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FIELD STUDY 2 -Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Course Description and Course Learning Outcomes: This course is a continuation of

Field Study 1 that adheres to the philosophy which will be formulated by the students on the
premise of participation and teaching assistantship. It is school based and allows a pre-service
student to participate and assist in a limited teaching-learning activities that relate to assessment
of learning, preparation of instructional materials, preparation of the bulletin boards, and other
routines in the classroom. A Portfolio which will contain sample lesson or learning plans and
demonstration teaching of at least one subject content area will be required. An Action Research
shall be encouraged to start in this course and conclude during the Internship.

NAME: __________________________________ SUBJECT:_______________________

GRADE LEVEL OBSERVED:___________ NAME OF MENTOR: ___________________

EPISODE 6 -Classroom Management

Lesson 1-Understanding Classroom Management

This lesson will guide you in understanding a very important concept in the teaching and
learning process-classroom management. Specifically, the objectives of this lesson are the
 Discuss the concept of classroom management and
 Analyze the classroom management models used by teachers in the classroom.

Educational Theory

Classroom management refers to the strategies used by teachers in order to make sure
that students will be able to learn well. This includes the techniques and skills used by teachers to
ensure that students exhibit behaviors that help promote learning (“What is Classroom
Management?” 2018).

Teachers manage the class with the ultimate goal of avoiding disruption. There are four
learning, and assertive discipline (Simpson 2015).

Behaviorism or Skinner’s Model focuses on ensuring that students are guided by rules.
Teachers who adopt this model make sure that students follow riles. Reinforcement is used to
ensure that students follow the classroom rules. If the students follow, good behavior is
recognized through praise or other forms of reward. If the students misbehave or do not follow
rules, the behavior is either ignored or punished.

The Choice Theory or the Glasser Model values the importance of making students
understand the reasons behind their behavior so that they can make responsible choices. Teachers
who use this approach see themselves as facilitators in guiding students make the right decisions.
They ensure that the activities, curriculum, and the learning environment will be able to address
the needs of the students. Classroom rules are still very essential to regulate behavior. However,
teachers who use this model encourage students to reflect and discuss their actions and improve
their behavior if rules have not been followed.

The learner-directed learning or Jones Model states that the role of the teachers is to help
students develop self-control. As a facilitator, teachers empower students to be responsible from
their own learning and actions. Through appropriate gestures, a system of incentives and
guidance, teachers help students manage their own behavior (Simpson 2015).
Guided Practice

A. Preliminary Activity: Answer the following questions:

1. List down ways on how you manage a class

Daily Routine:

 Start the class with a prayer

 Greet your students with a positive attitude to set the mood
 Check the attendance
 Have a systematic approach in the passing of assignments/projects
 Review of the last lesson before proceeding to the new lesson

Classroom Rules and Standards:

 Prayer must be the students’ own composition

 Seating arrangement
 Stop talking and avoid unnecessary movements if the teacher is already in front
 If late enter at the back of the classroom to avoid disturbing the discussion
 Raise your hand if you have concern

2. What classroom management model do you adhere to? Why?

The classroom management model that adheres to me the most is the authoritative model
because it has the right balance of teacher authority and students’ involvement. As a future
educator, I want to establish a strong foundation of professional relationship with my students
where we can learn from each other and contribute to each other’s growth and development.


Examine your answers. Answer the following questions:

1. What classroom management model appeals to you most? Why?

The classroom management model that appeals to me the most is the authoritative model because
it allows teacher and students to have a good relationship inside and outside the classroom while
still showing respect to each other.

2. What things do teachers need to consider in managing the class?

In my own opinion, the most important factors that teachers need to consider in managing the
class is the students’ attitude and classroom diversity. A teacher should observe and practice
fairness and equality in providing learning opportunities to students. No students are the same
and alike; teachers should always come up with teaching strategies that is suitable to the learning
needs of the students.


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that:

Classroom management commands order and discipline inside the classroom. If the classroom
rules and standards are followed by the students obediently, then classroom movement will be
systematic and organized.
I believed it is essential to:

Establish classroom routine that will maintain the order of the classroom so that the learners can
focus and concentrate on the lesson without any disturbances from the surroundings.

From now on, I am determined to:

Become a facilitator of learning which aims to help students become the best version of
themselves. As a future teacher, I want my students to live a purposeful and successful life. I will
use the best of my skills and knowledge to ensure that my students will achieve their heart’s

Source, Greg Tabios Pawilen, (2019). Rex Printing Company, Inc.Quezon City.

