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A Research Paper presented to the Faculty of

Pagadian City Science High School

Tuburan District, Pagadian City


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the strand Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics





October 2019
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX Zambonga Peninsula
Division of Pagadian City
National Highway, TuburanPagadian City

The research paper, attached here to, entitled “Time Management: Impacts on
Students Academic Performance” prepared and submitted by Geralyn B. Lerazan and
Sheralyn Q. Pelayo is hereby recommended for approval.


Member Member

________________________ _________________________
Date Date


Member Chairperson/Adviser

_____________________ _____________________
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This research paper is approved in partial fulfillment for the requirements for
Research 2.


Research Coordinator


Head Teacher I School Principal

___________________ iii
Date Date

With utmost sincerity, the researchers would like to express their deepest

gratitude to the following people, who in their own way, have contributed to the

realization of this study. The success of this intellectual endeavor would not have been

made possible without them who unselfishly shared their expertise, knowledge and time.

To Mr. Juvy P. MundoPhd., his research adviser, for the mentorship and

guidance, which enabled him to develop an understanding of the subject and for his

commitment, expertise, patience, and encouragement throughout the conduct of the


To the Panel Members, Ms. Vanessa Mae C. Tan, Mr. Bengelou Ybanez, and

Mrs. Jazel Faith A. Ybanez for their expertise and patience in revising our paper;

To the participants of this study who generously shared their life experiences and

perception about the subject;

To their ever dearest family for the unquestionable love and untiring support;

To their PAGSCI family, with the compassionate school principal, Mrs. Janet S.

Negoso PhD., for her consideration and motivation;

To their friends for the laughter and company that helped lessen the burden of

being a SHS student trying to finish a work on time;

And above all, to the Almighty GOD, who has bestowed wisdom and spiritual

guidance that made the completion of this seemingly insurmountable task into a reality.



This work is humbly DEDICATED to our parents, Jenie Y. Lerazan and Merlyn B.

Lerazan, and Daniel M. Pelayo and Lorena Q. Pelayo, to our brothers, Jerald B. Lerazan

and Christian Q. Pelayo, to our friends for the unending help they gave, PetrusJethro C.

Leopoldo, Irene Renee Leezbeth P. Durias, Elgen Daryl B. Dablo, Cy Soleil A.

Cartojano, Kenneth Jules Sumiog, Sophia Rolyn A. Calo, Aville R. Egos, Andrea Eloise

R. Costanilla, and lastly Jazmine T. Ijirani.Also to the panel members Mrs. Jazel Faith

Ybanez, Ms. Vanessa Mae Tan and Mr. BengelouYbanez, especially to our research

adviser Mr. Juvy P. MundoPhd. who helped us in doing and improving our research.

-Geralyn and Sheralyn

Lerazan, G. & Pelayo, S. (2019) “Time Management: Its Impact to Students’ Academic
Performance”. Unpublished Senior High School Research. Pagadian City Science
High School, Tuburanm district, Pagadian City.

Adviser: JUVY P. MUNDO, Ph.D

Time is seen as an indefinitely divisible and usable commodity. Time

Management is the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling and budgeting one’s time for
the purpose of generating more effectiveness work and productivity. Student’s Academic
Performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their
short or long-term educational goals. This qualitative study looked into finding out if
Time Management affects Student’s Academic Performance with the Grade 12 senior
high school students. The participants of this study are 30 students from the senior high
school students, 10 students from the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) strand, 10 students from the Accountancy Business and Management (ABM)
strand, and 10 students from the General Academic Strand at Pagadian City Science High
School. Data were gathered through survey questionnaires with nine (9) self-rating
questions and then analyzed using Qualitative Descriptive Design. To fully reinforce the
data gathering, Line-by-Line Coding is used to analyzed the data. This study got 270 data
from the respondents. After a thorough process codes of data, the researcher came up
with a result that Time Management have a positive effect on student’s academic
performance while students who don’t manage their time have a negative effect on
student’s academic performance.

Keywords: time management, academic performance, and students




Introduction 1

Research Question 3

Conceptual Framework 4

Scope and Limitation 4

Significance of the Study 4

Scope and Limitation 5

Definition of Terms 6


Research Design 14

Research Locale 14

Participants of the Study 15

Research Instrument 17

Data Gathering Procedure vii


Data Analysis 18
Ethical Consideration 19


Open Initial Coding 20

Focused Coding 39
Theoretical Coding 48


Summary 53
Findings 53
Conclusions 55
Recommendations 55
A. Letter of Permission 50
B. Interview Guide Questions 61
C-1. Emerging Properties during the Open/Initial Coding 62
(Students who are procrastinating)

C-2. Emerging Properties during the Open/Initial Coding 63

(Students who are not procrastinating)

D-1. Properties/Incidents from Raw Data (Students who are 65


E-2. Properties/Incidents from Raw Data (Students who are 66

not procrastinating)
F. Excerpts of Transcripts 68


Table Page

1. Profile of the Research Participants 16

2. Sample Initial Codes 21

3. Open Initial Coding (Why do you procrastinate?) 24

4. Open Initial Coding (Why do you not procrastinate?) 25

5. Emerging Properties During the Open Initial Coding. 35

(Students who are procrastinating in class?)

6. Emerging Properties During the Open Initial Coding. 39

(Students who are not procrastinating in class)

7. Conceptual Categories and Related Properties 40

(Students who are procrastinating in class)

8. Conceptual Categories and Related Properties 26

(Students who are not procrastinating in class)

9. The Conceptual Categories and the Theoretical Codes 43

(Students who are procrastinating in class)

10. The Conceptual Categories and the Theoretical Codes 48

(Students who are not procrastinating in class)

11. Summary of the Conceptual Categories and the Theoretical Codes. 49


1. The conceptual framework of the study 4


Chapter 1


Time is seen as an indefinitely divisible and usable commodity. It helps to infuse

the concept of time through the institution. All materials and human resources possessed

by organized organizations can be enhanced in the course of time goes on; yet the only

asset that cannot be changed or purchased or stored is time itself. The secret to achieving

success in life is effectively managing this resource that everyone possesses equally and

paying sufficient emphasis to planning (Macan et al, 2000).

Time management is the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling and budgeting

one’s time for the purpose of generating more effectiveness work and productivity. It is a

priority-based structuring of time allocation and distribution among competing demands

since time cannot be stored, and its availability can neither be increased beyond nor

decrease from the 24 hours. Time management as a set of principles, practices, skills,

tools and systems that work together to help you get more value out of your time with the

aim of improving the quality of your life (Rounsaville, 2011).

Time management plays a vital role in improving student’s academic performance

and achievements. Each and every student should have time management ability which

includes setting goals & priorities, using time management mechanism and being

organized in using time. It is also very important and it may actually affect individual's

overall performance and achievements. Time is always available although it waits for no

one, and is no respecter of gender as reflected in the research of Omolola (2010) that both

male and female undergraduate are affected by time management.


According to Laurie &Hellsten (2002), time management is a skill that every

student should not only know l, but also apply. A lot of university students complain

about running out if time when asked to do a certain task, they get frustrated because they

are not able to make it before the deadline. Time management is extremely important,

especially when it comes to university students because it will boost their grades and

enhance their productivity.

In developing schools where students have a lot of issues during academic

journey have a new story for the researcher to dig out much more interesting results.

Time management practices have an impact on the results of students as empirical studies

done by past researchers. In spite of knowing about the impact of time on academic

achievement, this relationship is not given importance by the students (Sevary& Kandy,


One of the major problems of the students is time management which resulted to

cramming, poor performances, poorly defined goals, and procrastination. Nowadays,

students always complain that they do not have enough time to complete all the tasks

assigned to them. Students who do not have control over their time end up letting the task

sit until the last minute and they feel a lot of stress when they try to play catch up. Good

time management allows you to accomplish more in a shorter period of time, which leads

to more free time, which lets you take advantage of learning opportunities, lowers your

stress, and helps you focus, which leads to more career success (Apulto, 2015).

Akomolafe (2005) stated that time really cannot be managed because it cannot be
slowed down, speed up or manufactured. But Quek (2001) believed that time can be
managed because when one wants to solve the problem of procrastination, one needs to
learn and develop time management skills.

In the mind of the researchers, there is an indication that Quek feels that

procrastination may affect time management. Time is natural; however, people live and

work or exist within time. Therefore, time rolls along with human existence.

Hence, the researchers are going to prove that the students time can be managed if

only the students have a right plan in dividing their time in doing their homework and

activities. And through this study, we will know if time management has positive or

negative effects in students’ academic performance.

This study helped to analyzed the positive or negative impact of time management

on academic performance of students. It also helped to make some decision about

changes we would like to make to use our time more effectively (Noftle, Robins &

Richard, 2007). Likewise, in the process of providing educational services this issue has

been a subject of interest discussed and emphasized in several platforms and an attempt

has been initiated to assess and analyze time and the time management attitudes and

behaviors of students in educational institutes (Denlinger, 2009).

The researchers decided to pursue this study if Time Management affects the

Students’ Academic Performance.

Research Questions

The study tackles the objectives in determining if time management really helps

the students in their academic performance.

Highlighting the following questions that this study aimed to answer:

1. How time management impacted the life of the students?


2. Does time management give a positive or negative impact in students’

academic performance? Why or Why not?

3. How does time management affect students’ academic performance?

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Time Management Students’ Academic


Figure 1: The conceptual framework of the study

The independent variable, which is the Time Management of the students will

affect the dependent variable which is the Student’s Academic Performance.

