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The Last Supper, painted by da Vinci in 1495

• Who
 Leonardo da Vinci is by far one of the most well
known painters from the Renaissance.
 Along with being a great painter, da Vinci is also Mona Lisa, painted by da Vinci in 1503
known for being an inquisitive scientist.
 Da Vinci was an apprentice to Andrea del
Verrocchio for fifteen years and worked with him
on The Baptism of Christ.
 Art done during da Vinci’s life influenced many Leonardo da Vinci
later artists, including Michelangelo, Raphael, and
Sandro Botticelli.
• What
 Two of the most famous paintings Leonardo da
Vinci painted are The Last Supper and Mona Lisa.
 Leonardo da Vinci was particularly interested in
human anatomy and spent a lot of time sketching
human parts with their functions in his notebooks
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• When
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• Where
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