in AR. United
Kingdom Computer

247. Senseye Senseye™ is the leading cloud-based software for 2015 11-50 Southampton Internet of
Predictive Maintenance. , United Things

248. SentiSum SentiSum enables retailers to capture user insights and 2015 1-10 Westminster, http://www.senti Consulting &
reviews, enabling businesses to measure and United Outsourcing
understand their customer experience at a granular Kingdom
Big Data

249. Signal Transforms the world's information into business 2013 51-100 London, Marketing &
Media knowledge. United finance
Intelligent data

250. Simudyne Simudyne offers a predictive performance platform to 2011 11-50 London, Consulting &
optimise decision making. United Outsourcing
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

251. Singular Enables brands and retailers by automated, real-time 2014 1-10 Westminster, singularintellige Marketing &
Intelligence analysis and recommendations for profitable promotions United finance
and supply planning. Kingdom

252. Skim.It is pioneering the way enterprises consume and 2014 11-50 London, Education
share information with its intelligent NLP algorithms that United
turn large pieces of textual data into short, easy to read Kingdom Big Data
snippets. Services

253. Sky-Futures, which uses drones to help monitor and 2009 11-50 London, Transport &
Sky-Futures inspect oil and gas facilities. United Infrastructure

254. Skylads Skylads is a R&D lab specializing in the field of machine 2014 11-50 London, Marketing &
learning and artificial intelligence. United finance
Big Data

255. snap40 Automated detectionÊof patients at high risk of health 2014 1-10 Edinburgh, Health &
deterioration. United Biotech
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

256. Sonalytic Sonalytic develops a content identification approach that 2016 11-50 London, Entertainment
enables us to connect creators and rights-holders to United m.
monetization opportunities. Kingdom Intelligent data

257. Sparrho Sparrho is a search engine and resource website and 2013 11-50 London, http://www.sparrh Education
application for science interests. Sparrho provides United
access to more than 60 million research papers, patents Kingdom Intelligent
and publications and claims to have one million users data analysis
spread out across 150 countries.

258. Speechmatics provides automatic speech recognition 2009 11-50 Cambridge, www.speechmati Marketing &
Speechmatics technologies that can be used anywhere, by anyone, in United Advertising
any language. Kingdom

259. Sportr The fastest and easiest way to deliver content. 2013 - England, http://www.sportr. Social & Media
Kingdom Chatbots &

260. StatusToday is an employee insights platform that helps 2015 11-50 London, Others
StatusToday companies simplify team management and understand United
people risks using behavior AI. Kingdom Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

261. Stelae Stelae Technologies is a software vendor that offers 2002 11-50 London, stelae-technologi Consulting &
Technologies information management solutions. United Outsourcing
Intelligent data

262. Search, curation and publishing technology used by 2012 11-50 Brighton, www.story-strea Marketing &
StoryStream global brands to deliver more engaging and rich content United Advertising
to customers at scale. Kingdom
data analysis

263. Surreal Surreal Vision we are bringing super-human visual 2014 1-10 London, http://surreal.visio MEducation
Vision perception to the emerging fields of mixed reality and United n/
autonomous robotics. Kingdom Computer

264. Sweet Sweet Pricing is a company that provides tools that 2016 1-10 London, Marketing &
Pricing boost revenue for in app purchases. United /en Advertising

265. Swiftkey SwiftKey aims at enhancing interactions between 2008 101-250 London, Social & Media
keyboards and people. United
Kingdom Search
Engines &

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

266. Swogo Swogo provides bundle solutions for e-commerce retails 2011 11-50 London, Marketing &
and helps them increase their average order value. United Advertising

267. Synap Online education platform using AI to revolutionise 2015 1-10 Leeds, Education
learning. United

268. Synthace Synthace uses open source technology to make process 2011 11-50 London, Health &
in biotechnology move faster. United Biotech
Intelligent data

269. Tallysticks Is a single online tool for documentation, 2015 1-10 London, FinTech
communications and payments. United
Kingdom Intelligent data

270. Telectic Telectic applies artificial intelligence (AI) to interpret the 2014 1-10 London, GovTech
Web and discover insights about the professional world. United
Kingdom Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

271. Transform terabytes of satellite, aerial and UAV/drone 2014 11-50 London, GovTech
Terrabotics imagery into very high precision true 3D terrain data and United
2.5D elevation models. Kingdom Intelligent data

272. TheySay TheySay is a sentiment analysis firm developing a 2012 11-50 London, www.theysayanal Marketing &
platform that uses a linguistic approach interpreting United Advertising
sentiments computationally. Kingdom
data analysis

273. Third Fully personalisable ML platform which interacts with 2016 1-10 London, https://www.thirds Transport
Space Auto drivers and passengers to learn about their preferences. United
Kingdom Computer

274. ThisWay "Match-ic" algorithm connects Businesses, Individuals 2015 1-10 Cambridge, www.thiswayglob Marketing &
Global and Groups for shared, professional success. United Advertising
Intelligent data

275. ThoughtRiver reviews and rates contracts via a contract 2015 1-10 London, Consulting &
ThoughtRiver Intelligence engine. United Outsourcing

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

276. Thread Thread lets one of their stylists help you find clothes you'll 2012 1-10 London, https://www.threa Marketing &
love, all online and completely free. United Advertising

277. Tractable Tractable develops deep learning algorithms to learn expert 2014 11-50 London, Health &
tasks. United / Biotech
AI Sphere

data analysis

278. TravelAI UK-based transportation software specialist. Never in the 2010 1-10 London, Transport &
history of technology has anything come close to the adoption United Infrastructure
rates globally of Smartphones. Kingdom
Intelligent data

279. Trudera The company is bring intelligent AI to the Enterprise. 2010 1-10 London, https://www.trude Security &
United Infrastructure
Big Data

280. True AI The company is focused on Artificial intelligence and customer 2015 11-50 London, Consulting &
support. United Outsourcing
Chatbots &

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

281. Tumra TUMRA is a London based Big Data Science agency. 2012 1-10 London, Marketing &
United Advertising
Intelligent data

282. Twizoo Twizoo is a non-stop source of user generated content from 2013 1-10 London, Machine
social media. United m Learning

283. Velmai velmai builds fully customisable artificially intelligent avatars. 2012 11-50 Braunton, https://www.globa Marketing &
Better chatbots - Next Gen AI Bots that have Emotional United lcreativeindustrie Advertising
Intelligence. Kingdom
Chatbots &

284. Data driven vendor trust monitor for buyer teams and financial 2014 1-10 London, https://vendormac Security (anti
VendorMach services. United fraud)
Intelligent data

285. Visii Visual Search - Make product discovery personal and fast and 2011 11-50 London, https://www.visii.c Marketing &
increase revenue. United om/ Advertising

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

286. Visio Next generation technology in machine vision, signal 2012 11-50 Milton Keynes, https://www.visioi Security
Ingenii processing, augmented reality, bio-inspired robotics and United
self-learning systems. Kingdom, Computer
Europe Vision

287. Visual VisualDNA combines psychology and big data to allow 2006 101-250 London, https://www.visua Marketing &
DNA businesses to understand their customers and people to United Advertising
understand themselves. Kingdom
Intelligent data

288. Vivacity Vivacity digitises traffic management through intelligent 2015 11-50 London, http://www.vivacit Security
Labs cameras. United
Kingdom Computer

289. Volume Volume offers cognitive computing and AI services, optimising 2016 1-10 London, Marketing &
human performance through Smart Machines. United Advertising
Chatbots &

290. Vortexa Vortexa is developing intelligent Energy Markets. 2016 11-50 London, United https://www.vorte FinTech
Intelligent data

Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

291. Vyking Vyking is building the world’s largest Augmented Reality ad 2015 11-50 London, https://www.vykin Marketing &
marketplace by connecting advertisers with engaged mobile United Advertising
audiences. Kingdom

292. Weave.AI Weave.AI offers a computing layer between the OS and the 2015 1-10 London, https://www.weav Marketing &
apps that reinvents what search means. United Advertising
Engines &

293. Wefarm The world's largest farmer-to-farmer digital network. 2015 11-50 London, https://wefarm.or Others
United g/
Kingdom Intelligent data

294. Wirewax Wirewax is a connected video technology using an 2009 11-50 London, https://www.wire Entertainment
award-winning AI to automatically make people, products and United
scenes in video clickable and touchable. Kingdom Computer

295. Wrapidity Wrapidity is a web data extraction company. 2015 1-10 London, United https://www.wrapi Marketing &
Kingdom Advertising


Company Description Year Number of Location Website Sector
Founded Employees

296. Xihelm Xihelm is reinventing how city infrastructure is managed and 2016 1-10 London, https://www.xihel Transport &
tracked using our computer vision and machine learning United Infrastructure
platform. Kingdom

297. Xmos Xmos is a fabless semiconductor company with class leading 2005 51-100 Bristol, United http://www.xmos. Transport &
far-field voice capture solutions and audio interface products. Kingdom com/ Infrastructure

Chatbots &

298. Yedup Ltd Yedup develops real-time, continually adaptive AI technology 2016 1-10 Belfast, United Fintech
for high value, ultra-low latency capital markets applications. Kingdom /

299. Your.MD Your.MD is a free service that uses Artificial Intelligence to 2012 11-50 London, https://www.your. Healthcare
help users find safe health information so they can make the United md/
best choices for their health. Kingdom Intelligent data

300. Zeno The company is focused on developing imaging software 2016 1-10 Exeter, Devon, https://www.zeno Entertainment
Vision Ltd based on high performance computing, computer vision and United
artificial intelligence. Kingdom Search
Engines &

100 UK AI
Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

1. 01 Ventures
01Ventures is a pan-European early-stage venture capital fund Early Stage €500k - €1.5m 4 London, United www.01ventures.c
investing in deep tech investments. Their investments fall within
5 themes: Decentalisation; Data Networks & Machine Venture, Seed Kingdom om
Intelligence; Automation; Human-Computer Interfacing; and Amsterdam,
Enabling Technologies. ‎Netherlands

2. 500 Startups 500 Startups is a global venture capital seed fund with a US, Silicon
network of startup programs headquartered in Silicon Valley Early Stage 25K-250K-1M 1612 Valley, San
with over $350M in committed capital across 4 main funds and
13 micro funds. We have invested in 1,800 technology startups Venture, Seed Francisco
all over the world since our inception in 2010 including: Twilio
(NYSE: TWLO), Credit Karma, Grab, Udemy, Ipsy, Talkdesk,
Intercom, MakerBot (acq’d by SSYS), Wildfire (acq’d by
GOOG), and Viki (acq’d by Rakuten).