Significance of the Study

This section provides brief description in the various significance of the study

given the problems of Pagadian City Science High School, regarding the time

management of the students.

Students. The proposed study helps the students of Pagadian City Science High

School to manage their time in their school woks/activity.

Teachers. The proposed study helps the teachers in the classroom to optimize

learning opportunities for students.


Other/Future Researchers. The proposed study helps the future researchers as

their guide.

Scope and Limitation

The following parameters limited this study and find its rightful place in the wide

area of research.

Subject Matter. This study resolved the problem of students on how to manage

their time.

Place and Time. The study was conducted at Pagadian City Science High School,

Pagadian City, during the 2nd semester of S.Y 2018 – 2019.

Research Design. This study used descriptive survey design it may use to

determine how students managed their time of their school works.

Research Subject. The research subjects were the Senior High School students

from grade 12 at Pagadian City Science High School for the 2 nd semester of S.Y 2018-


Sampling Frame. The sampling frame that used is the systematic sampling

wherein 10 random persons in the classroom list were subjected to answer the


Research Instruments. The study used questionnaire as one of the important

instrument in gathering the data. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary,

questionnaire is a written set of questions that are given to people in order to collect facts

or opinions about something.


Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of this study, the following terms were defined

conceptually and operationally.

Time Management. The ability to use one's time effectively or productively,

especially at work

Stress.A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or

very demanding circumstances.

Behavior.The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward


Academic Performance. Is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has

achieved their short or long-term educational goals.

Procrastination.Tendency to prevaricate, delay or unreasonably postpone a task;

the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished.

Prioritization.The activity that arranges items or activities in order of importance

relative to each other.


Chapter 2


This chapter reviewed the literature related to the time management of students in

terms of its academic performance which provided basis for the interpretation of the data

that were being gathered and used by the researchers to make the study understandable to

the readers. This chapter also presented the different studies that were seem to have direct

bearing with the present study in terms of purpose and results.

Time Management

Time management is a skill that every student should not only know, but also

apply. A lot of university students complain about running out of time when asked to do a

certain task, they get frustrated because they are not able to make it before the deadline.

Time management is extremely important, especially when it comes to university

students because it will boost their grades and enhance their productivity (Laurie

&Hellsten, 2002).

This refers to making the best possible use of available time but it’s not a skill we

are usually taught growing up. So, developing an organized approach to your studies is an

opportunity to learn how to work more efficiently. Managing time well enables

individual to do the right thing at the right time and it is one of the most challenging

aspect of being a student. But this plays a pivotal role in one’s personal as well as

professional life.

One becomes more organized as a result of time management. For better time

management, individuals keep their workstations, study zones, cubicles, meeting areas

clean and organized. Keeping the things at their proper places minimizes the time which

goes on unnecessary searching of documents, important files, folders, stationery items,

and so on.

According to Shuilleabhain (2013), Time Management is not a skill, we are

usually taught growing up, so developing and organize approached to your studies is an

opportunity to learn how to work more efficiently. Time is the most valuable resource we

can have as we work towards our activities. The most important thing to remember is that

there are 24 hours in a day and that it is the same for everyone. No student has more time

than another and good time management can make all the difference in achieving great


Excerpt from PrachiJuneja study shows the benefits of time managing. According

to the article time management makes an individual punctual and discipline, where an

individual prepares for a “Task Plan” or “To Do List’ which makes the individual knows

how his or her day looks like and eventually works accordingly leading to an increase

output. Also, one becomes more organize as a result of time management, it also boost an

individual’s moral and makes him confident, time management helps an employee to

reach the pinnacle of success quickly and stay firm at the longer duration, it also helps in

better planning and eventually better forecasting. Also individuals who stick to a time

plan are the ones who realize their goals and objectives within a shortest possible time

span. Research says that individuals who accomplish task on time are less prone to stress

and anxiety.

In addition to that, there are eight reasons why time management is crucial, and it

was written in an article by AppointmentPlus. These are because of time is limited, you

can accomplish more with less effort, improve decision making ability, become more

successful in your carrier, because learning opportunities are everywhere, it also reduces

stress, free time is necessary, and self-discipline is valuable.

There are lists and examples of time management skills written by Alison Doyle

(2018). Those are: prioritizing, scheduling, and keeping a To-do-List, resting, delegation,

and examples of the workplace. In addition to that, an article written by Tony Robins,

Effective Time Management Skills Everyone Needs To Have explained that there are

many things in life that are outside of our control, but how we spend our time is not one

of them. These skills are: Aligning your actions with your core values, maximizing your

results by effectively using your time, and by clarifying in your goals.

Academic Performance

Academic Performance describes how well you perform in school courses like

Social Studies, History, English, Sciences, and Math, but can also include the “specials “

or elective courses in the Arts, music, health, business and others. Academics are courses

that are graded and retained for school records.

There are six factors of Academic Achievement and those are: Instructional

Design Quality, Accuracy Alignment, Data Forms and Quality, Whole Literacy, Student

Motivation and Engagement, and Depth of Knowledge that is accorded by Terry (2019).

According to Roland (2016), there are several factors to indicate a student's

academic performance. While some may not graduate top of their class, they may hold

leadership positions in several student groups or score high on standardized test.

According to him, people often consider grades first when evaluating academic

achievement. This includes schools, which rank students by their GPA, awarding special

designations such as valedictorian and salutatorian for those who graduate first and

second in their class. Scholarship organizations and universities also start by looking at

grades, as do some employers, especially when hiring recent graduates. Grades carry

more weight in some industries, especially technical professions such as law, medicine

and finance.

Initiative can also indicate academic performance. Some students demonstrate

their competence by serving as student body president or holding officer positions in

student groups such as the honor society or the science club. Universities and employers

look favorably on consistent leadership activities, feeling these students will bring that

same drive to their classrooms or board rooms.

Related Studies

Students nowadays are worried about their academic grades because of some

cases they are facing. Some of these are the loads of activities they need to pass on the

said due date, their extra-curricular activities that they need to practice, and some

problems that they still need to handle. In this matter, the researchers will test if time

management has impact in student’s academic performance.

Individuals who stick to a time plan are the ones who realize their goals and

objectives within the shortest possible time span. Managing time effectively helps the

students to meet targets way ahead of deadlines and finish off task just when it required.

Better time management helps in better planning and eventually better

forecasting. Individual learn to plan things well and know where exactly they stand five

years from now.


However, most of the time students face problems like task aversion and

uncertainty, so they start to procrastinate because they lack organizational skills. As a

result, students will not be able to organize duties according to their priorities, so they get

distracted easily, ending up procrastinating. As we can see, time management is quite

essential to any university student, and it is one of the keys to higher academic

achievements (Kelly, 2004).

In developing countries where students have a lot of issues during academic

journey have a new story for the researcher to dig out much more interesting results.

Time management practices have an impact on the results of students as empirical studies

done by past researchers. In spite of knowing about the impact of time on academic

achievement, this relationship is not given importance by the students (Sevari& Kandy,

2011).At higher education level the study schedule must properly planned, implemented

and controlled for better results.

Emphasizing time also helps to develop cost effective educational policies by the

authorities especially at higher education level (Kaushar, 2013). Ongoing problem of

scarcity of knowledge in connection with time management and academic outputs is due

to lack of easiness and of costly ways of collecting data. Driven by this fact, particular

emphasis has been paid in the modern education system to time management issues by

evaluating students’ attitudes and behaviors related to time and its management (Karim,

Sevari, Mitra& Kandy, 2015).

Based on the necessity of effective time management required from students

during their academic and professional life, field research has been conducted in the

present paper towards the aim of designating their position with respect to effective time

management and determining the effect of their time management skills on their

academic achievements.

There is a titanic difference between secondary and higher education when it

comes to managing time and academic responsibilities. In secondary education, there was

the kind of learning that includes an explanation of everything.

On the other hand, when students enter university, they find out that what they

learn is a lecture, that only includes superficial information and the rest is their job to

know about and explore further (Britton &Tesser, 2001). Time management is a skill that

every student should not only know, but also apply. A lot of university students complain

about running out of time when asked to do a certain task, they get frustrated because

they are not able to make it before the deadline. Time management is extremely

important, especially when it comes to university students because it will boost their

grades and enhance their productivity (Laurie &Hellsten, 2002).

In the relevant literature there are great number of academic studies focusing on

the relation between time management and academic achievements. The related literature

showed that the time management attitude and skill levels of university students and the

effects of these skills on their academic achievement. The research revealed that a

majority student possesses moderate level time management skills and only a

significantly small portion has high level time management skills (Yilmaz,

Yoncalik&Bektaş, 2006). The literature revealed that the students’ time management

skills affect their academic achievement at a significant level and the skills are one of the

predictors of academic performance. The relevant literature suggested that students

should start to acquire time management senses on their own in their primary school

years by reading materials on the issue or via the framework of psychological counseling

and guidance studies applied in schools and adopt effective time management attitudes

and techniques to determine how and where they spend their time (Lisa & Robert, 2008).

The various group of students who exploited time-saving proficiencies notably

had rich academic achievement. They accomplished those students who do not use time

saving techniques in their educational surrounding having significantly lower academic

as compared to results students who employ time- management tactics have considerably

higher achievement (Mercanlioglu, 2010).


