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When they try to bury you, awake and rise like a tree.

When they try to victimize you, awake and show

them who you are. When they try to push you into dark, awake and become a shining star. When they
propagate their tyranny, awake and be the custodian of peace, answer their hatred with your love, their
inhumanity with your humanity, their sword with your pen, their cruelty with your kindness, their
ferocity with your mercy. When they try to deprive you, show them your magnanimity, when they
demolish you, stand like an impregnable wall. When they try to deceive you with their tricks, fail them in
their own game. Awake and make this world a paragon of peace, beotherhood and humanity. Awake
and eradicate all the diabolic and evil forces. Awake and recognize your true worth and place.

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