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Ageless Brain Training 

We all want to be as healthy as possible and live a long 
productive and enjoyable life. In the past many of us have been 
focusing on becoming physically fit, strengthening our 
muscles, our heart and our lungs and not much attention to our 

Even if we are very physically fit, energetic and healthy, but if 
we lose our brain power all is lost. This has increasingly 
become a major problem as deaths from heart disease have 
decreased in the last 10 years, deaths from Alzheimer’s have 
increased 145%. It is now the 6th leading cause of death in the 
US. Currently one in 10 people age 65 and older, which is 5.8 
million Americans, are diagnosed with Alzheimers disease. 

Disorders like depression, anxiety, headaches, ADHD, memory 

loss, epilepsy, dementia and other neurological disorders are 
also more prevalent than ever before.  

The alarming thing is brain diseases and disorders start 15-40 

years before they get diagnosed! Toxins will accumulate in our 
brain and tissues over time and after years of bio-accumulation 
the symptoms will eventually appear.  

Prevention is critical to assure your brain stays 

healthy as you age. 


It is important to realize that our brain is just another bodily 

organ, so what's good for our body is also good for our brain. 
What is interesting to me is that all of the current protocols for 
good health and for specific ailments and diseases are 
basically all the same. The word disease is dis - ease, meaning 
the body is just not at ease. When the body is not at ease it 
can’t function optimally and this leads to all sorts of health 
conditions. Our bodies are designed to be healthy and function 
disease free. However due to excesses and deficiencies the 
body becomes stressed, out of balance and health challenges 
arise. There is mental/emotional stress, chemical and heavy 
metal toxicity, viral and bacterial infection, structural damage, 
nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical and mental 
stimulation, that cause imbalances that the body is incapable 
of managing and we become ill. 

So our health challenges including mental health are a result of 

improper lifestyles and mismanaging our environment. 

The good news is since we are responsible for creating our 

poor health we can also be responsible for creating better 

If you are currently on a comprehensive wellness program that 

includes mindset awareness, stress reduction, nutrition, 
exercise, sleep, detoxification and social well being, you are 


already taking care of your brain. However, there are some 

specific things you can do to promote brain health and 
possibly reverse dementia and we will cover these in this 
training. This program is based on the latest information for 
caring for your body as well as your brain. The things we 
currently know will give us the best opportunity to keep our 
brains healthy and functioning at the highest level possible. 

Keep in mind that all scientific knowledge is constantly 

changing and evolving, so what we believe are the best brain 
health protocols now may be somewhat different in the near 

This report is primarily about what you can do right now to 
energize and protect your brain. If you want more in-depth 
information about brain function, brain diseases and memory 
improvement please consult the following in-depth references: 

1. You Can Fix Your Brain - ​Tom OBryan 

2. Memory Repair Protocol ​- Martin Reilly 

3. ​Supercharge Your Brain Power​ - Wilson Alexandre 

4. The End of Alzheimers ​- Dale Bredesen 



Our Amazing Brain 

We are amazed by what our high speed computers are capable 
of and yet our brains are still more complex and capable than 
our most advanced computers. So right this moment take a big 
breath and give your brain some gratitude and some love for all 
it does for you. 

Three key points:  

1. A healthy brain is your most precious asset. 
If your brain isn’t functionally well you are not functioning 
well. But remember your brain is just another organ and is 
part of your body, so in order to have a healthy brain you 
need a healthy body. And just like you train your muscles 
heart and lungs with exercises and a healthy diet you have to 
do the same for your brain 

2. You ( your mind, your consciousness ) have control over 

your brain. ​Your brain is a programmable computer that is 
programmed by your beliefs, thoughts and feelings. The 
good news is, you can choose your beliefs and your 
thoughts. So why not always believe the very best possible 
outcomes in all aspects of your life. 


3.​ ​You can prevent and reverse Alzheimers and Dementia 

It is now known that most diseases are lifestyle diseases and 
that includes Alzheimers and Dementia.    

Why has brain health become a major concern? 

In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with noise 
pollution from countless numbers of machines, automobiles 
and electronic devices. Many people now wake up and are 
immediately connected to these distractions and never give 
their minds a time of peaceful relaxation. I like to call cell 
phones weapons of mass distraction. Not to say that our 
technologies are not beneficial, but rather that we have come 
addicted to them. This also causes an overload of information, 
mostly useless information, i.e. social media. Social media has 
its place but once again we have taken it to an extreme at our 
peril. It’s actually a wonder that we are able to get any 
constructive work done, do something creative or manage to 
remember anything meaningful. 

Many people feel so rushed and overwhelmed that they never 

take a minute to examine what’s really important in their lives 
and if they are actually enjoying their lives. This type of 
stressful lifestyle is what has led to the many dis-eases that 
have now become chronic and normal. 


In addition, the human body is confronted with toxic exposures 

every day. Toxins are in the air we breathe, the foods we eat, 
and the products we use. When toxic exposures are limited 
and the body can process them through its own mechanisms 
of detoxification and elimination the toxins aren’t likely to 
trigger an immune response and cause eventual health 

But when the body’s detoxification mechanisms are 

overwhelmed and we have crossed a threshold: the total toxic 
body burden. When our natural detoxification mechanisms are 
overwhelmed, they are not able to get rid of the toxins, so they 
begin to accumulate in the body. When this happens, these 
external environmental toxins have now become internal 
endotoxins which overwhelm our immune systems ability to 
function properly. This results in what is called autoimmune 

There are more than 70 recognized autoimmune diseases and 

more than 300 autoimmune conditions. Common autoimmune 
diseases include Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cardiovascular 
ailments, strokes, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, 
rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, and dementia. All of 
these conditions are either directly or indirectly related to brain 


A recent study in the journal ​Current Alzheimer’s Research 

reported that there is an ever growing amount of data showing 
the devastating effects on a cellular level that toxicity has on 
the health of our brains. This cumulative data clearly shows 
toxicity to be the main cause of Alzheimers and Dementia.  

