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ingle-case research designs are a diverse attempt to rule out alternative explanations for
and powerful set of procedures useful for the observed relations. There are many different
demonstrating causal relations among research arrangements and procedures that can
clinical phenomena. Although such designs are be used to draw valid inferences about the rela-
flexible, efficient, and have been used to make tions between variables of interest—as evidenced
key advances since the earliest days of psycho- by the thickness of this volume. This chapter
logical science, they are currently extremely reviews single-case research designs, which refers
underused by psychological scientists and clini- to those in which the phenomena of interest are
cians. We review the historical and theoretical studied using a single subject or a small group of
foundations of single-case research designs, research subjects (also referred to as N-of-1
including case studies, quasi-experimental designs or single-subject research). Single-case
designs, and experimental designs used in research designs have a long and distinguished
single-case or small-group studies. We also sum- history in psychological science, which demon-
marize the methodological requirements, pri- strates the enduring value of such approaches.
mary design options, and challenges and Psychological science grew out of earlier
limitations of each approach. Recent examples work in philosophy and physiology, and from its
of each design are provided to illustrate the use- first days as a new science, psychology relied on
fulness of these valuable—albeit somewhat in-depth empirical studies that used single sub-
forsaken—research methods for scientific and jects or small groups of subjects. For instance,
clinical advancement. many of the founders of psychological science,
including Wundt, Ebbinghaus, and Pavlov, con-
ducted very careful experiments of single sub-
HISTORICAL AND THEORETICAL jects or small groups of subjects to make classic
FOUNDATIONS discoveries in the study of perception, learning
and memory, and the laws of conditioning,
The goal of science is to establish and advance respectively (Schultz & Schultz, 1992). As an
knowledge. Scientists use careful and systematic interesting example, Ebbinghaus conducted
procedures for observing relations among ground-breaking work on learning and memory
phenomena (that is, variables), and in doing so over the course of five years using only

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one research subject—himself (Ebbinghaus, case study, quasi-experimental designs, and

1885/1913). experimental designs. It is probably more appro-
The in-depth study of the single case was also priate to think of these three design options not
the primary method of investigation in the ear- as distinct types but more accurately as points on
liest days of modern clinical psychology. For a continuum. These designs all share common
instance, the most influential figures in psycho- features, such as the examination of a single or
analytic psychology used naturalistic case stud- small group of subjects; however, they are char-
ies to convey their ideas about the etiologies, acterized by increasing levels of scientific rigor,
assessment, and treatment of psychopathology and, as an effect, by the strength of the inferences
(Freud & Breuer, 1895). Although working from that can be made with their use. For each design,
a very different theoretical and methodological we describe the basic characteristics, primary
orientation, the founders of behavioral psychol- research design options, recent advances, and
ogy also used single-case research designs to challenges and limitations. Our depth of cover-
inform research and practice in psychology and age of this material is limited by the length of this
psychopathology (Skinner, 1938; Watson, 1925). chapter; the reader interested in more extensive
If single-case research designs have led to such coverage of each should consult several excellent
broad and significant advances since the earliest sources on these topics (Barlow, Hayes, &
days of psychological science, why has their use Nelson, 1984; Barlow & Hersen, 1984; Franklin,
declined so markedly over the past several Allison, & Gorman, 1997; Kazdin, 1982, 2003).
decades? While there are many possible explana-
tions, the most compelling may be the develop-
ment of increasingly sophisticated methods for CASE STUDIES
collecting and analyzing large amounts of data.
Indeed, with the development of statistical tech- Case studies refer to a broad array of approaches
niques appropriate for use with large samples most often used for observing an individual and
(e.g., t test, analysis of variance, correlation), as reporting on their interactions with variables of
well as the creation of computer programs that interest (e.g., life events, psychological interven-
facilitate the evaluation of these data, researchers tion, and so on). Although broad, case studies
began to favor large sample designs that focused generally are similar in their inclusion of several
on statistical evaluation over single-case designs primary characteristics (Kazdin, 2003). First,
that relied primarily on experimentation and case studies most often involve the study of an
visual inspection of data. This focus continues to individual. This may be an individual person,
the present day, and research studies that examine family, group, or classroom; however, the focus
aggregate data from large groups of subjects con- is the study of a single unit. Second, data col-
tinue to compose the vast majority of studies lected in case studies are detailed, qualitative,
reported in the mainstream, high-impact clinical and anecdotal, but are rarely systematically or
psychology journals such as the Journal of quantitatively measured. Third, there is a strong
Consulting and Clinical Psychology and the focus on the unique aspects of the case, allowing
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, while single-case the researcher to note complexities arising from
research designs represent the majority of reports the distinctive history and influences specific to
published in specialty journals such as the Journal that individual. Finally, data typically are col-
of Applied Behavior Analysis and the Journal of the lected retrospectively and no experimental con-
Experimental Analysis of Behavior. trols are applied.
Although the advances that have resulted Although observational in nature, case studies
from the proliferation of large sample studies is offer several significant advantages over more
undeniable, single-case research designs con- commonly used group-based studies. For instance,
tinue to be underutilized by researchers and because case studies do not require control con-
clinicians alike. We believe efforts to reincorpo- ditions or comparison groups, they can be easily
rate such designs into the clinical research arma- incorporated into routine clinical work without
mentarium will facilitate significant advances in disrupting the natural pace of treatment. In this
psychological science. way, case studies offer clinicians both a useful
In this chapter, we provide a brief review of research tool as well as a source of data directly rel-
the three types of single-case research designs evant to clinical practice. Case studies also are
most commonly used by clinical researchers: the valuable in the study of rare phenomena. This is
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Single-Case Research Designs 339

