You are on page 1of 22

#apt-get update

#apt-get install tasksel

#apt-get install libreoffice
#apt-get install gnome-disk-utility
#apt-get install gparted
#apt-get install mc
#apt-get install flashplugin-installer
#apt-get install cups-pdf
#apt-get install openvpn
#apt-get install gedit
#cat /proc/meminfo, /*cek swap
#ssh ceger@ /*remote pc server toko
#ssh it-ahadmart@ /*remote pc server toko ceger, pass=ahadcom99
#ssh gudang@ /*remote pc server gudang
#apt-get install testdisk
#apt-get install foremost
#apt-get install scalpel
#apt-get install magicrescue
#apt-get install git
#git clone git://
#apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk openjdk-6-jre
#apt-get install youtube-dl

#apt-get -qq --print-uris install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) | cut

-d\' -f 2 > urls.txt

#sudo apt-get -qq --print-uris install openvpn | cut -d\' -f 2 > urls_openvpn.txt

#sudo apt-get -qq --print-uris install groovy libslf4j-java liblogback-java

libmiglayout-java libwsdl4j-java libaxis-java libglazedlists-java | cut -d\' -f 2 >

#sudo apt-get -qq --print-uris install gnome-disks-utility | cut -d\' -f 2 > disks-

#sudo apt-get -qq --print-uris install gparted | cut -d\' -f 2 > gparted-x18-

#sudo apt-get -qq --print-uris install p7zip-rar unrar| cut -d\' -f 2 > p7ziprar-

#sudo apt-get -qq --print-uris install gpaint gnome-paint mtpaint | cut -d\' -f 2 >

#wget -i urls_openshot.txt -P openshot

#sudo dpkg --force-all -iR ubuntu14.04

/* overwrite already installed pkg & install all *.deb ubuntu14.04 recursively

#sudo dpkg -i *.deb /* install all *.deb sources

#sudo mysqldump ahadParungserab > parungserab-20150205.sql

#sudo scp /home/ahad/parungserab.sql gudang@

#lsusb /* cek USB yg connected

#top /* cek running program

#ps aux | grep firefox /* cek running process currently with name *firefox*


sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev libx11-dev libv4l-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev \

libkdtree++-dev libjsoncpp-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev scons


#ceger= bismillah

#other= bismillah99
[setting LAN dobel, ceger]

1. IP= ---> internet dulu

2. IP= ---> ahadpos3

GW= ---> mikrotik




#sudo apt-get install cups

#sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin pi

#sudo nano [or leafpad] /etc/cups/cupsd.conf

-------- begin of file /etc/cups/cupsd.conf -------------------

# Only listen for connections from the local machine

# Listen localhost:631
Port 631

< Location / >
# Restrict access to the server...
Order allow,deny
Allow @local
< /Location >

< Location /admin >

# Restrict access to the admin pages...
Order allow,deny
Allow @local
< /Location >

< Location /admin/conf >

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM

# Restrict access to the configuration files...

Order allow,deny
Allow @local
< /Location >

------------- end of file ------------------

#sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart

#firefox --> localhost:631

## power on, converter hdmi on, screen blank

# ctrl-alt-F1 [F2 .. F6] then ctrl-alt-del beberapa kali

## layar monitor seperti kepotong (overscan, batas pinggir kebanyakan)

# edit config file
# sudo leafpad /boot/config.txt

# hdmi_safe=1, aktifkan hdmi non-safemode

# param_screen= 800 x 600, paling terang/bagus. resolusi lain kurang jelas

# --- on progress ----




[wxp sp3]


[ms-office 2007]





Microsoft Office 2007




Microsoft Office Home & Student 2007




Microsoft office 2007 Enterprise







Microsoft Office 2007 – Office 12 Suite


Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007


Microsoft Office Pro 2007



#(pv -n /dev/sda | dd of=/dev/sdb bs=128M conv=notrunc,noerror) 2>&1 | dialog

--gauge "Running dd command (cloning), please wait..." 10 70 0

#pv -n /dev/urandom | dd of=/dev/null

#pv -tpreb source.iso | dd of=/dev/BLABLA bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror

#(pv -n /media/tekhnisi/backup2/xub1404.sd8g.img | dd of=/dev/sdb ) 2>&1 | dialog

--gauge "Running dd command (restore), please wait..." 10 70 0

#(pv -n /dev/sdb1 | dd of=/media/tekhnisi/backup2/xub1204.sd8g.img

conv=notrunc,noerror) 2>&1 | dialog --gauge "Running dd command (backup), please
wait..." 10 70 0

#apt-cache search chrome browser

#apt-cache showpkg packagename


#sudo fallocate -l 512m /mnt/512MiB.swap


old way #sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/512MiB.swap bs=1024 count=524288

#sudo chmod 600 /mnt/512MiB.swap

#sudo mkswap /mnt/512MiB.swap

#sudo swapon /mnt/512MiB.swap

make permanent:

#gksudo gedit /etc/fstab


/mnt/512MiB.swap none swap sw 0 0


#cat /proc/meminfo



#sudo service ssh status

#sudo iptables -L

#sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT

#sudo ufw status verbose /* cek firewall

#sudo ufw deny ssh /* deny ssh
#sudo ufw allow ssh /* allow ssh

#netstat -pane | grep 22

tcp 0 0* LISTEN


#cd /root/.ssh
#vi known_hosts
*delete everyting on that file
#service sshd restart


#cp /etc/default/openvpn

#cp /etc/init/myopenvpn.conf

#cp /etc/openvpn

#sudo su

#adduser --home /home/insan insan

#groups ahad //cek group ahad

ahad : ahad adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare

#usermod -a -G group1,group2 user1

#usermod -aG adm,cdrom,sudo,dip,plugdev,lpadmin,sambashare insan

[sudoer, sudo hilang, non-sudo]

# sudo adduser ahadmart sudo

The change will take effect the next time the user logs in.

This works because /etc/sudoers is pre-configured to grant permissions to all

members of this group (You should not have to make any changes to this):

# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command

# sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

As long as you have access to a user that is in the same groups as your "original"
user, you can delete the old one.

Realistically, there are also other groups your new user should be a member of. If
you set the Account type of a user to Administrator in Users Settings, it will be
placed in at least all of these groups:

adm sudo lpadmin sambashare

Because your system configuration may vary, I suggest taking a look at the output
of groups <username> to see what groups are normally in use.


# sudo usermod -a -G sudo ahadmart


1. program *# 1234 (default pass)

2. 205: CO to CO (out) time limit


#sudo apt-get remove -y youtube-dl

#sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

#sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

#hash -r

#youtube-dl --version

#youtube-dl -a youtube-dl01.txt

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:clipgrab-team/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install clipgrab


1. speedy

[DB IT ahadmart, dokumen IT]


timeout page

#sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

#session.gc_maxlifetime = 7200

#timezone = Asia/Jakarta

#php_max_vars = 1000000 (default=1000)

#sudo service apache2 reload

#sudo mysqladmin -uroot -pbismillah password bismillah99

#sudo cp ahadpos2 /var/www/html

#sudo cp .ssh /home/ahad

#sudo cp /root/.ssh

/* databases */

#sudo mysqldump -uroot -p ahadUIN > ahaduin20150404.sql

#sudo mysql -uroot -p ahadUIN < ahaduin20150404.sql

/* update */

#cd /var/www/html
#sudo rm -r ahadpos2
#sudo mkdir ahadpos2
#cd ahadpos2

#sudo git clone ./


[ahadpos 3]

/* fix supplier

# sudo mysql -uroot -p

# use ahadpos3;

# alter table profil auto_increment=101;

# delete from profil where id >= 3;


[Installation steps : for Ubuntu 16.04]

# refresh software manager's database

apt-get update
# install apache + php + mysql
apt-get install phpmyadmin mysql-server

# download & unpack latest version of AhadPOS3

cd /var/www/html
sudo su
mkdir ap3
cd ap3
mv ap3-master/* .
mv ap3-master/.htaccess .

