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ARTS Pre-Test

5. Who is known as the the greatest living artist in his lifetime and “greatest artists of all time”?
A. A. Da Vinci B. Donatello C. Michelangelo D. Raphael

6. Which of the following is a Spanish artist considered as one of the finest masters of composition?
A. Rembrandt B. Velasquez C. Rubens D. Raphael

7. Who does NOT belong to the group?

A. Caravaggio B. Donatello C. Rubens D. Bernini

8. . Richard was assigned to look for a painting that incorporates Christian Doctrines, whose art work
should he choose?
A. works of Donatello B. works of Leonardo C. Artworks of Da Vinci D. works of Rafael

9. Albert wants to do his own self portrait. If he is living during Baroque period, whose artist do u think
could help him?
A. Van Rijn B. Bernini C. Velasquez D. Rubens

10. Railley wants to buy a famous religious artwork of Da Vinci that can be displayed in dining room.
What paintings can u suggest to her?
A. Mona Lisa B. Adoration of Maggi C. Last Supper D. The Sistine Madonna

11. Which of the following statements are TRUE?

1. Leonardo Da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, and mathematician.
2. Leonardo Da Vinci was considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time.
3. Leonardo Da Vinci was known as the ultimate “Renaissance man”
4. Leonardo Da Vinci was known for his artworks like The Vitruvian Mar, The Adoration of the
Magi, and the Virgin of the Rocks

A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 3, 4 C. 2, 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 4

12. What Rembrandt’s technique will you to create a Baroque painting with a thin, translucent
application of paint is vigorously scrubbed into the canvas while allowing part of the layer underneath to
show through?
A. Unione B. Scumbling C. Mannerism Rococo

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