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1. I was working in last vacations.

2. My best friend became a mother last month.
3. The English class began one hour ago.
4. My new dog broke his ball yesterday.
5. My father brought me at home yesterday.
6. My grandfather built his house 50 years ago.
7. I bought a couple shoes last week.
8. I didn't could go the beach with my parent last month.
9. My aunt caught a rabbit last year.
10. My friends from university came to visit me last weekend.
11. The chair from my room cost $60 in 2017.
12. My grandmother did shopping yesterday.
13. I drank a cup milk ten minutes ago.
14. My father drove his motorcycle yesterday.
15. We ate not together last Sunday.
16. I fell last winter because I ran in the street.
17. I felt sick last month.
18. My mom found her cat in the trash last year.
19. The president flew for speaking with the habitants last month.
20. My grand mother forgot her jacket in the church at three months ago.
21. I got up early yesterday morning.
22. My dad and I gave a gift to my grandfather for his birthday.
23. My mom went to the hair salon last Friday.
24. My neighbor had a red car.
25. I heard noisy people noisy last night.
26. I didn't knew that my grandfathers went my the favorite restaurant last week.
27. My friend left me a message yesterday.
28. I lost my wallet in 2018.
29. My pet made mischief the day before yesterday.
30. My best friend and I met at a party three years ago.
31. My parents paid my university degree.
32. My father put my breakfast in the bed last Monday.
33. My cousin read a book two days ago.
34. My neighbor’s daughter ran to the store yesterday.
35. My mother's doctor said to take her medicine four minutes ago.
36. My friend’s brother said he saw aliens in 2007.
37. The assistant sent emails for my grandfather work last week.
38. I sang an English song at the party.
39. My dog sat on the bed last night.
40. Yesterday, I slept in the sofa one moment.
41. The president spoke about the vaccines.
42. I spent all my money on medications for my dog.
43. My rabbit stood besides his house.
44. My friend swam in the open ocean.
45. My dad taught me to play basketball.
46. The photographer took the photos of my graduation.
47. My bestfriend told me that he won the competition last summer.
48. I always thought Brad and Jennifer were a good couple.
49. My dad understood the conspiratorial theory a year ago.
50. The phone woke me in the morning.
51. I wore sunglasses yesterday.
52. My dad won a gold medal twenty years ago.
53. My mom wrote a letter to her mother.

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