3. Acequia Seattle,
Acequia Capital is focused on advising early stage founders and Early Stage 122
Capital teams that have passion and conviction about the power of Washington,
software. Venture, Seed United States

4. ADV
ADV is a patient venture investment engine, designed to source, 13 United Kingdom, https://accelerated
support and supercharge the best global
technology businesses. .ventures/apply/

5. Amadeus
Amadeus Capital Partners caters to the technology sector with Early Stage 158 London, www.amadeuscap
Capital seed, early, and later stage venture, and private equity
Partners investments. Venture, Late England, United
Stage Venture, Kingdom
Private Equity,

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

6. Andreessen Andreessen Horowitz LLC is a venture capital firm It prefers to Debt, Early
Horowitz invest in the social media business and technology sector with a Stage Venture, 566 Menlo Park,
focus on software, back-end infrastructure, infrastructure of the Late Stage California,
Internet, cloud computing, enterprise software and services, Venture, Private United States
consumer, business Internet, mobile-Internet, consumer Equity, Seed
Internet, cloud computing, data-storage, social network
browsers data-storage, consumer electronics, networking
7. Angel CoFund invests in small and medium-sized enterprises Early Stage
AngelCoFund with high growth potential across the UK. It invests alongside Venture, Late $ 100K - 1M 75 Sheffield, http://www.angelc
business angel syndicates from across the UK. It is a private Stage Venture, Sheffield, United
sector entity with clear objectives to boost the quality and Private Equity, Kingdom
quantity of business angel investing in the UK, and to support Seed
long-term, high quality jobs in growing companies.

8. Anthemis Reinvent finance for the information age by bringing together

Exponential and investing in talented entrepreneurs, thought-leaders and 7 London, http://www.anthe
Ventures change-agents in the world of finance. England, United

9. Ascension Investing in entrepreneurs operating in the digital media and Early Stage
Ventures technology sectors. Venture, Seed 28 London, http://www.ascens
Limited England, United

10. ASOS Asos is an online platform engaged in the retail of fashion and
beauty products for men and women. It offers approximately 0 - £1M 1 London, https://www.asosp
England, United
65,000 branded and own branded product lines.

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

Atomico is an international venture capital firm that invests in Early Stage $ 0K - 75M 112 London, http://www.atomic
technology companies around the world. Founded in 2006, Venture, Late England, United
Atomico has made over 75 investments with a particular focus Stage Venture, Kingdom
on Europe - including Supercell and Klarna. Private Equity,
12. Balderton
The largest Series A focused European Venture Capital firm. Debt, Early $ 0K - 20M 235 London, http://www.baldert
Founded in 2000, Balderton backs breakthrough technology Stage Venture, England, United
businesses. The company is headquartered in London, Late Stage Kingdom
England. Venture, Private
Equity, Seed

13. Ballpark
Ventures Ballpark Ventures is a small, boutique fund investing in early Early Stage $ 50K - 10M 23 London, https://www.ballpa
stage technology startups. Their partners are all successful Venture, Seed England, United
entrepreneurs Kingdom

14. Cambridge
Angels The Cambridge Angels are a group of high-net worth investors Early Stage $ 50K - 1M 30 Cambridge, http://www.cambri
who have proven experience as successful entrepreneurs in Venture, Late Cambridgeshire,
internet, software, Stage Venture, United Kingdom

15. Cambridge
Innovation Cambridge Innovation Capital is an investment fund specialising Early Stage - 35 Cambridge, https://www.cicplc
Capital in IP-rich companies in diverse sectors. CIC combines a unique Venture, Seed Cambridgeshire,
relationship with the University of Cambridge with deep financial United Kingdom
and industry links to support rapidly growing intellectual property
rich companies in the Cambridge Cluster.

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

16. Citigroup
Citigroup is a diversified financial services holding company that Early Stage 54 New York, New
provides various financial products and services. The company Venture, Late York, United m
operates through two segments, Global Consumer Banking Stage Venture States
(GCB) and Institutional Clients Group (ICG).

17. Columbia
Lake Partners Columbia Lake Partners is an experienced team of investors $0 - $10M 10 London,
providing growth loans to European technology companies. CLP England, United m
is backed by a knowledgeable group of investors, including Kingdom
partners at Bessemer Venture Partners.

18. Crane
Venture Building European software champions. Crane works with Early Stage 10 London,
Partners enterprise software & deep tech founders based in Europe & Venture, Seed England, United
helps them scale globally. Kingdom

19. DN Capital
DN Capital is a Pan-European early-stage venture capital firm. Early Stage $ 250K - 15M 150 London,
They typically invest €0.25-15 million per company depending Venture, Late England, United m
on investment. The firm focuses on companies that plan to Stage Venture, Kingdom
establish operations on both sides of the Atlantic, and strives to Seed
help its companies build international businesses.
20. Downing
Ventures Downing Ventures is a division of Downing LLP. They invest Early Stage $250K - 5M 131 London, https://www.downi
venture capital into early and growth stage technology Venture, Seed England, United
businesses. Our belief is that technology now forms an integral Kingdom
part of the everyday lives of consumers, corporations and

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

21. Draper
Esprit Draper Esprit is a Pan-European venture capital fund that Early Stage $ 0K - 30M 117 London, http://draperesprit.
invests into disruptive tech companies at the early and growth Venture, Late England, United com
stages. They are one of the most active venture capital firms in Stage Venture, Kingdom
Europe with over 50 active portfolio companies and $1b in Seed
assets under management.
22. EC1 Capital
EC1 Capital is a technology investment fund that offers seed, Early Stage $ 50K - 1M 32 London, http://www.ec1cap
post seed, and Series A participation in web and mobile Venture, Seed England, United
startups. EC1 Capital is run by entrepreneurs and they like to Kingdom
mentor, connect and contribute to their portfolio companies in
any way they can so that everyone has a successful outcome.

EcoMachines EcoMachines Ventures is a London-based VC firm that makes Early Stage 2 London, www.ecomachine
Ventures early-stage and growth investments in Industrial high tech Venture, Late England, United
companies. EcoMachines Ventures supports innovative Stage Venture, Kingdom
solutions by investing in promising technology companies and Seed, Venture
actively supporting their growth into world class high-growth

24. Emerge
Emerge Education exists to harness the energies of the most Seed 48 London,
Education talented and driven social entrepreneurs in the world. Emerge England, United cation/
Education provide exceptional entrepreneurs with access to the Kingdom
capital, networks and expertise they need to prove their impact
and scale globally so billions of people can lead more fulfilling

25. Enterprise
Enterprise Ireland is the government agency responsible for the Early Stage 492 Dublin, Ireland http://enterprise-ir
development and promotion of the indigenous business sector. Venture, Late
Their mission is to accelerate the development of world-class Stage Venture,
Private Equity,
companies to achieve strong positions in global markets
resulting in increased national and regional prosperity.

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

Entrepreneur EF is a London-based company builder that invests in Seed 82 London, http://www.joinef.c
First individuals “pre-team, pre-idea” to help create new technology England, United om/
startups. Entrepreneur First have created over 100 startups now Kingdom
worth over $500million. They're funded by some of the most
prestigious investors including Y Combinator, Index Ventures,
and Octopus Ventures.
Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs Fund invests actively in ground-breaking life Early Stage 40 London, http://www.entrepr
Fund science and technology businesses to accelerate their growth Venture, Late England, United
and development. Their current areas of investment focus are Stage Venture, Kingdom
Life-sciences, Water, Materials and Automotive Technology. Post-Ipo, Seed

28. Episode 1
Episode1 Ventures is a venture capital fund set up to invest in Early Stage $ 250K-2M 34 London,
early-stage technology companies based in London, UK. It was Venture, Seed England, United m
created with a mixture of public and private money, including Kingdom
backing from a number of entrepreneurs including Alex
Chesterman of Zoopla Property Group.
29. ETF
Partners ETF Partners was created to provide entrepreneurs with a Late Stage 27 London, http://etfpartners.c
top-quality venture capital group in Europe. ETF Partners Venture England, United apital/
supports talented entrepreneurs and management teams with Kingdom
investment capital and experience. We create value by investing
in technology companies that make a difference.
30. FinTech
Sandbox FinTech Sandbox is a Boston-based nonprofit that helps Non Equity 47 Boston, http://fintechsandb
FinTech startups around the world build great products and Assistance Massachusetts,
applications. They appreciate that the cost and access to data United States
are major challenges for FinTech startups, and they've brought
together some of the world’s largest data providers and financial
institutions to solve this problem.