well illustrated in Oliver Sacks’ study of Dr. P, present case, by carefully observing and measur-
who famously misperceived his wife’s head as his ing variables and the relations among them (that
own hat (Sacks, 1990). In cases where impair- is, observational research) and in some cases by
ments in functioning are severe and important systematically manipulating certain variables
but occur so infrequently as to preclude subject and measuring the effect on other variables (that
recruitment for large sample studies, case stud- is, experimental research). The purpose of the
ies can provide critical information about the research enterprise is to be able to arrive at
phenomena of interest. Similarly, the absence truthful conclusions regarding the relations
of methodological restrictions or structure among variables—the more careful the mea-
imposed by measurement techniques provides surement, control, and manipulation over the
an opportunity to observe the behavior of inter- variables of interest, the more valid the conclu-
est as it naturally occurs, which may be useful sions that can be drawn. All research exists
for generating hypotheses that can subsequently somewhere along a continuum regarding the
be tested using empirical methods. amount of precision and control involved.
Case studies are also useful for the develop- The scientists’ ultimate goal is to rule out
ment and evaluation of novel assessment and threats to the validity of their conclusions about
treatment techniques. Clinicians and researchers the relations between variables by systematically
share an interest in developing and disseminating controlling different, and ideally all, facets of
effective assessment and treatment methods. their investigation. With increasing levels of con-
Doing so requires considerable time and trol over the observation and manipulation of
resources, including multiple revisions to existing variables come increasing degrees of confidence
methods and relatively long delays in obtaining in the conclusions that can be drawn. That is, if
funding and publishing the findings of clinical you control all of the factors influencing your
trials. Case studies provide an incredibly efficient variables, you can make valid conclusions about
and flexible tool in the assessment and treatment why they changed. In case studies, there is very
development and evaluation process. As an little control on assessment and manipulation of
example, case studies can be effectively used to variables. On the other end of the continuum
modify multiple iterations of a new treatment are true experimental studies. Such studies are
and to collect initial feasibility or efficacy data for characterized by systematic measurement and
such a treatment—which typically is a necessary manipulation of individual variables in order to
step in obtaining funding for a larger treatment demonstrate that with all other variables held
study (see Moras, Telfer, & Barlow, 1993). constant, controlled variation in the indepen-
Although case studies can provide valuable dent variable is associated with variation in the
information, as commonly used they lack the dependent variable—strengthening the argu-
methodological requirements to draw valid ment for a causal relation between the two.
inferences about the relations among variables In instances in which the level of control and
(Kazdin, 1981). Indeed, case studies typically do manipulation required in a true experimental
not include design features such as objective design is not possible, researchers may use a
assessment, systematic data collection or analy- quasi-experimental design, in which some ele-
sis, specified manipulation of the independent ments of an experimental design are used in
variable, or replication of treatment effects. order to increase the validity of the inferences
Therefore, one is limited in the validity of the drawn from such an investigation. In such cases,
inferences that can be drawn from such evalua- certain design elements can be added that allow
tions. Fortunately, such design features can be the experimenter to arrive at stronger conclu-
easily incorporated into single-case research sions than would be possible using only a case
designs in order to strengthen the conclusions study design.
drawn from such cases.

