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The Problem and its Scope

Science refers to a system of acquiring. There are many branches of

science but in this study the researchers use anatomy and physiology as the

subject to focus. At colleges and universities, anatomy and physiology are often

combined into one course. This is because they are branches of the study of

biology that are closely related, anatomy is the study of the parts of the body, and

physiology is the study of how those parts work together. Anatomy and

physiology is very important in valuing life, education, medicine, and the allied

science fields. Knowing the system and anatomy allows for treatment specific to

the problem. Anatomy and physiology is useful in all aspect of science, but

student’s encountered difficulties in learning the lesson specifically in nervous


Teachers should choose the right strategy to be used for it might affect the whole

teaching and learning process of students. Teacher should search for new

strategies in teaching anatomy and physiology. Certainly, anatomy and

physiology students have developed a typical traditional approach conducive-

learning environment. By the absence of cooperation in teaching and learning,

there will be difficulty in learning process. To be more specific, this study merely

focuses on the teacher application of jigsaw and student test in order to measure

how big the rule of jigsaw in improving student academic performance in

anatomy and physiology.

Rationale of the study

Education is the process of educating or being educated, this mainly

emphasize the methods of teaching and learning in school. The teaching method

is very significant in education.. This study will put emphasize on the problem of

education in teaching method addressing learning difficulty of students. The

problem in education is that teaching method use for introductory lesson in

anatomy and physiology, student have difficulty in analyzition and

comprehention processes. This study will apply new method of teaching in

anatomy and physiology.

This jigsaw method is a big help in educational arena in terms of developing the

students to boost their knowledge by helping each other. This method

suggesting a cooperative teaching strategy.

The school institution has vision and mission of promoting quality

education creating students who will become an effective agent of social

transformation. This research will help in the development of the school of

education by providing a reliable and valid research about the performance of


students of biological science taking anatomy and physiology in the first


Jigsaw as teaching methods when effective in addressing difficulty in

anatomy and physiology will develop comprehension and analyzation in

learning. In teaching anatomy and physiology appropriate teaching strategy

should be use because of the difficulty in a topic specifically nervous system

because memorization and analyzation applied when learning.

Anatomy and physiology deal with the study of parts and function of

human body system. This is one of the major subjects need to be passed by all

Biological Science students in a catholic institution, Anatomy and physiology

attempts to develop the fundamental understanding of how human body work.

Anatomy and physiology subject contain difficult topics for student who are

learning new concept and idea that should be based on problem solving

situations where the learner draw on his own past experience and existing

knowledge to discover relationship that will create new truths and facts to be


The primary purpose of the study is to assess whether or not the jigsaw

approach as a cooperative learning strategy could significantly improve the

academic performance of student in anatomy and physiology. The purpose of

this study is in line with the vision of Johnson and Holubec (2010). These could

help develop positive interdependence, face to face positive interaction,

individual and group accountability, interpersonal skills and develop group


processing. These help develop teamwork and cooperative learning skills within

all students and a depth of knowledge not possible if the students learn all of the

material on their own.

This study will investigate the effectiveness of jigsaw as teaching method

in addressing difficulty in anatomy and physiology subject among biological

science students. This study can provide Biological science teachers of Holy

Cross of Davao College with detail in improving teacher’s method, instructional

plan, and techniques in more effective and efficient method of teaching through

jigsaw. This study will also serve as guide to the school administration in

monitoring the student performance in the anatomy and physiology subject.

The beneficiaries of this study will be the Science Teachers. This study

will serve as a guide in helping them in applying the appropriate teaching

strategy for an effective teaching style for education students majoring in

Biological Science, can benefit from the result. This study can be the basis in

application of jigsaw as teaching method for practicums and for future teaching.

This may also help curriculum designers to consider the jigsaw learning

technique as an option to aid teaching delivery. The HCDC school administration

will also benefit in the study because it will monitor the performance of Biology

teacher, their effectiveness and efficiency towards upholding the quality

education. Future researcher will benefit also as they will use the study for

reference purposes. The result of this study is expected to make improvement in

teaching science especially in student’s cooperative learning.


The delimitation of the study will be the students of Bachelor of Secondary

Education major in Biological Science enrolled for the 1 st semester, SY 2016-

2017 at Holy Cross of Davao College.

Review of Related Literature

This section present the various review of related literature from different books

and articles.