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

31. Firestartr
Firestartr helps the most promising digital entrepreneurs take Seed 300K-2M 25 London,
their companies from seed stage to Series A and beyond. England, United
Beyond providing capital, we draw on our entrepreneurial Kingdom
successes and senior operational experience with leading
technology companies to support sustainable growth in our
32. Force Over
Mass Force Over Mass is bridging the gap between Venture Capital Early Stage 57 London, http://www.fomca
and Crowdfunding through its unique, fully transparent Venture, England, United
technological investment solution. Force Over Mass allows Secondary Kingdom
investors to gain access to exclusive deal-flow instantly, taking Market, Seed
advantage of both EIS/SEIS with the future optionality for
secondary market exchange.
33. Foundation
Capital Foundation Capital is a venture capital firm made up of former Debt, Early 465 Menlo Park, foundationcapital.
entrepreneurs who set out to create the firm they wanted as Stage Venture, California, com
founders. The company is made up of former entrepreneurs Late Stage United States
who set out to create the firm they wanted as founders. Venture, Private
Equity, Seed
34. Founders
Factory Founders Factory was established to help early stage Seed, 24 London, foundersfactory.c
companies rapidly become viable and sustainable businesses. Early Stage England, United om
They have a blend of what early stage companies require: Venture Kingdom
expedited pre-seed funding, agile technology development, lean
acceleration and world class mentors.
35. Frontline
Ventures Frontline Ventures invest in ambitious seed-stage B2B Early Stage $ 100K - 2.5M 51 London,
companies in Europe. Frontline Ventures is focused on the Venture, Seed England, United
needs of the new wave of technology entrepreneurs. Kingdom

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

36. Global
Founders GFC is a globally oriented, stage agnostic venture fund that Early Stage 183 Berlin, Germany www.globalfounde
Capital empowers gifted entrepreneurs worldwide. Venture, Late
Stage Venture,

37. Google for

Entrepreneurs Google is committed to empowering entrepreneurs around the Non Equity 3 Mountain View, https://www.googl
world through programs, partnerships, and our products. Google Assistance California, eforentrepreneurs
for Entrepreneurs has programs all over the world to foster United States .com/
entrepreneurship, empowering the next generation of innovators
to be successful.

38. Growing
Capital Growing Capital is a seed (up to 500K) fund which invests in Seed $ 0-500K 14 Dublin, Ireland http://www.growin
Startups based in Ireland.

39. GV
Launched as Google Ventures in 2009, GV is the venture capital Early Stage 553 Mountain View,
arm of Alphabet, Inc. They’ve invested in more than 300 Venture, Late California,
companies that push the edge of what’s possible. In the fields of Stage Venture, United States
life science, healthcare, artificial intelligence, robotics, Seed
transportation, cyber security, and agriculture, their companies
aim to improve lives and change industries.
40. Horizons
Ventures Horizons Ventures Limited, based in Hong Kong, funds Early Stage 155 Hong Kong horizonsventures.
especially disruptive and technology-focused start-ups. Venture, Late Island, Hong com
Stage Venture, Kong
Private Equity,

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

41. Hoxton
Ventures Hoxton Ventures is an early-stage venture capital firm investing Early Stage $0.25M - $2M 29 London, www.hoxtonventu
in companies across Europe. The firm seeks to invest in Venture, Seed England, United
growing technology companies with focus on in the internet, Kingdom
mobile and software markets, including artificial intelligence.

42. Huawei
Technologies Huawei Technologies provides infrastructure application 1 Shenzhen,
software and devices with wireline, wireless, and IP Guangdong,
technologies. The company’s products and solutions have been China
deployed in over 100 countries and have served 45 of the
world's top 50 telecom operators as well as one third of the
world's population.
43. Idinvest
Partners Idinvest Partners is a pan-European private equity manager Early Stage 273 Paris,
focused on the low and middle market segments. With over 6 Venture, Late Ile-de-France,
billion euros under management, the company has developed Stage France
several complementary areas of expertise, including equity Venture, Seed
investments in buyout deals focusing on both mid-size as well
as young innovative European companies.
44. Ignition
Partners Ignition Partners is a venture capital firm dedicated to helping Early Stage 281 Bellevue, www.ignitionpartn
the best entrepreneurs seize opportunity. With over $2B under Venture Washington,
management, Ignition invests in emerging and future leaders in United States
enterprise software.

45. Imperial
Innovations Innovations is focused on commercialising the most promising - 87 London, www.imperialinno
UK academic research across a broad range of technology England, United
sectors, and has developed particular expertise in: therapeutics, Kingdom
medtech, engineering and materials and information
communication technology.

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

46. Index
Ventures Index Ventures is a multi-stage international venture capital firm Early Stage $ 50K - 50M 624 London, www.indexventure
that backs the best and most ambitious entrepreneurs. They’ve Venture, Late England, United
teamed up with exceptional entrepreneurs in 38 countries Stage Venture, Kingdom
around the world and have helped them grow into new regions. Private Equity,
47. Infineon
Technologies Infineon Technologies focuses on the three central challenges 14 Neubiberg,
facing modern society Energy Efficiency, Communications and Bayern,
Security and offers semiconductors and system solutions for Germany
automotive and industrial electronics, chip card and security
applications as well as applications in communications.

48. Innovate
U.K. Innovate U.K. holds funding competitions for businesses and Grant 89 Swindon, http://www.innovat
research organizations in sectors, including emerging Wiltshire, United
technologies. Innovate U.K. is a NPO that offers funding Kingdom
services to support science and technology innovations.

49. Insight
Venture Founded in 1995, Insight Venture Partners is the Debt, Early 276 New York, www.insightpartne
Partners fastest-growing venture capital firm specializing in growth-stage Stage Venture, United States
Software and Internet investing globally. Insight's team of Late Stage
growth experts is composed of both technology investors and Venture, Private
operating executives with significant experience scaling Equity, Seed
technology companies.
50. Invoke
Capital Invoke is a technology investment and advisory company Early Stage $ 5M - 20M 6 Cambridge, http://www.invoke
focused on identifying world-leading technology emerging Venture Cambridgeshire,
across Europe. United Kingdom

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

51. IQ Capital
Partners LLP IQ Capital is a team of serious and approachable partners with Early Stage $0 - 5M 35 Cambridge,
deep tech knowledge, who have been working together for over Venture, Late Cambridgeshire,
20 years helping tech companies rapidly scale. Stage Venture, United Kingdom

52. Kernel
Capital Kernel Capital is manager of The Bank of Ireland Kernel Capital Early Stage $ 1M - 5M 49 England, United http://www.kernel-
Venture Funds and has offices in Cork, Dublin & Belfast. Kernel Venture, Late Kingdom
leverage their extensive network to enable their portfolio Stage Venture
companies recruit the highest caliber people, to break into new
international markets and to generate revenues of scale.

53. Khazanah
Nasional Khazanah is the strategic investment fund of the Government of Late Stage 17 Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, with 200+ investment professionals across 6 offices Venture, Private Kuala Lumpur,
across Asia, North America, and Europe. Khazanah applies a Equity Malaysia
disciplined investment approach and aims to provide strategic
value for all of its investments.
54. Kima
Ventures Kima Ventures promotes the growth of startups, supporting Debt, Early $ 100K - 250K 454 Paris, https://www.kimav
them in the fastest and most effective ways. Kima Ventures is Stage Venture, Ile-de-France,
one of the world's most active early-stage investors, investing in Late Stage France
2 to 3 startups per week all over the world; providing founders Venture, Private
with funding, network, and support for them to reach the next Equity, Seed
steps of their journey.
55. Kinnevik
AB Kinnevik is an industry focused investment company with an Early Stage 66 Stockholm,
entrepreneurial spirit. Its purpose is to build the digital consumer Venture, Late Stockholms Lan, m
businesses that provide more and better choice. Kinnevik Stage Venture, Sweden
believes in delivering both shareholder and social value by Private Equity,
building well governed companies that contribute positively to Seed

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

56. Kohlberg
Kravis Roberts KKR is a global alternative asset manager focusing on private Late Stage 124 New York, New
& Co. equity, fixed income, and capital markets. KKR is a leading Venture, Private York, United
global investment firm that manages investments across Equity States
multiple asset classes including private equity, energy,
infrastructure, real estate, credit and hedge funds.
57. Kreos
Capital Kreos Capital is a European growth debt firm that provides Debt, Early 42 London, http://www.kreosc
financing solutions for high-growth companies across Europe Stage Venture, England, United
and Israel. Kreos's international team has extensive Late Stage Kingdom
entrepreneurial, debt financing and equity investing experience, Venture, Private
covering all local European markets from its locations in Equity
London, Tel Aviv and Stockholm.
58. KRW
Schindler KRW Schindler is a private venture capital vehicle investing Early Stage 6 Luxembourg www.krw-schindle
globally in internet and tech companies. Venture

59. Lakestar
Lakestar invests in Internet and technology companies, and Early Stage $ 250K - 2M 48 Zürich, Zurich, http://www.lakesta
focuses on business models that can quickly achieve global Venture, Late Switzerland
scale. Lakestar has a strong entrepreneurial spirit and works Stage Venture,
alongside ambitious founders to create successful companies. Seed

60. Lifeline
Ventures Lifeline Ventures Oy is a venture capital firm specializing in Early Stage €0.5M - €1M 90 Helsinki, http://www.lifeline
startups, growth capital, and early stage investments. The firm Venture, Private Southern
seeks to invest in healthcare, games, web based and general Equity, Seed Finland, Finland
high technology sectors.

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

61. LocalGlobe
LocalGlobe is a UK-based venture capital firm that focuses on Seed and 165 London, http://www.localgl
seed and impact investments. impact England, United
investments Kingdom

62. London
Venture LVP is a seed fund with a valuable difference: their partners are Early Stage $ 50K - 2.5M 37 London,
Partners operating experts in the game ecosystem, and they only ever Venture, Seed England, United
invest in those sectors. The LVP Team has been seed investors Kingdom
in game companies that have created approx $12.8 billion in

63. Lumia
Capital Lumia is an expansion-stage VC partnering with leading tech Early Stage $3M - 30M 44 San Francisco, http://lumiacapital.
companies in under-invested emerging markets and Venture, Late California, com/
forward-thinking US companies targeting these markets to Stage Venture, United States
accelerate growth. Lumia employs a hands-on strategy, working
closely with management teams by pairing Silicon Valley
insights and contacts with global knowledge sharing and
relationships to propel companies through expansion-stage
challenges and opportunities.
64. m8 Capital
m8 Capital is a London-based venture capital firm that funds Early Stage 15 London,
mobile technology companies. Venture, Late England, United m
Stage Venture, Kingdom
Private Equity,
65. Mitsui & Co
Mitsui & Co., is a general trading and investment company, with - 66 Tokyo, Japan
interests in Iron & Steel Products. Mitsui & Co's business area
covers energy, machinery, chemicals, food, textile, logistics,
finance, and more.