Alzheimer’s is a growing epidemic 

Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that causes problems with 
memory, thinking and behavior. Symptoms usually develop 
slowly, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily 

Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging. Because the majority 

of people with Alzheimer’s are 65 or older we tend to think of it 
as a disease of old age. Yet approximately 200,000 Americans 
under the age of 65 have early-onset Alzheimer’s. While there 
is no single known cause of Alzheimer’s disease, and no 
known drug to arrest or cure it, there are hundreds of studies 
that point to antigens as a trigger, and these range from gluten 
to bacteria to the herpes virus. ​The disease is progressive and 
worsens over time. In its early stages, memory loss is mild, but 
with late-stage Alzheimer’s, individuals lose the ability to carry 
on a conversation and respond to their environment.  

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s don’t stop with memory loss. 

People suffering from the disease can experience depression, 
significant mood swings, paranoia, and even hallucinations.  


Harvard researchers have found that training your brain can 

keep symptoms at bay, even if you have this build up of brain 

For their study, published in the journal Neurology, researchers 

collected a lifetime of data on the physical and mental activity 
of nearly 200 healthy people. Their average age was 74.  

The researchers analyzed the amounts of beta- amyloid plaque 

in the patients’ brains and then tested their thinking and mental 
skills. Those with higher concentrations of brain plaque 
performed the worst.  

But Harvard researchers have found that training your brain 

can keep symptoms at bay, even if you have this build up of 
brain plaque. The people who were regularly engaging in 
mental and physical activities, like walking daily, reading books 
or spending a couple hours each day in the garden, had 
significantly better mental performance anyway.  

In other words, they had Alzheimer’s, but they weren’t showing 

many of the symptoms. In fact, researchers believe that by 
regularly exercising your mind and your body, you may be able 
to delay the progression of Alzheimer’s by decades. 

Unfortunately staying physically and mentally active won’t ward 

off the accumulation of these Alzheimer’s plaques in your brain. 


How to improve your brain function and to 

prevent and reverse Alzheimers and Dementia.  

1​. ​Detoxification
One of the first steps is to identify the cause of your brain 
symptoms or disease. Common toxins encountered on a daily 
basis are a major cause of a deteriorating brain. Identifying the 
toxins and then eliminating them from your brain and body is 
essential to heal and reverse brain diseases.  

Considering that we have close to 100,000 potentially toxic 

chemicals on the market and only a few hundred have been 
tested for safety, it is not surprising that our detoxification 
systems become overwhelmed and we become ill. In addition to 
all of the chemicals, there are other types of toxicity such as 
mold in our buildings and houses and electromagnetic 
frequencies from our cell phones and electrical devises. 

Toxins are substances that can cause harm in our body​. 

Detoxification simply means the process of eliminating toxins in 
our body. Many healthcare practitioners and doctors recognize 
that detoxification therapy on a regular basis can help prevent 
illness and degenerative disease. Whenever you are ill, whether 
serious or not, ridding your body of excess toxins should be your 
first method of treatment for a healthy brain and a healthy body. 


Our negative beliefs, thoughts and feelings also affect our 

biology and our immune system and are toxic to our brain health. 
Please check out the ​Real Clear Real Fast​ Module for ways to 
identify and eliminate toxic beliefs. 
Reasons to Detox 
1. To clean your body, that is your home. When you clean your 
house you don’t just clean up the outside and leave the inside 
dirty and of course we always wash the outside of our bodies. 
So it just makes sense to clean the inside as well. 
2. To keep things moving. Just like the plumbing in your house, if 
it gets clogged up, it backs up into your house. The same 
thing happens in your body 
3. In order to feel, see, hear, smell and be your best you need a 
clean body inside and out. 
The Natural Cleansing Process 
The chicken heart petri dish experiment 
Researchers kept a chicken heart alive and healthy in a petrie 
dish for 35 years. They kept it nourished and cleansed on a daily 
basis and it stayed healthy. Showing that if cells do not become 
toxic they can live indefinitely. 
Toxins are eliminated naturally by the body from perspiration, 
urination, bowel movements and from the lungs by respiration. 


When our bodies become overloaded with toxins,​ created by 

too much stress, polluted air, water, food, drugs and heavy 
metals, it is unable to remove them quickly enough and illness 
What we call a cold​ is just the body trying to eliminate excess 
mucus. If we take suppressive medications that stop the 
elimination process then the mucous which contains toxic 
poisons, bacteria and dead cells get stored deeper into cells and 
tissues. This eventually leads to degenerative damage, lethargy 
and illness.  
When the body no longer has the capacity to cleanse itself, 
cells begin to die, which leads to old age and disease.  
Are You Becoming Toxic? 
Unless you live in a pristine mountain environment with your own 
organic garden, you are being bombarded daily with toxic 
materials from our toxic environment. Tons of new chemicals are 
released into our atmosphere every year. It is impossible to avoid 
a toxic buildup unless we give our bodies some help. 
Signs of a toxic body are quite clear.​ Chronic fatigue, allergies, 
headaches, joint pain, mood swings, overweight, skin disorders, 
digestive problems and low resistance to illness are all signs your 
body is overloaded. 


Removing toxicity 
Toxins in our environment are the leading cause of neurological 
illnesses. When our natural defensive and detoxification systems 
become overwhelmed these poisons can cause severe 
neurological damage. Take these steps to remove as much 
toxicity as possible: 

• Have a naturopathic or integrative doctor test your heavy 

metal levels.​ High levels of Mercury, Aluminum and copper 
have been clearly linked to memory loss. 

• Have a naturopathic, nutritionist or integrative doctor 

prescribe a personalized systemic detox program. 
Remember the brain is just another organ in your body and it 
benefits from whatever benefits your entire body’s functionality. 

• Get a shower filter ​Chlorine and fluoride among other 

chemicals in most tap water are very toxic, especially as you 
breathe in the steam from hot water. I recommend the 
Waterwise shower filter. 

• Have your house checked for mold. 

• Do not keep your cell phone on your body. 

• Do not use commercial self care and beauty products. 

