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Chapter 1: The Stranger

It was late night when I woke up.

I had woken up because of loud music I had heard. I sleepily went down thinking it
was one of my next-door neighbors and went to say to them to Shut Up and let us
sleep. But as I went down, I noticed that It wasn't coming from the neighbors but
from my house. I thought that I had left the radio on, but then as I came to think of
it, what kind of radio just starts playing music in the middle of the night? As I came
to my door and walked out, I could see that it was coming from my garage. As I was
walking towards the door of my garage, I could see that the Music was very
peculiar. It was not the usual songs that are classical, but this song sounded
creepy...It sounded like the music that usually plays in Horror movies. So, thinking
of the thought that the music sounded like a song that played in a Horror Movie, I
opened the door of the garage only slightly and looked in. I saw some white light
shimmering, with a shadow of a weird structure.
I opened the door wider. I saw that it was a structure. But as my eyes adjusted to
the room, I started to think that I had seen this structure before. As I started to
think hard on what it could be when I suddenly understood what it was.
It was a portal.
It was a portal like the ones I had seen in a game that I played a lot. I thought hard
of what it was and then I remembered. It was a portal like the ones that were in
Minecraft. But it wasn't like any portal that was in Minecraft. Besides why do
unknown portals pop up in the Human World? I had never heard of that. But before
I could give the portal more thought, the portal started to shimmer and bulge.
I knew very well that in Minecraft, Portals act like this only when someone is about
to come out. As I digested this thought, I was suddenly scared. What was
happening? Who was coming? Why? As a million questions started whirring around
in my brain, they suddenly froze, and my mind went blank. Why? Because a person
had stepped out of the portal. He looked exactly how people looked when they
played Minecraft.
" Hello Stranger. My name is Steve."
Chapter 2: Trouble?

I gaped at Steve. My mind had gone blank. Steve looked exactly like a Minecraft
Person. He was shocked. I thought that was weird because a person chooses to go
through a portal. He looked like he did not know how he got there. After, I got ever
my shock, I spluttered,
"You are Steve? From....From...You come from Minecraft?"
Steve was scratching his head as though he had not heard me and looked like he
was trying to remember something. And then he screamed with anger.
I was startled from this sudden reaction from him. I tried saying something, but
Steve started talking so I stopped abruptly.
"That damned Entity 303! Curse you Entity 303! He used his stupid powers to
transport me here!"
I was surprised.
" Entity 303? Isn't he the demon of Minecraft?"
" How do you know about him?" asked Steve curiously, looking at him.
"Unless...gasp! "
"It's you! You are the person of the prophecy! Oh, my Notch!" cried out Steve.
I was almost used to Steve's outbursts but this one made me flinch.
"Prophecy? What prophecy are you talking about?" I asked with curiosity.
"No time for that! You must come with me! I sure hope that Notch has positioned
this portal properly!"
And before I could ask him anything more, he ran and took my hand and pulled me
into the portal.
Chapter 3: Out of the Portal
When I came out of the portal, I entered a place which was very much like
Minecraft. But as his surroundings came into better view, he had a jolt of surprise.
I was in Minecraft.
It was impossible, but I knew I was in. Just to test whether I really was in Minecraft I
looked down at myself and got a shock. I was exactly like people are when they
play Minecraft.

I looked at Steve.
"Aren't you going to tell me about the prophecy thing you were talking about?"
"I will. In fact, this prophecy is something I also learnt very recently. I will tell you
when I go to the Main Meeting Room. I will then tell you and my companions about
the quest I had been on and will also tell about the prophecy"
"Oh, so only you know about the Prophecy?"
Steve's voice suddenly became very grim.
"No... Entity 303 and Herobrine know it as well... In fact, that is what made them
combine themselves."
"Herobrine? Combine themselves? What do you mean Steve?" I said with panic
rising in me.
"Well... they did the darkest magic Minecraft has ever known, and made it combine
"They now call themselves... The Entybrine..."
"The Entybrine???!!! That sounds horrific!"
Yeah, they look scary and are very hard to kill now...

