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TOPIC: Online classes: Effective or Ineffective

PURPOSE: To prove that online classes cannot replace in-school time

REASON 1: Power interruption and unstable internet connection may consistently be interrupted
Details: The Philippines has the slowest internet service providers. Student doesn’t have the
privilege for a stable internet connection

REASON 2: Not all students can adapt the online classes

Details: Knowing that not all students learns at the same pace. Students who struggle in in-
person classes are likely to struggle even more in online classes. Being in person with teachers
and other students creates pressures and benefits that can help motivate students to engage.

REASON 3: Mental health is badly affected

Details: The amount of suicide cases seeing these past few months especially over online
classes is alarming, with all the requirements and deadlines. Not everyone has the same
resources to comply and be more lenient with the deadlines.

As the Corona virus spread across the whole world, schools, college, university were

closed down along with many other institutes. Online learning and teaching are just a few things

decided on amid this pandemic that we weren’t actually ready for. Students were not deprived

from their studies as the schools started taking online classes. Online classes need steady

internet connection which makes it way harder to teach. The technical glitches and difficulties

often disturbs the classes.

Perhaps the most common challenge students face in online degree programs is the

lack of face-to-face engagement with teachers and other students. With no in-person

interactions with the instructor or with fellow students, it can be easy to forget assignments and

deadline unless the student keeps organized. Clearly online time cannot provide many of the

informal social interactions students have at school, aren’t as effective as in-person classes for

most students. 
Online courses are generally not as effective as in-person classes, but they are certainly

better than no classes. Online classes can surely take a toll not only on our physical but also

our mental health. Some students do as well in online courses as in in-person courses, some

may actually do better, but, on average, students do worse in the online setting, and this is

particularly true for students with weaker academic backgrounds.

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