Chapter 3


This chapter presents a short description of the research method what utilizes in

the data collection, analysis. It includes research design, research locale, participants of

the study, research instrument, data gathering procedure, data analysis, and ethical


Research Design

Research Design refers to the overall strategy that researchers chooses to integrate

the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring it

will effectively address the research problem; it constitute the blueprint for the collection,

measurement, and analysis of data (De Vaus, 2001).

This research employed a qualitative descriptive design. Qualitative descriptive

research stresses the verbal descriptions and explanations of a certain phenomenon in the

life experiences of the participants (Garcia et., 2011). Further, this research design proved

that there is an effect of Time Management on Student’s Academic Performance. This

study tries to answer questions if Time Management do have an effect on Student’s

Academic Performance.

Research Locale

Pagadian City Science High School is located at Barangay Tuburan, Pagadian

City. It is sited beside the national high way routing to Cagayan De Oro and its

neighboring cities. It is approximately five minutes travel from the heart of the city which

can be reached by tricycles and other forms of land transportation. This was originally

established at the old Pablo Litigio, Elementary School, San Jose Heights, Pagadian City

from 2010 until October 2018.

Recently, the school was transferred to a new campus replacing the old provincial

hospital of Zamboanga Del Sur. Now, the school is occupying the said site from October

until today.

The new school ground has three main buildings, a three-story, 12 room building

for grade 7-8, School Library and two Science Laboratories, a two-story, 6 rooms for

senior high school building, and a two-story, eight-room building allocated for the

administration office classrooms for grade 9-10, and two Computer Laboratories. The

school also has guard house, a canteen, a water tank and comfort room including an

unfinished building the latter part of the school.

Participants of the Study

The participants of this study were 30 Grade 12 senior high school students in

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Accountancy, Business

and Administration (ABM), and General Academic Strand (GAS) of Pagadian City

Science High School. There were 10 students from Science, Technology, Engineering

and Mathematics (STEM), 10 students also from Accountancy, Business and

Administration (ABM), and 10 students from General Academic Strand (GAS). Of the 30

students, 15 students practiced doing the Time Management and 15 students practiced


Table 1. Profile of the Research Participant

Gender Frequency Percentage

15 50.00
Female 15 50.00
Male 30 100.00



16 6 20.00
18 60.00
6 20.00
18 30 100.00



10 33.00
STEM 10 33.00
GAS 10 33.00
30 100.00

Academic Performance

5 16.70
With High Honors 25 83.30
With Honors 30 100.00


Majority of the participants were 17 years old. There were 8 (eight) below 17

years old participated in this study, while the rest are 17 years old. The researcher chose

Grade 12 students since they can already share more ideas, feelings and experiences on

what made them perform in class. The data in Table 1 reveal the profile of the

participants in this study.

Sampling Technique

The study employed the convenience sampling technique. The research

participants was determined by the past ranking of the grade 11 curriculum during the

school year 2018-2019.

Research Instrument

The researchers modified a survey questionnaire to determine if Time

Management does really have an effect on students’ academic performance. There were

nine (9) self-rating questions that determine student’s time management. The results

determined that Time Management do have an effect on Student’s Academic


The interview guide was presented to the panel members and to the research

adviser for their approval before it was used in the conduct of the study.

Data Gathering

The researchers asked permission from the principal of Pagadian City Science

High School, Mrs. Janet S. Negoso, PhD., to allow them to conduct their study. If it was

approved by the principal, the researchers sought for the permission of the Senior High

School advisers of each strand in Grade 12, Mr. Juvy P. Mundo PhD., Ms. Vanessa Mae

C. Tan, and Mrs. Jayzelle Mae Ybanez, and the researchers identified those who are

willing to be their participants in their study through (purposive sampling) and their

consent to be part of the study. The main purpose of the study was stated in the consent

letter. The researchers then sought for data from the experiences of the selected students

of each strand from the Grade 12 Curriculum of how they perform in school. Also, the

participants were asked to share their emotions and feelings if how do the study affects

their Academic Performance.

If the permission was granted to conduct their study, then the researchers will

explain the interview process to the participants. The participants were requested to fill

out and answer the prepared questionnaire that is related to the study.

Aside from the data containing the first-hand interviews and observations of the

participant which was recorded afterwards by the researchers.

Data Analysis

A content analysis procedure was used to examine the data collected through

survey questionnaires (Creswell, 2009). Line-by-line coding was used to analyze the

structured interview guide questions. Meanwhile, for the presentation of data, the

researchers used Coding Process that will show the data gathered. These codes was then

organized into categories. The categories was combined into concepts, which was used to

guide the examination of all subsequent transcripts in order to gain an understanding of

the individual participant’s perspective on the interest, cognitive learning and valuing of

student’s time management in terms of their academic performance.

Ethical Considerations

Social researchers should be ethical in the collection of their data, in the process of

analyzing the data and in the dissemination of finding. They were expected to: respect the

rights and dignity of those who were participating in the research project, and operate

with honest and integrity (Duncombe, 2002).

Participant's names is will not be recorded on any of the test material. The records

of the study will be kept entirely private and confidential, In any sort of report that might

be published, no information was included that will make it possible to identify a

participant. Research records will be store securely in a lock cabinet in the privacy of the

faculty advisers office, and only researchers involve in the study will have access to the

records. Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. The decision whether or not to

participate does not affect the current or future relations of the students. If they decide to

participate, they are free to not answer any question or to withdraw your participations at

any time without penalty.

Also, never force anyone to participate in your research. Researchers should take

steps to protect the information on research participants from public disclosure.It can

include information with participants names attached, but the researcher must hold it in

confidence or keep it secret from public disclosure.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents and discusses the data gathered in exploring the factors of

time management in students’ academic performance. It also presents the analysis and

discussion of the coding process, theory development, storyline, and weaving of the

theory into its place in the literature. It describes the overarching that emerged in the

process of coding which formed the properties and the categories of the emerging theory.

Open Initial Coding

The open initial coding includes studying and mining the fragments of data

words, lines, segments, and incidents – closely for their analytic import of ideas to pursue

in further data analysis (Charmaz, 2006). The openness of initial coding sparks the

researchers thinking and allow new ideas to emerge (Glaser, 1978, 1992). The coding

process starts through line by line coding in which the written data is named in each line.

Line by line coding works particularly well with detailed data about fundamental

empirical problems or process (Glaser, 1978). The responses from the participants were

carefully considered and studied to have the appropriate interpretative labels to concepts,

ideas, and themes from the data (Charmaz, 2006).

Table 2 shows a sample of how initial coding was done. Fresh data and line by

line coding prompt the researchers to remain open to the data and to see nuances it. This

type of coding helps in identifying implicit concerns as well as explicit statements.

Engaging in line by line coding helps in refocusing later interviews which leads in

developing theoretical categories.

Table 2. Sample Initial Code

Q1. How often do you procrastinate? Why?

Code Excerpt from Interview Transcripts Initial Codes


1 “Always. Because I am usually lazy all the


“Most of the time, because I’m lazy.”

Procrastinating because of
‘Constantly. Because I am lazy.” being too lazy to do the task

“Sometimes. Because I’m a lazy kind of

4 person.”

“Almost all the time because I am quite


6 “Sometimes because I get distracted by

things that amuses me.”
Being distracted by other
“Sometimes, I get disturbed by things that
7 amuses me.”

8 “Sometimes, because there are times where

I feel like not doing anything that is work

“Sometimes, because sometimes I am not

in the mood to do a certain thing.”

“It depends on my mood.”

“Very often, it depends on my mood.”

11 Doing the task depending on

“Every time I feel tired or just not in the

mood to do anything.” the mood

“Sometimes, if I’m really tired or I don’t
feel like doing anything.”

“Very often. It is because I am tired of
studying or bored of studying.”


Q2. Do you set specific and clearly defined goals? Why?

15 “Yes, in order to achieve something.” Setting specific and clearly

defined goals to achieve
16 “Yes, to achieve the things that I prepare.”

17 “Yes, so that I will stay focus on what goal I

want to achieve.”

“Yes to achieve my goals.”


19 “Yes, because I want to get things done Having a specific and

clearly.” clearly defined goals make
it easier for them to work it.
“Yes. So I can do it easily.”

“Sometimes. When I get so busy I make a

“To Do List” to make it so easy.”

22 “Yes, because it is easier if you have a

defined goals.”

“Yes, because through that the flow of my

23 work will be easy.”

There are 270 properties or codes that were initially identified from the responses

of 30 students- respondents which provided a written report of this research study. These

properties or codes are written in gerund forms to make a sense of action and imagery to

stay close to the data. Charmaz (2014) explained that starting the words in gerund form

help to maintain the quality and provide a way of looking at the responses of the

participants from different perspectives. Some properties or codes with the same

attributes were combined through constant comparison which reduced the 270 to 168

codes. The initial codes or properties identifies are presented in table 3 and 4.

Table 3 displays the initial codes derived from the concepts identifies from

students why do they procrastinate while Table 4 shows the codes for the students why

do they not procrastinate?

Table 3: Open/Initial Coding (Why do you procrastinate?)

Concepts Open/Initial Codes

1.Laziness strikes all the time Being lazy all the time

2. Laziness to do the task Being lazy to do the task


3. Feeling tired to do the task Being tired to do the task

4. Feels like there is enough time to do a Feeling of having enough time to do a

certain task certain task

5. There is no time left to do the task Having no time left

6. Task is boring Having a task that is boring

7. I don’t like wasting much time for Being don’t like wasting much time for
school assignments. school assignments.

8. Distracted by things that amuses me. Being distracted by other things

9. Not use in doing a to do list. Being not use in doing a to do list.

10. Many things to do. Having so many things to do

11. Does not manage schedule. Having a not so manage schedule

12. Does not complete one task before Being not completing one task before going
going on to the next. on to the next task.

