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Fearly Joy Aglobo

Zu Young An
Evangielyn Bellosillo
Gladys Ann Torres
Sandy Cordovan
Chapter 1

This chapter is consists of five parts: (1) Background

and Theoretical Framework of the Study, (2) Statement of the

Problem and Hypothesis, (3) Significance of the Study, (4)

Definition of Terms, and (5) Delimitation of the Study.

Part One, Background and Theoretical Framework of the

Study, gives the introduction, justifies the need for

investigation, discuss the importance of selecting framework

which supports the existence of the study.

Part Two, Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis,

gives the general as well as the specific problems the study

seeks to answer. It also presents the hypothesis to be


Part Three, Significance of the Study, seeks the scope

of the research in terms of the participants, research

design, sampling procedure, data gathering instruments,

research variables as well as the categories and statistical

tools employed in the analysis of the data.

Part Four, Definition of Terms, defines both

conceptually and operationally the key terms of variables

used in the study.

Part Five, Delimitation of the Study, specifies the

limits as well as boundaries of the research in terms of

variables, participants, instruments and statistical tools

used in the study.

Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study

In the most basic sense, school, colleges and

universities have no worth without student. Students are

most essential asset for any educational institute. The

social and economic development of the country is directly

linked with student academic performance. The students’

performance (academic achievement) plays an important role

in producing the best quality graduates who will become

great leader and manpower for the country thus responsible

for the country’s economic and social development (Ali, 2009). It is the measurement of students’ achievement

across various academic subjects

(, ret.

01/02/2020). It is basically measured by examinations,

classroom performances and outputs or projects of the


Student academic performance measurement has received

considerable attention in previous research, it is

challenging aspects of academic literature, and science

student performance are affected due to social,

psychological, economic, environmental and personal factors.

These factors strongly influence on the student performance,

but these factors vary from person to person and country to

country (Mushtaq and Khan, 2012).

According to Thomson (2010), there are variety of

factors that affect academic performances of students. These

factors include teacher involvement, parental investment,

school quality and student motivation but he emphasizes that

student behavior plays an important role in academic


A students’ learning behavior can affect his or her

ability to learn and purse the teaching and learning

process. Students who performed well in class can have

greater chances of getting higher grades. On the other hand,

students who does not performed well in class can have lower

chances of getting high grades. Learning behavior is

important as they influence the academic performance of the


In the study conducted by Jebaseelan (2014), it was

found out that study skills are often determined by the

student’s learning behavior which eventually affects their

learning patterns. Primarily, learning behavior is the

mental readiness of the students to learn which indicates

their resourcefulness, creative thinking and imaginative

activities, love for their learning, high interest for

reading and writing and also having better psychological

adjustment in class and school (Saxena, 2013). Consequently,

it could be presumed that academic performance depends on

student’s readiness and willingness to learn.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that there are many

factors influence student learning and the subsequent

development of physical literacy, including elements such as

student engagement, motor skills competency, gender

differences, and instructional environment (SHAPE America,

2014). Moreover, Bizmanualz (ret. 08/20/2019), also cited

that factors that influence an individual learning includes

movement, repetition, feedback, stress, and emotions

It is undeniable that factors contributing to

improvement in students’ academic performance have received

much attention from educators and researchers (Signh, Malik

& Sign, 2016; Ali, Haider, Munir, Khan & Ahmed, 2013;

Farooq, Chaudhry, Shafiq & Behanu, 2011). These researchers

found that several factors contribute to improvement in the

academic performance of students. Ali et al. (2013) found

daily study hours, social economic status of

parents/guardians and age as factors that significantly

affects academic performance. Similarly, Narad and Addullah

(2016) and Farooq et al., (2011) also found economic status

of parents, their academic background and encouragement as

factors that influence academic performance. Proper guidance

from parents and teachers, communication skills, and

learning facilities have also been found as a significant

determinant to academic performance (Signh, Malik & Signh,


This academic undertaking was materialized with the aim

to prove the causal relationship of learning behaviour and

academic performance. It seeks to investigate whether, it is

true to all, that learning behaviour can affect the learning

outcomes specifically of the high school students.

This study is anchored on the Social Cognitive Theory

by Albert Bandura which states that people learn by watching

what others do, and that human thought processes are central

to understanding personality. This theory provides a

framework for understanding, predicting and changing human

behavior. Students, on the other hand, is learning through

the teachers’ guidance, peers and at home. It is the

students’ behavior that affects his/her learning. He/she

might want to learn outstandingly or poorly.

