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Benefits of an Inclusive EducationQuality education of students with disability is a key goal for the

United Nations, as education offers significant financial benefit, not Legislation, litigation and
implications for inclusion103only through increased employment and productivity of people with
disability upon completion of their education, but also through the increased productivity of family
members with school- aged children with disability (United Nations 2016; World Health Organization &
World Bank 2011). Further, as discussed in Chapter 3, there are signif-icant short- and long- term
educational and social benefits associated with the inclusion of students with disability (Hehir et al.
2016). These benefits are classified in Table 5.1.Slee (2018b) notes that the phrase ‘inclusive education’
is now deeply embedded in the lexicon of education, but that its initial aim of improving access,
participation and outcomes for marginalised students may have been diminished by caveats within
legislation. The Australian federal legislation that has been enacted to protect the rights of students with
disability will be discussed in the next section

MLA 8th Edition (Modern Language Assoc.)

Linda Graham. Inclusive Education for the 21st Century : Theory, Policy and Practice. Routledge, 2020.

APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Assoc.)

Linda Graham. (2020). Inclusive Education for the 21st Century : Theory, Policy and Practice. Routledge.

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