13. Does not organize his/her task Having a not organize task

14. Not good at organizing things. Being not good in organizing things

15. Most of the time, because it tends to Being a habit of mine

be a habit of mine especially when I’m
very tired.

16. Can’t focus things when the work is so Being can’t focus on the task

17. Felt of being pressured. Being pressured

18. Making it in the last hour. Making it in the last hour.

19. Task is so tiring Having a task that is so tiring

20. I don’t have any schedules in Doesn’t have any schedule in achieving
achieving objectives. objectives

21. To make a to do list is too tiring Making a to do list is so tiring

22. Doesn’t have a self-control Being not having a self-control

23. Too much time to spend to herself Having too much time to spend to herself

24. Making me pressure especially when Making me pressure especially when the

the workload is large. workload is large.

25. Not in the mood to do anything that is Being not in the mood to do anything
work related.

26. Very forgetful so I can pressure Being forgetful in doing the task
myself in doing the task.

27. Always doing my work in the last Doing my work in the last minute.

Table 4: Open/Initial Coding (Why do you not procrastinate?)

Concepts Open/Initial Codes

1. By setting specific and clearly defined Setting specific and clearly defines goals to
goals make it organize.

2.Making to do list Making to do list.

3.Updating to do list Updating to do list.

4.Prioritize the important tasks Prioritizing the important tasks.

5.By working late at night Working late at night to meet deadlines.

6.Setting up goals to have a brighter future Setting goals to have a clear and brighter

7.By analyzing it thoroughly and carefully Analyzing it thoroughly and carefully and
and completing it completing it

8.Making sure the work is done Ensuring the work will be done.

9.Checking responsibilities a day Checking responsibilities in a certain day.

10.Doing the task first because it's urgent Prioritizing task because it’s urgent.

11.By being reminded about the things they Being reminded that they still have things
need to do to do.

12.The deadline makes someone prioritize Meeting the deadline makes someone to
important tasks prioritize important things.

13.Finish everything Finishing everything.


14.Making the task that is closest to the Doing the task that is closest to the
deadline deadline.

15.By setting goals to maximize time Setting specific goals to maximize the time

16.Setting of time for each task Setting specific time for each task.

17.Setting of time for a certain goal Setting specific time for a certain goal.

18.Define and set goals to prioritize Setting and defining goals for priority
purposes and to avoid procrastination purposes and to minimize procrastination.

19.By completing or asking someone to do Completing it or asking someone to do it.


20.Being updated that there are still works Being updated that something is awaiting
needed to be done to be done.

21.Be productive and efficient Being more productive and efficient.

22.Sequencing it according to basis Ordering/organizing according to priority


23.By setting and defining goals to achieve Setting specific and defined goals in
something achieving something.

24.Making sure that the task is correct and Making sure that the task is correct and
well-managed well-managed.

25.Using 'To Do List' in making task Using to do list in making task on time.

26.Having a proper sequence of task Having proper sequence of task.

27.Organizing the task making the output Sequencing properly the tasks and making
well-managed a well-mannered output.

28.Starting to make the task from most Doing the most important task to least
important to least important important

29.Thinking of things that can motivate Thinking of stuffs that can motivate them.

30.Putting their 'To Do List' in their Putting their “To Do List” on their
reminder reminder.

31.By constructing the stuffs well. Constructing the stuffs appropriately and

32.Working at night if it is needed Working late at night if it is really needed


33.Making it arranged from important task Completing the task before going on to the
to least next

34.By being reminded of what they want to Being reminded by the things to be done

35.By making it completely before moving Doing it thoroughly and finishing it

on to the next completely then move on to the next task

36.By being reminded of the things to be Reminding itself the things that are needed
done to be done.

37.Have to work at night to get the most of Working late at night to get the most of my
their output output.

38.Prioritize the needed task Prioritizing the task that are needed.

39.By dividing their time Dividing their time.

40.They complete it or doing it halfway Finishing the task before going on to the
before going on to the next next.

41.By making it quickly Doing it quickly as possible.

42.Finish the task early Finishing the task early

43.Have to work at night because the Working late at night to cope up the
deadline is near deadlne

44.Do the most important tasks Doing the tasks that is more important.

45.Do the things to get done clearly Doing the things properly

46.Do the easy ones before the hard ones Doing the easy task before the difficult

47.By writing a planner/schedule Writing a schedule or planner.

48.Manage time easily Managing time easily.

49. first Having a priorities.

50.To work at night if its urgent Working late at night if it is urgent.

51.To write so they can finish the task Accomplishing pans


52.By planning ahead Planning ahead.

53.To set goals so they can do iit easily Setting goals so that they can do it easily.

54.Complete the easiest task before the Doing easier task before the hardest task
hardest task

55.Set a planner or schedule for their Setting a planner or schedule


56.Manage their time Managing time properly

57.To become more efficient in their work Becoming more efficient in doing a task

58.By planning ahead and staying on track. Planning ahead and staying on track.

59.By achieving the things they prepare. Achieving the things that they prepare.

60. the first task Finishing the first task.

61.Finish the first task before going on to Finishing the first task before going on to
the next the next.

62.By being reminded on what to do Being reminded of what to do.

63.Prioritize the task to avoid cramming Prioritizing task so that they won’t cram.

64.Follow my to do list Following their “to do list”

65.Write a to do list Writing a to do list.

66.Focus on what goal they want to achieve Focusing on what goal they want to

67. finishing it faster and neatly Finishing it faster and neatly.

68.Do it in advance and immediately if Doing the task in advance and immediately
needed if it is needed.

69.Have a to do list to manage time Having a to do list

70.Pass the assignments/projects on time Passing the projects/assignments on time.

71.Focus on what they need to do Being focus on what they need to do.

72.By setting an alarm to remind them on Setting an alarm to remind them on what to
what to do and having their to do list do and having their to do list.

73.Make a to do list to make the task easy Making a to do list to make the task easy.

74.By taking the simple to the crucial task Taking the simple to the crucial task.

75.Focus on the task and achieve the Focusing on the task and achieving the
objectives an hour objectives early an hour.

76.Have a to do list Having a to do list.


77.Prioritize task to avoid panic mode Prioritizing task so that they will not be in
a panic mode.

78.Make the things on rhythm Making the things on rhythm.

79.Make a 'To Do List'on vacant time Making a “To Do List” or work it on

vacant time

80.List their notes and make sure to follow Listing it on their notes and making sure to
them follow my schedule.

81.Have a to do list because it is important Having a to do list because it is really


82.Write objectives Writing a objectives

83.Make schedule a 'To Do List' Making their schedule a to do list.

84.Identify the task Identifying easily their tasks when they see

85.Prioritize task when I have a deadlines Prioritizing task when it has a deadline.

86.Focus and prioritize more of its attention Taking it as a priority and focusing more of
its attention.

87.Do intervals and timeframe. Doing intervals and timeframe.

88.Give more focus on it Giving more focus on it.

89.Order them from hardest ot easiest Ordering them from the hardest to the
easiest and if it is needed.

90.Achieve the goals you wnat to achieve Achieving goals I want to achieve

91.By doing those task before it’s too late Doing the task before its too late.

92.Remember the task given to you Remembering the task that is given to her.

93.Pass it on time Passing it on time.

94.Have a to do list orderly according to ts Having a to do list orderly according to its

specific deadline specific deadline.

95.Be responsible of the task you want to Being responsible of the task I want to
finish finish

96.Use time management Using time management


97.Manage it by means of Time Managing it by means of time

Management management.

98.Do the most important priority Doing the most important priority.

99.Organize it from the most important to Organizing it by putting the most important
first and the least to the last. one first and the least at the last.

100.Made it easier if you have defined Being easier if you have defined goals.

101.Do the first work that is needed to pass Doing first the work that they have to pass
first first.

102.Manage time by prioritizing the things Managing my time by prioritizing things

that are needed that are needed.

103.Always think the work to be done Being always think of the wok to be done.

104.Write a specific task to finish it early Writing a specific task in order for them to
finish early.

105.Do something productive Doing something productive.

106.Ensure to finish the task properly Making sure to finish my task properly
before going on to the next before going on to the next.

107.Try to do things in the time you Trying to do things in the time I intended
intended to do so to do so.

108.Get the ones that are urgent out of the Getting the ones that are urgent out of the
way way.

109.Make the most urgent ones or the 'To Marking the most urgent ones or my to do
Do List' list.

110.Do the easiest task before the Doing the easiest task before the
complicated ones complicated ones

111.Finish my assignment on due time Finishing my assignment on due time.

112.By doing it before the deadline Doing it before the deadline.

113.Manage time properly Managing their time properly.

114.Ensure that I finish the first task before Making sure that I can finish the task to
proceeding to the next proceed to the next task

115.Make time to do it Making time to do it.


116.Prioritize the easiest ones then the hard Prioritizing the easiest task then proceed to
ones the hardest.

117.By thinking that one’s set their goals Thinking that once set their goals they
they would be able to do it would be able to do them.

118.Ensure to finish the task to proceed to Making sure that I can finish the task to
the next proceed to the next task.

119.Manage schedule by having a 'To Do Managing her schedule by having a to do

List' list.

120.Know what to do next Knowing on what to do next.

