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Spring/Summer care 01.04.


Dypsis Areca palm (Tropical)

Light: Bright indirect sunlight

Water: Twice a week - Monday and Friday
Mist: Every 2 to 3 days - Monday and Friday
Humidity: High
Temperature: 17°C - 24°C
Fertilizer: Once a month - April-August
Reppoting: Every 2 to 3 years

Dracaena (Tropical)

Light: Bright indirect or direct sunlight

Water: Once a week - Monday
Mist: Every 2 to 3 days - Monday and Friday
Humidity: High
Temperature: 17°C - 24°C
Fertilizer: Once a month - April-August
Reppoting: Every 2 to 3 years

Yucca (Desert plant)

Light: Bright indirect sunlight

Water: Once a week - Monday
Mist: Once a week - Monday
Humidity: Low
Temperature: Tolerant to high and low
Fertilizer: Every 6 weeks - Mid-April, end of May, Mid-July
Reppoting: Every 2 to 3 years

Livistona palm (tropical)

Light: Bright indirect or direct sunlight

Water: Once a week - Monday
Mist: Everyday
Humidity: High
Temperature: 17°C - 24°C
Fertilizer: Three times a year - April, June and August
Reppoting: Every 2 to 3 years

Peace lily (tropical)

Light: Medium indirect sunlight

Water: Once a week - Monday
Mist: Once a week - Monday
Humidity: High
Temperature: 17°C - 24°C
Fertilizer: Once a month - Spring to August
Reppoting: Every 2 to 3 years
Chamaedorea Elegans (Tropical)

Light: Medium Indirect sunlight

Water: Every two weeks - Starting first Monday
Mist: Everyday - Monday
Humidity: High
Temperature: 17°C - 24°C
Fertilizer: Three times a year - April, June and August
Reppoting: Every 2 to 3 years

Aloe Vera

Light: Bright indirect or direct sunlight

Water: Every three weeks
Mist: No need
Humidity: Low
Temperature: 14°C - 30°C
Fertilizer: Twice a year - April and July
Reppoting: Every 2 to 3 years

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