Name and signature of Resource Teacher: ________________________________________

Date signed: __________________________

Lesson 2 - Classroom Management and Discipline

This lesson will guide you in understanding how discipline is linked with classroom
management. Specifically, the objectives of this lesson are the following:
 Discuss the importance of classroom management and
 Analyze the importance of discipline in classroom management

Education Theory

How well students benefit from the learning process would depend to a large extent on
how teachers manage the class. The way the teacher organizes the learning environment, the
curriculum and how students interact with one another play a significant role in the way students
would learn. Often, classroom management is linked with discipline. Students’ behavior or
misbehavior are often linked with classroom management. Misbehavior is always linked with
disruption in classroom management (Osher, et al.2010). As such, when talking about classroom
management, teachers often make sure that discipline is often taken into consideration.

It is therefore essential that in implementing procedure for classroom management and

discipline, the following should be given importance:
 Discussion of appropriate behavior;
 Informing students about desirable social skills; and
 Involvement of students in the formulation of classroom rules.

Guided Practice

Interview a teacher. Summarize his/her response and write it on the space provided after each
1. How do you manage your class?

Learn about each student on a personal level. Establish a relationship of trust and understanding
with them. Make sure that your nonverbal behavior and Para verbal communication show that
you care about each student. Review and display your expectations for the classroom so that
everyone can see them. Expectations should be basic, straightforward, and positive statements
about what you "can do."

2. What is the greatest challenge that you have encountered so far in terms of classroom

The greatest challenge that I have encountered so far in terms of classroom management is to
keep the students from being distracted at all times, especially in class. Some students today have
shorter attention span which makes them to be easily distracted.

3. What do you think are the essential considerations in managing the class?

The diversity of the classroom and the attitudes of the students are, in my opinion, the most
critical elements that teachers must take into account when managing the class. When giving
children the chance to study, a teacher should uphold justice and equality and put these principles
into practice. Since no two students are the same and have the same learning needs, teachers
should always develop teaching tactics that are appropriate for their needs.


Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:

Questions Answers
1. What can you say about classroom Classroom management are important in
management? maintaining order and organization in the

2. How can teachers effectively implement You might increase students' interest in you
classroom management? by doing this. Always be respectful to your
students. Create a fun learning environment
that promotes student engagement and the
growth of soft skills. Show an interest in the
lives of your students outside of the


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that:

It is important to have effective classroom management because how effectively teachers run
their classes will have a significant impact on how well students gain from the learning process.
Students' learning is greatly influenced by the way the teacher sets up the classroom, the
curriculum, and how the students interact with one another.

I believed it is essential to:

Emulate discipline as well to maintain orderliness in the classroom. As a responsible teacher, we

should see to it that we are disciplined as well. Let us be a good role model to our students.

From now on, I am determined to:

Be able to display my skills in organizing and facilitating a class. As an educational leader, I

must see to it that not only I was effective in the instruction, but also in instilling positive attitude
and discipline.

Source, Greg Tabios Pawilen, (2019). Rex Printing Company, Inc.Quezon City.

Name and signature of Resource Teacher: ________________________________________

Date signed: __________________________

Lesson 3- Writing Your Own Lesson Plan

This lesson will guide you in understanding how properly write a daily lesson plan.
Specifically, the objectives of this lesson are the following:
 Determine the basic parts of a lesson plan
 Write a sample daily lesson plan; and
 Discover the daily lesson log

Educational Theory

One of the daily tasks of the teacher is to prepare a daily lesson plan or sometimes called
a learning plan. For the veteran teachers, writing a lesson plan is as easy as breathing. But for the
beginning teachers, writing a lesson plan is probably their greatest challenge.

According to DepEd Order 42, series of 2016, planning lesson is fundamental to ensuring
the delivery of teaching and learning in schools. These guidelines aims to support teachers in
organizing and managing their classes and lessons effectively and efficiently and ensure the
achievement of learning outcomes. Furthermore, preparing lessons through the Daily Lesson
Log(DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) provides the teacher an opportunity for reflection on
what learners need to learn, how learners learn, and how best to facilitate the learning process.

A lesson plan according to Reece and Walker (2003) has two functions:
1. A strategy or plan for teaching and
2. A series of cues to be used during the lesson.