# set proper permission for these directories

chmod 777 /var/www/html/ap3/protected/runtime
chmod 777 /var/www/html/ap3/assets

# create the database

mysql -e "create database ahadpos3" -uroot -p

## NOTE : mysql 5.7 will NOT accept empty password with mysql_native_password
## NOTE : mysql 5.7 default to auth_socket plugin.
## This causes Yii framework to fail with error SQLSTATE 1698 :

## If you're using MySQL 5.7, execute the following command

## mysql -e "UPDATE mysql . user SET authentication_string =
PASSWORD( '123456789' ), plugin = 'mysql_native_password' WHERE user = 'root' ;
flush privileges;" -uroot -p
## again remember, MySQL 5.7 will NOT accept empty password

# need to enable the Rewrite commands in .htaccess file, by changing "AllowOverride

None" into "AllowOverride All"
# (just the one for /var/www/ Directory)
awk '/AllowOverride None/{c+=1}{if(c==3){sub("AllowOverride None","AllowOverride
All",$0)};print}' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf > /tmp/nih
cp /tmp/nih /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

#install mcrypt and mbstring module (php7)

sudo apt-get install php7.0-mcrypt php7.0-mbstring

#enable mbstring module (php)

sudo phpenmod mbstring

# enable the Rewrite module

a2enmod rewrite | service apache2 restart

# edit config, make sure the password there for MySQL is correct
nano protected/config/db.php

# edit install script, make sure the password there for MySQL is correct (mysql
-u[user] -p[password])
# execute the install script
# done !

# OR
# open this link on the browser :
# http://localhost/ap3/fresh-install.php
# user: admin
# pass: admin


shift + [link] = save/download link file


/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod not found...


ram 4gb
proc core i3, i4
hdd 500gb x 2
case cooler master


sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop


[resep makanan/masakan]


[cek running process]

#ps aux | grep firefox


#kill -9 7066


LINKSYS Wireless-N Router [E-1200]


root, bismillah99



Alamat kantor pusat kami di:

Jln. Raya Ceger No. 28, Jurangmangu Timur - Tangsel

( Toko Ahadmart, lantai III. Lokasi dekat pintu belakang Kampus STAN )

Telp. 021 7359 407



/* settings

/* default key = 18 (18=tabs)

#key.gen = 18

/* load default image, 1= load, 2= unload = 2

[bahasa arab]

mughaffal= lalai
dha-i'= sia-sia

[s/w ori]

OEM Win 7 Pro harga Rp. 1.860.000/unit ($143,07; @Rp. 13.000; BCA)
OEM Win 7 Ultimate tidak keluar lagi.
OEM MS Office 2013 harga Rp. 2.460.000/unit ($189,23; @Rp. 13.000; BCA)
OEM MS Office 2007 sudah tidak keluar lagi.

Ditunggu kabar baiknya.

Terima kasih.

PT Trikomindo Karunia Utama
Komplek Harco Mangga Dua Elektronik,
Ruko Apartemen Pesona Bahari Blok R-17
Jl. Mangga Dua Raya - Jakarta Pusat 10730
' : +62 21 6120196 - 6120197 - 94552777 ext 104
Ê : +62 21 71003711
* :

7 pro $140
OHB 2013 $185

selebihnya sudah discontinue



021 89626601 / 08977522603

YM : dewi_dau
Email :

PT. Digital Asia Utama

Harco Mas Mangga Dua Lt. Dasar No. 89
Jakarta Pusat 10730
Phone : 021-6230 1345 / 021-6230 4152
Fax : 021-601 4352
Website :
Email :

kios software

OHB 2013= $220 (&ppn)

w7= $150

[cek versi]