121.Finish quickly the most important and Finishing quickly the most important and
urgent first urgent first

122.Organize them by putting and sort Organizing them by putting them in a list
them either by subject or by the due date and sort them either by subject or by the
due date.

123.Set specific goals to complete tasks Setting a specific goals so that they
complete their tasks.

124.Make sure to focus on the task Making sure that they focus on the task

125.By giving limited time to pressure Giving limited time to pressure myself into
myself into finishing it finishing it.

126.Finish first those who are closest to the Finishing it first if the deadline is nearer.

127.Do the most important than the least Doing the most important to the least

128.Set specific goals through that a flow Setting specific goals through that the flow
of the work will be easy of their work will be easy.

129.Do it carefully and critically Doing it carefully and critically

130.Set a study on a certain amount of time Setting a study on a certain amount of time

131.Have time to work on anything that Having time to work on anything that
need to be done needs to be done.

132.Do the task that are due tomorrow Doing especially the task that are due

133.Do the important ones first Doing the important ones first.

134.Do first the easiest ones or the Doing first the easiest task or objective,
objectives then the not so easy ones then the not so easy ones.

135.Memorize what they will do Memorizing what they will do.

136.Prioritize the task so it will be done Prioritizing the task so that it will be done
first than the less important ones first than the less important ones.

137.Randomize their time Randomizing their time.

138.Organize them according to which is Organizing them according to which is

quicker than lengthier quicker to lengthier.

139.Make sure that they don't have new Making sure that they don’t have new task
task to do before going on to the next to do before going on to the next.

140.Do the urgent and needed first Doing the urgent and needed first.

141.Write down 'To Do List' in the phone Writing down their “To do list” in my

After coding every concept, common related codes are combined together. They

are presented in Table 5 for the students who are procrastinating and Table 6 for the

students who are not procrastinating.

Table 5: Emerging Properties during the Open Initial Coding (Students who are
procrastinating in class)
Initial Codes

1.Being lazy or tired to do the task

2.Feeling of having enough time to do a certain task

3.Having no time left

4.Having a task that is boring/tiring

5.Being don’t like wasting much time for school assignments.

6.Being can’t focus on the task by being distracted by other things

7.Being not use in doing a to do list.


8.Having so many things to do

9.Having a not so manage schedule

10.Being not completing one task before going on to the next task.

11.Having a not good in organizing task

12.Being a habit of being tired

13.Being pressured of the task

14.Doing my work in the last minute/hour

15. Doesn’t have any schedule in achieving objectives

16.Making a to do list is so tiring

17.Being not having a self-control

18.Having too much time to spend to herself

19.Experiencing different moods in doing the task

20.Being forgetful in doing the task

As shown in Table 5, 20 initial codes emerged in the first stage of coding process

by the students who are procrastinating in class. Codes which are related were combined

together. For example, having a task that is boring and having a task that is so tiring

were subsumed to “having a task that is boring/tiring”. Another set of codes like being

distracted by other things and being can’t focus on the task were combined resulting to

“being can’t focus on the task by being distracted by other things”. Other codes like

being not in the mood to do anything was combined to “experiencing different moods

in doing the task”.

Moreover, the codes being lazy all the time, being lazy to do the task and being

tired to do the task was merged to “being lazy or tired to do the task”. In addition, the

codes being pressured and making me pressure especially when the workload is large

were fused to “Being pressured of the task”.

Another set of codes like making it in the last hour and doing my work in the

afternoon or last minute were merged to “doing my work in the last minute/hour”. The

code having a not so manage schedule and doesn’t have any schedule in achieving

objectives was fused with “Having a not so manage schedule in achieving objectives”.

Furthermore, the code like having a not organize task and being not good in

organizing things were combined to “being not good in organizing task”. The code

being forgetful in doing the task was fused to “experiencing an absent minded in doing

the task”.

Table 6:Emerging Properties during the Open/Initial Coding (Students who are not
procrastinating in class)
Initial Codes

1.Having a to do list to make the task easy and organize

2.Updating to do list

3.Writing a schedule/planner for my objectives

4.Having a to do list in making the task on time

5.Prioritizing the most important task

6.Doing the first the task that is important and urgent.

7.Prioritizing task when it has a deadline.

8.Doing the task before the deadline.

9.Working late at night to meet deadlines.

10.Checking the task thoroughly and critically


11.Completing the task before going on to the next

12.Being reminded the task that is needed to be done

13.Meeting the deadline makes someone to prioritize important things.

14.Doing the task that is closest to the deadline.

15.Finishing the task on or before the deadline

16.Setting specific and clearly defined goal to do the task easily and organize

17.Having a proper sequence of task that is arranged properly and accordingly

18.Doing the most important task to least important task

19.Working late at night to do the task that is needed/urgent

20.Planning ahead on the task

21.Managing my time easily.

22.Being productive and efficient in doing the task

23.Doing the easiest task before the hard ones

24.Finishing the first task before going on to the next.

25.Prioritizing task so that he wont procrastinate

26.Being focus on the task he/she want to achieve

27.Having a goal he/she want to achieve

28.Doing it in advance and immediately if it is needed.

29.Passing the projects/assignments on time.

30.Completing it or asking someone to do it.

31.Thinking of stuffs that can motivate him/her.

32.Putting her/his “To Do List” on her/his reminder.

33.Setting an alarm to remind his/her on what to do and having his/her to do list.

34.Doing intervals and timeframe.

35.Dividing his/her time.

36.Randomizing his/her time.

37.Managing his/her time to do the task


38.Making sure to finish my task properly before going on to the next.

39.Writing a plans so that the task will finish early

40.Doing especially the task that are due tomorrow

41.Doing the task before it’s too late.

42.Passing it on time.

43.Making the things on rhythm.

44.Listing it on his/her notes and making sure to follow my schedule.

45.Identifying easily his/her tasks when he/she see it.

46.Taking it as a priority and focusing more of his/her attention.

47.Setting goals to have a clear and brighter future.

48.Being updated that something is awaiting to be done.

49.Checking responsibilities in a certain day.

50.Doing the things to get done clearly.

51.Having a priorities.

52.Being responsible of the task to finish

53.Organizing it by putting the most important one first and the least at the last.

54.Doing first the work that he/she have to pass first.

55.Being always think of the work to be done.

56.Trying to do things in the time I intended to do so.

57.Getting the ones that are urgent out of the way.

58.Marking the most urgent ones or my to do list.

59.Making time to do the task

60.Thinking that once set his/her goals he/she would be able to do them

61.Knowing on what to do next.

62.Finishing quickly the most important and urgent first

63.Setting a specific goals so that he/she complete his/her tasks.


64.Giving limited time to pressure myself into finishing it.

65.Setting specific goals through that the flow of his/her work will be easy.

66.Setting a study on a certain amount of time

67.Having time to work on anything that needs to be done.

68.Memorizing what will he/she do.

69.Prioritizing the task so that it will be done first than the less important ones.

70.Organizing them according to which is quicker to lengthier.

As presented in Table 6, 70 initial codes emerged in the first stage of coding

process for students who are not procrastinating in class. Codes which are related are

again combined together. For instance, the code making to do list to make the task easy,

writing a to do list to make the task organize and organizing them by putting them in a

list were combined to “having a to do list to make the task easy and organize”. In

addition, the code being responsible of the task in a certain day was integrated to

“checking responsibilities in a certain day”.

Codes like “managing the time to do the task” also includes spending time in

doing the task and the codes like prioritizing task so that he/she won’t cram and

prioritizing task so that he/she will not be in a panic mode were joined to “prioritizing

task so that he won’t procrastinate”. Further, planning ahead and planning ahead and

staying on track were fuse to “planning ahead on the task”.

Moreover, being more productive and efficient, becoming more efficient in doing

his/her work and doing something productive were fused to “being productive and

efficient in doing the task”. Also, the codes achieving the things that he/she prepare,

achieving the objectives and achieving goals I want to achieve were incorporated to

“having a goal he/she want to achieve”.

Likewise the codes being focus on what he/she needs to do, focusing on what

goal he/she want to achieve, focusing on the task, giving more focus on it, and making

sure that he/she focus on the task were fused to “being focus on the task he/she want to

achieve”. Also the code writing a specific task in order for her to finish early and writing

so that he/she can easily finish his/her plans was fused to “writing a plans so that the

task will finish early”.

Focused Coding Results

Focused coding means using the most significant and or frequent earlier codes to

merge through large number of data. It requires decisions about which initial codes make

the most analytic sense to categorize the data incisively and completely (Charmaz, 2006).

In this stage, the coding process is more directed, selective and conceptual than the initial

coding process. The researcher then, used constant comparative analysis in arriving at 20

properties for the students who are procrastinating in class and 70 properties for students

who are not procrastinating in class. Some conceptual properties with similarities were

merged and grouped again based on their attributes and dimensions. The main purpose of

focused coding is to identify recurring patterns and different layers of meaning and to

delineate variations and interconnections among them (Charmaz, 2006).


From the 90 codes, 8 categories were formed from the students who are

procrastinating in class and 11 categories were arrived at from students who are not

procrastinating in class. The results of the focused coding are shown in the Table 7 and

Table 8.

