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Medical terms – Seria E

 Material = genetic material (DNA, RNA), contrast, radioactive, crossover,

extracellular, raw, organic waste, foreign, chromosome, digested, fibrous protein
material, endocytosed material, flammable material

The spleen filters microorganisms and other foreign material from the blood.
Brachytherapy is the use of radioactive materials in contact with the tissue to be treated.
The large intestine contains bilions of bacteria, most of them harmless, which help break down
organic waste material.
Collagen is a fibrous protein material found in the skin and also in the bones, cartilage,
Uranium and plutorium are produced by the irradiation of source material or special nuclear
Metals, ceramics, polymers are types of materials used in Medical Device Manufacturing.
Each daughter cell receives half of all doubled chromosome material.
Genetic variability is enhanced through the crossover material.
Junctional zone is rich in amorphous extracellular material.
The proportion of cellulose in cotton fibers ,an important raw material, is high.
The genetic information of all cells is stored in the base sequence of their DNA, RNA only
occurs as a genetic material in viruses.
In many tumors, the passage of the digested material on the tumor leads to chronic low-grade
Contrast materials are used to enhance pictures of the inside of the body.
In the category of biological materials we remind antibodies, blood and plasma.
Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic material which might be lethal if swallowed.
The building material of our nervous system are the neurons.
Substances from which fillings are made are considered dental materials.

The inner lamella of the nuclear membrane is covered with electron-dense material.
The enzymatic degradation of endocytosed material is often incomplete.

The edema comes from the diffusion of nutritional materials from the capillaries to the
muscle and skin cells.
Another way to measure blood volume is to inject into the circulation red blood cells that have
been labeled with radioactive material.
Angiography uses an injection of contrast material to examine blood vessels.
Highly flammable material should be disposed safely.
This book is a licensed material for us to study from.
In the category of biological materials we remind antibodies, blood and plasma.
The material has been associated with a lot of negative effects like heart attack.
Osteoclasts are cells that destroy bone material.
Muscles are made up of elastic fibrous material.
Open cell materials typically resist compression set and force relaxation better than closed cell
The genetic material present in the cell can determine its metabolism, cycle of life and
apoptosis. (genetic substance)
Sadly, we lack the required medical equipment and materials. (properties, supplies)

 Substance = medullary, drug, chemical, harmful, radioactive, poisonous, inhibiting,
ground, corrosive, oily, psychoactive substance = antidepressants, substance as hormone
= insulin,living substance, substantia nigra, endogenous substance
Exocrine glands secrete their chemical substance into ducts that lead to other organs.
Lymphatic system destroys harmful substance such as pathogens (bacteria, viruses) and cancer
cells in the lymph nodes.
A myocele is the herniation of muscle substance through a tear in the fascia surrounding it.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance that travels through the blood and is found in all parts of the
Electrolytes are mineral substances such as sodium and potassium, that are normally found in
the blood.
Radioactive substance are used in nuclear medicine exams.
The pancreas secretes a substance called insulin.
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon
The substance is a material with particular features that makes up an organ or structure.
Substance P is a peptide composed of 11 amino acids, present in nerve cells scattered
throughout the body and in special endocrine cells, in the gut.
The interstitial spaces fill with a transparent gelatinous substance.
Sertoli cells produce Mullerian-inhibiting substance.
Fibrocartilage-matrix contains a limited number of cells and ground substance.
An ingested corrosive substance would move more slowly through a narrowed region.
Varices require urgent treatment, which includes injecting sclerosant substances.
Sebaceous glands secrete an oily substance that increases the viscosity of the tears.
Thyroxine is a derivative of tyrosine, and functions as a hormonal substance.
Cellulose bonds some of the potentially toxic substances in food.
In the interior of such structures as bone, adrenal gland and kidney there is a soft, marrow-like
substance called medullary substance.
Antidepressants are considered psychoactive substances used for the relief of major
Substantia nigra or black substance is an important player in different brain functions.

Vitamin C is a substance which helps our immune system to function properly.
Cerebrospinal fluid is a liquid substance of our body.
Feces are solid substance produced by digestion and absorption.
Exhaust gases are toxic substances that affects our respiratory system.
Algocalmin is a drug substance administered mostly for fever.
Hydrocortisone is a substance produced by the adrenal gland.
Ground substance is the gel-like material in which connective tissue cells and fibers are
Agranular Endoplasmic Reticulum metabolizes many xenobiotic substances, such
as pharmaceuticals or pesticides.
Lysosomal cell compartments play an important role in the intracellular digestion or
degradation of endogenous substances.

Fibroblasts play an important role in the synthesis of extracellular substances.

Lipids, proteins and carbohydrates are organic substances that break down in our digestive
sistem due to enzymes
Phenol is a substance which can act both as an antiseptic and disinfectant.

All the living substance is made out of cells.