These products, especially lipsticks contain very toxic 
chemicals. Use only organic chemical free products. Avoid 
commercial sunscreens. They contain more than 20 chemicals 


that are not approved for use by the US Food and Drug 
Administration. The ben- zophenones and dibenzoyl methanes 
are the most commonly implicated chemicals. The 
Environmental Working Group puts their stamp of approval on 
zinc-based sunscreens, such as zinc oxide and titanium 

• Do not use commercial household cleansers and 

pesticides​. Use only natural, biodegradable, toxic chemical 
free products. Learn to read the labels before you buy any 

• The following is a list of cleaning products you can make, from 

the book: ​You Can Fix Your Brain. 


1 cup water 

1⁄4 teaspoon organic, gluten-free liquid dishwashing soap 1 tablespoon 

baking soda 
1⁄2 teaspoon borax  

In a spray bottle, mix together the water, dishwashing soap, baking 

soda, and borax.  



1 cup baking soda 

10 drops rosemary essential oil  

In a can with a perforated lid, mix together the baking soda and 
rosemary essential oil.  


1 cup water 
2 tablespoons Castile soap 
1 teaspoon tea tree oil 
8 drops eucalyptus essential oil  

In a spray bottle, mix together the water, Castile soap, tea tree oil, and 
eucalyptus essential oil.  


1 cup water 
1 cup vinegar 
10 drops lemon essential oil  

In a spray bottle, mix together the water, vinegar, and lemon essential 


2 tablespoons cream of tartar 1⁄2 cup hydrogen peroxide  

In a small bowl, mix together the cream of tartar and hydrogen 



3 tablespoons Castile soap 1⁄2 cup vinegar 

1⁄2 cup black tea 

2 gallons water  


In a large bucket, mix together the Castile soap, vinegar, tea, and water.  


2 cups water 
2 tablespoons vinegar 

Daily Cleansing Practices: 

1. Deep breathing exercises daily 
2. Lemon water with cayenne cleanse 
3. Eat raw whole foods 
How to do a safe and effective Systemic cleanse 
A natural herbal detoxification program with the seasons every 
year or when ill is highly beneficial. There are three parts to a 
successful program.  
1. Liver detox​….It is wise to cleanse your liver before 
starting any detox program. The liver is the filter of your 
body and the master detoxifier. If your liver is congested 
it can be overwhelmed trying to eliminate all of then toxic 
waste products from a bowel detox. A very effective liver 
flush is accomplished by taking a cup of warm water 
containing a tablespoon of olive oil and the juice of half 
an organic lemon and a splash of cayenne pepper. Take it 
daily for one week. There are also liver detox herbal 
formulas available. 


2.​ ​Bowel Detox 
​ Cleansing of the colon is very beneficial to eliminate 
accumulated toxic waste material and parasites. This also 
enhances nutrient absorption. The bowel detox 
supplements should be taken for one month. Bowel flora 
should then be added. 
3. Systemic detox 
​ This is accomplished with a cleansing diet, eating  
primarily low stress water containing foods such as juicy 
fruits and vegetables. And by taking herbal supplements. 
I do recommend consulting with your holistic healthcare 
practitioner before undertaking a cleanse. If you have never done 
a cleanse or fast and your body is fairly toxic, or if you are 
experiencing health challenges you need to be examined by your 
naturopathic or holistic doctor. 

2. Oxygen Therapy  
Another theory of the cause of brain dementia is lack of oxygen. 
There are some doctors who have been treating patients with 
oxygen protocols ranging from oxygen nutritional supplement to 


hyperbaric chambers. This is certainly something anyone dealing 

with brain dementia should investigate. 

3. Diet  
A healthy diet is very important for the overall good health of 
your entire body including your brain. For this report, I will just 
give a basic overview of what a healthy diet should be. For a 
more comprehensive nutritional training please check out my 
Real Food Real Fast ​module of the complete 
Vitality For Life Training Program​. 

The brain ​is involved in all bodily functions, however, it’s the 
gastrointestinal tract or the gut, that is in charge of the brain. 
We’ve known for almost 20 years that the gut has a role in 
modulating mood and thinking: In 1999 Dr. Michael Gershon 
showed us in his book, ​The Second Brain, ​how much our gut 
affects our brain. Anytime you’re dealing with a brain problem, 
the first place you want to look is the gut. A healthy gut is what 
makes it possible for us to have clear conscious thoughts. 
When you want your brain to function better, pay attention to 
your gut.  

The basic concept of eating for brain health is summed up in 

what I call ​The Seven Word Diet.​ Eat a variety of whole 
organic foods​. ​This means eating primarily what is grown in 
nature, organically and doesn’t come in a package and doesn’t 
need a label. There are some fairly healthy foods that do come 


in a package that do not contain additives and chemicals. 

Once again learn to read the labels. Do your best to make 
80-90% of your diet from real food, eat as much raw food as 
possible and avoid highly processed and fast junk foods 
completely. If you do this not only will your health and energy 
greatly improve but so will your brain function. 

Also for most people, it will be very helpful to avoid wheat, 

dairy and refined sugars.​ Gluten is now known to cause 
inflammation in the body and the brain so even if you don't 
have symptoms from eating gluten containing foods, most 
likely your brain will function better without them. You may 
want to read the book ​The Grain Brain. ​Dairy products can 
cause allergic reactions and are difficult to digest for many 
people. However eating raw milk products which have the 
enzymes intact from not being heated, can be nutritious. 

Create a healthy Kitchen 

It's been said, health good or bad starts in the kitchen. Our 
kitchen is where we make the food responsible for nourishing 
and healing our brain. In addition to the actual food you are 
preparing it’s important to be aware of how many toxic kitchen 
products are lurking everywhere. A few examples are aluminum 
foil, aluminum and nonstick cookware, plastics of all kinds 
including cutting boards and storage containers.  