Design Essentials
Repeated Assessment
Perhaps the most essential methodological
Scientists learn about the world in general, and requirement for single-case experimental designs
about abnormal and clinical psychology in the is repeated assessment of the dependent variable
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across all phases of the study. The need for manipulation. The intervention used serves
repeated assessment stems from the fact that as the independent variable, and in order to
rather than evaluating overall between-group make clear and interpretable statements about
differences on the dependent variable (as in the relation between the intervention and the
most between-group designs), one evaluates behavioral outcome, one must know what the
patterns of within-subject changes as the indi- intervention actually was. Indeed, careful con-
vidual moves temporally through different trol over and record of the intervention is neces-
experimental conditions. sary in order to demonstrate construct validity
Measurement of the dependent variable(s) and to replicate the observed relations. It is
should use reliable and valid measures, and should important to note that the intervention need not
occur early, frequently, and consistently. Assessing be behavioral in orientation (that is, it can be
early is important in order to establish a baseline, composed of cognitive, psychodynamic, or
or preintervention level of responding, which is char- other methods). The only requirement is that it
acteristic of many single-case quasi-experimental be well specified. The importance of carefully
designs and all single-case experimental designs. operationalizing the independent variable and
Regardless of whether baseline data collection is replicating one’s findings has been covered in
possible, assessment should commence as early in detail in other sources, and their importance
the study as possible. Assessing frequently is should be clear to the reader.
important in order to capture change as it is occur-
ring during the intervention. The actual timing
Example of a Single-Case
and frequency of assessments will vary depending
Quasi-Experimental Design
on the phenomenon under evaluation, the assess-
ment method used, and the hypotheses about how As an example, one recent study used a single-
quickly change is likely to occur. For instance, case quasi-experimental design to evaluate the
assessment may include constant measurement effectiveness of a behavioral treatment for panic
over a single session, behavioral sampling over dis- disorder in a 10-year-old boy (Nock, Goldman,
crete time intervals, once-per-day measurement, Wang, & Albano, 2004). In this study, the boy,
or any of a range of other assessment options (see Michael, presented to an outpatient psychiatric
Nock & Kurtz, 2005). Finally, using consistent clinic with frequent and repeated panic attacks,
assessment methods across assessment occasions is which were unsuccessfully treated in a previous
necessary in order to rule out the possibility that play therapy. Michael was treated using a modi-
behavioral changes are due to changes in assess- fied version of Panic Control Treatment, a manu-
ment procedures. alized treatment developed for and evaluated for
In making decisions about assessment meth- adults (Barlow & Craske, 2000). Thus, treatment
ods, the experimenter must balance using reli- was very well specified in advance and was care-
able, valid, and comprehensive methods with fully administered over the course of treatment.
what is feasible in a given research or clinical In addition to using semi-structured clinical
context. Devising appropriate assessment meth- interviews at pre- and posttreatment to evaluate
ods may require flexibility and creativity, and in symptoms of panic disorder, Michael and his
clinical settings the experimenter should include mother both completed and turned in daily logs
information and data that is already being of the number of panic attacks experienced as
collected whenever possible (e.g., diary cards well as his overall level of global anxiety each day.
completed during the week, reports from Michael experienced between one and five panic
teachers or parents, and so on). Indeed, adding attacks per week for the first 10 weeks of treat-
unnecessary measures may increase subject bur- ment, which decreased to zero by the 11th week
den and decrease the likelihood of adherence to and remained at this level for the rest of the treat-
the experimental protocol. ment period (except for one panic attack during
the 22nd week of treatment) and when assessed
at six-month follow-up (Nock et al., 2004).
Specified Intervention or Manipulation
The use of repeated assessment and a well-
Another very important methodological specified intervention in this study provided
requirement for single-case experimental designs useful information about the intervention used
is the use of a specified intervention or experimental as well as the timing and process of change over
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Single-Case Research Designs 341

