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Tumelo Matobo-My Guiding Experience

I joined Guiding as a Brownie at 9 years of age in 2009,

and back then I really had no idea of what Guiding was,
and to think of it the only reason I joined Guiding was
because my sister was also a Girl Guide and I always
liked doing everything she did. But then, Brownies
have brought fond memories including making new
It was only until I became a Ranger that I actually knew
what Girl Guiding was and started appreciating how
much of an impact it was making in my life. While I was
a Ranger I was a co-leader at my previous high school
and it was there where I acquired my leadership skills.
Running a unit really made me happy because I actually
saw the impact I was making on the girls. I was glad to
see that I had inspired them to be better people, and I
thought that amazing because I was only 17 years of
I’ve never travelled the world with Guiding, but I’ve
been on several camps in different districts of my
country, including special ones where we were hosting
the Scottish Girl Guides. Guiding has taught me many
skills including problem solving skills through different
activities that we have done, and it is those skills that I
use in everyday life but mostly at school. Other skills
include social skills and the confidence to speak up
about certain issues that I’m passionate about. Girl
Guiding has really changed my life for the better!

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