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

66. MMC
Ventures MMC Ventures is a venture capital firm that has been backing Early Stage $ 1M - 10M 78 London, https://www.mmcv
early-stage, high-growth companies since 2000. Founded in Venture, Seed England, United
2000, MMC Ventures is an active investor and award-winning Kingdom
venture fund manager, focused on technology-enabled sectors
where the UK is a world leader - particularly financial and
business services, business software, digital media and
67. Newable
Private Having been in operation for over 30 years Newable Private Early Stage 61 London, https://www.newa
Investing Investing has developed an extensive ecosystem of investors, Venture, Late England, United
co-investors and partners who they work with to ensure they Stage Venture, Kingdom nvesting/
have an extensive pipeline of early-stage companies to work Seed

68. NorthStar
Northstar is a venture capital firm with over £100m under Early Stage 468 Newcastle upon https://www.north
management, investing in high-growth industries. Northstar Venture, Late Tyne, United
Ventures has been supporting entrepreneurs in the North East Stage Venture, Kingdom
of England since 2004. It is looking for strong teams with great Seed
ideas – ideas that will drive high growth, scalable businesses.
69. NorthZone
Northzone is a venture capital firm with offices in London, Early Stage 143 London, http://northzone.c
Stockholm, Oslo and New York. Northzone is a technology Venture, Late England, United om
investment partnership. Since its inception in 1996, Northzone Stage Venture, Kingdom
has invested in over 120 companies, injecting some 200 years Private Equity,
of collective operational and investment experience into Seed
businesses that truly make a difference.
70. Notion
Capital Notion Capital is a London-based venture fund focused on the Early Stage $ 200K - 2.5M 87 London,
SaaS-based and cloud computing markets. The Notion partners Venture, Seed England, United
have unique expertise and experience in the Cloud Computing Kingdom
market having founded, built and exited two highly successful
businesses in the space – Star and MessageLabs.

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

71. Octopus
Ventures Octopus is a multi stage European venture capital investor Early Stage $ 250K - 25M 177 London, www.octopusvent
backing talented teams with the potential to build big Venture, Late England, United
businesses.Octopus Ventures is part of the Octopus group, one Stage Venture, Kingdom
of the UK’s fastest growing investment management companies Seed
with more than £6 billion of assets under management.
72. Orkla
Ventures Orkla has some investments outside the Branded Consumer 2 Oslo, Norway https://www.orkla.
Goods business which are organised under Orkla Investments. com/about-us/orkl

73. Oxford
University Oxford University Innovation is the University of Oxford's 37 Oxford, http://www.innovat
technology transfer company and manages the University's Oxfordshire,
intellectual property portfolio, working with University United Kingdom
researchers on identifying, protecting and marketing
technologies through licensing, spin-out company formation and
material sales.
74. Par-Equity
Par Equity finances early-stage technology companies and is an Early Stage 39 Edinburgh, https://www.pareq
owner-managed venture capital firm. The firm uses government Venture, Seed Edinburgh,
approved tax wrappers such as EIS or BPR to maximize returns United Kingdom
to investors.

75. Passion
Capital Passion Capital is a partnership of entrepreneurs and operators Early Stage 200K 98 London, http://www.passio
applying their experiences to helping founders and early-stage Venture, Seed England, United
teams build great digital media/technology companies. They are Kingdom
committed to fostering an ecosystem of technology,
collaboration and executional excellence in Europe.

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

76. Paua
Ventures Paua provides a broad range of services and the team is truly Early Stage 34 Berlin, Germany http://www.pauav
committed in being the best partner for entrepreneurs, aiming to Venture, Seed
be the bridge between new businesses and the corporate world.
Paua invests in European early-stage B2B Software companies,
acting both as lead or co-lead investor.
Pitch@Palace Pitch@Palace focuses on the benefits for entrepreneurs, as Any stage 388 London, http://pitchatpalac
they take no stake in the participants and impose no restrictions. England, United
Pitch@Palace is truly diverse, open to Entrepreneurs at any Kingdom
stage, anywhere in the country, across a range of industries.

78. Playfair
Capital Playfair Capital is an early-stage fund backing founders building Early Stage $ 0 - 2.5M 49 London, www.playfaircapit
technology that changes the way people live and work. Since Venture, Seed England, United
2010, Playfair has backed over 40 companies including DueDil, Kingdom
Appear Here, Mapillary and Numerai.

79. Qualcomm
Ventures Qualcomm Ventures was formed in 2000 to make investments Early Stage 301 San Diego, www.qualcommve
in startups developing next-generation technologies that will Venture, Late California,
promote future growth for Qualcomm Inc. Qualcomm Ventures Stage Venture, United States
has 140+ active companies in its portfolio and has generated Seed
significant financial returns, including six exits over a billion
dollars: 99 Taxis, Cruise Automation, Fitbit, Invensense, NQ
Mobile, Waze.
80. Robert
Bosch Venture RBVC invests in start-up companies either directly or via Early Stage $6M - 15 M 63 Stuttgart,
Capital venture capital funds on a worldwide basis. RBVC prefer to Venture, Late Baden-Wurttem
syndicate their investments with existing or new investors in the Stage Venture, berg, Germany
company and can take the lead as necessary. In addition, Seed
RBVC invests in select regional or industry-specific independent
VC funds.

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

81. Route 66
Ventures Route 66 Ventures provides venture capital and credit solutions Debt, Early 40 Alexandria, route66ventures.c
to emerging financial technology and financial services Stage Virginia, United om
companies. Route 66’s Venture Capital team invests globally in Venture, Late States
early and growth stage disruptors, incumbents and service Stage
providers throughout various sectors in the financial services Venture, Seed
82. SeedCamp
Seedcamp is Europe's seed fund, identifying and investing early Early Stage $100K - 2M 261 London, http://seedcamp.c
in world-class founders attacking large, global market and Venture, Seed England, United om
solving real problems using technology. Since launch a decade Kingdom
ago Seedcamp has invested in 260+ startups.

83. Smedvig
Capital Smedvig Capital is a growth capital firm that invests in U.K & Early Stage £2M - 15M 51 London, http://www.smedvi
Nordic based businesses, with a focus on those that are Venture, Late England, United
technology enabled. Stage Venture Kingdom

84. SoftBank
SoftBank is a multinational telecommunications and internet Early Stage 169 Tokyo, Japan
corporation focused on broadband, fixed-line Venture, Late p/en/index.html
telecommunications, e-commerce, internet, technology services, Stage
finance, media and marketing, and other businesses. Venture, Seed

85. SOSV
SOSV is now a global fund with $300M assets under Debt, Early 1,138 Princeton, New
management and a staff of nearly 90 operating world-renowned Stage Jersey, United
accelerators in the areas of hardware, software, biology, food, Venture, Seed States
robotics, medical devices, transportation, green energy.

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

86. Startup
Funding Club Startup Funding Club is an exclusive group formed by business Early stage 0 - £150K 123 London, https://www.startu
angels to invest in early stage digital startups. England, United

87. Startup
The first event acceleration program in Europe, helping startups Seed 21 Paris, https://www.startu
grow with conferences, education and networking. Startup Ile-de-France,
Sesame was founded during Challengers, a new breed of France
conference where speakers and attendees are willing to make
crazy ideas come to life.

Startupbootcamp is a global network of industry-focused startup Seed 0 - €450K 420 London, http://www.startup
p accelerators that provides investment and mentorship services. England, United
Startupbootcamp facilitates this mentorship-driven model by Kingdom
providing startups with essential tools during a 3-month
accelerator program.
89. Summit
Partners Founded in 1984, Summit Partners is a global alternative Early Stage $10M - $500M 316 Boston, www.summitpartn
investment firm that is currently investing more than $9.5 billion Venture, Grant, Massachusetts,
into growth equity, fixed income and public equity opportunities. Late Stage United States
Summit has invested in more than 460 companies in Venture, Private
technology, healthcare, life sciences and other growth Equity, Seed
90. Telefonica
Telefonica is a diversified telecommunications group that 17 Madrid, Spain https://www.telefo
provides fixed line and mobile telephony services. The company
was founded in 1924. As of March 2013, it operates in 24
countries and its total number of customers amounted to 315.7

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

91. Tracsis The Tracsis Group is a leading international provider of

software and services for the planning and management of 1 Leeds, United http://www.tracsis.
mass transit operations. Tracsis' products and services are Kingdom com/
used to increase efficiency, reduce cost and improve the
operational performance and decision making capabilities for
clients and customers.
92. True Founded in 2005, True Ventures is a Silicon Valley-based
Ventures venture capital firm that invests in early-stage technology Debt, Early 409 Palo Alto, http://www.trueve
startups. With capital under management in excess of $1.4 Stage California,
billion, True provides seed and Series A funding to the most Venture, Late United States
talented entrepreneurs in today’s fastest growing markets. To Stage
date, the firm has helped more than 250 companies launch Venture,
and scale their businesses, creating over 10,000 jobs Private Equity,
worldwide. True was awarded Venture Firm of the Year by the Seed
National Venture Capital Association in 2018.
93. TTV Capital TTV Capital invests in fintech businesses that serve the varied
needs of consumers of financial products and services. Their Early Stage 50 Atlanta,
primary goal is to create value for entrepreneurs and investors Venture Georgia, United m
by using their knowledge, experience and relationships to help States
businesses grow and succeed.