the course of treatment. However, given that about the effects of the manipulation. That is,
there was no control (that is, no intervention) stable performance will provide data about both
condition, it is possible that other factors could the observed and expected (that is, predicted)
have caused the observed behavior change. The behavior, and as in all investigations in which
ability to make definitive causal conclusions inference is the goal, we are here interested in
about the relations between variables is possible contrasting observed and expected effects. For
only with the use of a true experimental design. instance, as shown in Figure 22.1, data collected
during the baseline period (A1) in which there is
no intervention demonstrates a certain level of
SINGLE-CASE EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS performance. If the intervention is applied and
it is completely ineffective, performance will
Experimental research as currently practiced in continue at this level (dotted line in B1).
psychological science most often involves ran- The effectiveness of interventions is tested by
domly assigning a relatively large number of sub- evaluating the presence and degree of change in
jects to different conditions (that is, levels of the the dependent variable(s) that occurs with the
independent variable) and observing the effects introduction of clinician-determined changes in
on the dependent variable of interest. However, conditions or phases. If all extraneous (that is,
random assignment and large numbers of sub- nonexperimental) variables are constant and the
jects are not necessary to demonstrate causal only variable that changes is the intervention,
relations. All that is needed is controlled varia- then one can conclude that any concurrent
tion of the independent variable and measure- change in the dependent variable was caused by
ment of the effects of this variation. Single-case this change. For instance, in Figure 22.1, when
experimental designs use all of the previously the intervention is introduced (B1), the depen-
mentioned design features and (very important) dent variable is observed at a rate that differs
incorporate controlled variation techniques, markedly from expected, suggesting that the
allowing the experimenter to examine causal intervention is responsible for this change (more
relations between intervention and outcome. on data analysis later). Of course, it is rarely
possible to completely control all extraneous
variables, so it is still plausible that some vari-
Design Essentials able other than the intervention (e.g., change in
relationships, Yankees winning World Series, or
Multiple Phases and Conditions such) caused the observed change. Such threats
Inferences about causal effects in single-case can be ruled out with subsequent replications of
experimental designs are drawn by analyzing the experimental effects.
differences between experimental conditions and
control conditions, just as in most between- Replication of Experimental Effects
group designs. The primary difference is that in
between-group studies individuals are assigned Replication is an integral part of scientific
to either an experimental or control condition; advancement and is necessary for garnering sup-
however, in single-case experimental designs each port for the operation of causal relations (Kazdin
individual participates in all conditions. The & Nock, 2003). Within the context of single-case
number and ordering of conditions varies experimental designs, replication of experimen-
depending on the type of design employed (more tal effects can and should occur both within and
on this later). The vital element is the inclusion of between studies. Each of the single-case experi-
multiple conditions (that is, >1) for each subject. mental design options described following con-
Single-case experimental designs typically tains methods for such replication—which is one
begin with a baseline condition in order to eval- of the great strengths of such approaches.
uate performance or functioning in the absence
of the intervention. The baseline period, and
Primary Research Designs
each subsequent phase, should continue until
stability in the dependent variable is observed. Researchers and clinicians can use the basic
The presence of stable responding increases the principles and methodological elements des-
experimenter’s ability to make valid inferences cribed to create a wide variety of single-case
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12 A1 B1

4 Observed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Figure 22.1 Hypothetical Data for Frequency of Behavior Across a Reversal Design

experimental designs. The number of different the subject’s behavior returns to or approaches
designs, and variations on these designs, are too the baseline level when the intervention is with-
numerous to review here. We review three of the drawn, this provides further evidence for a
most commonly employed single-case experi- causal relation between the intervention and the
mental designs next. These designs all use behavior change. It is common after an ABA
repeated assessment, specified interventions, series to reapply the intervention (that is, ABAB)
and multiple phases, but differ in the number in order to replicate the treatment effect, as well
and ordering of phases as well as in the manner as for obvious clinical and ethical reasons.
in which they demonstrate causal relations. Considerations. In cases in which the speci-
fied intervention was not effective (that is, did
not lead to behavior change) or was not as
Reversal Designs effective as expected, the researcher may wish
Reversal designs, also known as ABAB designs, to test the effect of adding an additional treat-
are those in which the subject’s behavior is first ment component or a modified version of the
assessed during a baseline phase (A1), then intervention. This is a common variation of the
during an experimental phase in which the reversal design. In such cases, additional exper-
intervention/manipulation is administered (B1), imental phases are denoted by consecutive let-
followed by a return to the baseline phase (A2) ters (e.g., ABAC design) or combinations of
during which the behavior is expected to reverse letters in cases in which different treatment
to its baseline level, and so on (see Figure 22.1). components are combined (e.g., A, B, A, B, C).
Assessment during the baseline phase serves as a Of course, when such designs are used one
control condition, which is necessary to estab- must be cognizant of potential treatment
lish the level of the behavior in the absence of sequencing effects, in which the effects are due
the intervention and to demonstrate that any to a particular sequence of treatment adminis-
observed behavior change is not merely due to tration, rather than to the most recently
factors such as therapeutic contact or the deliv- administered intervention. The use of addi-
ery of assessment measures. The demonstration tional subjects and the alteration of the
that a stable pattern of behavior changes when sequence of phases can be used to evaluate the
and only when the experimental phase begins influence of sequencing effects.
suggests that the intervention is responsible for The demonstration that the presence versus
this behavior change. Of course, as mentioned absence of an intervention can be used to repeat-
in the discussion of the quasi-experimental edly change the occurrence of a given behavior
design, it is possible that other factors are provides a convincing argument for causality.
responsible for this change, such as history, mat- However, even if the intervention caused a behav-
uration, or statistical regression. These threats to ior change, there are instances in which it is
the internal validity of the study are ruled out by difficult to cause the behavior to reverse to base-
the reversal or return to baseline condition. If line levels. For instance, if treatment effects
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Single-Case Research Designs 343