#lsb_release -a
#uname -a


[Toko Komputer Plaza Bintaro]

Karya Graha Komputer

Get Direction /Plaza Bintaro, Lantai 3 Blok T Unit 15, Jl. Bintaro Utama Iii Sektor
3a, Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12330, Jakarta, Indonesia

About Karya Graha Komputer

read more
+62 21 7352707

Gelatik Komputer
Toko Komputer yang menyediakan berbagai jasa peralatan komputer anda ini terletak
di Ruko Graha Marcela Sektor 3 Bintaro Jaya.

Telpon : 021 737 2121


021 2929 2828 ext. 5532 (mb'dewi)



[#print-uris, #offline install shell]

#sudo apt-get -qq --print-uris install gnome-disk-utility | cut -d\' -f 2 > gnome-

#wget -i gnome-disk-64b.txt -P disk-64b

#sudo dpkg -iR gnome-disk-64b


[raspberry pi]
restart network
# sudo ifdown eth0:0
# sudo ifup eth0:0

Installing CUPS on the Pi and Enabling Remote Access

In order to link a printer with the Raspberry Pi, we first need to install Common
Unix Printing System (CUPS). It’s time to fire up your Pi and navigate to the
terminal (either on the Pi itself of via SSH).

At the terminal, enter the following command to begin installing CUPS:

sudo apt-get install cups

When prompted to continue, type Y and press enter. CUPS is a fairly beefy install,
so feel free to go grab a cup of coffee. Once the base installation is complete, we
need to make a few small administrative changes. The first order of business is to
add ourselves to the usergroup that has access to the printers/printer queue. The
usergroup created by CUPS is “lpadmin”. The default Rasbian user (and the user
we’re logged into) is “pi” (adjust the following command accordingly if you want a
different user to have access to the printer).

At the terminal enter the following command:

sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin pi

For the curious, the “-a” switch allows us to add an existing user (pi) to an
existing group (lpadmin), specified by the “-G” switch.

RELATED: How to Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Low-Power Network Storage Device

Our final bit of pre-configuration work is to enable remote editing of the CUPS
configuration. The rest of the configuration can be completed via the web browser
on the Pi, but if you’re not actually sitting right at the Pi and would prefer to
use, say, the browser on your Windows desktop to complete the configuration, you’ll
need to toggle a small value in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf. At the terminal, enter the
following command:

sudo nano /etc/cups/cupsd.conf

Inside the file, look for this section:

# Only listen for connections from the local machine

Listen localhost:631

Comment out the “Listen localhost:631” line and replace it with the following:

# Only listen for connections from the local machine

# Listen localhost:631
Port 631

This instructs CUPS to listen for any contact on any networking interface as long
as it is directed at port 631.

Scroll further down in the config file until you see the “location” sections. In
the block below, we’ve bolded the lines you need to add to the config:

< Location / >

# Restrict access to the server...
Order allow,deny
Allow @local
< /Location >

< Location /admin >

# Restrict access to the admin pages...
Order allow,deny
Allow @local
< /Location >

< Location /admin/conf >

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM

# Restrict access to the configuration files...

Order allow,deny
Allow @local
< /Location >

The addition of the “allow @local” line allows access to CUPS from any computer on
your local network. Anytime you make changes to the CUPS configuration file, you’ll
need to restart the CUPS server. Do so with the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart

After restarting CUPS, you should be able to access the administration panel via
any computer on your local network by pointing its web browser at http://[the Pi’s
IP or hostname]:631.
Adding a Printer to CUPS

When you first navigate to http://[the Pi’s IP or hostname]:631, you’ll see the
default CUPS homepage, as seen in the screenshot above. The section we’re
interested in is the “Administration” tab. Click on it now.

Within the Administration panel, click add printer. If you receive a warning about
the site’s security certificate, go ahead and click proceed anyway to ignore it.
You’ll be prompted to enter a username and password.

