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There are abilities in the form of basic skills that are possessed by everyone when having
a job. These skills are one of the factors determining an effective performance. In the world of
education as a teacher, of course, there are basic skills that must be possessed in terms of
teaching activities in schools. Here are the summary of 4 basic teaching skills that a teacher or
educator must have, especially in Indonesia itself, namely:

a. Questioning skills

Asking is an action or effort made in finding information. through asking we will know
and get information about the things we want to know. In the learning process at school, the
question and answer activity is a form of interaction between teachers and students. Asking is a
teaching activity in asking questions to students in the learning process, both basic questions and
further questions. The teacher's objectives for asking other questions are: 1. Stimulating students
to think, 2. Developing thinking skills, 3. Introducing students into learning, 4. Making learning
more fun, 5. Inviting students 'enthusiasm in learning, 6. Creating active learning that involves
students, 7. Exploring students' initial knowledge , 8. Creating a common problem and then
finding the answer. An example in its application: if the todays material will about describing
animals, teacher can start with question “ Do like a pet?” then for the next questioning skill will
focus with the material “How is your pet look a like?”

b. Skills to provide reinforcement (reinforcement skills)

Reinforcement is a form of response or response given by the teacher both verbally and
non-verbally on how students behave in learning activities. The intended student behavior can be
in the form of positive and negative behavior. It aims to maintain the positive behavior shown by
students and minimize and eliminate negative student behavior. Verbal reinforcement is in the
form of responses with words that give appreciation, praise and approval, while non-verbal
reinforcement is in the form of smiling body gestures, nods, or thumbs up. The purpose of
providing a reinforcement in the learning process, namely: 1. Reducing and eliminating negative
student behavior, 2. Maintaining positive student behavior, 3. Positive behavior is expected to
occur repeatedly, 4. Increasing students' self-confidence, 5. Motivating students to learn better.
Example of positive reinforcement : after student doing a presentation “ it was a good
explanation”, negative reinforcement “ the presentation need to be improve, the material that put
on the slide must be the points only”

c. Variation skills

Variation skills is one of the skills that also have an important role in the learning
process, especially in the context of overcoming the boredom faced by students. Learning
activities that are not monotonous will be able to increase students' interest and motivation in
learning so that it will be more effective. Variations can be done in various ways, namely: 1.
Teaching methods (in the form of voice intonation, gestures, eye contact etc.), 2. Learning media
(in the form of videos, pictures, recordings, graphics, etc.), 3. Interaction patterns (using the
diverse learning, teacher with student, student with student, group etc.). The purpose of
conducting variations in learning are : 1. Eliminating boredom in students, 2. Fulfilling each
student's learning style, 3. increasing participation in learning,4. Fostering enthusiasm for
learning,5. enabling students to learn, 6.Focusing student attention. Example : when teaching
procedure text, tacher provide a slides with the picture of someone cook with the detail steps. Or
teaching narrative with video.

d. Explaining Skills

Explaining is one way to convey messages or information appropriately to students. In

learning activities the teacher must be able to explain the material being taught in a structured,
systematic, and effective manner so that students can properly grasp the teacher's intent so as not
to cause confusion or students find it difficult to understand what the meaning of the material
itself is. The purpose of explaining skills are: 1. that students easily understand the lessons
conveyed by the teacher, 2. learning becomes fun,3. adding to students' thinking horizons, 4.
effective time management, 5. achieving learning objectives according to teacher expectations.
Example : in explaining the material teacher must used an appropriate sentence and example in
reality related with the topics.

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