were caused or maintained by a process that is administering a semi-structured interview and

not easily removed, such as the development of a behavior avoidance test at pre- and post-
problem-solving skills, it will be difficult to treatment, assessment included a daily log,
demonstrate a reversal. There are also instances in maintained by his parents and converted in
which it is undesirable to cause the behavior to number of servings per day by the clinician, of all
return to baseline levels. For instance, if an inter- of the foods and liquids Antonio consumed
vention reduced self-injurious or aggressive throughout the course of the intervention. The
behavior toward others, it may not be clinically or intervention involved using modeling and con-
ethically advantageous to bring back such behav- tingency management techniques to gradually
iors in order to strengthen support for causal expose Antonio to eating an increasing variety of
relations. In such instances, other designs may be foods and liquids (see Figure 22.2). After an ini-
more appropriate to evaluate causal relations tial two-week baseline period, the intervention
between intervention and behavior change. first focused on increasing Antonio’s consump-
tion of liquids (Figure 22.2A). Once his intake of
liquids was increased and stable, the intervention
Multiple-Baseline Designs then was applied to the consumption of soft
Multiple-baseline designs are those in which foods (Figure 22.2B), followed by hard foods
the experimental condition is introduced in (Figure 22.2C), and finally chewy foods (Figure
temporal sequence to different behaviors, set- 22.2D). The intervention occurred in weekly
tings, or subjects. In such designs, there is typ- clinic-based sessions, where Antonio’s father
ically only one baseline (that is, no reversal) learned to administer the intervention, which he
and one intervention condition. The power of did each day at home over the course of the
such designs comes from demonstrating that study. As shown in Figure 22.2, visual inspection
change occurs when, and only when, the inter- of the data demonstrates that the consumption
vention is directed at the behavior, setting, or of each group of food or liquid increased when
subject in question. As with reversal designs, and only when the intervention was applied to
multiple-baseline designs begin with a baseline that group. This pattern of results strongly sug-
phase that continues until behavioral stability gests that the intervention caused the behavior
is demonstrated, at which time the interven- change rather than alternative factors such as
tion condition begins. As mentioned previ- history, maturation, relationship with the thera-
ously, a change in behavior that occurs only pist, and the like.
when the intervention is introduced suggests Considerations. Among the many strengths of
that the intervention caused the change; how- multiple-baseline designs is that they are very
ever, the influence of other factors (e.g., flexible and can demonstrate causality by repli-
history, maturation, and so on) must be ruled cating treatment effects across different behav-
out in order to increase the validity of this iors (as in Antonio’s case), different settings
claim. Rather than using a return to baseline, (e.g., school, home, and work), or different indi-
multiple baseline designs replicate the inter- viduals (e.g., different patients, classmates, or
vention—behavior change relation in temporal group members). Moreover, multiple-baseline
sequence across different behaviors, settings, or designs do not require the withdrawal of effec-
individuals. The temporal sequencing element tive interventions, thus avoiding some of the
is vital in order to rule out the likelihood that clinical and ethical concerns often raised against
extraneous factors could account for the the use of reversal designs. One potential limita-
observed behavior change. tion of multiple-baseline designs is that a con-
As an example, one recent study used a multiple- vincing demonstration of causality requires that
baseline design to evaluate the effectiveness of change does not occur across behaviors, settings,
a behavioral intervention for food refusal in a or individuals until the intervention is applied;
4-year-old boy (Nock, 2002). Since he was 7 therefore, interventions that lead to changes that
months old, the boy, Antonio, refused to con- generalize across all areas will limit the strength
sume virtually all solid foods or liquids, swallow- of the inferences that can be drawn. Such a state
ing only water, oatmeal, soft baby food, and of affairs is of course very desirable from a clin-
protein drinks, a behavior that could lead to seri- ical perspective, but it leads to some limitations
ous health problems (Nock, 2003). In addition to from a research perspective.
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A. Fluids
Modeling + contingency management

2 27
6 os
B. Soft Foods
Time-out + reintroduction of food after vomiting
40 2.5
30 2

25 1.5
Number of Servings per Week

15 1
10 0.5
0 0

2 27
6 os
C. Hard Foods
2 27
6 s
D. Chewy Foods

2 27
6 s


Figure 22.2 Multiple-Baseline Design Across Four Food Categories

SOURCE: From Nock, M. (2002). A multiple baseline evaluation of the treatment of food phobia in a young boy. Journal of
Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 33(3–4), 217–225.
NOTE: In all four graphs, the lines marked with diamonds represent the number of servings of each food type consumed each
week. The line marked with triangles in B represents the number of vomiting episodes each week (indicated on right ordinate).

