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What are the benefits and drawbacks of being in a large family?

Sociologists divide families into different categories. In this 21 st century, families are classified into
nuclear families and large families. Also known as extended family, a large family consists of many
members namely parents, children, grandparents, uncles and aunts. Besides, it is noted that the
number of large family is facing a downward trend in societies. Optimists insist that it is a blessing to
be in a large family. Nonetheless, pessimists argue that it is a bane. To annotate this schism of
opinions, a close analysis of the topic is prerequisite.

To begin with, it is indeed a blessing to be in a large family. People of all ages, from grandparents to
parents to uncles and aunts to children, everyone has a specific role to play. To illustrate, when
parents are entangled in their hectic professional lives, grandparents can look after the children.
Moreover, aunts can help in the kitchen to prepare food while uncles can undertake the
responsibility of buying groceries and make payments like bills. Hence, being in a large family is a
benefit as responsibilities are shared.

In line with the above, being part of a large family paves the way for relationships to be
strengthened. To highlight, family members can express their feelings to each other. This paves the
way for a good communication flow. Thus, in an extended family, joy and sorrow can be shared
together in the roller-coaster of life. Additionally, in case one particular member is in financial
difficulty, he/she can seek the help of other members. Elders being wise and experienced can give
advice to everyone. Therefore, children can learn about human values, ethics and principles from
their grandparents. As a result, they will not fall in the vicious circle of drugs and alcohol. To sum up,
by living in a large family, there is cooperation and the family stays united.

However, being in a large family entails a cocktail of drawbacks. Primarily, there can be jealously in
the sense that there may be inequality in property distribution. To emphasise, one member of the
family can ask for a greater share of the property. Therefore, this can lead to disagreement and rifts
among members. Distance can grow among them leading to fights and court cases. In a nutshell,
being in a large family can create jealously leading to hatred, enmity and fights.

Lastly, when family members fight, they may ask for their respective share of property and decide to
live separately. Thus, it causes a breakdown in family life. The children can be mentally affected and
have disturbance in their education. Consequently, they can take the wrong path and can be
indulged in social evils. Furthermore, their future may not be secured. In short, being a member of a
large family can be disadvantageous.

To conclude, it can be stated that being in a large family is like a double edged sword. It has both
benefits and drawbacks. Nevertheless, if all members cooperate with each other, there will not be
any rift.

Sarena Sham

Grade 9

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