94. Wayra Wayra is Telefonica Open Future´s start-up accelerator that

promotes entrepreneurship and accelerates disruptive Seed $0 - 50K 959 Slough,
start-ups in Europe and Latin America. Buckinghamsh k/
ire, United

95. White Star White Star Capital is an early stage venture capital fund
Capital investing in North America and Europe. White Star Capital Early Stage $ 200K - 5M 58 London, https://www.white
helps exceptional entrepreneurs build great technology Venture, Seed England, United
companies. Kingdom

Investment Description Investment Investment Number of Based in Website
Company Stage Size Investments

96. Winton
Ventures Winton Ventures is an early-stage venture capital firm and is Early Stage 17 London,
part of the Winton Group. Winton Ventures invest primarily in Venture, Seed England, United
companies active in the areas of Data Science, Machine Kingdom
Intelligence and Cyber Security.

97. Wllington
Partners Wellington Partners is a venture capital firm that invests in Debt, Early $ 200K - 15M 168 Munich, Bayern, http://www.welling
technology and life sciences companies, focusing on Digital Stage Germany
Media, Software, Electronics & Photonics, Resource Efficiency Venture, Late
and Biotech/Life Sciences. Stage
Private Equity,
98. Woodford
Investment Woodford Investment Management LLP is authorised and Early Stage 53 Oxford,
Management regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The trust currently Venture, Oxfordshire, m
intends to conduct its affairs so that its securities can be Private Equity United Kingdom
recommended by IFAs to ordinary retail investors in accordance
with the FCA’s rules in relation to non-mainstream investment
products and intends to continue to do so for the foreseeable
99. Xilinx
Xilinx is a technology company, primarily a supplier of 21 San Jose, http://www.xilinx.c
programmable logic devices. California, om/
United States

100. Zetta
Venture Zetta Venture Partners is the first focused fund committed to Early Stage 34 San Francisco,
Partners delivering exceptional returns from the high-growth analytics Venture, Seed California,
market. United States

60 UK AI Influencers

Government Academia Business Think Tanks

1. Lord Clement-Jones 1. Miles Brundage 1. Demis Hassabis 1. Geoff Mulgan

2. Christopher Holmes 2. Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh 2. Nigel Toon 2. Tabitha Goldstaub
3. Stephen Metcalfe 3. Peter Eckersley 3. Azeem Azhar 3. Birgitte Andersen
4. Matthew Hancock 4. Richard Stirling 4. Reggie Bradford 4. Will Hutton
5. Richard Hollick 5. Dame Wendy Hall 5. Jacob Ayres-Thomson 5. Matthew Fenech
6. Anthony St John 6. Stephen Cave 6. Ali Parsa 6. Berndt Müller
7. Matthew White Ridley 7. Ivan Griffin 7. Goncalo de 7. Tarek Nseir
8. Andy Forrester 8. Peter McOwan Vasconcelos 8. Nick Bostrom
9. Lord Puttnam 9. Mike Wooldridge 8. Kenneth Mulvany 9. Anthony Painter
10. Eileen Burbidge 10. Alan Winfield 9. Katia Walsh 10. Eleonora Harwich
11. Rajesh Agrawal 11. Chanuki Illushka 10. Stan Boland 11. Charlie Muirhead
12. Theo Blackwell Seresinhe 11. Rishi Khosla 12. Pete Trainor
13. Anthony Giddens 12. Rodrigo Mendoza 12. Nicole Eagan 13. Jeni Tennison
14. Greg Clark Smith 13. Jérôme Pesenti 14. Tom Kibasi
15. Joan Dawson 13. Kaspar Althoefer 14. Andrew Anderson 15. Olly Buston
Bakewell 14. Christine Foster 15. Mark Nicholson
15. Mark Briers
UK AI Influencers

Lord Clement-Jones Christopher Holmes

Chairman of the Council at Queen Mary University of Conservative Peer in House of Lords. Has been a member
London, Latter London Managing Partner DLA Piper UK of Committees on Digital Skills, Social Mobility and Financial
LLP, University College London – Member Council, Exclusion. Co-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Groups
Ambitious about Autism – President, Liberal Democrats in on Assistive Technology, Fintech and the 4th Industrial
Communications – Chair, Liberal democrats in PR – Revolution. Chair of the Global Disability Innovation Hub,
Chair, House – Committee, Artificial Intelligence Diversity Adviser to the Civil Service , non-executive director
Committee. at Channel 4 and Deputy Chancellor of BPP University. Vice
Chair of FinTech APPG.

Organization Organization
Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence in Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence in Parliament

Education / degree
Haileybury and Imperial Service College and Trinity Education / degree
College, Cambridge University of Cambridge

Position Position
Chairman Member

UK AI Influencers

Stephen Metcalfe Matthew Hancock

Co-chair of the APPG (All-Party Parliamentary Group on MP for West Suffolk. DCMS as Minister of State for Digital,
Artificial Intelligence). responsible for broadband, broadcasting, creative
industries, cyber and the tech industry.

Organization Organization
Science and Technology Committee Government of the United Kingdom

Education / degree Education / degree

South Basildon and East Thurrock in the Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Exeter
House of Commons College, University of Oxford, and a Masters Degree in
Economics from the University of Cambridge.

Position Position
Chair Minister of State for Digital and Culture

UK AI Influencers

Richard Hollick Anthony St John

Was Chief Executive Officer of United Business Media, British peer, politician, businessman and solicitor.
director of ProSiebenSat.1 was appointed a partner of GP Chairman Strand Hanson Limited, Non Executive
Bullhound in 2010. Deep knowledge of public policy and Chairman OCRA Worldwide Ltd., Non-Executive
trends in the UK and European markets. Director The Falcon Group Limited, Senior
Independent Director Albion Enterprise VCT PLC,
Independent Non-Executive Chairman Global
Resources Investment Trust Plc.

Organization Organization
Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence in Parliament Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence in Parliament

Education / degree
Education / degree Master's Degree London School of Economics and
B.A. and Doctorate Nottingham University Political Science, BA, BS,LLB University of Cape Town

Position Position
Member Member

UK AI Influencers

Andy Forrester
Matthew White Ridley
Multi-faceted Technology, Innovation & Futurism
British journalist and businessman. Ridley is best known
specialist, bringing emerging technologies to Business
for his writings on science, the environment, and
and Government. UK All Party Parliamentary Group on
economics. He was a columnist for Daily Telegraph and
Artificial Intelligence (APPG AI). Director in Accelerator
Sunday Telegraph and an editor of The Best American
Solutions Limited.
Science Writing.

Organization Organization
Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence in UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial
Parliament Intelligence

Education / degree
Education / degree
University of California, Data Science
Magdalen College, Oxford


UK AI Influencers

Rajesh Agrawal Theo Blackwell

British Indian entrepreneur and philanthropist who since As London’s first Chief Digital Officer, Theo plays a
June 2016 has served as Deputy Mayor of London for leading role in realising the Mayor’s ambition to make
Business. He is best known as the founder, chairman & London the world’s smartest city, ensuring that the
former CEO of London-based commercial foreign capital’s status as a global tech hub helps transform the
exchange company RationalFX. way public services are designed and delivered. He’s
worked at GovTech accelerator Public Group and was
previously Head of Policy & Public Affairs for the video
games industry’s trade body, Ukie.
Organization Organization
Mayor of London Mayor of London

Education / degree Education / degree

Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore, University of Oxford, Modern History
Business Administration University of Westminster, International Commercial
Position Position
Deputy Mayor of London for Business Chief Digital Officer

UK AI Influencers

Lord Puttnam Eileen Burbidge

David Puttnam is the chairman of Atticus Education, an Chair of Tech City UK, British Treasury's "special envoy"
online education company based in Ireland. Atticus, for fintech, Founding partner of Passion Capital. Prime
through a unique arrangement with BT Ireland, delivers Minister's Business Advisory Group - Member, MBI,
interactive seminars on film and a variety of subjects to FinTech Envoy - HM Treasury.
educational institutions globally.

Organization Organization
Artificial Intelligence Committee Prime Minister's Business Advisory Group

Education / degree
Education / degree
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Degree
Minchenden Grammar School BS, Computer Science / ECE

Position Member

UK AI Influencers

Anthony Giddens Greg Clark

Baron Giddens is known for his theory of structuration and British Conservative Party politician who is the MP for
his holistic view of modern societies. In 2007, Giddens Tunbridge Wells and Secretary of State for Business,
was listed as the fifth most-referenced author of books in Energy and Industrial Strategy. Between July 2014 and
the humanities. From 29th June 2017 Giddens is a May 2015, he held the post of Minister for Universities,
member of the Artificial Intelligence Committee. Science and Cities. He was elected Conservative MP for
Royal Tunbridge Wells in 2005.

Organization Organization
The House of Lords The House of Commons

Education / degree Education / degree

London School of Economics, PhD
King's College, Cambridge, PhD

Position Position
Member of the Artificial Intelligence Committee Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial

UK AI Influencers

Joan Dawson Bakewell

Baroness Bakewell is President of Birkbeck, University of
London. She is also an author and playwright and has
been awarded Humanist of the year for services to
humanism. In September 2017, Bakewell was elected
co-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Humanist Group.
From June 2017 Bakewell is a member of the Artificial
Intelligence Committee.
Artificial Intelligence Committee.

Education / degree
University of Cambridge, Economics, then History


UK AI Influencers

Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh
Miles Brundage
Executive Director of Cambridge’s Centre for the Study of
His research focuses on developing methods for rigorous
Existential Risk (CSER), and is Co-I on CSER’s research
analysis of AI development scenarios and appropriate
projects. Under his and Huw Price’s leadership, CSER has
policy responses.
grown in two years to be a world-leading academic research
center on extreme technological risk.