Changing Criterion Designs relation between treatment and behavior change

is demonstrated by showing that behavior
Changing criterion designs are those in which changes when and only when the criterion for
after a brief baseline period an intervention is reinforcement is changed. This creates a steplike
directed at a behavior and the criterion for rein- pattern of behavior change that matches the
forcement of that behavior is changed over time changing criterion. The decision on when to
to require increasing levels of behavior change. change the criterion at each step is determined by
There is no withdrawal of treatment, and a causal the experimenter, but typically occurs once there is
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Single-Case Research Designs 345

stability in the behavior. The criterion usually is the study, suggesting that the intervention caused
changed in the same direction over time, but the the change in his food consumption.
experimenter may use a mini-reversal if so desired Considerations. In many (perhaps most)
in order to increase the strength of the argument instances, drastic changes in behavior do not
for causation. As with other designs, the interven- occur immediately upon administration of the
tion and the study continue until the behavior is intervention. Changing criterion designs are a
changed and maintained at an acceptable level. useful design option in such cases, allowing the
As an example, another recent study treated a experimenter to gradually but systematically
3-year-old boy presenting with food refusal, but intervene to change the desired behavior. Also,
in this study a changing-criterion design was because changing criterion designs do not nec-
used (Luiselli, 2000). As with the previous study, essarily include a withdrawal of treatment (as in
parents were taught to administer a contingency reversal designs) or an isolated focus of treat-
management program in the home. However, in ment (as in multiple-baseline designs), they
this study the child, Sam, was rewarded with play require the least amount of deviation from nor-
time for consuming an increasing number of mal clinical practices and therefore may be most
bites of food, regardless of food type. As shown easily incorporated by clinicians. A potential
in Figure 22.3, during an initial baseline period limitation of changing criterion designs is that it
Sam consumed no bites of food. During the first can be difficult to use them to demonstrate a
intervention condition, he was rewarded when- causal relation between the intervention and
ever he consumed one or more bites of food, and behavior change if the target behavior does
his food consumption increased immediately. change drastically and immediately. For
During the next condition, he was rewarded instance, if the criterion for reinforcement
whenever he consumed two or more bites of changes from zero bites of food to one bite of
food, then three, on so on. As shown in Figure 22.3, food in the first phase of an intervention, but
Sam’s food consumption generally increased food consumption changes immediately and
with the changing criterion over the course of consistently from zero to 10 bites during this

BL Treatment

Responses per Meal



10 20 30 40 50 60

The average number of self-feeding responses recorded daily during lunch and supper meals