Moreover, the lesson plan is intended to help you proceed logically without being bound
to your notes, but even with detailed planning, every eventuality cannot be catered for so the
lesson plan is essentially tentative and flexible. A lesson plan should not limit you in your
approach and it should contain sufficient flexibility to cater the circumstances as they arise in the

A daily lesson plan does not have a general format. Some lesson plans follow a certain
pattern such as 4 A’s (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application) or 5 E’s (Engage, Explore,
Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate) while some schools customize their lesson plan format.
Nonetheless, every lesson plan must contain the following basic parts:

1. Instructional Objectives
2. Subject Matter
3. Content
4. Learning Resources
5. Values Integration
6. Procedures; and
7. Assignment

Moreover, a daily lesson log is an outline version of a detailed lesson plan and defined in
DepEd Order 42, series of 2016, as a template teachers use to log parts of their daily lesson. The
DLL covers a day or a week’s worth of lessons.
Guided Practice

A. With the permission of your cooperating teacher, paste a sample daily or detailed lesson plan.
Answer the following questions below:
1. What are the parts of the sample detailed or daily lesson plan?

I. Specific Objectives
II. Subject Matter
III. Procedure
IV. Abstraction
V. Application
VI. Assessment
VII. Assignment
VIII. Reflection
IX. Remarks

2. Which among the basic parts of a lesson plan does the sample plan include?

I. Specific Objectives
II. Subject Matter
III. Procedure
IV. Abstraction
V. Application
VI. Assessment
VII. Assignment
VIII. Reflection
IX. Remarks

3. What are the other parts of the sample lesson plan which is not included in the basic parts of
the lesson plan?

 Subject/Grade Level/Section
 Content Standard
 Performance Standard
 Learning competencies
 Daily routine
 Motivation/Recall Awareness
 Lesson proper/Activity

B. Interview your school principal. Ask the following questions:

1. What is the importance of writing a lesson plan?

Teachers and students can better understand the goals of a module of instruction with the help of
a well-written lesson plan. A lesson plan makes it possible for the teacher to turn the curriculum
into instructional activities and connects the instructional materials with the assessment.

2. When do the teachers write the lesson plan, daily or weekly? Why?

The teachers write the lesson plan weekly. The steady progression through the curriculum and
modules for the course or subject is taken into account in a weekly plan. In contrast to longer-
term planning, which is significantly more generic, a weekly plan frequently contains more
precise goals, tasks, and procedures for each class during the course of a normal five-day week.

3. How do they check, evaluate, and monitor the lesson plans of the teachers?
 lesson Planning Quality 1: Clear Learning Objectives
 Lesson Planning Quality 2: Building on Prior Knowledge

 Lesson Planning Quality 3: An Engaging Opening Activity

 Lesson Planning Quality 4: Effective Instructional Strategies/Learning Activities
 Lesson Planning Quality 5: Sticking the Closure
 Lesson Planning Quality 6: Quality Assessments

C. With the guidance of your cooperating teacher, write a detailed lesson plan here:

Date: Quarter: 2

Duration: 60 mins

Subject: English 10

Grade Grade 10



Learning Formulate a statement of opinion and assertion


I. Spe At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

Obj K: Identify statement of opinion or assertion
Formulate statement of opinion or assertion


A: Appreciate the importance of teamwork and enthusiasm in

accomplishing the tasks

V. Sub Topic: Opinion or Assertion

Mat Reference
ter :


Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures

VII. Procedures: Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

(Daily routine)

a. Prayer Let us stand up for the prayer to be led

by….. (assigned student) Amen!

b. Greetings Good morning class! Good morning, Sir

c. Checking of Okay, Who is absent today? (the answer may vary)


d. Topic Recall Who can remember the lesson discussed (Pointed student)
last week? Yes? Argumentative Text

What are the structures of an (raise hand)

argumentative text? Yes? Introduction, Body
and Conclusion
How about language features of
argumentative text 1.Modals

2. Adverbs

3. Evaluative
Language (Adjectives)

4. Transitional

5. Declarative
Okay very good!
6. Rhetorical

7. Passive Voice
e. Motivation

True or False?

“In my own opinion, online class is

effective than face-to-face classes”
“Basketball has a huge fan base compared (Answers may vary)
to other sports”
“I believe chocolate is the best flavour of
ice cream”
“The Earth is flat”
“I really think green is the best color for
the classroom”
(Answers my vary)
What can you say about the statements?

Are the statements objective or

subjective? Why?

What is being asked if someone wants

you to share your feelings or thoughts (Best possible answers
subjectively? are opinion or

f. Introduction of The following are the objectives for (listening)

Objectives today’s lesson:

 Identify statement of opinion or

 Formulate statement of opinion or
 Appreciate the importance of
teamwork and enthusiasm in
accomplishing the tasks assigned

Now, let’s have an activity. I will be

dividing you into 4 groups. Each group
will be given 4 different pictures. What
you are going to do is to make a short
presentation about the picture that was
given to you. However, each group will
present their work differently.