The University of Oxford's Future of Humanity Institute
Centre for the Study of Existential Risk

Education / degree Education / degree

Arizona State University, PhD Trinity College Dublin

Position Position
Researcher Executive Director

UK AI Influencers

Peter Eckersley Richard Stirling

He leads a team of technologists who watch for Richard used to oversee all ODI work with the public
technologies that, by accident or design, pose a risk to sector in the UK and internationally, and manage the
computer users' freedoms—and then look for ways to fix ODI’s startup incubator programme.
them. They write code to make the Internet more secure,
more open, and safer against surveillance and censorship.
They explain gadgets to lawyers and policymakers, and
law and policy to gadgets. Institution
ODI’s Innovation

Institution Position
Electronic Frontier Foundation Associate

Education / degree
University of Melbourne, PhD

Chief Computer Scientist

UK AI Influencers

Dame Wendy Hall Stephen Cave

Regius Professor of Computer Science at the University of Dr Stephen Cave is Executive Director of the Leverhulme
Southampton, and is Executive Director of the Web Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Senior Research
Science Institute. She was Dean of the Faculty of Physical Associate in the Faculty of Philosophy, and Fellow of
Sciences and Engineering from 2010 to 2014. She is Hughes Hall, all at the University of Cambridge.
Managing Director of the Web Science Trust. CEO of AI
vendor Benevolent Tech.

Institution Institution
University of Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Southampton Education / degree
PhD in philosophy from Cambridge
Education / degree
University of Southampton BSc, PhD. City
University London, Master of Science.
Position Executive Director, Senior Research Fellow
Professor of Computer Science in Electronics

UK AI Influencers

Ivan Griffin Peter McOwan

Ivan spent two years at Oxford Technology Venture Capital Professor of Computer Science in the School of Electronic
Trust, and a year in post-doctoral research where he Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary,
published several scientific papers. University of London.

Company Institution
BenevolentAI Queen Mary, University of London

Education / degree Education / degree

New College Oxford University, MS, PhD Princeton University PhD Computer Science, MA

Professor of Computer Science
Co Founder - VP Business Development

UK AI Influencers

Prof Mike Wooldridge Alan Winfield

Michael’s main research interests are in the use of formal Winfield co-founded the Bristol Robotics Laboratory and his
techniques of one kind or another for reasoning about research is focussed on understanding the nature and limits
multiagent systems. His current research is at the of robot intelligence.He is a member of the editorial board
intersection of logic, computational complexity, and game of the Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial
theory, and is focused around the problem of identifying Intelligence, and an associate editor of Evolutionary
and managing the equilibria of game-like concurrent Robotics. Winfield has published over 200 works

Institution Institution
University of Oxford University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol

Education / degree Education / degree

BSc, PhD University of Hull

Position Position
Senior Research Fellow in Computer Science Professor of Robot Ethics

UK AI Influencers

Chanuki Seresinhe Rodrigo Mendoza Smith

Chanuki Illushka Seresinhe is a doctoral researcher at the Dr. Rodrigo Mendoza-Smith is a researcher at the
Warwick Business School and the Alan Turing Institute. Optimisation for Vision at Learning Group in the University
Chanuki's research interest entails using big online datasets of Oxford, where he works on Machine Learning methods
and deep learning to understand how the aesthetics of the to improve the performance of numerical computing
environment affects human wellbeing. algorithms, particularly those that concern neural network
verification problems. Previously, he was a visiting
researcher at the Alan Turing Institute and president of the
Oxford Artificial Intelligence Society.
Institution Institution
University of Warwick University of Oxford

Education / degree Education / degree

Warwick Business School, Data Science - PhD University of Oxford, PDRA in Machine Learning

Position Position
Doctoral researcher Researcher

UK AI Influencers

Christine Foster
Kaspar Althoefer
Before joining the Turing, Christine advised Virgin Media on
Prof. Althoefer is an electronics engineer, leading research
implementing machine learning models to personalise
on Robotics and Intelligent Systems in the Centre for
customer interactions, and Liberty Global on building a
Robotics Research at King’s College London. Prof Althoefer
world-class data science team. While in NYC for twelve
has authored/co-authored more than 150 peer-reviewed
years, she held leadership positions at a fintech start-up,
papers of which more than 40 are full, peer-reviewed
American Express, and EMI Music. She built digital
journal papers. Professor Althoefer is a Member of the
analytics teams, implemented predictive models, and
generally worked at the intersection of data science and
Institution Institution
King's College London The Alan Turing Institute

Education / degree Education / degree

King’s College London, PhD in Robot motion Planning INSEAD, MBA

Position Position
Professor of Robotics and Intelligent Systems Managing Director for Innovation

UK AI Influencers

Mark Briers
Mark previously worked at Roke Manor Research, QinetiQ
and BAE Systems. He hold an Industrial Fellowship
Award from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of
1851. Mark is the secretary of the Emerging Applications
Section at the Royal Statistical Society (RSS). He is also a
member of RSS' Conference organising committee.

Alan Turing Institute

Education / degree
University of Cambridge, PhD

Strategic Programme Director

UK AI Influencers

Demis Hassabis Nigel Toon

British artificial intelligence researcher, neuroscientist, Nigel was CEO of two VC-backed silicon companies
computer game designer, entrepreneur, and world-class before founding Graphcore; Picochip, which was sold to
games player. In 1998 founded and ran my own Mindspeed in 2012 and most recently, XMOS, in which
60-person development studio, called Elixir Studios, Graphcore was incubated for two years before being
producing games for Microsoft and Vivendi Universal, and established as a separate entity in 2016. He was a
have contributed to many best-selling and award-winning non-executive director at Imagination Technologies PLC
games over a successful 10-year career. until its acquisition in 2017 and is the author of three

Company Company
DeepMind Technologies Limited Graphcore

Education / degree Education / degree

Queens’ College, Cambridge University Heriot-Watt University
- BA (First) in Computer Science

Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer

UK AI Influencers

Azeem Azhar Reggie Bradford

Exponential technologies & their impact, LinkedIn Top 3-peat Entrepreneur, participating in the creation and
Voice (2016), Technology, startups, innovation, building of 3 market leading startups in 3 different
economics, finance and history. Exponential View- industries whose collective exits delivered around $5
Chief, Onfido- Advisor, Harvard Business Review- Billion for shareholders. Founder and CEO Reggie
Advisory Board Member, World Economic Forum- Bradford brings nearly two decades of experience as an
Member of Expert Network. industry pioneer, having blazed a successful path for
technology companies under his leadership. Board
Member Persado.

Exponential View Company
Education / degree
Education / degree
University of Oxford, MA Politics, Philosophy,
Emory University MBA Business, The University of
Georgia BBA Finance, The University of New Mexico
Position Position
Chief SVP Start up Ecosystem and Accelerator

UK AI Influencers

Jacob Ayres-Thomson Ali Parsa

Growth Accelerator – Entrepreneur, Alchematics - Ali is a healthcare entrepreneur. Ali created babylon in
Director, Chief Research Officer, AI Designer, Data December 2012, which is seen as one of the most
Scientist, Investor, Trader. Age's Best in Class award for exciting developments in health innovation anywhere,
Data Leadership in Finance for innovative applications of with the potential to change our expectations and
artificial intelligence at the Data 50 Awards 2017. experience of healthcare. He was the recipient of the
Royal Award for the Young Entrepreneur of the year in
Company 1993 for founding his first business, V&G, and the
Just Group plc healthcare Entrepreneurial Achievement in 2010.
Education / degree Babylon Health
University College London, Master of
Education / degree
Science Machine Learning & Computational
University College London, PhD, Engineering Physics

Position Position
Head of Data Sciences, Entrepreneur, Director Founder & Chief Executive Officer

UK AI Influencers

Goncalo de Vasconcelos Kenneth Mulvany

Gonçalo is the CEO and co-founder of Mulvany is a serial entrepreneur, investor and
multi-award-winning online investment platform healthcare and technology veteran with more than 20
years of business leadership experience. He was
SyndicateRoom and a contributor for Forbes. He was
previously CEO of Proximagen, a UK-based biotech
considered one of the Top 10 most influential people in company committed to delivering novel drugs and
tech in the UK at the Tyto. KPMG's 50 Emerging Stars innovative new treatments for central nervous system
of Fintech. (CNS) disorders.

SyndicateRoom Company
Education / degree
University of Cambridge MBA, Imperial College
London Masters of Science

Position Position
Founder & CEO Founder & Director

UK AI Influencers

Katia Walsh Stan Boland

US and European Union national; Senior business leader Stan Boland is co-founder and CEO of Five AI Inc., a
with a mission to make businesses indispensable venture-backed company developing a safe urban
through Data and Analytics, 2017 Data Leader of the autonomous vehicle platform that it will deliver as a
Year by Information Age, Named among Top 10 Women consumer service.
in Tech worldwide by Goodman Lantern.