Drugs are substances taken to ameliorate or cure symptoms of particular illnesses.
Substantia nigra is a basal ganglia structure located in the midbrain.
The substance of their secret consuration appeared in a newspaper article.
We discovered one new biochemical substance in our body.
The medullary substance is the fatty material present in the myelin sheath of nerve fibers.
Psychoactive substances are substances that affect how the brain works.
A chemical substance is a form of matter that has a constant chemical composition and
characteristic properties.
The primary substance that makes up the bones is called ossein.
Inside this bottle is a substance called hydrogen peroxide.
An important substance whose secretion is influenced sugar is serotonin.
The coronary internal bleeding is substantially increasing. (growing, rising)

Substance abuse is never the answer. (alcoholic brewage, or any other narcotic effect inducing
liquid or compound)
The motivation of this patient lacks substance. (meaning)

 Matter = pus, gray, white matter, discharge, substance, inorganic, vaginal, foreign
matter, psychological matter, waste matter

Plasma is an ionised state of matter.

Poliomyelitis is a viral infection of the gray matter of the spinal cord.
An embolus is any foreign matter circulating in the blood that can block the blood vessel.
The respiratory system traps breathed-in foreign matter with nose hairs and the moist mucous
The lumbar abscess is sometimes connected with diseased vertebrae, which may be a cause of
the collection of matter.(=pus=puroi)
The high proportion of inorganic matter they contain gives them their characteristic hardness.
Osteoblasts deposit collagen, as well as Ca2+ and phosphate, and create new bone matter.
The mantle layer later forms the gray matter of the spinal cord.
Sphingomyelins are found in abundance in myelin sheaths around the axons in the white matter
of the brain.
The gray matter contains the body of the nervous system.
Vaginal matter has the purpose to clean and moisturize the vagina. (=discharge)
Placebo effect is a psychological matter.
Sweating is a waste matter of our body.
The matter of the clinical understanding is an evaluation of the results.
The rapidly moving air usually carries with it any foreign matter that is present in the
Iron is a solid matter, while mercury is liquid matter.
I wasn't prepared to let the matter drop.(=stop discussing it)
That is the crux of the matter we have discussed yesterday at the table.
This phenomenon should reveal the grey matter.

As a matter of fact, people are moving in.
These guidelines give advice on the distribution of free printed matter.
You can improve the soil by adding composted organic matter.
The rotavirus is typically transmitted through contact with contaminated fecal matter.
I’m terribly sorry mister Allister but we will have to take a gray matter sample from your spinal
cord in order to determine whether you have a degenerative disease. (substance found in the
spinal cord)
If we are still discussing this matter, we shall mention that you ought to figure out a proper diet.

 Border = brush border, vermilion border, vertebral border, border cells, superior
border of manubrium, lower border of aponeurosis, upper border of the rings, border of
the cell = membrane

Mouth ulcers are gray-white pits with a red border in the soft tissue lining the mouth.
Accesory nerve passing under anterior border of Trapezius muscle.
The lower border of pectoralis major forms the anterior axillary fold.
The inguinal ligament is formed by lower border of aponeurosis of the external oblique
Brush border is a specialization of the free surface of a cell consisting of minute cylindrical
processes that greatly increase the surface area.
The atrial myocardium originates from the upper border of the rings.
The superior border of the manubrium and therefore is less protected.
In its ventral border lie the common bile duct
Vermilion border represents the normally sharp demarcation between the lip and the adjacent
normal skin.
The vertebral border also called the medial border of the scapula is the longest border which
extends from the medial to the inferior angle.
Border cells are neurons found in the hippocampal formation.
A brush border contains a lot of microvilli.
The border between high glycemia and diabetes is a fine line.
The visual cortex detects the existence of lines and borders in the different areas of the retinal

Some functions of the nervous system are performed by the basal regions of the brain which
are called the limbic system, meaning the “border” system.
Cervical cancer is often detected within the borders of erosions.
Peroxisomes have a single membrane as their outer border.
The lung has 3 borders: anterior, posterior and inferior.
The border of the cell is coloured with hematoxilin in histology. (=membrane)
The right border of the heart is a long border on the surface formed by the right atrium.
The border between cells wasn`t very obvious at the microscope. (=spatiu intercelular)
Border cells are neurons found in the hippocampal formation that respond to the presence of
an environmental boundary.
The diaphragm acts as a border between the thorax and the abdomen. (limit, frontier)
A borderline personality disorder is a serious psychological issue. (name of a disease)
The peritoneum borders the majority of the abdominal cavity. (limits)
Her vermillion borders are turning into black.
The border of the cell separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment.
 a band or pattern around the edge of something, especially for decoration

These cotton sheets have a lace border.

 the land around the edge of something

Rushes grew on the borders of the lake.