Go ahead and enter the username and password of the account you added to the
“lpadmin” group earlier in the tutorial (e.g. if you’re using a default Raspbian
install, the login/password is “pi”/”raspberry”). Click “Log In”.

After logging in, you’ll be presented with a list of discovered printers (both
local and networked). Select the printer you wish to add to the system:

After selecting the printer, you’ll be offered an opportunity to edit the name,
description, and location of the printer, as well as enable network sharing. Since
our printer is already a network printer, we left “Share This Printer” unchecked:

After editing the printer name and adding a location, you’ll be prompted to select
the specific driver you want to use for your printer. Despite the fact that it
automatically discovered the printer and the printer name, CUPS makes no attempt to
pick the right driver for you. Scroll until you see a model number that matches
yours. Alternatively, if you have a PPD file for the printer that you have
downloaded from the manufacturer, you can load that with the “Choose File” button:

The last configuration step is to look over some general print settings like what
you want the default printer mode to be, the default paper source/size, etc. It
should default to the correct presets, but it never hurts to check:
After you click “Set Default Options”, you’ll be presented with the default
administration page for the printer you just added to the CUPS system:

Everything looks good. The real test, however, is actually printing something.
Let’s fire up Leafpad, Rasbian’s default text editor, and send a message:

While we realize it’s a bit premature to write “huge success” on our test print
before, you know, it’s actually printed, we were that confident. Fifteen seconds or
so later, the document came rolling out of the printer and dropped into the tray.


[youtube-dl, #aulad, #ipa, #ilmualam]

#tayo little bus indonesia


#tayo galery






*t3x60*, ibudpra = 82,112,165,208,231,254,327,351,374,394,452,149, eebood (bukalapak) =
17,52,70,103,127,142,220,269,288,311,341,164 (20 exp. 1d)
izory2013, unknownzzz (tokopedia, lazada) = 3,10,25,40,55,78,90,85,7,50,98, stranger ( =
52,77,122,132,156,174,197,241,259,288,355,100, phrase ( =
38,73,121,139,162,186,215,264,283,308,392,166 (30 exp. 1d), rosebud ( =
342,372,431,449,472,500,518,583,606,629,666,696,144 (20 exp. 1d), rosepra ( =



1. Confirm MySQL version

Firstly, you must confirm which version of MySQL on Ubuntu you are running as
commands will be different.

mysql -V

If you are on MySQL version 5, you will see something similar to:

mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.30, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper

Keep note of your “Distrib”. In the above example, we are on MySQL 5.7. Keep note
of this for later.

If on MySQL version 8, you will see something like:

mysql Ver 8.0.20-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))

2. Restart MySQL with skip-grant-table

In order to skip the grant tables and reset the root password, we must first stop
the MySQL service. Enter your Linux password if prompted.
# sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop

Ensure the directory /var/run/mysqld exists and correct owner set.

# sudo mkdir /var/run/mysqld

# sudo chown mysql /var/run/mysqld

Now start MySQL with the --skip-grant-tables option. The & is required here.

# sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables&

You should see something similar:

[1] 1283
user@server:~$ 2019-02-12T11:15:59.872516Z mysqld_safe Logging to syslog.
2019-02-12T11:15:59.879527Z mysqld_safe Logging to '/var/log/mysql/error.log'.
2019-02-12T11:15:59.922502Z mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases
from /var/lib/mysql

Now press ENTER to return to the Linux BASH prompt.

3. Change MySQL Root Password

You can now log in to the MySQL root account without a password.

sudo mysql --user=root mysql

Once logged in, you will see the mysql> prompt.

MySQL 8 – Reset Root Password

For MySQL 8 on Ubuntu, run following commands.

UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=null WHERE User='root';

flush privileges;

Replace your_password_here with your own. (Generate a strong password here)

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY


Flush privileges again.

flush privileges;

Exit MySQL.