Table 7: Conceptual Categories and Related Properties (Students who are

procrastinating in class)
Initial Codes/Properties Frequency Category

1.Being lazy or tired to do the 1 Being tired to do a task or

task to write a to do list

16.Making a to do list is so 1

12.Being a habit of being 1


2.Feeling of having enough 1 Having more time that leads

time to do a certain task to making the task in last
18.Having too much time to 1
spend to herself

3. Having no time left 1

14.Doing my work in the last 1


4.Having a task that is 1 Having a task that is

boring/tiring boring/tiring

5.Being don’t like wasting 1 Doesn't like wasting time

much time for school for school assignments
Having different moods in
19.Experiencing different 1 doing the task
moods in doing the task

6.Being can’t focus on the 1 Being distracted by other

task by being distracted by things
other things

17.Being not having a self- 1



7.Being not use in doing a to 1 Having a not-well-managed

do list. 'To Do List'/Schedule

15Doesn’t have any schedule 1

in achieving objectives

9.Having a not so manage 1


11.Having a not good in 1

organizing task

8.Having so many things to 1 Being pressured of many

do things to do and can't easily
move on to the next task
10.Being not completing one 1
task before going on to the
next task.

13.Being pressured of the 1


Having no time left 1 Having no time to do the


20.Being forgetful in doing 1 Being forgetful in doing the

the task task

As shown in 7, 10 categories developed from 20 properties about the factors

associated with students’ academic performance of the performing students. The initial

categories include the being tired to do a task or to write a to do list, Having more time

that leads to making the task in last minute/hour, having a task that is boring or tiring,

doesn't like wasting time for school assignments, having different moods in doing the

task, being distracted by other things, having a not well - managed "to do list/schedule",

being pressured of many things to do and can't easily move on to the next task, being

forgetful in doing the task.


Table 8: Conceptual Categories and Related Properties (Students who are not
procrastinating in class)
Initial Codes/Properties Frequency Categories

1.Having a to do list to make 1 Having a to do list and

the task easy and organize setting specific defined
goals to make the task easy
16.Setting specific and 1 and organize
clearly defined goal to do the
task easily and organize

39.Writing a plans so that the 1

task will finish early

65.Setting specific goals 1

through that the flow of
his/her work will be easy.

5.Prioritizing the most 1 Prioritizing the most

important task important and urgent task

6.Doing the first the task that 1

is important and urgent.

19.Working late at night to 1

do the task that is

23.Doing the easiest task 1

before the hard ones

53.Organizing it by putting 1
the most important one first
and the least at the last

54.Doing first the work that 1

he/she have to pass first.

57.Getting the ones that are 1

urgent out of the way.

58.Marking the most urgent 1

ones or my to do list.

18.Doing the most important 1

task to least important task

62.Finishing quickly the 1

most important and urgent

69.Prioritizing the task so 1

that it will be done first than
the less important ones.

42.Passing it on time. 1 Passing the task on time

29.Passing the 1
projects/assignments on

4.Having a to do list in 1
making the task on time

41.Doing the task before its 1 Doing the task that is close
too late. to the deadline

50.Doing the things to get 1

done clearly.

7.Prioritizing task when it 1

has a deadline.

8.Doing the task before the 1


9.Working late at night to 1

meet deadlines.

13.Meeting the deadline 1

makes someone to prioritize
important things.

14.Doing the task that is 1

closest to the deadline.

15.Finishing the task on or 1

before the deadline

40.Doing especially the task 1

that are due tomorrow

10.Checking the task 1 Completing the first task

thoroughly and critically thoroughly and critically
before going on to the next
30.Completing it or asking 1
someone to do it.

24.Finishing the first task 1

before going on to the next.

11.Completing the task 1

before going on to the next

38.Making sure to finish my 1

task properly before going
on to the next.

2.Updating to do list 1 Being reminded by the

things that is needed to be
12.Being reminded the task 1 done
that is needed to be done

33.Setting an alarm to 1
remind his/her on what to do
and having his/her to do list.

48.Being updated that 1

something is awaiting to be

55.Being always think of the 1

work to be done.

32.Putting her/his “To Do 1

List” on her/his reminder.

67.Having time to work on 1

anything that needs to be

49.Checking responsibilities 1
in a certain day.

47.Setting goals to have a 1 Setting goal for a brighter

clear and brighter future. future

60.Thinking that once set 1 Planning ahead on what to

his/her goals he/she would do
be able to do them

56.Trying to do things in the 1

time I intended to do so.

31.Thinking of stuffs that 1

can motivate him/her.

25.Prioritizing task so that he 1


wont procrastinate

28.Doing it in advance and 1

immediately if it is needed.

63.Setting a specific goals so 1

that he/she complete his/her

68.Memorizing what will 1

he/she do.

61.Knowing on what to do 1

66.Setting a study on a 1
certain amount of time

20.Planning ahead on the 1


21.Managing my time easily. 1

26.Being focus on the task 1

he/she want to achieve

27.Having a goal he/she 1

want to achieve

34.Doing intervals and 1


35.Dividing his/her time. 1

36.Randomizing his/her 1

37.Managing his/her time to 1

do the task

43.Making the things on 1


59.Making time to do the 1


46.Taking it as a priority and 1

focusing more of his/her

51.Having a priorities. 1

64.Giving limited time to 1

pressure myself into
finishing it.

22.Being productive and 1 Being productive and

efficient in doing the task responsible in doing the
52.Being responsible of the 1
task to finish

17.Having a proper sequence 1 Having a proper sequence

of task that is arranged of the tasks
properly and accordingly

44.Listing it on his/her notes 1

and making sure to follow
my schedule.

45.Identifying easily his/her 1

tasks when he/she see it.

70.Organizing them 1
according to which is
quicker to lengthier.

As shown in Table 8, 10 categories developed from 70 properties about the

factors associated with students’ academic performance on the non - procrastinating

students. The initial categories show the having a to do list and setting specific defined

goals to make the task easy and organize, prioritizing the most important and urgent

task, having no time to do the task, passing the task on time, doing the task that is close

to the deadline, completing the first task thoroughly and critically before going on to the

next, being reminded by the things that is needed to be done, setting goal for a brighter

future, planning ahead on what to do, being productive and responsible in doing the task,

and having a proper sequence of the task.After comparing the conceptual categories

developed from students who are procrastinating and students who are procrastinating in

class as presented in Table 7 and 8, common concepts can be noted. These are shown in

Table 9.

Table 9: Comparison of Conceptual Categories of students who are procrastinating and

not procrastinating in class
Students who are not procrastinating Students who are procrastinating

1.Being productive and responsible in Being tired to do the task or write a to do

doing the task list

2.Having a to do list and setting specific Having a not well managed to do list or
and defined goals to make the task easy and schedule

3.Being reminded by the things that is Being forgetful in doing the task
needed to be done

4.Doing the task that is closest to the Having more time that leads to making the
deadline. task in the last minute/hour.

5.Completing the first task thoroughly and Being pressured of many things to do and
critically before going on to the next can’t easily move on to the next task

6.Prioritizing the most important and Doesn’t like wasting time for school
urgent task assignments

7.Passing the task on time Having no time to do the task

8.Planning ahead on what to do Being distracted by other things

9.Having a proper sequence of task Having a task that is boring/tiring

10.Setting goal for a brighter future. Having different moods in doing the task

There are ten common categories identified from responses of students who are

procrastinating and who are not procrastinating. The common properties focus on being

productive of the students, setting specific and clearly defined goals, prioritizing the most

important task, planning ahead, completing the task before going on to the next task,

passing the task on time, organizing the task, doing the task that is close to the deadline,

setting goals, and being reminded of the task. However, it can be noted that other codes

differ on how they affect academic performance of the procrastinating and not

procrastinating students. For the procrastinating students, these codes are habit of being

tired, pressured of the task, experiencing mood swings in doing the task, not having a self

– control, easily distracted by temptations. Codes which are unique for students who are

not procrastinating are making a to do list, managing the time easily, having a priorities,

organizing the task, being focus on the task, thinking of the stuffs that can motivate him

to do the work, working late at nights to meet deadline, doing the most important first

before the unimportant task.

Theoretical Coding

Theoretical coding is the final stage in the coding process. At this stage, the

researcher identifies the theme which holds the connections, implications and theoretical

ideas, and makes the study concrete and manageable. This was done through in depth and

critical analysis of the emerging categories. The themes formed from the ground of the

developing theory (Strauss and Corbin, 2015). The interrelatedness of the open/initial

focused and theoretical codes represents the inductive analysis of the researcher. This

process helped the researcher to tell the analytical story that has coherence of the

developing theory (Charmaz, 2006).

In this study, theoretical coding was done by relating the focused codes together

with theoretical relationships to integrate various sets of focused codes and name each set

as a theoretical code. Table 10 presents the results of theoretical coding for students who

are procrastinating in class.

Table 10: The conceptual categories and the theoretical codes (Students who are
procrastinating in class)
Conceptual Categories Theoretical Codes

1.Being tired to do the task or write a to do 1. Being tired to do a task


2.Having a task that is boring/tiring

3.Having more time that leads to making 2. Having more time that leads to
the task in the last minute/hour. procrastinating

4.Doesn’t like wasting time for school


5.Having no time to do the task

6.Having a not well managed to do list or 3. Having a not well managed to do list

7.Being forgetful in doing the task 4. Being forgetful in doing the task

8.Being pressured of many things to do and 5. Being pressured in doing the task
can’t easily move on to the next task

9.Being distracted by other things 6. Being distracted by other things

10.Having different moods in doing the 7. Having different moods in doing the task

As shown in Table 10, the 10 focused codes are condensed into 7 theoretical

codes also known as core categories. These are Being tired to do a task, Having more

time that leads to procrastination, Having a not well managed to do list, Being forgetful

in doing the task, Being pressured in doing the task, Being distracted by other things, and

Having different moods in doing the task.


