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Carter Larson

Mark Larson
3.5 Hours
Observing a 2018 f150 that hit a deer.

I headed to my dad’s office at 2PM. Once I got there my dad showed me the file for the claim
we were going to inspect. The file just includes information on what happened, who the insured
is, and much more. We headed to Bryant where the f150 pickup was located. The driver hit a
deer on the left side of the truck. My dad showed me how to properly take pictures of the
vehicle. You have to take pictures of all 4 corners of the car, multiple pictures of the damage, a
picture of the odometer, and a picture of the VIN number. You also have to check each different
piece of the vehicle that appears to be damaged and decide whether or not it needs to be
replaced. This process took about 1 hour in total. We then went back to my dad’s office and
uploaded the pictures into filetrac and xactimate. I left my dad’s office at 5:30.

Carter Larson
Mark Larson
5 Hours
Learning how to use filetrac and Xactimate

Today I stayed home and had my dad teach me how to run the 2 most important programs
needed to know how to be an insurance adjuster. These 2 are filetrac and xactimate. Filetrac is
a program that allows you to upload your claims and keep close track of them. It gives you all of
the information that you need in order to work the claim. I got a hang of it fairly easily and was
able to do most of it on my own after an hour and a half of explaining and trials. Next up was
xactimate. This was way more complicated than filetrac and I still have a lot to learn about it.
You use xactimate to figure out prices for everything. You can insert the prices of everything
that has damage and it will add up a total for damages. Xactimate only works on property
Carter Larson
Mark Larson
3 Hours

Inspecting a car with bumper damage

Today I got to my dad’s office at 2. We headed to ABRA body shop. Once we got here we
spent half an hour speaking with the manager there about the vehicle we were inspecting. It
was a 2020 Cadillac SUV that also hit a deer. As the manager talked to my dad I noticed that
my dad was taking notes which he later told me was important to do so you can check the
information on the file. We took multiple pictures of the car and the bumper. We decided that the
bumper was the only thing that needed to be replaced. We got out of there at 3:30 and went to
my dad’s office. We put the information into CC and found out the replacement costs were
around $2500 + Labor. I decided to stay at my dad’s office and let him teach me how to dictate.
This is where you talk into a recorder and give a description about everything we did. This then
goes to the secretary who writes a report on the claim.

Carter Larson
Mark Larson
1.5 hours

Today after lunch I watched my dad upload a large claim to Xactimate. My dad is very fluent
with Xactimate and it only took him about an hour to do it. I felt as if watching him work helped
me get a greater understanding of the system.

Carter Larson
Mark Larson
4.5 hours

Today my dad picked me up from my house at 2. We headed to Desmet to look at a bus barn
that caught fire. There were 9 different buses in the barn at the time of the fire. We had to take a
ton of pictures of everything, the building, the buses, and different electrical systems in the
building. We were at the scene for nearly 4 hours but we didn’t finish the claim because it got
too dark. My dad went back at a later date and finished up the claim by taking pictures of the
remaining busses. We arrived back in Castlewood at 6:30.

Carter Larson
Mark Larson
3 hours

Today I went and shadowed my dad inspecting a roof with wind damage. There was a rubber
roof that had completely blown off due to high winds. I learned what to check for and how to
take proper notes and pictures of all of the damages. We then went back to my dads office and
my dad taught me how to run CC. This is a program that estimates the cost for car repairs. It
took me a while to figure out but after about an hour I had it down and the estimate I wrote was
within $150 of the original estimate of $17,346.00

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