Company Company
Vodafone Five AI

Education / degree Education / degree

University of Missouri-Columbia, Indiana University of Cambridge
University Bloomington , Poynter Institute

Position Position
Chief Global Data and Analytics CEO

UK AI Influencers

Rishi Khosla Nicole Eagan

British-Indian serial entrepreneur and the co-founder of As Chief Executive Officer of Darktrace, Nicole Eagan has
ACORN OakNorth, a fintech firm founded in the UK in established the company as the global leader of AI cyber
2015. Khosla was one of the co-founders of Copal Amba defense. Her extensive career spans 25 years working for
along with his LSE class mate Joel Perlman. Copal Oracle and early to late-stage growth companies. Named 'AI
Amba was an outsourced research company for Leader of the Year' in 2017, Nicole has introduced disruptive
investment banks, which was acquired by Moody's machine learning to enterprises of all sizes.
Corporation in 2014.
Company Company
Oaknorth Darktrace

Education / degree Education / degree

University College London, Economics, BA Montclair State University
London School of Economics, Accounting & Finance, MA

Position Position
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer

UK AI Influencers

Jérôme Pesenti Andrew Anderson

Jérôme Pesenti is the VP of AI at Facebook. He leads Andrew is an international speaker, he has over 25 years
Facebook’s AI research (FAIR) arm. Prior to joining experience building software companies and is recognised
Facebook, Jerome joined IBM to lead the development of as one of a few of the worlds automation CEO’s shaping the
its Watson platform after the startup he co-founded, future of operations. He led and funded the management
Vivisimo, was acquired by the company in 2012. He went buyout of RedRock from Netstore plc. In the same period,
on to later become the CEO of BenevolentTech. He is a RedRock acquired DG Tech Ltd and was subsequently
Member Board Of Directors at BenevolentAI renamed Celaton Limited.
Company Company
Facebook Celaton

Education / degree Education / degree

Paris-Sud University (Paris XI), PhD Mathematics

Position Position
Vice President of Artificial Intelligence Chief Executive Officer

UK AI Influencers

Mark Nicholson
As CEO of Vivacity, Mark is heavily involved in a number
of leading Smart Cities projects in the UK, providing data
on car parking, road traffic and rail stations, all at
unprecedented accuracy & cost. Mark is passionate about
how data can be used to improve transport systems &
quality of life.

Vivacity Labs

Education / degree
University of Cambridge

Founder & CEO

UK AI Influencers
Think Tankers

Geoff Mulgan Tabitha Goldstaub

Chief Executive of the National Endowment for Science British tech entrepreneur who is an expert in the impact
Technology and the Arts (NESTA) and Visiting of artificial intelligence. She is the co-founder of
Professor at University College London, the London CognitionX, a market intelligence platform for AI. In
School of Economics, and the University of Melbourne. October 2017 Marie Claire described Goldstaub as a
Previously he was CEO of the Young Foundation Future Shaper. She was listed in the London Evening
based in London, Director of the Prime Minister's Standard's "The Progress 1000: London's most
Strategy Unit. influential people".


Education / degree Education / degree

Balliol College, Oxford First Class, University of Westminster Bachelor's degree in Advertising at
Ph.D. in telecommunications. Massachusetts Institute of University of the Arts London.
Position Position
Chief Executive Co Founder

UK AI Influencers
Think Tankers

Will Hutton
Birgitte Andersen
Hutton is a British political economist, academic
Professor Andersen has developed an international
administrator, and journalist. He was formerly
reputation as an expert in business innovation and
editor-in-chief for The Observer. He is widely known for
technology policy, the productivity of services, the
his advocacy of centre-left policies, criticisms of the
economics and strategic aspects of intellectual property
neoliberal economic consensus, and his long association
and intellectual property rights (IPRs), as well as
with key members and policies of the Labour Party. He is
university–industry knowledge flows.
currently Principal of Hertford College, University of

Company Company
Big Innovation Centre Big Innovation Centre

Education / degree Education / degree

Aalborg Universitet Sociology and economics at the University of Bristol
University of Reading gaining a BSocSc

Position Position
CEO and CoCreator Chair

UK AI Influencers
Think Tankers

Berndt Müller
Matthew Fenech
Matt worked as an NHS doctor for 10 years. This Müller is passionate about technology for humanity. He is
experience helped him understand the value of working towards responsible use of AI with ethics
large-scale, ambitious advocacy projects in improving engineered into systems that augment human
societal well-being. He now works on Future intelligence with smart computer tools. Currently He is
Advocacy's Artificial Intelligence project, advocating for the Senior Lecturer in Computing at the University of
policies that will maximise its benefits while mitigating
South Wales, Chairman of the AISB and Associate
its potential risks.
Editor of the journal Connection Science.

Company Company
Future Advocacy AISB

Education / degree Education / degree

University of East Anglia, PhD, Cell/Cellular and Universität Hamburg, PhD Informatics
Molecular Biology

Position Position
Artificial Intelligence Research and Advocacy Consultant Chairman

UK AI Influencers
Think Tankers

Nick Bostrom
Tarek Nseir
Bostrom is known for his work on existential risk, the
Tarek founded TH_NK in 2004 whilst still studying at
anthropic principle, human enhancement ethics,
University in Newcastle, employing just 3 members of
superintelligence risks, and the reversal test. In 2011, he
staff. The company grew from strength to strength, and
founded the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of
at the start of 2008, TH_NK opened an office in central
Future Technology, and he is currently the founding
London as a result of their continuous success in the
director of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford
digital sector. Tarek is also a board member at the
University. Bostrom is the author of over 200
British Interactive Media Association.

Company Company
TH_NK Future of Humanity Institute

Education / degree Education / degree

University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, BSc, Information B.A. from the University of Gothenburg. Master's
Systems degrees from Stockholm University and King's College
Chief Executive And Co-Founder Position
Founding Director

UK AI Influencers
Think Tankers

Eleonora Harwich
Anthony Painter
Eleonora is Head of Digital and Tech Innovation at
Painter previously directed the Independent Review of
Reform, an independent Westminster-based think tank,
the Police Federation and has also worked in
where she joined in June 2015. Her work now focuses on
partnership with Google, the BBC, the BMA, the
how tech innovations can help deliver public service
Education and Training Foundation, the Association of
reforms. Eleonora is a member of the Kent, Surrey,
Colleges and the Metropolitan Police. He leads the
Sussex Academic Health Science Network advisory
Action and Research Centre and its work around the
board for their AI Programme. She is also part of London
three change aims – creativity, learning and
Hub Lead for One HealthTech, a volunteer-led network
development; economy, enterprise and manufacturing;
that seeks to promote diversity in healthtech.
and public services and communities.
Action and Research Centre Company
Education / degree
London School of Economics and Political Science, Msc, Education / degree
European Politics and Policy Barcelona Graduate School of Economics,
Master’s Degree in Economics for Public Policy
Position Position
Director Head of Digital and Tech Innovation

UK AI Influencers
Think Tankers

Pete Trainor
Charlie Muirhead
Pete Trainor is an author, behavioural designer,
Charlie founded his first company, internet software
technologist, accidental polymath, mental health
firm Orchestream, at the age of 21. His latest venture,
campaigner and co-founder of Us. He talks all over the
CognitionX, was co-founded with Tabitha Goldstaub in
world on creative & social technologies, data, artificial
2015. The company’s mission is to build the most
intelligence and the physiological & psychological effects
trusted source of personalised advice on artificial
on their audiences. Pete chairs the Ai Think Tank for The
intelligence and other emerging technologies. Charlie
British Interactive Media Association. He was recently
was named the European Technology Forum's
voted, by the industry, as one of the 5 most influential
"Technology Entrepreneur of the Year" in March 2004.
people in the British digital industry in Econsultancys
2017 industry report.
Company Company
CognitionX The British Interactive Media Association
Education / degree Education / degree
Imperial College London, Computer Science, MA Bournemouth University, Computer Aided Design,
Design and Visual Communications

Position Position
Founder & CEO Chair of Ai Think Tank

UK AI Influencers
Think Tankers

Tom Kibasi
Jeni Tennison
Tom created the IPPR Commission on Economic Justice
Jeni Tennison is the CEO of the Open Data Institute.
to develop a new vision for the British economy in 2030
Jeni works with the UK’s public sector as a member of
and the policies to achieve it. He is a regular contributor
the Open Standards Board. She served on the W3C's
to the Observer on economic policy, and the New
Technical Architecture Group from 2011 to 2015 and
Statesman on politics. He is an expert in health policy,
co-chaired the W3C’s CSV on the Web Working Group.
having spent more than a decade at McKinsey and
As well as sitting on the Board of Ada, she also sits on
Company, where he was a partner and held leadership
the Advisory Board for the Open Contracting
roles in the healthcare practice in both London and New
Partnership; the Co-operative's Digital Advisory Board

Company Company
Open Data Institute IPPR

Education / degree Education / degree

University of Nottingham, PhD, Psychology and Artificial Trinity College, Cambridge. History

Position Position
Chief Executive Officer Director

UK AI Influencers
Think Tankers

Olly Buston
Olly is author of the recent report "An Intelligent Future?"
which focuses on what governments can do to maximise
the opportunities and minimise the risks of artificial
intelligence. Previously Olly was Director of the ONE
campaign for 7 years. He has also run the global
anti-slavery movement Walk Free.

Future Advocacy

Education / degree
London School of Economics and Political Science, MSc

Chief Executive Officer

Think Tanks
12 UK AI
Think Tanks

1. Future Advocacy 7. Big innovation


2. Society for the Study of 8. CognitionX

Artificial Intelligence and
Simulation of Behaviour

3. BIMA 9. Reform

4. Future of Humanity 10. Nesta


5. RSA 11. Demos

6. Open Data Institute 12. Institute for Public

Policy Research
1. Future Advocacy 2. Society for the Study of Artificial
Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour

Based: London, United Kingdom Based: East Sussex, United Kingdom

Focus Region: United Kingdom Focus Region: United Kingdom

Future Advocacy is a think tank and consultancy that delivers AISB is a nonprofit, scientific society devoted to advancing the
high impact research, advocacy and communications to tackle scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought
the greatest challenges of the 21st century. Future Advocacy and intelligent behaviour and their simulation and embodiment in
focuses in a few different areas, current projects range from machines. AISB also aims to facilitate co-operation and
artificial intelligence to education, and HIV to nutrition. communication among those interested in the study of artificial
intelligence, simulation of behaviour and the design of intelligent

3. BIMA 4. Future of Humanity Institute

Based: London, United Kingdom Based:, Oxford, United Kingdom

Focus Region: United Kingdom Focus Region: United Kingdom

The British Interactive Media Association (BIMA) is a The Future of Humanity Institute is a leading research centre
not-for-profit industry body representing the digital industry in the looking at big-picture questions for human civilization. Using the
United Kingdom. BIMA's purpose is to represent the interactive tools of mathematics, philosophy, and science, they explore the
media and digital content sector in the UK. Its core objectives risks and opportunities that will arise from technological change,
are to promote the British digital industry, share knowledge and weigh ethical dilemmas, and evaluate global priorities. Their goal
best practice, recognise excellence and support the next is to clarify the choices that will shape humanity’s long-term
generation of digital professionals. future.

