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(No Model.

No. 507,482, Patented Oct. 24, 1893.

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id: eletozves M


SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 507,482, dated October 24, 1893.
Application filed December 12, 1892, Serial No. 454,840. (No model.)
To all, whom it may concern: projecting edges are inserted the ends of the
Be it known that I, EMMARATCLIFFE CA elastic straps B. Straps F, preferably of in 50
PERTON, a citizen of the United States, resid elastic braid or similar material are passed
ing at Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel about one edge of or through the buckles, and
phia and State of Pennsylvania, have invented their ends also inserted between the project
certain new and useful Improvements in Cor ing edges a, a, of the corset. After the steels
sets; and I do hereby declare the following to have been inserted within their pockets and
be a full, clear, and exact description of the the straps B and buckle loops Finserted be
invention, such as will enable others skilled in tween the projecting edges a, a, as described,
the art to which it appertains to make and use
the same. said edges are united by a line or lines of
My invention relates to a new and im stitches which serve to close the pockets about
proved fastening for corsets, and has for its the corset steels D, D, and secure the elastic
straps B and buckles C to the edges of the
object to remove all undue pressure from the corsets. A double row of stitches is prefer
chest and abdomen of the wearer and permit ably made in the projecting edges a, a, of the
an easy and natural movement of the chest corsets, one row being formed quite close to
in breathing and singing. the corset steels D, D, and the other near the
In the drawings Figure 1 is a perspective extreme edges, and both passing through the
view showing my improved corset applied to elastic straps and buckle loops.
the person of the wearer. Fig. 2 is a similar In practice the corset is adjusted to the per
view on an enlarged scale, illustrating the son of the wearer in the usual manner by
fastening. Fig. 3 is a horizontal section taken means of lacing cords at the back, and the 7 o
through one of the fastenings and the meet corset is then fastened by passing the elastic
ing edges of the corsets, and Fig. 4 is a detail straps B through the buckles and drawing
25 view illustrating one of the elastic straps and them up until it fits the figure snugly. The
the corset steel in place. elastic straps are to be of such length that
Referring to the drawings, wherein similar when the corset is fastened there will be an 75
letters of reference indicate corresponding inch or an inch and a half distance between
parts, Aindicates the body of the corset which the edges, so that the steels will never press
is constructed in the usual manner. upon that portion of the chest and abdomen
To the meeting edges of the corset are se-n corresponding to such interval. The straps
cured straps B of elastic webbing, which are being elastic, and the edges of the corset
arranged at regular and suitable distances being separated as above described, readily
apart, and which are preferably secured alter permit the wearer to assume any position
35 nately to opposite edges of the corset. preferred without interfering with the expan
To the edges of the corset and opposite the sive movement of the chest and abdomen in
straps B are secured buckles C, of any suit breathing and singing. By arranging the
able and known construction, through which elastic straps and buckles alternately upon
the straps are adapted to be passed and se opposite sides, as shown, the strain is equally
cured. The steels D, D, consist of thin, light divided between the edges of the corset, and
and flexible metallic strips which are secured owing to the great flexibility of the steels the
in pockets formed in the meeting edges of the corset readily adapts itself to the contour of go
corsets by sewing to the inner or under side
of the corset and near its meeting edges strips the figure and the different positions assumed
by the wearer.
45 E of textile fabric. After the steels have Having thus described my invention, what
been inserted within the pockets the edges of I claim is
the corset will project a slight distance be A corset provided at its front edges with
yond the steels, as at a, a, and between such thin resilient steels, said edges being nor 95
2 507,482
mally separated by an intervening space, and ing either steel against the body, substantially
elastic fastenings connecting the normally as described. d
Separated edges, said fastenings being con- In testimony whereof Iaffix my signature in
nected to the corset edges, outside of the presence of two witnesses.
5 steels; whereby the central portion of the EMMA RATCLIFFE CAPERTON.
chest and abdomen are normally relieved of Witnesses:
the pressure of both steels, and whereby the GEO. W. CLEMENT,
edges may separate still farther without press- ELEANOR MERRIKEN WATKINS.


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