Some of the Top Brain Foods 

1. Beets 
Beets are high in both antioxidants and nitrates. Antioxidants are 
cancer-fighting and help detoxify the blood, while nitrates 
increase blood flow to the brain. Beets allow the brain to think 
clearly and increase attention span. Additionally, beets naturally 
increase energy levels and help boost athletic performance. This 
root vegetable can be eaten raw in salads or alone, and also make 
a great addition to a roasted vegetable medley.  
2. Avocado 
Avocados are a superfood high in monounsaturated fats. These 
healthy fats keep blood sugar at a steady level and keep the skin, 
hair, and nails looking and feeling healthy. More importantly, 
avocados are rich in folate and vitamin K, which improve cognitive 
brain functions such as concentration and memory.  
3. Broccoli 
Broccoli is high in both choline and vitamin K. Both contribute to 
memory function and focus. Broccoli is also high in vitamin C and 
fiber. High levels of fiber help a person to feel full quickly, 
reducing the amount of food they need to consume to feel 
4. Dark Chocolate 
Dark chocolate increases blood flow to the brain, which improves 
all-around cognitive function. It's high in flavonoids, which have 


great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. To reap all the 

benefits of dark chocolate, it's best to opt for chocolate that is at 
least 70% cocoa. Milk chocolate and white chocolate are too high 
in refined sugars and other highly processed ingredients to 
provide the same health benefits as dark chocolate. 

5. Salmon 
Salmon is very high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce 
brain fog and increase memory and concentration. The fish can 
reduce the risk of ADHD in children, and certain cancers. When 
looking to take advantage of these benefits, the best salmon to 
consume is Alaskan wild-caught salmon. Avoid farm raised fish. 
6. Nuts and Seeds 
Walnuts are rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.   
Almonds can increase memory, alertness, and concentration. 
Studies show including walnuts, almonds and a variety of raw 
nuts in one's diet on a regular basis may help to decrease the risk 
of Alzheimer's disease. ​Seeds such as sunflower and pumpkin 
boost your mood and affect your brain power. They contain 
thiamine which increases memory and cognitive function as well as 
zinc, Vitamins A and E, and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.  
7. Berries 
Blueberries in particular, protect the brain from toxins, 
degeneration, and stress. Berries have the highest antioxidant 
level of any foods and are also high in fiber and vitamin K and can 
help ward off certain cancers, aging, and environmental toxins.  


8. Coconut Oil 
Coconut oil is a diverse superfood. It has powerful 
anti-inflammatory properties and can boost memory and 
cognitive function. Replacing the fat in any baking or cooking 
recipe with coconut oil is a simple way to incorporate it into one's 
diet. Applying it topically can help dry skin, stretch marks, and 
9.​ ​Eggs - organic pasture raised 
Eggs are a complete source of protein and contain choline which 
helps boost your memory.  

10. Green Tea  
Green tea has catechins which help you relax. It also has 
polyphenols, which stimulate the development of dopamine. These 
help the brain run smoothly by maintaining levels of glucose in your 
body. Tea enhances memory and focus and helps in fighting 
mental fatigue.  

Spices and Herbs for Brain Health 

Turmeric has strong healing and anti-inflammatory properties, 
thanks to curcumin, the chemical compound it contains. People 
have been using turmeric for centuries to heal wounds and 
illness. The spice boosts overall immunity and oxygen intake in 
the brain, which increases alertness and focus. 


An aromatic plant common to the Mediterranean that ​helps the 
brains boost neurotransmitters and boosts the speed at which 
you access your memories. Rosemary protects the brain from 
signs o​f aging, Alzheimer's, and neurodegeneration. It contains 
carnosic acid, which guards against chemical-free radicals that 
contribute to aging and degenerative disease. This savory herb 
can also protect against stroke and decrease macular 
degeneration and other vision problems. Rosemary has these 
benefits whether consumed fresh, dried, or as an oil. 
Ginkgo Biloba  
Revitalizes and improves concentration by improving blood flow 
to the brain.  
Ginseng is an energy boosting herb which stimulates mental 
Rhodiola Rosea 
Another botanical your brain loves because it helps your body to 
better regulate your “happy” chemicals so you’ll enjoy less stress 
and help you keep the memory you have. 
Centella Asiatica 
This is an herb commonly found in Ayurvedic and Traditional 
Chinese medicine. It ​helps maintain your memory by helping 


block the production of the enzyme cholinesterase, which is 

crucial in people over the age of 50. A study at the Khon Kaen 
Uni​versity in Thailand showed this plant helped 28 healthy people 
over 50 increase brain function and improve their overall mood 
in under 60 days. 
Bacon Monniera 
This natural herb ​helps your verbal learning skills, making it a 
great choice if you want to learn a second language. ​It also 
increases how fast your brain processes information. In a 
12-week study, researchers recruited a group of 54 people 
averaging 73.5 years old and had them take bacopa monniera. At 
the end of 12 weeks, their concentration and memory improved, 
stress and mood improved, plus they experienced almost zero 
side effects 

Ashwagandha has many medicinal uses among them 
improving thinking ability, decreasing pain and swelling 
(inflammation), and preventing the effects of aging. It is also used 
as an "adaptogen" to help the body cope with daily stress and as 
a general tonic. 

• Glutathione ​may be the most powerful antioxidant on Earth. 
Some scientists call it the “master antioxidant.” It prevents 


damage from free radicals, which is critical to preventing or 

slowing Alzheimer’s. ​N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)​, a natural 

• Vitamin E ​helps keep your brain stocked with vital compounds 

and nutrients it needs to ward off cognitive decline. Eating 
more nuts and fish will help get the amount you need. The best 
way to supplement with vitamin E is to look for the full 
spectrum of all eight E forms, including tocopherols (alpha, 
beta, gam- ma, and delta), and tocotrienols (also alpha, beta, 
gamma, and delta).  

•  ​Vitamin D3:​ Take enough vitamin D3 so that a blood test 

shows a level between 50 and 75 nanograms/milliliter (ng/ml). 
Maintaining the right level of vitamin D3 is one the most 
important marker of your health, and it should be checked 

•  Fish oil:​ are a rich source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and 

eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), two types of omega-3 fatty acid 
which do so many beneficial things for the body. They are 
needed to create brain cells, thus increasing brain function; 
stabilize cholesterol levels; turn the genes on to heal intestinal 
permeability; and reduce and, in some cases, reverse 
autoimmune diseases.  

