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Zcarina Kirby V.


BSMT 4-1

Module 2 activity 6

Answer the following

1. What are the important highlights of the webinar?

 The Covid-19 can go to the lung cells where it can replicate and destroy it. After exposure to
the virus, our body releases antibodies to fight against the corona virus.
 Our body is not familiar to this virus and making it hard to release antibodies.
 The most common signs and symptoms is fever 87.9%, dry cough 67.6% and fatigue 38.1%.
followed by sputum production 33.4%, shortness of breathing 18.6%, muscle or joint pain
14.8%, sore throat 13.9%, headache 13.6%, chills 11.4%, nausea or vomiting 5%, nasal
congestion 4.8%, and diarrhea 3.7%(China survey February 11,2020) GI symptoms has worse
 50% of people have symptoms at day 5.
 97% of people have symptoms at day 11.
 Elderly people are more risk of having Covid-19.
 Diabetic patients are not more likely to have covid-19.
 Diabetic patient with Covid-19 can be more severe and can result to complications.
 Covid-19 is fatal to patient with diabetes.
 Always practice good hygiene and social distancing.

2. What are the implications of Covid-19 preponderance in managing patients with diabetes?
 Covid-19 is severe for diabetic patients because they are immunocompromised. The virus
needs glucose for its survival. It will result in more severe complications.
 If they get sick they must check their insulin and remain hydrated.
 They must consult a doctor if they have flu and before taking any medications.

3. Based from what you deduced from the webinar, what are the extra precautions that diabetic
patients should take in this situation?
 Prepare all the contact information of your doctor and hospital.
 List all the medication and its doses.
 Store enough medication and supplies.
 Always disinfect your hands with soaps and alcohol.
 Control your glucose level.
 Always be hydrated.

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