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5. Introductory and Closure skills

In the context of opening information, a teacher is able to initiate a learning interaction.

The efforts made by the teacher to attract students' attention, starting from entering the class,
greeting, motivating, giving references to references and material to be discussed, plans
including methods and allocation of learning time. Because this will have an impact on student
responses in later learning activities. For example: after greeting students the teacher can ask
about things they have experienced or see that can check the material so that students do not feel
a pressure from the beginning of the class.Then closing the lesson will give the final impression
in the learning process. How do teachers evaluate learning activities, material points and
feedback for students which of course can still keep students interested and concentrate in class
even though recess is waiting. Example: the teacher provides a quote related to the lesson so that
students will easily remember the material to remember the quote.

The purposes of opening and closing lessons are:

1. To generate interest and attention of students to the lessons to be discussed
2. make students mentally are ready to enter the problem or material to be discussed
3. students see the level of success in the lesson
4. students are responsive to the limits of their work to be done

6. Guiding Mini Group Discussion Skills

Small group discussion is a group learning activity to discuss material topics (various
information or experiences, make decisions or solve a given problem) with about 3-9 people. The
teacher guides to provide information, directs the discussion in order to achieve the objectives of
the discussion effectively. Examples of group discussion activities to solve environmental

Purpose of the skills to guide small group discussions;

1. Make students excited about learning
2. Create a sense of empathy between friends
3. Students are not wrong direction in finding answers to problems
4. There are no students who dominate the course of the discussion

7. Classroom Management Skills

A skill that must be possessed by a teacher in creating and maintaining optimal learning
conditions to achieve the goals of the learning process. The teacher must be able to minimize all
obstacles in learning, for example interference between friends, interference from students who
are too active and so on. Because, whether or not the class is active and passive, students depend
on the way the teacher manages the class. Things that are included in the class that must be
managed properly are materials, instructions, time, attitudes, procedures, and layout. For
example making attendance discipline rules, teaching by sitting in a circle or group, giving direct

Purpose of management classroom skills:

1. Creating an intensive and conducive learning atmosphere
2. The achievement of learning objectives effectively
3. To teach all students according to their level of intelligence
4. Minimizing disruption in learning among students

8. Teaching Mini Group And individual Skills

Small group teaching skills are the ability of the teacher to serve student activities in
group learning with the number of students ranging from 3 to 5 people.Each teacher can create
student organizing formats for small group and individual learning activities according to the
objectives, topics (material), student needs , as well as the time and facilities available. for
example in the individual: teaching students to make a composition of personal experiences.

Purpose of teaching mini group and individual skills are:

• Teachers know better about each student's abilities
• Shaping the mindset of each student
• Fostering enthusiasm to continue develop themselves according to the student's intelligence
• Students can share their thoughts with their friends (mini group)
• Respect each other's opinions (mini group)
• Fostering positive student behavior
• Establishment of close relationships between teachers and students
• Students feel given more attention if guided individually

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