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Proficiency In Academics
Max Time: 15 Min:
Max. Marks: 20
Subject: Chemistry Test – 03 Date: 30-08-2021

1. All the elements in the group have same

(A) Atomic number (B) Atomic weight
(C) valence electron (D) none of these
2. Long form of the periodic table based on
(A) Atomic number (B) Atomic weight
(C) electronegativity (D) shape of atom
3. Carbon is placed in the group
(A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14
4. Atomic number of gold is
(A) 77 (B) 78 (C) 79 (D) 80
5. f-block ranges from
(A) 57-71 and 87-110 (B) 51-71 and 87-110
(C) 57-71 and 89-110 (D) 51-71 and 88-110
6. Eka-Aluminum in Mendeleev’s periodic table stands for
(A) Scandium (B) Gallium (C) germanium (D) indium
7. Law of traid is put forward by
(A) Mendeleev (B) Newland (C) Dorbereiner (D) Mosely
8. According to Newlands every eighth elements having similar properties to ________
(A) first (B) second (C) third (D) fourth
9. Mendleevs arranged ______ elements in his periodic table
(A) 61 (B) 62 (C) 63 (D) 64
10. consider the following the elements
Carbon (C), Oxygen (O), Neon(Ne), Sodium (Na), Silicon (Si) the incorrect statement
(A) C and Si belong the same period (B) C, O and Ne belong same period
(C) Na and Si belongs to same period (D) Na is an alkali metal
11. Which of the following is the heaviest naturally occurring elements in the periodic
(A) Plutonium (B) Uranium
(C) Cadmium (D) Platinuim
12. Which of the following elements does not belong to 11 group
(A) platinum (B) Copper
(C) Silver (D) Gold

Sir Kamran Memon

Proficiency In Academics
Max Time: 15 Min:
Max. Marks: 20
Subject: Chemistry Test – 03 Date: 30-08-2021

13. What happens as we go down the group in the periodic table

(A) The number of shell decrease (B) Valence electron decrease
(C) the number of shell increase (D) Atomic size decrease
14. in the periodic table, while moving from left to right in a period, number of
________remains same
(A) Electron (B) Protons (C) shells (D) neutrons
15 in the periodic table, while moving from left to right in a period, the metallic character
(A) increase (B) decrease (C) remains same (D) first increase than decrease

Sir Kamran Memon

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