Now skip to Step 4 below.

MySQL 5.7 – Reset Root Password

For MySQL 5.7 on Ubuntu, run this command to change the root password. Replace
your_password_here with your own. (Generate a strong password here)

# update user set authentication_string=PASSWORD('your_password_here') where

Change the auth plugin to mysql_native_password.

# update user set plugin="mysql_native_password" where User='root';

Flush privileges.

# flush privileges;

Exit MySQL.

# exit

Now skip to Step 4 below.

MySQL 5.6 – Reset Root Password

For MySQL 5.6 on Ubuntu, run this command to change the root password. Replace
your_password_here with your own. (Generate a strong password here)

update user set Password=PASSWORD('your_password_here') where user='root';

Change the auth plugin to mysql_native_password.

update user set plugin="mysql_native_password" where User='root';

Flush privileges.

flush privileges;

Exit MySQL.


Now skip to Step 4 below.

4. Test New Root Password

Make sure all MySQL processes are stopped before starting the service again.

sudo killall -u mysql

If you see a message similar to below, press ENTER to continue.

2020-05-30T07:23:38.547616Z mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file

/var/lib/mysql/ ended

Start MySQL again.

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start

Log in to MySQL again and you should now be prompted for a password.

sudo mysql -p -u root

Enter your MySQL root password. If correct, you should see something like:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 8
Server version: 8.0.20-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 (Ubuntu)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


You’re all done!


#xfce4-terminal --maximize --tab -e "ping" --tab -e "ping" --tab

-e "firefox" --tab --tab -e "sudo shutdown -hP now"

/* split by 20MB file source avidemux_xxx to file avidemux-xxx- with suffix at the
end by numeric (00,01,02,...)
#split -b 20M avidemux_2.7.4.appImage avidemux-2-7-4.appImage- -d

/* join the files again

# cat file1.001 file2.002 file3.003 ... >


[setting vpn.ahadmart]
Setting VPN (untuk remote ahadpos)

1. Download file dan masukan ke folder Downloads

2. buka terminal lalu ketik command dibawah berurutan (bisa di copas dengan
ctrl+shift+V di program terminal)
3. cd ~/Downloads
4. mkdir hericrt
5. tar -xvf heri.tar.gz -C hericrt/
6. sudo su (lalu masukan password komputer)
7. sudo cp hericrt/* /etc/openvpn
8. cd /etc/openvpn/
9. ketik chmod 600 /etc/openvpn/heri.key
10. service openvpn enable
11. service openvpn start
12. openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/
13. tes dengan ketik ping ato
- jika berhasil, akan ada tulisan "64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64
time=418 ms" - Setelah itu komputer bisa di restart dan VPN berjalan terus otomatis

[misc. timestamp, file dates changer]
In the terminal go to the directory for date-edit. Then type:

# find -print | while read filename; do

# do whatever you want with the file
touch -a -m -t 200512171513 "$filename"

You wil see a ">" after you hit enter, exept for the last time -> "done".
Note: You may want to change "200512171513"

"200512171513" = is the date you want for all the files in this directory.


-a = accessed
-m = modified
-t = timestamp - use [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss] time format

If you wish to use NOW just drop the -t and the timestamp.

To verify they are all the same: stat fileName.ext

[cek installed package]

How do I see what packages are installed on Ubuntu Linux?

1. Open the terminal application or log in to the remote server using ssh (e.g.
ssh user@sever-name )

2. Run command apt list --installed to list all installed packages on Ubuntu.

3. To display a list of packages satisfying certain criteria such as show

matching apache2 packages, run apt list apache.

[ahadpos 3 update]

Cara install ahadpos3:

1. Buat dan masuk directory /var/www/html/ahadpos3

2. Ketik git clone --single-branch --branch develop ./

3. chown -Rv root:www-data assets/ protected/runtime/

4. chmod g+w assets/ protected/runtime/ -v






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