Steve started walking towards who knows where, but I think it was where his
companions were. But as I was about to walk with him, a loud boom came behind
him. I looked around and was shocked to see Zombies and Skeletons pouring
inside the room. There was a moment of shock in the room after everyone got back
to their senses and started fighting back. Surprisingly only I was the one who was
shocked about the sudden entrance of the Minecraft Monsters but it looked like the
resistance (as i think it is) was used to this and they started killing the monsters left
and right. I grabbed a diamond sword and started fighting back the monsters too. I
didn't know what to expect as I had only killed mobs when I was playing from the
HUMAN WORLD and not inside MINECRAFT itself. When I killed the first mob, I
realized it was easy...too easy! And I can't believe I am saying this, but it was fun as
well. And now I was killing Mobs left and right. Everyone looked at me in
amazement but got back to fighting. My good fighting skills had seemed to
motivate everyone into fighting back harder. And before you know it, we had
cleared the whole room. The whole room was stinky before the drop piles from the
zombies and skeletons. So, we started clearing the room by burning the flesh of the
zombies. But as we were about to turn around and go back to our usual work, a
new person had entered the room. And it was clear that he was the enemy.
It was Entybrine.
He was horrific. I could basically feel the energy vibrating from him, and he looked
so powerful. One person tried attacking him (bless him for his determination and
bravery) but Entybrine just did one flick from his hand, and even without touching
him, the man flew back and broke through the wall. As Entybrine came in from the
corner of my eye I could see Steve going somewhere but I resisted the urge to
follow him and put my focus on Entybrine.
Many people continuously tried to attack Entybrine, but Entybrine just flicked
them away, and all those brave warriors just met the same fate. Entybrine, now
irritated by the consistency, cast an invisible shield that did not allow anyone to
attack him. Then suddenly his eyes widened in shock and looked ahead.
I followed his gaze and saw that it was upon the portal that leads people into the
human world. I was confused.
Why would Entybrine be interested in a portal that goes to the Human world?
And suddenly it dawned on me.
He wanted to wreak havoc in the Human world as well.
Me, a person from the Human world would not allow this. I had found this out
because of the evil smile that was spreading across his face. But before I could do
anything or think of anything that may be able to defeat Entybrine's invisible
shield, I heard a loud shattering of glass. I turned my attention back onto the portal
and was horrified to see that it was demolished. I craned to look at who it was, and
when I looked around, I saw the person who had broken the portal.
It was Steve.
Chapter 4: Surprise after Rage
I screamed. I screamed with shock. Someone else screamed as well. It was
Entybrine. He screamed with rage. He charged at Steve, and that was when I
couldn't take it anymore. I went with all my hatred of Entybrine, and ran at him
with a weird looking black sword I had found, and stabbed him.
Entybrine looked down with surprise. He was surprised to see me there, as he had
thought that he was protected in his little protected barrier, but he was not.
Suddenly he started screaming with pain. I walked back and looked with
amazement into the screaming face. But as a few seconds passed, I could see that
his voice was slowly changing into laughter. And soon only his evil laughter was
ringing in the room. I stood there with a scared face and waited until he stopped
When he finally stopped laughing, he increased his height and looked down at me.
"You fool," said Entybrine towering above me," you think this puny sword can stop
me? then you are mistaken." and he pulled the sword out of him like it was nothing
and threw it away.
Now he looked at Steve.
"Steve, you may have destroyed our chance of getting into the human world, but I
will find a way to end Minecraft, and then travel to the Human World and destroy
the Human World too."
Then he looked at me and said, "I have a gift for you."
Before I could process his words, he punched me in the chest and stabbed me with
something sharp.
I screamed with pain as everything faded into darkness. The last thing I heard was
screaming of shock and the evil cruel laughing.
Chapter 5: Immense Pain
I remember feeling pain so much. When I woke up, I was feeling oddly stiff and felt
a lot of pain on my chest. The pain was so unbearable that I closed my eyes
immediately. But before I closed my eyes, I could see that a lot of people were in
the room looking at me with sadness. And there were a lot of people. And I mean a
As my eyes were closed, I wondered about why there were so many people around
me. And why were they all sad? I mean I was hurt. Maybe that's why? But that can't
be right, I thought. Why do so many people crowd over a person who has been
injured? Badly injured? About a minute of thinking later, I tried to at least raise my
head up and see what was going on. I was able to raise my head and open my eyes.
This time, I was met with another sight. I saw many people were looking at me with
shock and with craze in their eyes.
I was bewildered. I then tried asking everyone.
'W-Why,' I said with a weak voice, 'is ev-everyone here looking at me like that?'
There was silence. And then Steve replied.
'It's because...It's because you are alive...' said Steve, with a scared look.
'Well, of course I am alive! What do you expect?"
'Well...No-one until this day has ever survived a direct hit from Entybrine... And you
seemed to have recovered..."
"WHAT? No-one?" I said with confusion clouding my mind.
"That's what we are wondering..."
"Wait, wait, wait. You mean that everyone who has been hit by Entybrine,
just...just...died?" I said in a hollow whisper.
Steve just couldn't bring himself to reply to my comment.
'Steve. Answer me. Do they just die?' I said with the urge to find out. And even
before Steve said the answer I knew.
'Y-Yes...' replied Steve, with fear.
'No....' I said. I was surprised. I was filled with sorry feelings for the people who