As stated above, this research is primarily created to

determine the relationship of learning behaviors and

academic performance chiefly focused in Grade 7 of the

Junior High School curriculum.

Figure one shows the paradigm of this study. From the

paradigm it can be seen that the independent variable of the

study which is the learning behavior of the Grade 7

students, while the dependent variable is the academic


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Learning Behavior

Figure 1. The assumed flow of the variables of the study.

Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis

This study aimed to determine the learning behaviours

and academic performance of Grade 7 students of Filamer

Christian University for the School Year 2019-2020.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the learning behaviors of Grade 7 students of

Filamer Christian University?

2. What is the level of academic performance of Grade 7

students of Filamer Christian University?

3. Is there a significant difference in the level of

academic performance and learning behaviours of the


4. Is there a significant relationship between the

learning behaviours and academic performance of the


Based on the above stated problems, the hypothesis to be

tested are as follows:

1. There is no significant difference in the level of

academic performance and learning behaviours of the


2. There is no significant relationship between the

learning behaviours and academic performance of the


Significance of the Study

The study is beneficial to the following: students,

teachers, parents, school administrator, school, and future

Students. This will be beneficial to them for they will

know their level of learning behaviors and how it can affect

their academic performance.

Teachers. The result of this study will help the

teachers in guiding their students about their learning

behavior and motivate students to excel in their academic


Parents. This will be beneficial to the parents for

they will have the knowledge about the importance of

academic performance of their children and can assess their

children’s learning behaviors and advise them.

School Administrator. The result of this study will be

useful to the school administrator because he/she is the one

who is leading the institution. He/she will be able to know

the learning behaviors of the students.

School. This study will be beneficial to the school.

The result of having excellence in the academic performance

of the students will be useful because it will give glory

and honor to the school.

Future researchers. The result of this study will be a

useful reference for the researchers who would plan any

related study.
Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification and understanding of the

study, the following terms are given with their conceptual

and operational definitions.

Academic Performance – refers to the K-12 Basic

Education Program uses a standards-based and competency-

based grading system, the minimum grade to pass a specific

learning area is 60 which is transmuted to 75 in the report

card. Students are graded through Written Works, Performance

Task, and Quarterly Assessment every quarter (,


In this study, “Academic Performance” referred to the

2nd quarter average of grade 7 students of Filamer Christian

University. The scales to be used are as follows with the

given interpretation: 70-75 “Poor”, 76-80 “Good”, 81-85

“Average”, 86-90 “Very Good”, 91-95 “Excellent”, and 96-100


Learning Behaviors - refers to the crucial link between

the way in which children and young people learn and their

social knowledge and behaviour (Gittins, 2012).

In this study, “Learning Behavior” referred to how

students behave, participate and perform in class. It is

measured using a 20-item researcher made questionnaire that

focuses on the behaviors of the learners in class. Each of

the item in the questionnaire is answerable with any of the

following responses: 1-always, 2-seldom and 3-never.It will

be interpreted as: Positive (1.51 - 3.00) and Negative (1.00

- 1.50).

Delimitation of the Study

This survey correlational research aimed to determine

the learning behaviors and academic performance of Grade 7

students of Filamer Christian University for the School Year

2019-2020. Specifically, it sought to answer the following

questions: what is the learning behaviors of Grade 7

students of Filamer Christian University?; what is the level

of academic performance of Grade 7 students of Filamer

Christian University?; is there a significant difference in

the level of academic performance and learning behaviors of

the respondents?; and is there a significant relationship

between the learning behaviors and academic performance of

the respondents?

The participant of this study are the one hundred

thirty seven (137) Grade 7 students enrolled in Filamer

Christian University during the school year 2019-2020. By

getting the sample size, the Slovin’s Formula was used.

The instrument used to gather the necessary data is a

researchers-made questionnaire. The first part focused on

the personal information of the respondents which includes

their Grades in the 2nd quarter, this will be the basis of

their academic performance. The second part is the checklist

consists of twenty (20) questions answerable by the

following responses, 3 – never, 2 – seldom, and 1 – always.

Part 2 focused on the learning behaviors of the respondents.

The instrument was content and faced validated by the thesis


The statistical tools used in this study are frequency

count, percentage, standard deviation, mean, Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA), and Pearson-r correlation. All inferential

statistics were set in 0.05 level of alpha significance.

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