Figure 22.3 Changing Criterion Design for Treatment of Food Refusal

SOURCE: Note Luiselli, J. K. (2000). Cueing demand fading, and positive reinforcement to establish self-feeding and oral
consumption in a child with chronic food refusal. Behavior Modification, 24(3), 348–358.
NOTE: Horizontal dashed lines preceded by numbers indicate the imposed self-feeding response criterion during meals.
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phase, the argument that the intervention Evaluation of single-case data via visual
caused the behavior to change is weakened. inspection requires graphing the study data as
Such instances would be seen as great successes displayed in Figures 22.1–3. Typically, frequency
clinically but limit what can be said about the is graphed on the ordinate and time/transition
reason for the change scientifically. through conditions on the abscissa. Kazdin
(1982) has proposed four primary criteria to
guide visual inspection of data from single-case
DATA ANALYSIS experimental designs that focus on examination
of behavior change across conditions. Two of
Data collected in single-case experimental designs these criteria relate to a change in the magnitude
provide a much greater level of detail than data of the behavior: change in mean and change in
commonly collected in group studies. However, level. The other two criteria relate to a change in
with this great detail comes a need for alternative the rate of the behavior: change in trend and
methods of data analysis than those typically latency to change.
taught in most undergraduate and graduate A change in mean refers to the magnitude of
methodology and statistics courses. There are two change that occurs in the average behavioral fre-
main approaches to data analysis of single-case quency in one condition compared to another.
experimental designs: those involving visual For instance, in Figure 22.1, the average frequency
inspection of graphed data and those using infer- across condition A1 of 7.4 to B1 of 1.5 represents a
ential statistical analyses. There has been a long- clear change in mean from one condition to the
standing debate about whether statistical analyses next. A change in level refers to the immediate
help or hinder the data evaluation process in change in behavioral performance that occurs at
single-case experimental designs. We will not the transition point between one condition and
resolve this debate here, but present a brief review the next. For instance, in Figure 1, the level of per-
of strategies from each approach along with the formance for the last day of A1 is seven, and for
strengths and limitations of both perspectives. the first day in B1 it is two. Therefore, there is a
clear and immediate change in level from one
condition to the next. This change is especially
Visual Inspection
clear given the behavioral stability present in each
Throughout the history of single-case experi- of these conditions. In single-case research
mental designs, leaders in the field have argued designs, as in group designs, it is desirable to have
strongly against the need for inferential statistical minimal within-condition variability but large
tests, claiming that causal relations are not between-condition variability.
demonstrated by statistics but by careful method- A change in trend refers to a systematic varia-
ological design (Skinner, 1988). From this tradi- tion in the slope of the data points from one
tion have grown methods for evaluating the effect condition to the next. For instance, in Figure 22.1,
of an intervention by graphing and visually there is an increasing trend in behavioral perfor-
inspecting the relation between the intervention mance across condition A2, which changes to a
and the dependent variable of interest. decreasing trend in B2. Latency to change refers
Visual inspection of data relies on the same to the amount of time that passes between a
methodological strategy as group designs, change in condition and a change in behavioral
namely, evaluating the impact of an intervention performance. In Figure 22.1, there is no latency
by comparing performance on the outcome of to change between A1 and B1; however, there is
interest in a condition in which the intervention some latency to change between A2 and B2.
is absent with one in which the intervention is Intervention effects are clearest when there is a
present. In group designs, this is done by sum- stark difference in trends and no latency to
marizing the performance of many individuals change between conditions.
in each of two or more conditions (e.g., a ran- The visual inspection approach does not use
domized clinical trial). In single-case designs, the statistical tests to evaluate each of these criteria.
data are from a single case (or small group of Instead, intervention effects should be strong
cases), and there are multiple observations per and clear enough to preclude the need for
individual per condition, so the commonly used statistical analyses. There is no p <. 05 threshold
group design methods are not appropriate. and no attention to statistical significance.
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Single-Case Research Designs 347

Instead, only interventions with effects that are data points over time is referred to as serial depen-
likely to be clinically significant (e.g., Jacobson & dency or autocorrelation and violates the indepen-
Truax, 1991; see also Chapter 21) considered dence of error assumption of statistical tests such
effective. Interestingly, this could also be consid- as the t and F tests (Matyas & Greenwood, 1997).
ered one of the primary weaknesses of using When serial dependency exists, test values can be
visual inspection to evaluate interventions. biased, and the researcher is advised to use statis-
Indeed, there are instances in which small effects tical alternatives to these tests. Some useful alter-
may be important (Prentice & Miller, 1992), and natives include nonparametric tests such as
such effects would be missed if they required randomization tests, in which treatment condi-
very strong and clear effects needed in single- tions are randomly distributed over the course
case experimental designs. Another concern of the study in order to reduce serial depen-
with visual inspection is that without the adop- dency, and the magnitude (e.g., mean) of
tion of a clear and consistent threshold for behavioral performance for each condition can
demonstrating effectiveness (such as p <. 05), be appropriately evaluated. Another popular
there is inherent subjectivity and variability in alternative is time-series analysis, in which both
judges’ ratings of the effectiveness of study the magnitude and trend of behavioral perfor-
results. For example, in Figure 22.2, the transi- mance can be compared between conditions
tion from condition A to B to C all build support while accounting for serial dependency (e.g.,
for the relation between the intervention and Box, Jenkins, & Reinsel, 1994).
the observed behavior change. However, the Although the use of statistical methods to
behavior assessed in condition D increases analyze data from single-case experimental
slightly before the intervention is applied. One designs allows for greater sensitivity to detect
could argue (and one reviewer did) that this treatment effects, the trade-off in requiring less
weakens support for the causal relation between drastic changes is that they are more likely to
intervention and behavior change. This is true, capitalize on chance and to result in a Type I
but is support weakened so much as to change error. Ultimately, decisions about whether to use
the conclusion that the intervention and behav- visual inspection of the data, statistical methods,
ior change are causally related? The lack of a or both should be made based on the study
specific threshold or decision rule allows for design and the experimenter’s goals and
multiple interpretations of such data. Such hypotheses. Both approaches have their own
issues have led many to argue for the adaptation strengths and weaknesses that the experimenter
of statistical methods in the analysis of single- should take into consideration when designing
case experimental data. and implementing the study and in interpreting
the obtained data.
Statistical Methods
As an alternative or supplement to using the
visual inspection methods described, some STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS OF
single-case researchers have proposed the adap- SINGLE-CASE RESEARCH DESIGNS
tation of inferential statistical tests for single-
case research designs. The statistical approach to Despite their limited use, single-case research
the analysis of single-case data historically has designs have significant methodological advan-
been used much less frequently than the visual tages over large-sample research designs that
inspection approach, but has increased in popu- could be used to facilitate more rapid clinical
larity and sophistication in recent years (e.g., research advances. First, single-case research
Franklin et al., 1997). designs can demonstrate clear causal relations
A comprehensive review of the statistical meth- between intervention and behavior change with
ods used in single-case experimental designs is much more efficiency than large-sample designs.
beyond the scope of this chapter; however, several Indeed, large-sample studies typically require
key points warrant brief attention here. Statistical enormous amounts of time, financial resources,
tests commonly used in group designs are not and staff support to implement. In contrast, any
appropriate for single-case studies in cases in adequately trained researcher or clinician with a
which observations are correlated. Correlation of modest amount of resources and effort can use
22-Mckay-45470.qxd 11/17/2007 5:43 PM Page 348