have died personally by Entybrine's hands. At the same time, I was filled with white
hot anger. That stupid idiot just goes around killing and making sure they won't
survive. And as my Brain was whirring with these thoughts, Steve came up to me
and asked a question of his own.
'But seriously. How-'
'Steve, I want to meet your friends and companions,' I said in a loud voice to drown
Steve's voice because I was sick of this subject, 'and you shall tell everyone about
your last quest and about the prophecy you have heard.'
Steve saw this as a dismissal, and he nodded and stood beside me.
I was very tired, so I just fell asleep. But as my eyes closed, I could see that
everyone was whispering, and I knew, very well, that it was about me.
Chapter 6: The Secret Room
I recovered the next day. This turned out to be another shock for the resistance,
because not only had I survived a direct hit from Entybrine, I recovered in a day.
As I was starting to get annoyed by their continual ask of 'How? how did you
recover so fast?', I just told them, must be a miracle while shrugging. But after
getting annoyed too much I said,
'Why are you so concerned? You should be happy that I recovered fast. And
anyway, why would I know the answer to any of these questions? So, will you just
stop asking me this question all the time? I am sick of it.'
So finally, at long last Steve told me that he would take me to the place where his
companions were.
So here I was following Steve towards wherever he was leading me. I then saw a
door on the wall. So, I thought that we had finally reached our destination. So,
when Steve opened the door, I was expecting to see some people who would greet
Steve, and ask some things about me, but that was not even close to what I saw.
When Steve opened the door, I saw nothing but white. I was scared. I looked at
Steve and saw that he was smiling. I thought this was a joke, so I headed towards
the door when Steve pressed something on the wall. And immediately when he
pressed that button I was falling, falling fast. But as quickly as I fell, the trip was
over, and I fell into something comfy. I realized it was a chair. I was going to ask
Steve what this was, when I heard him press something AGAIN. Then, suddenly the
air was full of swishing, and then about 10 other people were sitting down. There
was a cute girl, a tough looking person, a girl, ( the girl and the tough looking
person looked like they were from royalty), and a strange looking pig creature with
another pig looking creature who looked like a girl. The weird pig girl had a weird
floating creature who was in a bucket of lava. I was bewildered.
The tough looking person took charge and said,
' You, must be the person Steve has been talking about.'
Chapter 7: The Prophecy
'You know me?' I asked the tough one.
'No, but Steve has told me a lot about you. And I also wanted to ask-'
'-how I recovered so fast and did not die?' I said guessing what he was about to ask.
'H-how do you know? But still what is the answer?' He asked with curiosity.
'Well, if Steve told you correctly, then you must know that I have NO idea.'
'Oh...,'said the tough man with his shoulders slumping in disappointment.
'Anyway,' I said, 'Can someone tell me about everyone here?' I asked with a
longing-to-know voice.
'Oh right, sorry,' said the tough looking man, detecting my longing voice, 'Let me
tell you.'
'Thank you.' I said.
So, at long last, I settled down and took a seat to await the tough man's
introduction of everyone.
'So, first I will tell you about me.'
I nodded.
'So, I am the King of Glitches.'
At first, I was surprised and as I processed this a sudden thought came to my mind.
'What do you mean?! Isn't Herobrine and Entity 303, or as we now call them,
Entybrine, a glitch too?! How do we know that we can trust you?!' I shouted, and to
get the others to get the point, I took out my sword and got into a battle stance.
The young boy who was next to the King of Glitches made an angry movement but
with a quick look at the King of Glitches he did nothing. The boy looked very nice
and cool looking. What I think is that he was probably the son of the King of
The King of Glitches rolled his eyes.
'Gosh, you sure can be dramatic.'
'Though yes,' the King said, with sadness pouring into his voice, 'I can confirm that I
will not betray you all. And Entity 303 and Herobrine were part of my kind until they
started committing horrible crimes. At first it was just Entity 303 the one who was
committing the crimes but after a few months he convinced Herobrine to join him
and do the horrible magic that they had done to combine their powers. So then, I
had to exile him from us, and Entybrine started doing unspeakable acts.'
'Oh....' I was very sad to hear that had happened.
Then he continued introducing everyone.
'I have a son, named Dean, or Prince Dean. Then there is Steve, I think you know
him, and then there is the Piglin King, and the daughter of the piglin named
Princess Luna. Then finally there is Dan the Strider. '
'Oh. Ok. Hi Everyone. I guess I will introduce myself to you all as well. My name is
Jack, Jack Gupta. I am 12 and am trapped in Minecraft until I find a way out. But as
I am stuck here, I will do the best I can to help you all fight! 'I told everyone.
'Also, Steve, I want you to now tell me and everyone about your quest and the
prophecy.' I said.
'Prophecy?' asked the King of Glitches sharply.
Steve took a deep breath and started talking.
'So, I just came back from the Rocky Mountains. There I had heard a Prophecy from
someone who I could not recognize the voice. The problem is that my luck is the
worst. It seems that Entybrine was also in the Rocky Mountains at that time and he
overheard the prophecy.'
Everyone gasped at this ominous news and I asked immediately what the prophecy
'What was the prophecy saying though?'
' It said.... One day a human boy aged 12 shall arrive into our world. And it shall be
given something that most people desire. The power that he gets will destroy the evil
that lives there. But there is another girl you see. That girl shall also come at a time
when the boy is about to die, and they combined will save the world from the wrath of
'And I think that as we have figured out Jack, that this prophecy is probably
indicating towards you.' Steve said.

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