Difficulty in Anatomy and Physiology

Gultice and Kallmeyer (2014) stated the that high failure rates on nursing

student in introductory college science courses in anatomy and physiology

revealed several predictive factors related to academic preparation this are weak

mastery of the foundational knowledge for the course, school performance,

psychological issues, family dynamics, levels of household stress, economic

factors, rates of absenteeism and student's parental status. Nursing students

often lack biology courses in high school and rarely take biology as an elective

when they enter college coursework as the result, leads to a lack of familiarity

with scientific language, concepts or theory McKee (2002).


In the study conducted at the University of Southern Georgia entitled ‘

Allied Health Students perception of Class Difficulty: The case of Undergraduate

Human Anatomy and Physiology Classes state that anatomy and physiology is a

difficult subject because it makes connections among multiple disciplines and

topics that are rapidly increasing knowledge and complexity Sturges and

Mauners (2013).

Jigsaw as Teaching Method

According to Johnson, Johnson and Holubec, (1993) earlier studies have

shown that learners who perform cooperative learning group tasks tend to have

higher academic test scores, higher self-esteem, greater numbers of positive

social skills, and greater comprehension of the content improving their skills. In

this learning arrangement, students work in a group consisting of 5 to 6 members

to ensure their own learning and the learning of all others in their group. This

emphasis on academic learning success for each individual and all members of

the group is one future that separates cooperative learning groups from other

group tasks Slavin (1991).

Dupin-Bryant (2004) stated in the study of Cabactulan, Mansilagan and

Quibol (2013) jigsaw technique is a learner-centered teaching method as a style

of instruction that is responsive, collaborative, problem-centered and has a free-

will with both students and the teacher decide how, what and when learning


Earlier studies have shown that learners who perform cooperative

learning group tasks tend to have higher academic test scores, higher self-

esteem, greater numbers of positive social skills, and greater comprehension of

the content improving their skills Johnson, Johnson and Holubec (1993). In this

learning arrangement students work in groups of 5 to 6 cooperatively to ensure

their own learning and the learning of all others in their group Johnson, Johnson

and Holubec (1993).This emphasis on academic learning success for each

individual and all members of the group is one feature that separates cooperative

learning groups from other group tasks Slavin (1991).

According to Aronson (2000), Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy

that enables each student to have their group to specialize in one aspect of

learning unit. The jigsaw technique encourages engagement, empathy, and

listening by providing every member of a group a critical area to play in the

educational activity. In addition, Panitz (1996) stated that it has a good effect

because each group member becomes an expert on a different concepts and the

teacher gathered information to the group.

In Africa, there are factors on the learners’ poor performance in science

these includes: inadequate teaching and learning resources; negative teacher or

learner attitude towards the subject; and ineffective teaching methods Miheso

(2012). Therefore there is need for teaching strategies that arouse students’

interest to learn science and hence improve the quality of outcomes in science


Recently in China, some Chinese teachers use jigsaw as cooperative

learning strategy. Teachers explore the use of this method in some Chinese

classrooms; research found out that jigsaw can arouse students’ interest and

enhance the classroom efficiency while fulfilling the intended task successfully as

mentioned by Hua and Lu (2008). In Australia, the Jigsaw method is effective in

social conditions in producing positive change in academic performance. Jigsaws

increased their ratings in working with peers according to Salandanan (2011).

However there are some disadvantages in using jigsaw method in teaching;

these include misunderstanding the content and a lack of participation. It is

possible that a group of students could get distracted and be led down in the path

not intended by the teacher. This could lead to a group of students to

misunderstand the correct information and be behind the rest of the class

Hollman (2006).

In the study conducted at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines

entitled ‘Preferred and Effective Learner-Centered Strategies’ by Jacolbia (2013).

The results revealed that jigsaw is one the most preferred strategy by the

respondents and perceived to be the most effective strategy. The problem is still

evident here in the Philippines, wherein the methods of teaching literature are

limited to activity based practices such as lecture and discussion, despite the

emergence of student centered teaching practices. Since the teacher tends to

talk more during classes, students lose their interest and essentially don't learn

the target lesson.


The study conducted at the Southern Luzon State University entitled

‘Jigsaw Learning Technique in Teaching Philippine Narratives in English’ by

Bonillio (2013). State that Jigsaw strategy helps students in understanding the

lesson, participating in class and sustaining their motivation aimed to learning.

Jigsaw strategy increases students‟ achievement in learning literature However,

according to Fracis (2013) he stated that brilliant students become bored during

classroom activity.