• There are many nutritional formulas on the market today ​that 

have shown to reduce amyloid plaques on brain neurons and 


improve memory. They​ are certainly worth a try. One I 

recommend is Lively 

3. Exercise  
Yes its exercise. Neuroscientists around the globe agree that 
physical activity is the best medicine to maintain brain ​health 
throughout your lifespan.  

Why is physical activity so good for your brain? 
There are many reasons that ​exercise​ is ​good​ for your ​brain​. 
These include increased blood flow, which improves 
cerebrovascular health; the release of neurotrophic factors like 
BDNF, which stimulates the growth of new neurons; and the 
benefits of glucose and lipid metabolism which bring 
nourishment to the ​brain​. 
The brain is like a muscle that needs to be stimulated every day, 
which will help it create new neural connections. Since a healthy 
brain learns new things each day to meet the needs of our 
emotional world, it needs a continuous supply of oxygen and 
Oxygen increases your ability to understand and retain new 
information. Activities that involve physical coordination support 
neural development. Exercise can lead to the growth of new 


According to a report in the New York Times, exercise influences 
neurons to secrete brain-derived neurotrophic factor with a role in 
the activation of stem cells. From those neurotrophic factors, also 
known as BDNF, new neurons will form. Bone morphogenetic 
protein is a compound that reduces neurogenesis, i.e. the 
formation of new neurons. Exercise reduces its level, which allows 
the formation of new neurons. 
Many research studies have shown that people who exercise 
regularly are, on average, less likely to develop dementia. They 
are also more likely to have better cognitive function than those 
who don’t exercise. This has been found for people at middle 
age and also old age. Increased brain blood flow, healthier brain 
cells and reduced cardiovascular risk may all contribute to 
physical activity’s effects. 
• In a study that followed 1,449 people for over 20 years, 
those who exercised at least twice a week at midlife were 
on average 52% less likely to develop dementia in old age 
(Rovio S, et al. Lancet Neurology, 2005; 4:705-711).  
• In another study involving people aged 65 and over, 
exercising at least 3 times per week was associated with a 
38% reduced risk of developing dementia (Larson EB, et al. 
Ann Intern Med, 2006; 144:73-81).  


• In a recent Australian trial involving people aged 50 and over 

who complained of memory problems, a six month program 
of physical activity resulted in improved memory and 
thinking at the end of the trial and 18 months later 
(Lautenschlager NT, et al. JAMA, 2008; 300:1027-1037). 
• The University of Illinois at the Beckman Institute for Advanced 
Science and Technology conducted a​ ​study​ about exercise. 
In this study, they found that ​people who regularly do moderate 
exercise have a greater brain volume than those who don’t. 
This means that they have a greater ability to face possible 
neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia or ​Alzheimer’s​, 
for example.  
Benefits of physical exercises for the brain 
• Physical exercise reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, 
high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity. 
• Physical exercise reduces stress​. Aerobic exercise 
increases the concentration of norepinephrine, which 
helps the brain to react properly in case of stress.  
• Physical exercise improves your mood and makes you 
happy.​ Many tests have shown that exercise releases 
endorphins that give you a feeling of well being.  
• Physical exercise increases your confidence​. It is 
known that those who exercise and play sports have 
higher self-confidence and self-image.  


• Physical exercise prevents cognitive decline​. As shown 

by the above studies. 
• Physical exercise reduces anxiety​.  
• Physical exercise enhances intellect. 
• Brain researchers agree that cardiovascular exercise can 
lead to neurogenesis, specifically creating new brain cells. 
which can improve decision making and lead to a sharper 
focus and a higher thinking power. 
• Physical exercise makes memory sharpe​r. 
• Physical exercise helps fighting addictions of various 
kinds​. Exercise produces dopamine, so you fill up your 
dopamine addiction with something healthier instead of 
drugs, sex and food. 
• Physical exercise helps to improve relaxation​.  
• Physical exercise makes you more productive​. 
Exercise is like money, you have to spend some to make 
• Physical exercise helps to increase creativity​.  
• Physical exercise is an antidepressant​. At the 
physiological level, a depressed person has low levels of 
serotonin in the brain. Physical exercise increases the 
amount of serotonin. It has been shown that exercise is as 
effective as antidepressants to make people feel good, 
without the side effects. Depression is also associated 
with low levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, 
neurotransmitters beneficial effects on attention and 
• Physical exercise stimulates brain development in 
children​. ​According to a ​meta-analysis done by Sibley 


and Etnier in 2003​ about the relationship between 

exercise and the development of children, (the resulting 
date reveals real benefits of exercise in terms of 
perception, intelligence, achievement, verbal tests, tests in 
mathematics and overall academic level.) It seems that 
rats that had access to a running wheel presented a much 
proper neuronal develo​pment in the areas of the brain 
responsible for learning and memory. 

The best physical exercises for your brain. 

Studies have compared the neurological impact of different 
types of exercises: running, weight exercises and high-intensity 
aerobic workouts. The surprising results suggest that 
high-intensity training is not the most successful choice for 
your brain health. Short bouts,15-30 minutes of high intensity 
aerobic exercise are best for increasing your metabolism and 
burning fat and training your heart but not your brain. So I 
recommend alternating days of both kinds of workouts. You 
can run, cycle, walk, swim, resistance training, dance whatever 
you enjoy, for both types of workouts. 
Also, calisthenics where you alternate lifting your right leg up 
and touch it with your left hand and then left leg up touching 
with your right hand. This action reorganizes your brain 
neurons and balances your right and left hemispheres. 