 Edge = denture edge, incisal edge, free edge, edge of the teeth, of the stomach, of the
eyelids, of the liver, of the rib cage, free edge of the omentum

Around the edge of the liver we can do incision!

Kidneys are located in the retroperitoneal space, below the diaphragm and the lower edge of the
rib cage.
The edges of the eyelids contain oil-producing sebaceous glands.
Free edge is the portion of the nail not attached to the nail bed.
The edge of the stomach is connected to the duodenum.
The sharpened edge of a tooth produced by occlusal wear is a incisal edge.

Denture edge is the margin or border of a denture.
The eleven pairs of internal intercostal muscles pass between the most inferior lateral edge.
The inferior margin is defined as the sharp edge between the anterior and diaphragmatic
surfaces of the heart.
The vena cava begins posterior to the lower edge of the right first costal cartilage.
The femoral canal lies at the medial edge of the femoral sheath.
The hepatic artery proper ascends towards the liver in the free edge of the omentum.
The biting edge of an anterior tooth is called incisal edge.
The hip bone has a sharp edge.
The scalpel that was used for this surgery had a very sharp edge.

Cutting edge angled or sharpened edge for cutting, as an incisor tooth or the blade of a knife.

Bevel edge is a tooth edge produced by beveling.
A mature macroblast is located at the lower edge of the image.
The calcium ions cause changes in the cellular membrane that covers the leading edge of the
The right edge of the spleen comes in relation with the stomach.
He took an antiinflamatory pill to take the edge of his headache(=to make something less strong,
less bad)
The clavicle has two edges.
The last patient had the denture edge inflamed.
 the most important and advanced position in an area of activity, especially technology
John is at the leading edge of scientific research.
 the cutting edge (of something) the newest, most advanced stage in the development of
Scientist are working at the cutting edge of epidemiological structure.
 a slight advantage over somebody/something
The company needs to improve its competitive edge.
The biting edge of an anterior tooth is called incisal edge.

 a quality in the way that someone speaks that shows they are becoming angry or upset

Had she imagined the slight edge to his voice?

 an advantage that makes someone or something more successful than

other people or things -the edge over someone/something: 

Training can give you the edge over your competitors.

 a strange quality that something such as a piece of music or a book has

that makes it interesting or exciting

There is an edge to his new album that wasn’t there in the last one.

The edge of the scalpel is mostly used in operations. (sharp margin)

 Margin = gingival margin (gum margin), edge of the tissue removed in cancer
surgery, margin of an organ, surgical margin, margin of safety, margin of a bone, anal,
mucosal, costal margin

The pulsation of the facial artery is palpable where the vessel crosses the lower border of the
mandible at the anterior margin of masseter muscle.
Sacro-iliac joint is attached to the margin of the auricular surface.
The costal margin is an arch formed by the medial margin of cartilage of false ribs and one true
A mucosal margin is a fringe of mucosa surrounding the tumor
Anal margin or perianal skin is the lower part of the anal canal.
The edge of the temporal bone articulating with the occipital bone is called the occipital margin
of the temporal bone.
Gum margin is the border of the gingiva surrounding, but unattached to the substance of the
The inferior margin of the liver can be palpated.
The posterior margin of the bone is marked by two notches.
The irregular anterior margin of the pelvic bone is marked by the anterior superior iliac spine.
The ligament is attached to the medial margin of the ischial tuberosity.
The free margin of the falciform ligament contains the umbilical vein.
The doctors declared a positive surgical margin after Peter’s intervention.

The edge of the tissue removed during Pamela’s surgery was described by the pathologist as
The area between the minimal therapeutic dose and the minimal toxic dose of a drug is called
margin of safety.
The superior margin of the femoral neck has a concavity closest to the junction with the
greater trochanter.
In order to prevent the tooth from infecting, the doctor must cut the gingival margin.
Palpation of the spleen is performed with the right hand placed under the left costal margin
perpendicular to the edge while the patient is asked to breathe deeply.
In order to prevent the tooth from infecting, the doctor must cut the gingival margin.
The edge of temporal bone articulating with the Occipital bone is called Occipital margin.
The infraorbital margin is the lower margin of the eye socket.
She beat the other athlethes by a margin of 20 seconds.
The area between the minimal therapeutic dose and the minimal toxic dose of a drug is called
margin of safety.
The superior margin of the femoral neck has a concavity closest to the junction with the
greater trochanter.
Almost all the bones in our bodies have faces, extremities and margins.
A pathologist examined the surgical margin and declared it positive..
 the amount by which a competition or election is won

Danes voted by a narrow margin to keep their currency.

 an additional amount of time, space, money etc that you include in order to

be certain that you will be safe or successful

There’s no margin for error – we have to win.

The diaphragmatic face of the liver is separated from the visceral face by the inferior margin of
the liver.
The human heart is margined by the pericardium. (defined, rimmed)


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