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With the highest mountains in world and latitude similar to the state of Florida, Nepal has
tremendous variation in climates. The lowland plains are tropical, the midland hills are temperate,
and the high mountains have sub-arctic and arctic conditions. For trekkers, the fall and the spring
offer the best clarity (mountain views are a big reason why we travel to Nepal) and mild
temperatures with the least precipitation. Below are Nepal's trekking seasons so Nepal guide info
organized treks and tour all the year in Nepal

Fall Peak trekking and tour Season: October and November

The months of October and November are peak trekking season in Nepal: temperatures are mild, the
weather is relatively stable, and the clear air makes for superb mountain views. The high mountains
are still cold and and lower elevations are still warm but the daytime walking temperatures are the
most pleasant overall. Bad weather can hit any time of year but the fall has the most reliable

The fall season is also when Nepal receives the bulk of trekkers. The most popular trails, such as
Everest Base Camp and the Annapurna Circuit, are bustling with trekkers and this is felt from the
trails to the teahouses. The Thamel district of Kathmandu will be full of tourists and guides charge at
their highest rates during the fall peak season (although hiring a guide is relatively cheap any time of

High trekking Spring Season in Nepal : February through April

The second most popular time of the year for trekking in Nepal is from late February through April.
The spring temperatures are similar to the fall and the trails are less crowded, but there is slightly
more haze and precipitation. This means that in the spring you will need to reach higher elevations
for clear mountain views, usually around 10,000 feet and above. Precipitation levels increase as the
spring progresses.

Less tourist Shoulder Months: September and December

The shoulder seasons can be excellent, particularly the second half of September and early
December, but they are also more good views during a trip. If you're lucky, you will experience peak
season conditions with only a fraction of the trekkers. If the monsoon lingers or the winter arrives
early, the weather won’t be nearly as pleasant.

December is normally dry, stable, and clear, but also cold, especially at higher elevations. By mid-
December high elevation trekking becomes treacherous and many teahouses close. During the winter
the mountain passes may require technical equipment and experience.

Monsoon (Stay Away): May through August good as tour

The summer from May through August generally is a less time to trek in Nepal (lower elevation hill
treks and the drier Mustang and Dolpo regions can be exceptions to the rule). Significant heat and
moisture rise up from the Indian Ocean, bringing hot temperatures, clouds, haze, and rain. This
blocks the views, creates messy trails (with leeches), and leads to significant problems with ground
transportation. The peak of the Monsoon season occurs in July when the weather begins to taper off
into the drier fall period.

Nepal Mounatin Guide TeamS (Nepal Planet Treks and Expedition Pvt. Ltd.)
GPO: 4453 Paknajol ,Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-1-4252196 
Mobile: +977-9841613822 (Sanjib) 
Fax: +977-1-4252196 


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