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Name: _______________________

GT Login: __________ Section: _________ Bench #: ________

ECE 3741 Quiz 1 (5 Questions, 2 pages)

Honor Statement: ​I commit to uphold the ideals of honor and integrity by following the
Georgia Tech honor code. Initials: ________

1. What is the function of the AC coupling button on the oscilloscope? (2 point)

2. Explain the most important lesson you learned in the last lab and how this will help
you in the future. Be specific to earn points (2-3 sentences) (1 point)

3. The voltage source is 10V, the resistors in parallel are 10kohm each and the
potentiometer is set to 50%. What is the wiper voltage of the potentiometer? (3

4. What is the purpose of using negative feedback in op amp circuits in lab 2. (2 points)
5. Name 2 op-amp configurations which will be covered in lab 2. (2 points)

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