The theoretical codes derived from analyzing the conceptual categories for

students who are not procrastinating in class are presented in Table 11.

Table 11: The conceptual categories and the theoretical codes (Students who are not
procrastinating in class)
Conceptual Categories Theoretical Codes

1.Having a to do list and setting specific 1. Having a to do list and a proper sequence
and defined goals to make the task easy and of task to make it easy.

2.Having a proper sequence of task

3.Setting goal for a brighter future.

4.Being productive and responsible in 2. Being productive in doing the task by

doing the task prioritizing the most important ones.

5.Being reminded by the things that is

needed to be done

6.Prioritizing the most important and

urgent task

7.Doing the task that is closest to the 3. Doing the task that is closest to the
deadline. deadline.

8.Passing the task on time

9.Completing the first task thoroughly and 4. Completing the first task thoroughly and
critically before going on to the next critically before going on to the next

10.Planning ahead on what to do 5.Planning ahead on what to do.

Table 11 shows that the 10 focused codes are condensed into five theoretical

codes. These codes are Having a to do list and a proper sequence of task to make it easy,

Being productive in doing the task by prioritizing the most important ones, Doing the

task that is closest to the deadline, Completing the first task thoroughly ad critically

before going on to the next, and Planning ahead n what to do.


Table 12: Summary of the Conceptual Categories and the Theoretical Codes
Conceptual Categories Theoretical Codes Core Category

1.Being forgetful in doing 1.Being productive,

the task responsible, and sometimes
forgetful in doing the task.
2.Being productive and
responsible in doing the

3.Being reminded by the

things that is needed to be

4.Prioritizing the most

important and urgent task

5.Doing the task that is 2. Doing the task that is

closest to the deadline closest to the deadline.

6.Passing the task on time

7. Completing the first task 3. Doing the first task

thoroughly and critically thoroughly but can’t easily
before going on to the next move on to the next task.

8. Being pressured of many

things to do and can’t easily
move on to the next task

9.Planning ahead on what to 4. Planning ahead on what

do to do

10.Being tired to do the task 5. Being tired to do a task

or write a to do list

11.Having a task that is Time Management:

boring/tiring Impacts on Students
12.Having more time that 6. Having more time that Academic Performance.
leads to making the task in leads to procrastinating
the last minute/hour

13. Doesn’t like wasting

time for school assignments

14. Having no time to do

the task

15. Having a not well 7. Having a to do list to


managed to do list or have a proper sequence of

schedule task

16. Having a to do list and

setting defined goals to
make the task organize

17. Having a proper

sequence of task

18. Setting goals for a

brighter future

19. Being distracted by 8. Being distracted by other

other things things

20. Having different moods 9. having different moods in

in doing the task doing the task

As shown, the 20 focused codes are condensed into 9 theoretical codes. These

codes areBeing productive responsible, and sometimes forgetful in doing the task, Doin

the task that is closest to the deadline, Doing the first task thoroughly but can’t easily

move on to the next task, Planning ahead on what to do, Being tired to do a task, Having

more time that leads to procrastinating, Having a to do list to have a proper sequence of

task, being distracted by other things, and Having different moods in doing the task.

These 9 codes constitute the core category. After a thorough comparison of these codes

and analyzing their relationships, the researcher was able to develop the emerging theory

of “Time Management: Impacts on Students Academic Performance”.


Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary, the key findings of the study, conclusion and

the recommendations of the research study.


This study aimed to explore the life experiences and perceptions of the Grade 12

senior high school students at Pagadian City Science High School on their academic

performance. In order to achieve the objective of the study, the researcher conducted in

depth survey questions with the 30 Grade 12 senior high school student participants.

The data gathered were transcribed and analyzed using the different processes of

sorting, memo writing, sampling, and coding to come up with a theory on the different

factors affecting student’s academic performance.


After thorough analysis of the data, the researcher came up with the following

findings as follows:

1. Having a to do list and setting specific and defined goals to make the task easy

and organize because the students will be guided on what they will do first or what task is

the most important ones that they need to finish first or prioritize first.

2. Students are being lazy in doing their task tends to procrastinate because they

always think that the task is tiring and boring.

3. Being productive and responsible in doing the task helps the students excel in

their Academic Performance because they were able to manage their time properly and

effectively that resulted to make the students more productive and responsible in doing

their task.

4.Having more time that leads to making the task in the last minute/ hour affects

the student’s work to be inappropriate, crammed, and not correct.

5. Students who practiced Time Management tends to pass their projects or

assignments on time because they were being guided on what tasks are needed to be done

first that are closest to the deadline.

6. Having a not well managed to do list or schedule makes the students unguided

in doing their task that resulted to make their task unfinished.

7. Completing the first task thoroughly and critically before going on to the next

helps the students to make their projects or assignments well managed, correct, and

appropriately. This also helps them to check their work so that they can avoid repeating

the task again.


8.Students who don’t have a ‘Planner’ or “To Do List’ tend to being forgetful in

doing their task. This results to a negative effect in their academic performance.

9. Planning ahead on what to do helps the students to make their life easy in doing

their task because they have their schedule already and they already know what they will

do in that certain time.

10. Being distracted by other things make the students to not finish in doing their

task because their focus is being divided by a lot of temptations around her.

11. Time Management have a positive effect on student’s academic performance

while students who don’t manage their time have a negative effect on student’s academic



Attaining excellent academic performance needs Time Management that includes

having a “To Do List”, managing time, and setting specific and clearly defined goals.

Having a “To Do List” makes the students to be guided and reminded on the task that

they will do. They can also finish their task in a certain time because they are following

their schedule in doing their task. Also, managing time helps the students to do all their

task and can finish it on time. With proper time management, they can also have their

time for themselves.

Lastly, academic success is influenced by setting a specific and clearly defined

goals makes the students to be motivated in doing their task because they wanted to

achieve certain goals and to have a brighter future.



Based on findings and the conclusion formulated from the responses of the

participants as well as the personal experiences of the researcher during the conduct of

the study, the following are the recommended actions to improve students’ academic


1. Requiring students to have a to do list. Students having a to do list helps to

make their life easier and task organize. The task will be in a logical order in order for

them to distinguish what to do first in order for him to finish all the task.

2. Making the task creative. In order for the students to be productive make the

task creative because this will catch the attention of the students in order for them to not

feel bored.

3.Making yourself productive and responsible. Making the students productive

and responsible so that they will do and finish their task on time.

4. Providing more time in doing the task. Providing more time for the students

in doing their task makes them do the task properly and appropriately in a certain specific


5. Managing the time properly. Students need to practice time management so

that they will do their task in a certain time and so that they can also have time for


6. Practice managing your schedule. Students need to practice managing their

schedule so that they will be guided on what task is needed to do first especially if it is

closest to the deadline.


7. Practicing yourself to complete first the task. Practicing the students in

finishing first the task before going on to the next so that they will finish their entire task

completely and appropriately.

8. Practice yourself not to forget things. Students tend to forget things that they

need to do, that is why students need to practice in not forgetting things so that they will

do their task and finish it on time.

9. Planning ahead. Students need to plan ahead before doing the task so that they

will know already what to do all throughout in making the task.

10. Practicing self-focus. Students can easily be distracted from the things that

surrounds him or her that is why students need to practice self-focus so that students can

do their task in a certain time.

11. Creating a basis for future research. Further studies be undertaken to

investigate students experiences and opinions on the different factors affecting their

academic performance. Future research studies may add to the in-depth understanding of

the phenomenon.


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1.How often do you procrastinate? Why?

2.Do you set specific and clearly defined goals? Why?

3.How do you complete one task before going on to the next?

4.How do you manage your schedule so that you can achieve objectives on time?

5.Do you have a “to do list” that you updated regularly? Why if so.

6.Do you prioritize task and do the most important and urgent first? Why?

7.Do you work late night or on weekends to meet deadlines? Why?

8.Do you write down specific objectives in order to work your ultimate goals?

9.How do you organize your task?


Emerging Properties during the Open/Initial Coding

(Students who are Procrastinating in Class)

Initial Codes
1.Being lazy or tired to do the task
2.Feeling of having enough time to do a certain task
3.Having no time left
4.Having a task that is boring/tiring
5.Being don’t like wasting much time for school assignments.
6.Being can’t focus on the task by being distracted by other things
7.Being not use in doing a to do list.
8.Having so many things to do
9.Having a not so manage schedule
10.Being not completing one task before going on to the next task.
11.Having a not good in organizing task
12.Being a habit of being tired
13.Being pressured of the task
14.Doing my work in the last minute/hour
15. Doesn’t have any schedule in achieving objectives
16.Making a to do list is so tiring
17.Being not having a self-control
18.Having too much time to spend to herself
19.Experiencing different moods in doing the task
20.Being forgetful in doing the task


Emerging Properties during the Open/initial Coding

(Students who are not procrastinating)

Initial Codes
1.Having a to do list to make the task easy and organize
2.Updating to do list
3.Writing a schedule/planner for my objectives
4.Having a to do list in making the task on time
5.Prioritizing the most important task
6.Doing the first the task that is important and urgent.
7.Prioritizing task when it has a deadline.
8.Doing the task before the deadline.
9.Working late at night to meet deadlines.
10.Checking the task thoroughly and critically
11.Completing the task before going on to the next
12.Being reminded the task that is needed to be done
13.Meeting the deadline makes someone to prioritize important things.
14.Doing the task that is closest to the deadline.
15.Finishing the task on or before the deadline
16.Setting specific and clearly defined goal to do the task easily and organize
17.Having a proper sequence of task that is arranged properly and accordingly
18.Doing the most important task to least important task
19.Working late at night to do the task that is needed/urgent
20.Planning ahead on the task
21.Managing my time easily.
22.Being productive and efficient in doing the task
23.Doing the easiest task before the hard ones
24.Finishing the first task before going on to the next.
25.Prioritizing task so that he wont procrastinate
26.Being focus on the task he/she want to achieve
27.Having a goal he/she want to achieve
28.Doing it in advance and immediately if it is needed.
29.Passing the projects/assignments on time.
30.Completing it or asking someone to do it.
31.Thinking of stuffs that can motivate him/her.
32.Putting her/his “To Do List” on her/his reminder.
33.Setting an alarm to remind his/her on what to do and having his/her to do list..
34.Doing intervals and timeframe.
35.Dividing his/her time.
36.Randomizing his/her time.
37.Managing his/her time to do the task
38.Making sure to finish my task properly before going on to the next.
39.Writing a plans so that the task will finish early
40.Doing especially the task that are due tomorrow
41.Doing the task before its too late.
42.Passing it on time.
43.Making the things on rhythm.
44.Listing it on his/her notes and making sure to follow my schedule.