5. RSA 6. Open Data Institute

Based: London, United Kingdom Based: London, United Kingdom

Focus Region: United Kingdom Focus Region: United Kingdom

RSA’s mission is to create the conditions for the enlightened The Open Data Institute works with companies and governments
thinking and collaborative action needed to address today's most to build an open, trustworthy data ecosystem, where people can
pressing social challenges. RSA areas of work range from the make better decisions using data and manage any harmful
future of the cities and communities, to education, moving impacts. The ODI’s global network includes individuals,
towards a more creative economy and the redesign of public businesses, startups, franchises, collaborators and governments
services. The RSA Fellowship is a powerful national and who help to achieve this mission
international network of accomplished individuals. Fellows are
encouraged to engage with a wide range of the RSA’s work and
to develop their own local and issue based initiatives.

7. Big innovation Centre 8. CognitionX

Based: London, United Kingdom Based: London, United Kingdom

Focus Region: United Kingdom Focus Region: United Kingdom

The Big Innovation Centre exists to help businesses, public CognitionX brings together the world leading data experts,
agencies and universities put their open innovation principles software developers, platform vendors, researchers, hardware
into practice. Acting as an open innovation hub, Big Innovation providers and businesses looking to apply data-driven
Centre convenes a network of representative global companies techniques to their organisation. They do this through a
in every sector, plus national public agencies and some of the combination of in person events, executive dinners and their
best universities. Their aim is to help rebalance and grow online platform. Their mission is to democratise access to data
national and regional economies. Big Innovation Centre enlarges science and AI techniques by organising all the information
the innovative capability of its partner organizations, and itself about the industry and best practice, and make it universally
becomes a ‘go-to’ place where commercial and public sector accessible and useful.
ideas are shared, tested and realized.

9. Reform 10. Nesta

Based: London, United Kingdom Based: London, United Kingdom

Focus Region: United Kingdom Focus Region: United Kingdom

Reform was founded in 2001 out of a concern that the record Nesta is an innovation foundation. They back new ideas to
public spending increases that followed would not in fact tackle the big challenges of our time. Their mission is to spark
transform public services, or improve economic productivity, in and shape new ideas to improve how the world works for
the way that was hoped. Reform is now established as the everyone. Nesta uses their knowledge, networks, funding and
leading Westminster think tank for public service reform. skills to take on big challenges, working in partnership with
Established as a charity, their vision is of excellent public others to make change happen.
services within sustainable finances. By delivering better value,
reform keeps public finances sustainable, and allows
policymakers to focus on the changes in service delivery that are
needed for citizens to lead fulfilled lives.

11. Demos 12. Institute for Public Policy Research

Based: London, United Kingdom Based: London, United Kingdom

Focus Region: United Kingdom Focus Region: United Kingdom

Demos is a think tank based in the United Kingdom with a IPPR, the Institute for Public Policy Research, aims to influence
cross-party political viewpoint. It was founded in 1993 and policy in the present and reinvent progressive politics in the
specialises in social policy, developing evidence-based solutions future. With nearly 50 staff across four offices throughout the UK,
in a range of areas - from education and skills to health and IPPR is Britain’s only national think tank with a truly national
housing. Demos publishes a quarterly journal, titled Demos presence. IPPR’s independent research is wide ranging and
Quarterly, which features articles from politicians, academics covers the economy, work, skills, transport, democracy, the
and Demos researchers. environment, education, energy, migration and healthcare
among many other areas.

Tech Hubs
Tech Hubs

1. TechHub 6. Level39

2. Edinburgh Centre 7. Plexal

for Robotics

3. Future AI and 8. Robotics and

Robotics for Space Artificial Intelligence
Hub (FAIR-SPACE) for Nuclear (RAIN) Hub

4. Leverhulme Centre 9. St John'

for the Future of Innovation Center

5. National Centre for 10. TechCube

Nuclear Robotics

1. TechHub 2. Edinburgh Centre for Robotics

Based: London, United Kingdom Based: Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Focus Region: United Kingdom Focus Region: United Kingdom

TechHub members build enterprise and consumer technology The Edinburgh Centre for Robotics is leading in the UK effort to
product businesses within a wide variety of industries and realise its industrial potential in this revolution, by producing a
verticals including fintech, adtech and media, security, retail, new generation of highly skilled researchers, trained to take a
edtech, entertainment, health and medtech, sport and many central role through technical skill coupled to industry and market
more. awareness

Memebers: Baker Hughes, Dyson, Kinova robotics, Kuka,

Subsea7, Scisys

Partner organizations: Google, BT Partner organizations: Heriot-Watt University, University of

Focus area: Various Edinburgh
Focus area: Robotics

Source: 246

3. Future AI and Robotics for Space Hub 4. Leverhulme Centre for the Future of
(FAIR-SPACE) Intelligence

Base: Guildford, United Kingdom Base: Cambridge,United Kingdom

Focus Region: United Kingdom Focus Region: United Kingdom

AI and Robotics Space Hub. The University of Surrey will be Leverhulme Trust funded research centre exploring the
working with Imperial College London and the Universities of opportunities and challenges to humanity from the development
Edinburgh, Liverpool, Salford and Warwick on the core research of artificial intelligence.
programme of the Hub. There are further 28 project partners
from industry, research, commercial and governmental

Partner organizations: University of Surrey, Imperial College Focus area: AI, Robotics, Policy Making
London, University of Edinburgh
Focus area: Robotics and AI

Source: 247

5. National Centre for Nuclear Robotics 6. Level39

Base: University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Base: London, United Kingdom

Focus Region: United Kingdom Focus Region: United Kingdom

The National Centre for Nuclear Robotics will aim to develop Level39 is the world's most connected tech community. They
advanced robotics and AI technologies for nuclear industry support fast-growth businesses in three clear ways - giving
applications. These are required to help deal with nuclear waste, access to world-class customers, talent and infrastructure.
and alleviate the need to send humans into hazardous
Members: 6prog, A3C Solutions, Advicefront, AdviceRobo,

Partner organizations: Universities of Bristol, Edinburgh, Focus area: Various

Essex, Lincoln, West of England, Lancaster University, Queen
Mary University of London.
Focus area: Robotics

Source: 248

7. Plexal 8. Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for
Nuclear (RAIN) Hub

Base: London, United Kingdom Base: Manchester, United Kingdom

Focus Region: United Kingdom Focus Region: United Kingdom

The National Centre for Nuclear Robotics will aim to develop RAIN (Robotics and AI in Nuclear) is a collaborative research
advanced robotics and AI technologies for nuclear industry project funded by EPSRC, which forms a community hub to
applications. These are required to help deal with nuclear waste, accelerate the development of UK robotics for the nuclear
and alleviate the need to send humans into hazardous industry with a focus on demonstrating quantitative benefits
environments. against demanding use cases.

Focus area: Various Focus area: Robotics, Computer Vision, AI

Source: 249

9. St John' Innovation Center 10. TechCube

Base: London, United Kingdom Base: Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Focus Region: United Kingdom Focus Region: United Kingdom

Plexal is an innovation ecosystem based on Queen Elizabeth TechCube is a world class space for technology startups in
Olympic Park. Hub is designed as a mini-city, bringing together Edinburgh. It provides affordable fully adaptable office space,
civic spaces and community services, with private flexible offices services and community support for start-ups and small
and bespoke programming to create a dynamic. businesses with market-leading comms and networking as well
as bookable meeting rooms.

Companies: MedAnnex Ltd, OncoBioPharm Ltd, Droman

Solutions etc

Focus area: Various Focus area: Various, Healthcare

Source: 250

UK AI Journalists

Rory Cellan-Jones Madhumita Murgia Jessica Davies David McClelland Ingrid Lunden

Mark Bridge James Titcomb Mike Butcher Peter Judge Alex Hern

Andrew Orlowski Mark Scott Arjun Kharpal Steve O'Hear Tom Cheshire
Rory Cellan-Jones

Technology Correspondent at BBC, is an

authoritative voice in the tech world.

Madhumita Murgia

Financial Times - European Technology


Jessica Davies

Digiday - UK editor, digital media reporter.

David McClelland

BBC, Silverstream TV, ITV Good Morning Britain.

Reporting across consumer technology, cybercrime,
mobile, and consumer affairs.

Ingrid Lunden

TechCrunch - News Editor,one of the most

knowledgeable tech reporters in the UK.

Mark Bridge

Technology Correspondent at The Times.

James Titcomb

Technology Editor at Telegraph Media Group.

Mike Butcher

Editor At Large at TechCrunch, regular commentator

on the tech business, appearing on the BBC, Sky
News, and Channel 4.

Peter Judge

DataCenterDynamics - Global Editor

Alex Hern

Technology reporter for the Guardian, about

general news, dark net, policy, internet culture.

Andrew Orlowski

British columnist, investigative journalist and the

executive editor of the IT news and opinion
website The Register.

Mark Scott

Chief Technology Correspondent at POLITICO

covering the global collision of all-things digital
with the political world.

Arjun Kharpal

Technology Correspondent at CNBC International.

"Tech Transformers" special report, covering the
newest and most innovative developments in the
technology sector.

Steve O'Hear

TechCrunch- Journalist, veteran technology

journalist and entrepreneur who closely covers
Europe’s technology scene.

Tom Cheshire

Technology Correspondent at Sky News.

TV presenter who makes technology engaging for
a broad audience.


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