In the study conducted at the University of Immaculate Conception, Davao

City, on first year pharmacy students. Result of the study revealed that the

academic performance of Pharmacy students in biology course significantly

improved by the jigsaw approach. Researchers also employed a group

discussion for the triangulation of the method which validated that students who

were subjected to jigsaw approach became more proficient, responsible,

facilitative, and approachable as learners. Students felt that they needed to study

not only for themselves but also for their group mates Limjuko and Gravino

(2012). However there are also disadvantages associate in using jigsaw method

in teaching, according to Macclellan (2009). Jigsaw method when use in a group

activity one of the student may become dominant who is competitive and wants

to monopolize conversation. Another disadvantage could be students who refuse

to work as a group because they don't like another person that is in their group.

Jigsaw on Anatomy and Physiology


In the study conducted at the University of Michigan entitled ‘The Effects

of Virtual Labs and Cooperative Learning on Student Achievement and

Motivation in Anatomy Instruction’ by Saltarelli (2014). Stated that students who

participated in the jigsaw activity has higher motivation than those who didn’t

participate. Thus, results suggest that the jigsaw activity promotes learning

retention better than regular lab instructional methods.


The review of related literature reveal that jigsaw as teaching method in

addressing difficulty in anatomy and physiology is effective when applied to

classroom situation. Jigsaw as teaching method is helpful in molding students to

become responsible, collaborative, and participative and have the sense of

empathy, however there are authors state that jigsaw as teaching method has

disadvantage when use in classroom setting because it makes a student

dominant monopolize and may lead to misconception of information because of

rapid knowledge acquisition.

Theories and Concepts

Since the research is all about the effectiveness of jigsaw as teaching

method in addressing difficulty in anatomy and physiology among biological

science students. It investigates the efficacy of jigsaw method with regards to the

academic performance of the students who experienced difficulty on the subject.

This study anchored on the study of Vygostky, which is The Zone of Proximal

Development (ZPD); He stated that ZPD is the distance between a students’

ability to perform a task under instructor and/or with peer collaboration and the

students’ ability solving the problem. Within educational research, the concept is

now used widely in studies about teaching and learning in many subject- matter

areas, including science and moral education Tappan (1998) cited by Chaiklin

(2013). The Zone of Proximal Development gives the learners interesting and

culturally meaningful learning and problem solving task that are slightly more

difficult such that they will need to work together as a group to finish a task, with

connection of the theory to our study the researchers will verify if the jigsaw

technique is effective as a teaching method bringing student to perform well in

collaboration of other groups.

Another theory is the Social Learning Theory according to Bandura,

People learn through observing others’ behavior, attitudes, and outcomes of

those behaviors. “Most human behavior is learned observationally through

modeling: from observing others, one forms an idea of how new behaviors are

performed and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for

action.” Moreover, Social learning theory explains human behavior in terms of

continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral, and

environmental influences. Students work together and learn new things from one

another through brainstorming sharing of ideas of what they have perceived.


Students strengthen their ability to accomplish a specific task improving their


Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Theoretical and Conceptual framework gives the direction and focus of

the study. The researcher present the important and significant concept of the

study determining the effectiveness of jigsaw as teaching method in Addressing

Difficulty in Anatomy and Physiology among Biological Science student of Holy

Cross of Davao College and it also show the schematic diagram of this study.

This study present a valid data gather.

The framework shows the important variables of the study. The

independent variables consist of the profile of the respondent such as, their Age,

Sex and Year Level another is the teacher method Jigsaw Teaching Strategy.

The dependent variable is the Difficulty in Anatomy and Physiology among

Biological Science students.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Teaching strategy

Difficulty in Anatomy and

 Jigsaw as teaching
method Physiology

Figure 1.Theoretical and Conceptual Framework


Statement of the Problem

This study will examine the effectiveness of jigsaw as teaching method in

addressing difficulty in anatomy and physiology among Biological Science

student. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of student’s scores in pre-test and post-test in

experimental group?

2. Is there a significant relationship between the student pre-test and post-test

in anatomy and physiology and the use of jigsaw as teaching method?

3. Based on the findings of the study, what recommendations can be put in

place to improve students’ learning of nervous system?



The null hypothesis was tested at the 0.05 significant levels.

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between the score of the pre-test and

post-test after the application of jigsaw in teaching anatomy and physiology.

H01: There is no significant relationship between the students’ scores in pre-test

and post-test in terms of age, gender and year level.

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