So we know regular physical exercise is associated with better 
brain function and reduced risk of cognitive decline and 
dementia. Even simple exercise like walking has been shown to 
be good for the brain. Getting the recommended minimum 30 
minutes of physical activity daily will help keep your body and 
brain healthy. 
Participating in regular physical activity cannot guarantee you 
won’t develop some form of dementia, however, the existing 
evidence points to greatly reducing the risk. 
So no more excuses, get off your but and get some exercise on a 
daily basis. Check out my ​Real Fit Real Fast ​Training module to 
learn what and how to develop your personalized lifetime fitness 
The Ageless Brain and Sleep 
We now know that during sleep our brain actually cleans off an 
amyloid plaque that builds up on our neurons from normal day to 
day metabolism. We also know that the majority of people who 
have Alzheimers or Dementia have a build up of this neuron 
plaque. So it seems there is a direct correlation between brain 
health and the amount of deep sleep. We know the importance 


of getting adequate sleep for overall health and once again what 
is good for your body is good for your brain. 
This following information about the importance of sleep and 
how to get adequate sleep on a nightly basis is from a report I 
previously wrote.   
How Important is Sleep? 
It is rare to find someone in our society today who doesn’t feel he 
or she has a very busy and demanding schedule. We tend to 
push too hard and do not allow enough time for adequate rest. 
According to the American Sleep Association over a fourth of 
adults have some sort of a sleep disorder. It is projected that the 
growth rate for sleep aids will rise by 27% in 2018, amounting to 
over 700 million in sales. 
It is well documented that inadequate sleep is a major health risk 
factor. Recent studies by the National Sleep Foundation found 
that over 40 % of those surveyed suffer from insomnia and 37 % 
experienced a lack of sleep so severe that their daytime 
sleepiness interfered with their normal daily activities. This 
percentage was 52% with shift workers. 80% of nighttime 
workers reported falling asleep while driving. The most alarming 
information that came from this study was the fact that more 


people are killed by sleepy drivers than by drunk drivers. All 

these statistics are offered to emphasize the importance of 
adequate sleep. 
Science of Sleep 
Adequate sleep is a vital component of good health.The exact 
functions of sleep and rest are not clearly known. However, it is 
known to be a time for the body to repair and regenerate itself. 
During sleep the spine regains its flexibility, the skin makes 
repairs, the muscles clear lactic acid and the immune system 
recovers. During sleep the body produces Human Growth 
Hormone which plays an important role in deterring aging and 
the A disease processes. 
Other studies have also shown a clear relationship between 
inadequate sleep and long-term health. A study found that 
medical students who had sleeping problems and inadequate 
rest as young men experienced over twice the amount of clinical 
depression 30 years later, compared to other students. Another 
study found that when sleep patterns are interrupted the levels of 
immune system killer T-cells are significantly reduced. Disease is 
really dis-ease, meaning the body is not at ease. A disease is 
some form of tension in the body that is inhibiting proper cellular 
function. We have trillions of cells performing trillions of life 
functions, including dying and being born. It is critically important 
to allow the body time to eliminate the tensions caused by the 
stresses of living. 


Think about this 
You can live without water for about 7-10 days and without food 
for about 30-40 days. How long can you stay awake and function 
well? The answer is only 24 hours. Yes, people have forced 
themselves to stay awake for days but at a high cost. 
The consequences of sleep deprivation at 24 hours is 
comparable to the cognitive impairment of someone with a 
blood-alcohol content of 0.10 percent, according to a 2010 study 
in the International Journal of Occupational Medicine and 
Environmental Health. Judgment is affected, memory is impaired, 
there is deterioration in decision making, and a decline in 
eye-hand coordination. Attention is decreased, hearing is 
impaired, and there is an increase in risk of death from a fatal 
At 36 hours your health begins to be at risk. High levels of 
inflammatory markers are in the bloodstream, which can 
eventually lead to cardiovascular disease and high blood 
pressure. Additionally, hormones are affected and your emotions 
can be all over the place. 
At 48 hours of no sleep, the body begins compensating by 
shutting down for micro sleeps, episodes that last from half a 


second to half a minute and are usually followed by a period of 

disorientation. The person experiencing a microsleep falls asleep 
regardless of the activity they are engaged in. Microsleeps are 
similar to blackouts, and a person experiencing them is not 
consciously aware that they're occurring. Sounds to me like 
getting adequate nightly sleep is critically important. 
Insomnia is recognized as the fourth most prominent health 
issue. In my opinion, insomnia is at the top of the list because 
lack of proper sleep lowers the body’s resistance to all diseases. 
The Role of Insomnia 
The primary cause of difficulty staying asleep near morning is 
insomnia, which is defined as difficulty falling or staying asleep 
and is frequently associated with early morning awakenings. 
These awakenings may occur throughout the night, but they tend 
to be more frequent in the second half of the night, due to a 
diminishing ability to sleep toward the morning hours. 
The ability to sleep is linked to two processes, one called the 
homeostatic sleep drive and the other being the circadian 
rhythm. The homeostatic sleep drive is the gradual desire for 
sleep that builds the longer a person stays awake, and relates to 
the gradual accumulation of a chemical in the brain called 
adenosine. This sleepless signal eventually helps to initiate sleep, 


however, midway through the night the chemical is gone and the 
desire for sleep is depleted. 
If this awakening occurs toward morning, the ability to return to 
sleep will be compromised due to the lower levels of adenosine. 
Sleep may be greatly delayed, fragmented, or disrupted in 
insomnia, but awakenings near morning can be especially 
The Unexpected Influence of Sleep Apnea 
Sleep apnea may contribute to early morning awakenings. To 
better understand this relationship, it's necessary to carefully 
consider the structure of sleep. 
In the first half of the night, slow-wave sleep occurs more 
frequently, especially among young people. In the second half, 
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep makes a more frequent 
appearance. Though the cycles of sleep occur regularly through 
the night, REM sleep becomes more prolonged towards morning. 
Therefore, we are more likely to awaken from it near morning and 
recall the vivid dreams associated with the state. 
Sleep apnea is also more likely to occur during REM sleep. The 
muscles of the body are actively paralyzed during this stage, so 
we are unable to act out our dreams. If this does not occur, a 
condition called REM behavior disorder may result. Muscles 


lining the upper airway are also paralyzed, which makes the 
throat more collapsible and collapse manifests as disrupted 
breathing and sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is often worsened 
during REM for this reason. Morning awakenings may, therefore, 
occur in the setting of sleep apnea that's worsened during the 
periods of REM that become more frequent and prolonged 
towards morning. 
The last major contributor to early morning awakenings is the 
class of conditions that are collectively known as circadian 
rhythm disorders. These include the natural tendency to wake 
early in the morning, advanced sleep phase syndrome and 
natural changes that occur in sleep ability as we get older. Some 
people are just naturally morning people: they may prefer to fall 
asleep earlier (such as at 9 PM) and wake earlier (by 5 or 6 AM). 
This may be a lifelong preference, and while it isn’t necessarily 
abnormal, it may lead to early morning awakenings. If a sufficient 
amount of sleep is obtained before getting up for the day, then 
there's no reason to be concerned. 
As we get older, our ability to maintain a continuous, 
uninterrupted period of sleep diminishes. Sleep may become 
more fragmented, and there may be more time spent awake in 
the transition to falling asleep and during the night. Slow-wave 
sleep diminishes, and total sleep time may be reduced. 