single-case research designs. Given this advan- true experimental designs; nevertheless, they
tage, researchers and clinicians can use single- should be borne in mind, and efforts should be
case research designs in rapid succession to made to address them whenever possible.
develop and evaluate individual or multiple ver- The limitation most often cited in discussions of
sions of interventions, and thus can do in a mat- single-case research designs is a lack of generality of
ter of weeks what could take years (and millions obtained effects. Indeed, interventions shown to be
of dollars) using large-group designs. effective for a single individual may not be effective
Second, single-case research designs offer with other individuals, and these effects may not
much more flexibility in the implementation and even replicate when readministered to the same
evaluation of interventions than large-sample individual at a later time. Although this is a clear
designs. Indeed, with a focus on maintenance of limitation of single-case research designs, two
consistency of procedures across many subjects, caveats should be kept in mind. First, the use of
group designs do not allow for a tailoring of the large-sample designs does not preclude the
manipulation or intervention to the individual. occurrence of such problems. Indeed, what is
The opportunity to modify interventions as needed for generality is the evaluation of
needed provides greater research and clinical obtained effects using different populations, con-
options and can lead to more innovative treat- ditions, or settings. Effects obtained using a
ment development. Using variations on the single- homogeneous sample of individuals (which is the
case experimental designs as described previously, rule rather than the exception in large-sample
researchers can flexibly complete efficacy or studies) also may suffer from a lack of generality.
effectiveness studies, dismantling studies, para- Second, modifications to single-case research
metric studies, or any other evaluations that can designs, such as the use of multiple and heteroge-
be addressed using large-sample designs—and can neous individuals within and across studies, can
do so within or between subjects. be implemented to demonstrate generality.
Third, the assessment methods used in single-
case research designs provide for the evaluation of
individual change patterns in the data. Large- CONCLUSION
sample designs most often employ only pre- and
post-treatment assessment, precluding evaluations Single-case research designs are powerful, flexi-
of how and why individuals change over the course ble, and efficient tools that have been largely
of treatment (see Kazdin & Nock, 2003). The use abandoned by clinicians and clinical researchers
of continuous assessment and multiple experi- for the past several decades. In this chapter, we
mental phases in single-case research designs allow summarized the methodological requirements,
for detailed examinations of patterns of change major design options, recent examples, challenges
and the temporal relations between manipulations and limitations of case studies, quasi-experimental
and their effects over time. designs, and experimental designs used in single-
Fourth, although the widespread use of large- case or small group studies.
sample designs grew largely out of advances in There is a clear need for such designs in mul-
inferential statistical methods, these very methods tiple areas of abnormal and clinical psychology.
have come under attack due to several problems For instance, there continue to be enormous
with the way they are most often used (Cohen, gaps between the evidence-based assessment
1990; Krueger, 2001; Loftus, 1996; Nickerson, and treatment methods developed in research
2000). Most of these statistical or methodological laboratory settings and types of services offered
problems are avoided or remedied through the to the consumer of psychological services (e.g.,
use of single-case research designs. Weisz, Donenberg, Han, & Weiss, 1995). In addi-
Of course, single-case research designs also tion, although efficacious treatments have been
have clear limitations that must be considered developed, questions remain about the effective-
when selecting among research design options. ness and mechanisms of change of such treat-
Many of these limitations were addressed earlier, ments (Kazdin & Nock, 2003). Work is being
such as the limited control on threats to validity conducted in each of these areas; however, addi-
that accompany the use of case studies and to a tional practical tools are needed to help bridge
lesser extent quasi-experimental designs. Most these gaps. Single-case research designs repre-
of these limitations are remedied with the use of sent a natural method of doing so. These designs
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Single-Case Research Designs 349

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