45.Identifying easily his/her tasks when he/she see it.

46.Taking it as a priority and focusing more of his/her attention.
47.Setting goals to have a clear and brighter future.
48.Being updated that something is awaiting to be done
49.Checking responsibilities in a certain day.
50.Doing the things to get done clearly.
51.Having a priorities.
52.Being responsible of the task to finish
53.Organizing it by putting the most important one first and the least at the last.
54.Doing first the work that he/she have to pass first.
55.Being always think of the work to be done.
56.Trying to do things in the time I intended to do so.
57.Getting the ones that are urgent out of the way.
58.Marking the most urgent ones or my to do list.
59.Making time to do the task
60.Thinking that once set his/her goals he/she would be able to do them
61.Knowing on what to do next.
62.Finishing quickly the most important and urgent first
63.Setting a specific goals so that he/she complete his/her tasks.
64.Giving limited time to pressure myself into finishing it.
65.Setting specific goals through that the flow of his/her work will be easy.
66.Setting a study on a certain amount of time
67.Having time to work on anything that needs to be done.
68.Memorizing what will he/she do.
69.Prioritizing the task so that it will be done first than the less important ones
70.Organizing them according to which is quicker to lengthier.


Properties/Incidents from Raw Data (Students Procrastinating in Class)



Properties/Incidents from Raw Data (Students Not Procrastinating in Class)




Participant Strand Data Interview Notes Concepts

1/STEM 1.I procrastinate depends on Depending on the mood
my mood
2.I set specific and clearly Being necessary to achieved
defined goals because it is it on time.
necessary for me to
achieved it on time
3.I managed my time to Listing it and making sure
achieve objectives on time to follow my schedule.
by listing it on my notebook
like assignments, projects
and making sure to follow
my schedule
4.Yes, I have a to do list Having a to do list because
that I updated regularly it is really important.
because it is really
2/ABM 1. I always procrastinate Procrastinating is his/her
because it is one of my hobby.
2. I set specific and clearly Achieving something.
defined goals in order to
achieve to something
3.I managed my schedule to Using to do list in making
achieved objectives on time task on time.
so that I make my task on
time and using my to do list
4.Yes, I have a to do list in Using to do list is his/her
order for me to achieve thing to achieve something.
3/GAS 1. I sometimes procrastinate Procrastinating because of
because I’m lazy kind of laziness.
2. I set specific and clearly Making a to do list to make
defined goals sometimes my task easy.
when I get busy I make a to
do list to make my task easy
3.I managed my schedule Focusing on the task and
by focusing on the task so I achieving his/her objectives
can achieve my objectives early an hour.
on time
4.I don’t have a to do list Having a to do list.
that I updated regularly but
sometimes I have a to do
list if I have an activity to

4/STEM 1. I always procrastinate Getting bored and feeling
every time I have something that there’s still enough
to do which I do not like at time
all. Its boring and it feels
like there is enough time to
do a certain task.
2.I set specific and clearly Setting and defining goals
defined goals because it is for priority purposes and to
important for priority minimize procrastination.
purposes and it minimizes
the chance to procrastinate.
3.I manage my schedule by Making a “to do list” and
having a to do list and controlling the usage of
controls the usage of gadgets.
4.Yes, I have a to do list Being updated that
because this will make me something is awaiting to be
updated that something is done.
awaiting to do and it could
prevent me from
5/ABM 1. I always procrastinate Being tired or not in the
because I just feel tired or mood to do anything.
not in the mood to do
2.i set specific and clearly Helping his/her to do
defined goals because it’ll things.
help me do things.
3.I manage my schedule by Finishing his/her task if not
finishing one task and If I lazy.
don’t have anything to do or
if im not lazy
4.No, I never had a to do Having a “To Do List”
list ever wasn’t part of his/her
6/GAS 1.I procrastinate it depends Depending on the situation.
on the situation especially if
I am dealing with a lot of
2.I set specific and clearly Forgetting it sometimes
defined goals but
sometimes i forgot to.
3.i managed my schedule Thinking of stuffs that can
by thinking of the stuffs that motivate him/her.
are needed to be pass

immediately or need to be
done as soon as possible.
4.Yes, I usually put my Putting her/his “To Do List”
“what to do” on my on her/his reminder.
reminder so that I am
reminded all the time with
the stuffs that I have to deal.
7/STEM 1.I procrastinate if my work Having a work that is too
is easy because I can always easy so that I can always do
do it later on. it later on.
2.I don’t set specific and Being contented on what
clearly defined goals as he/she have finished.
long ass I am finish I am
3.I managed my schedule to Doing it quickly as
achieve objectives on time possible.
by doing it as quickly as
4.I don’t have a to do list Being tired to do it.
that I updated regularly
because I am lazy.
8/ABM 1.I procrastinate almost all Spending a lot of time to
the time. I’ve been trying to herself now that she still
spend a lot of time to have time to procrastinate
myself now that I still have
time to procrastinate.
2.I set specific and clearly Spending a lot of time to
defined goals because if I herself now that she still
do, I complete my task on have time to procrastinate
3.I managed my schedule Giving limited time to
by giving limited time to pressure myself into
pressure myself into finishing it.
finishing it.
4.No I don’t have a to do Being of too tired.
list because I am always
lazy to do it.


I. Personal Information

Full Name: Geralyn B. Lerazan

Date of Birth: April 18, 2002

Age: 17

Ethnicity/Tribe: Cebuano

Mother: Merlyn B. Lerazan

Father: Jenie Y. Lerazan

Place of Birth: Pagadian City

Gender: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

II. Educational Attainment

Elementary Ballesteros Sr. Elementary School

Ballesteros Village, Balangasan District, Pagadian City


Secondary Pagadian City Science High School

San Jose Heights, Pagadian City

(2014 to date)

III. Honors/Awards Received

•With Honors (S.Y. 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019,
• Taekwondo Gold Medalist District Level (2014-2015, 2018-2019))
• Division School Press Conference Qualifier, Feature Writing (2015-2016, 2019-
• Taekwondo Silver Medalist Division Level(2015-2016)
• Taekwondo Gold Medalist Division Level(2016-2017, 2017-2018)
• Taekwondo Bronze Medalist Regional Level (2016-2017)
• Taekwondo Regional Level Qualifier (2018-2019)

IV. Membership in School/Youth Organizations

• Math Club Member (S.Y. 2014-2015)

• Member, Red Cross Youth (2019-2020)

V. Seminars/Trainings/Workshop Attended
• Red Cross Youth First Aid Training (S.Y. 2019-2020)
• Research Seminar (S.Y. 2017-2018)
• NCCA Workshop (S.Y. 2016-2017)


I. Personal Information
Full Name: Sheralyn Q. Pelayo
Date of Birth: November 11, 2001
Age: 17
Ethnicity/Tribe: Cebuano
Mother: Lorena Q. Pelayo
Father: Daniel M. Pelayo
Place of Birth: Lantian, Labangan, Zamboangadel Sur
Gender: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
II. Educational Attainment
Elementary Pagadian City Pilot School
San Jose Heights, Pagadian City
Secondary Pagadian City Science High School
San Jose Heights, Pagadian City
(2014 to date)
III. Honors/Awards Received

 With Honors (S.Y. 2014-2015, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020)

 3rd Place, Physical Science, Research Summit (2018-2019)
 4th Placer, Sports Writing Filipino, School Based Press Conference (2019-2020)

IV. Membership in School/Youth Organizations

 Member, Girl Scouts of the Philippines (S.Y. 2014-2018)

 Member, Red Cross Youth (S.Y. 2016-2017, 2019-2020)
 Member, Science Club (S.Y. 2019-2020)
 Member, Math Club (S.Y. 206-2018)
 Member, Makabayan Club (S.Y. 2014-2015)

V. Seminars/ Training/ Workshop Attended


 Red Cross Youth Training (S.Y. 2016-2017)

 Career Guidance Seminar (S.Y 2017-2018)
 KAPLAG Research Seminar (S.Y 2017-2018)
 BangkoSentralngPilipinas Symposium (2016-2017)
 Red Cross First Aid Training (S.Y. 2019-2020)
 NCCA Workshop (S.Y. 2016-2017)
 Research Seminar (S.Y. 2017-2018)

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