In some cases, a condition called advanced sleep phase 

syndrome may become apparent. In this circadian rhythm 
disorder, the onset and offset of sleep moves earlier by several 
hours. If it's disruptive to social life, it may be treated with the 
use of properly timed melatonin and light exposure at night. 
If you suffer from morning awakenings, you should reflect on 
your situation and consider what might be contributing to the 
occurrence. If there's evidence of mood disorders, these should 
be addressed by a doctor. When a clear explanation cannot be 
identified, it may be useful to speak with a sleep specialist, who 
may be able to provide additional insight. 
Causes of insomnia 
Insomnia is a sleep disorder identified by difficulty falling or 
staying asleep or the inability to enjoy quality uninterrupted sleep. 
The causes of insomnia are numerous but science has been able 
to narrow these down to the following: 
1.Anxiety and stress​.  
Anxiety and perceived stress at work, school or in relationships 
can create hormonal and metabolic malfunctions. Depending on 
the severity of the stress, those thoughts and worries may 
continue and even grow into the night, making sleep challenging 
or impossible. 


2. Breathing Disorder 
Interruption in regular breathing patterns or oxygen uptake can 
also affect sleep. The discomfort associated with a deviated 
septum or other breathing disorder such as asthma, triggers a 
disturbance in the breathing patterns which can make sleep 
difficult. Oftentimes these disturbances can deprive one of REM 
sleep producing carry-over anxiety, mental fatigue and other 
complications during waking hours. There are many new devices 
that can help this situation, do your research. 
3. Hormonal imbalances 
Particularly for women, the period of menstruation and 
menopause is accompanied by a disruption in sleep patterns. 
The shift in levels of serotonin, progesterone, and estrogen can 
be accompanied by night sweats, hot flashes, and vivid dreams 
or nightmares. This plays havoc with one’s peace of mind and 
can trigger a biochemical stress-response that fights the ordinary 
sleepiness necessary to fall or stay asleep. Hormonal imbalances 
such as thyroid issues can also affect men’s sleep patterns. 
4. Over stimulation of the nervous system 
Younger people tend to over stimulate their nervous systems 
with cell phone use, video games, TV, electronic music and other 
electronic gadgets and sometimes recreational drugs. Some 
drugs are specifically ingested because of their ability to 


stimulate the nervous system and keep one going for longer than 
normal periods. A good rule is no screens 2 hours before 
5. Poor Nutrition 
Highly processed fast foods are grossly lacking in essential 
nutrients such as B vitamins and minerals that are essential for 
proper brain function. Magnesium in particular, is vital for 
calming the body, reducing stress and is a natural sleep aid. 
Magnesium is known to be an important cofactor in more than 
700 enzyme reactions in the human body. 
Surveys have shown that more than 75% of Americans do not 
receive adequate amounts of magnesium in their diet. The 
minimum recommended dosage for adults is approximately 400 
mg/day. Magnesium citrate is one of the most absorbable forms. 
6. Indigestion and Constipation 
Gastrointestinal problems like indigestion, acid reflux or 
constipation can mess with restful sleep. Eating late can leave 
you feeling full and uncomfortable before bed and the action of 
digestion itself is an energy intensive process that can rev up 
metabolism in the body beyond its ability to rest. Poor digestion, 
flatulence and constipation can result. The excess amount of 
acid in the GI tract from acid reflux can flow backwards into the 


esophagus creating a burning sensation in the chest which 

makes sleeping impossible. 
7. Overuse of and withdrawal of medications and stimulants 
There are no studies, or can there ever be any, for the reactions 
and side effects from combinations of prescription and over the 
counter drugs. It is wise to first check the side effects of any 
medications you are taking and to be sure what you are taking 
are absolutely necessary. 
Psychoactive drugs such as coffee, alcohol, cocaine, MDMA, 
and methamphetamine are intended to create altered states of 
consciousness. Their use often creates its own reality, behavior 
pattern and spectrum of activity which is different from the 
natural one. Prolonged drug use can have such a profound effect 
on brain function and hormone regulation that their use can result 
in permanent disruption of sleep. 
In addition when the body becomes used to the sedative effect 
from anti-anxiety drugs, their removal can trigger a 
super-stimulated state. This can contribute to the loss of the 
body’s own internal regulatory sensibilities. Altering the 
regulation of hormones such as melatonin can have direct 
immediate effects on one’s ability to sleep. 


8. Heart Disease and Insomnia 

Long term insomnia causes a chronic stress-response in the 
body through the adrenal-pituitary-hypothalamus circuit that 
makes the body feel as though it is in imminent danger. This 
triggers higher blood pressure, heart rate and inflammatory 
response, all conditions that will make the symptoms of heart 
disease and their management more difficult and possibly 
9. Physical Exercise 
Exercise has a broad-spectrum effect on all body systems 
mental and physical. The elevated heart rate, blood pressure, 
muscle, hormonal and neurotransmitter activity which 
accompanies exercise combine to create an overall high level of 
stimulation or positive stress on the body and mind. But the body 
needs time to recover and return to its resting state. If exercise 
takes place in the late evening, the body may not have enough 
time to return to a restful state and allow the shift necessary for 
easy sleep. The result is making peacefulness and deep sleep 
impossible until the early hours of the morning. 
10.Mental Illness 
Psychiatric disorders are the leading cause of insomnia. Bipolar 
disorder creates dramatic mood swings and the compulsiveness 
that comes with mania often prevents sleep for days at a time 
unless medicated. PTSD and depression can cause excessive 


