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Text to Speech


Sasha Ilic
November 5th, 2020
Edu 214-1001
Dynavox- Assistive Technology for
Dynavox create applications, programs, and devices in order to assist people
with communication when verbal communication cannot take place. One can
generate words and sounds by pressing different letters or pictures that
correlate with the buttons. With the use of this technology on a device,
individuals who are not able to communicate verbally, are able to express
their needs and thoughts while using devices that can be taken with them
wherever they go. There are versions that are touch screen as well as versions
that track eye movement in order to generate speech and express thought. 
How Dynavox is used to assist students
with disabilities
Speech generating assistive technology created by Dynavox assists students with various
physical and intellectual disabilities. For students on the autism spectrum, who may have
trouble with verbal communication, this technology gives them the abilitiy to communicate
their needs and participate in lessons by selecting the words and sounds they want to express
with the device. This technology gives the opportunity for students to be able to participate in
lessons and be integrated into general education classrooms. Other disabilities such as Downs
Syndrome, hearing impairment, Cerebral Palsy, traumatic brain injury, MS, or severe language
delay can cause limitations and struggles with communication as well as motor skills. Speech
generating technology gives students with these disabilties the independence to
communicate, learn, and interact with others by using simple touch or, for those with motor
impairments, eye movement tracking. 
• Gives students the ability to communicate and express needs
• Mobile and easy to transport with them to school and home and everyday life.
• Can be used with different devices such as ipad, laptop or mobile device.
• Gives students with mobility restrictions the opportunity to use the device with eye tracking
• Students with disabilities can participate in general education learning environments by being involved in lessons
• Improves reading and writing comprehention for students with limited to no communication
• Younger children with disabilities can receive early intervention with the use of this technology
• Gives students the feeling of independence
• Helps to develop phonetic awareness and increase vocabulary
• Helps students with hearing impairments to communicate
• The devices and software can be expensive and not all students have access
• Some insurance will not cover tech and families must prove a need which is
• Teachers and Aids need to be trained on how to utilize the technology
• Teachers need to have insight on how to implement the use of technology
in general education when they may not have enough knowledge in the
Link to Website
This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under
Wilkins, Julia, and Amy Ratajczak. "Developing Students' Literacy Skills
using High-Tech Speech-Generating Augmentative and Alternative
Communication Devices." Intervention in School and Clinic, vol. 44, no.
3, 2009, pp. 167-172. ProQuest,,

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