GROUP 1: Poem
GROUP 2: Song
GROUP 3: Rap
GROUP 4: Argument

Note: highlight the statements in the

picture to your presentation.
You have 5 minutes
to prepare, and Yes, Sir!
another 3 minutes to
present. You can
An apple a day…

start now.
Keeps the doctor
Good things happen to good
I really think
cats are the From my point of view, egg came
best pet one
first before chicken.
could ever

h. Analysis 1. How did you find the activity? (the answers may
2. Going back to the pictures, what vary)
can you say about the statements?
3. Do you think these statements are
examples of opinion or assertion
4. Do you say these statements in
real life too?

i. Lesson proper Class, what is opinion? (listening)

Presentation) - It is an expression of a person’s
feelings that cannot be proven.

(Teacher will show 2 pictures from the (Student will choose

activity) Now, which of these statements the correct answer)
is a statement of opinion?


(Answer may vary))

Common Phrases

Add strength

Formal Phrases

Asking for opinions

Who can give me another example of


(Student will choose

the correct answer)

(Answers may vary)


- Is a statement that many people

assume to be true but which is not
necessarily so. It is a claim that a
person makes but cannot always

(Teacher will show 2 pictures from the

activity) Now, which of these statements
is a statement of assertion?

Who can give me another example of


j. Generalization Students, remember that we talked about,

Opinion and Assertion

 Opinion is drawn from one’s

personal feelings and emotions
 Assertion is a statement of

Okay, Sir

Common Phrases

Add strength

Formal Phrases

Asking for opinions

VIII. Abstraction  What is opinion? Assertion?

 How can we distinguish opinion
from assertion?
 How can opinion and assertion be
beneficial to a person’s life?
 In what situations in real life do
you make opinion and assertion?
 What is the relevance of making
opinion or assertion to you as a
human being?

IX. Application With the same group, the students will

create their own statements of opinion
and assertion. 2 statements of opinion,
and another 2 for assertion. The students
are going to write down their answers on
a manila paper. Materials necessary for Yes, Sir
the activity is provided by the teacher.

X. Assessment Pen-and-Paper Test (5 minutes)

Answer the following questions in a ¼
sheet of paper
Directions: Write OPINION if the given
statement is an opinion, write
ASSERTION if the statement is an

1. From my point of view, apple

phones are better than android
2. In my own opinion, dogs are
much better than cats.
3. Milk is good for you.
4. Sharks eat people.
5. Doctors are the smartest
people on earth.

XI. Assignment Class, for your assignment, research on; Okay, Sir

1. Types of assertion, and;

2. Make a reflection about the
importance of making opinion and
assertions in our daily life.

XII. Reflection May today’s lesson be a reminder that

even though we are entitled to our own
opinions, we must never forget to be
respectful. Having the ability to make
opinion and assertion is a power that we
should use to empower ourselves and
others, and to be the change that the
world is looking for.

That would be all, Goodbye class? Goodbye Sir, and

God bless you

Prepared by: Ciara Lyn B. Cultura

Position: Student Teacher

School: Bais City National High School


Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the importance of writing a lesson plan?

The importance of writing a lesson plan is it encourages instructors on the research team to
reflect deeply on the lesson and its implications. Here are some things to consider: The
objectives of the research lesson.

2. In preparing the lesson plan, which part is the most difficult to prepare?

I think the most difficult part in preparing a lesson plan is formulating objectives.

3. Which do you think is the most important part of a lesson plan? Why?

The most important part of a lesson plan is the objectives because it aids students’ in articulating
what the students should be able to perform after the instruction, which helps to create more
successful lesson plans, activities, and evaluations.


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that:

Lesson planning is important as it provides teachers a clear framework of the lesson is delivered.

I believed it is essential to:

Know and understand the basic parts of the lesson plan.

From now on, I am determined to:

Make my own lesson plan.

Source, Greg Tabios Pawilen, (2019). Rex Printing Company, Inc.Quezon City.
Name and signature of Resource Teacher: ________________________________________

Date signed: __________________________

Lesson 4- Teaching Demonstration

Ask your Resource Teacher to check your written lesson plan and allow you to implement it
through actual teaching demonstration. Let your Resource Teacher evaluate you using the
attached Rating Sheet.

Write a narrative of your experience

The whole experience was like a rollercoaster ride for me. I never had any idea
about what to do because it was my first time to actually have a teaching
demonstration. Unlike students from other major, who already have experienced
it, I was unprepared and not ready. After my mentor checked my lesson plan, she
pointed out some areas that I need to improve on. I got a sigh of relief knowing
that I don’t have to change so many from my lesson plan and what I really need
to do now is to prepare my instructional materials. I didn’t knew that the whole
preparation was going to be so exhausting and financially taxing. I already have
spent a lot of money from printing and buying other materials that I need for my
activities. Not to mention, the sleepless nights that I have to endure just to finish
editing my detailed lesson plan and my instructional materials. The experience
was tiring, but deep down I know that it’s going to be all worth it.

The day of my pre-teaching demonstration has come and I’ve never felt so
scared yet so excited at the same time in my entire life. I wasn’t fully read yet,
but I needed to push through with it. I entered the room and prayed to god to
sustain me in that afternoon. And he did; he answered my prayers and I was able
to pull through with my demonstration. I was so happy during that time. I knew
that my performance is not perfect yet and still flawed, but I am satisfied with the
results. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my mentor, and my friends
who helped me arranged everything. And most importantly, my parents for not
giving up on me. Truly, it was an experience that I would never forget.

Name and signature of Resource Teacher: ________________________________________

Date signed: __________________________

Lesson 5 - Selecting Topics and Questions for Action Research

This lesson will guide you in selecting good topics and questions for action research
which you can do when you become a professional teacher. Specifically, the objectives of this
lesson are the following:
1. Discuss the criteria for selecting good topics and questions for action research;
2. Identify good topics and questions for action research; and
3. Analyze topics of action research done in a school.

Educational Theory

Conducting action research become more interesting if the topics abd research questions
are mentally engaging. Many research failed because the topics are irrelevant and the questions
are invalid. Some research also do not reflect an educational issue that needs an immediate
response. Thus teacher researchers should know how to select good topics and develop good
research questions based on the topic selected.

Patterson et al.(1993) suggested that teacher-researchers should keep a research journal.

 Set aside 10 minutes to write a reflection at the end of each day
 At the end of two weeks, read your journal, look for significant ideas and themes
that would be done for research.
 Brainstorm a list of things that you would like to investigate
 Review the list and write the first draft of your question.
 Write a paragraph of supporting rationale for your question.
 Reflect on your question

The Alberta Teachers’ Association (200) also suggested the use of affinity charting for
collaborative action research:
 Brainstorm issues of concern or interests relating to your educational context.
Record each item on a separate note.
 Group your items using affinity charting. Place the most diverse statements on the
table in a row. Place items that have a common theme or focus in each column.
 Review and reflect on the placement. Do some items fit better in a different
 Develop a draft research question that reflects the key issue in each column.
 Choose the question that interests you the most and is possible to study.

In selecting the research questions, the following suggestions could be considered by the
 The question should not be answerable by yes or no.
 The questions could provide opportunities for deeper exploration and reflection on
educational issues
 The questions should reflect the variables mentioned in the research title.
 The data needed to answer the questions are accessible.
 The questions can be studied within the time frame set for the action research.
 The question should focus on understanding issues and providing solutions.

Examples of research questions:

 How does the Four-Pronged Approach improve the reading comprehension of
Grade II pupils?
 What are the participation of parents and other stakeholders in the implementation
of the school reforms?
 What indigenous knowledge could be integrated in science?

Guided Practice
A. Preliminary Activity. Examine all the available action research conducted within the past two
years. Write the titles and the research questions for each title in the table below.
Title of Research Research Questions
Factors that Contribute to Gadget  What are the common reasons why
Dependency Among Grade 10 students of students use gadgets?
Section Galatians and Chronicles of Bais  What are the positive and negative effects
City National High School SY: 2022-2023 of using gadgets?
 How does the use of gadgets affect your
academic performance?

Factors Contributing to the Improvement  What are the factors that contribute to the
of English Proficiency among Grade 7 Factors Contributing to the Improvement
Students of Bais City National High of English Proficiency among Grade 7
School SY: 2022-2023 Students of Bais City National High
 Which among these factors contribute the
most to the students’ English proficiency?
 Do these factors help the students
improve their English proficiency?

B. Interview the teacher-researcher using these questions. Summarize and write their answers in
the space below.
a. How did you select your topics for action research?

Finding out the common problems that the school is currently facing.

b. What prompted you to embark on these topics?

To find out solutions on these problems.

c. How did you select the questions for your action research?

I selected questions that would answer the problem.

d. How long did you conduct your action research?

1 month

Write a title of your Action Research

Improvement of Reading Comprehension among Grade 10 Students of Bais City National High
School SY: 2022-2023

Write the Research Questions below

1. What are the factors that contribute to the Improvement of Reading Comprehension among
Grade 10 Students of Bais City National High School?
2. Which among these factors contribute the most to the Improvement of Reading
Comprehension among Grade 10 Students of Bais City National High School?
3. How does reading comprehension affects your academic excellence?

Name and signature of Resource Teacher: ________________________________________

Date signed: __________________________

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