sleep during the day as a coping mechanism and create 

sleeplessness at night. Nightmares often accompany psychiatric 
disorders and the drugs used to combat the mental illnesses 
themselves are often the enemies of a long restful sleep. 
11.Pain or Injury 
A serious injury or illness can cause so much pain that sleep 
becomes a challenge. Tossing and turning to find the most 
pain-free position and the inability to move freely can hamper 
one’s ability to sleep. Using pain killers for accompanying 
inflammation, congestion or weight management can also agitate 
sleep patterns as they may contain caffeine or other stimulants. 
Similarly, heavy painkillers can create dependence and a new 
normal for the body such that, when removed, the body cannot 
sleep without the meds…. making sleep disorders worse 
Amount and Time of Sleep 
Remember the rhyme “ Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man 
healthy, wealthy and wise?” I’m always amazed at the wisdom to 
be found in so many old sayings. Science is continually proving 
what intuition has always provided to those who are open to it.  
This reinforces our belief in trusting our own innate intelligence 
for the answers that we seek. 


The human body is innately programmed to sleep during 

darkness and to be awake during daylight. It has now been 
shown that deep sleep is interrupted and affected by light. 
Melatonin production is decreased when the body is exposed to 
light and this deficiency has been linked to cancer. It is also well 
known that our metabolism goes through cycles of ingestion, 
absorption and elimination according to light. Therefore, it seems 
that working at night and sleeping during the day may lead to 
compromised health. This implies we probably would do best by 
getting up at sunrise and retiring a few hours before midnight. 
Studies have shown that if one receives less than seven hours of 
restful sleep your cognitive abilities decline. It continues to 
decline with every hour less than seven.  
Rest is defined as the refreshing quiet or repose of sleep, 
refreshing ease or inactivity after an exertion of labor, relief or 
freedom from anything that wearies, troubles or disturbs. This 
applies to both our mind and our body. Besides sleep, rest can 
consist of any technique that reduces stress such as meditation, 
visualization, sitting or lying quietly, reading for enjoyment, 
listening to relaxing music, having a peaceful enjoyable 
conversation, or anything that is physically or mentally relaxing. 


Ideally, we should allow an equal amount of time for rest as 

we do for activity. 
1.We need less sleep as we grow older. Each of us has slightly 
different sleep requirements, however, researchers agree that 
most people, regardless of age, require approximately eight 
hours of sleep per night to operate at their optimal level. More 
than eight hours of sleep begins to make one sluggish and of 
course is a time that could be spent more productively. 
2. We can make up sleep by sleeping in the daytime. As 
previously stated sleeping in the daytime does not lead to deep 
restorative sleep. Research however, has shown that short naps 
of one hour or less are beneficial for improving alertness and 
mood for the rest of the day. 
Tips for a Good Night's Sleep 
Feng Shui 
Feng Shui is the art of arranging a room for optimal energy flow 
and balance. It is best to sleep with your head pointing north, in 
order to line up with the earth’s electromagnetic field which runs 
in a north/ south direction. Consult a good Feng Shui book such 
as Karen Kingston’s “Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui” for 
ideal bedroom arrangement. 


The ideal sleeping positions are on your back with neck 
supported and feet elevated. Sleep on your side with head in 
alignment with the spine, resting on a supportive pillow, with your 
bottom arm extended out to take pressure off the shoulder. Your 
top leg should be bent with the bottom leg slightly flexed. Never 
sleep on your stomach. This position compresses the spine and 
restricts breathing. 
Establish a Routine 
We are creatures of habit, and our sleep is no exception. Once 
you determine your sleep needs, you should do your best to 
meet those needs every day. By consistently going to bed and 
getting up at the same time, we condition our body to follow a 
regular pattern of sleep. This allows our body’s natural clock, 
called a circadian rhythm, to help initiate and maintain our sleep. 
So train your body to go to sleep and wake up at the same time 
everyday. Our bodies function best with consistent cycles of rest 
and activity. Establish a routine 30 minutes before going to bed, 
such as brushing teeth, stretching and meditation. 


Use your bed exclusively for sex and sleeping. Do not eat, watch 
TV, read or work in bed. This will train your body to fall asleep 
when in bed. 
Studies have shown silence and darkness are required for the 
deepest sleep. Use ear plugs and masks if necessary. Darkness 
also signals the pituitary gland to begin releasing growth 
Keep your room comfortably cool with fresh air and no artificial 
heat. Use quality bedding to keep you warm. 
Sleeping surface 
Invest in a high quality firm mattress that supports your spine. I 
recommend natural latex without metal springs. You spend 
nearly one third of your life in bed, it will be money well spent 
Stimulants and relaxants​. 
Both alcohol and sleep aids may help you fall asleep initially, but 
they inhibit deep, restful sleep and can become addictive. Try an 
herbal tea mixture of peppermint, rosemary and sage before 
going to bed 


Discomfort with heartburn or acid reflux, as well as needing to 
get up multiple times to urinate, can be very disruptive to a good 
night’s sleep. It's best to avoid these situations by not eating or 
drinking in the few hours prior to bedtime. Your evening meal 
should be light and eaten at least three hours before retiring. 
Take a short walk after eating. 
Warm up 
Take hot foot baths and wear socks to keep feet warm if 
Avoid exciting activities before going to bed. Even watching TV 
excites the nervous system and can keep some people from 
easily going to sleep. 
For insomniacs… Meditate, listen to a tape with headphones of 
someone lecturing in a soft soothing voice. Read a boring book. 
The most important advice is to respect that your body needs to 
sleep. Too often, we allow our sleep time to be infringed upon 
when our daytime obligations take longer than anticipated. 
Additionally, opportunities to engage in pleasurable activities, 
visiting friends, watching television, playing on the internet, 
eating out, and any number of others can cut into our sleep time, 


if we allow them to. It's important to schedule your sleep time 

and stick to that schedule, no matter what might come up during 
the day. 
If you are having problems sleeping consult with a medical 
professional…… is a matter of life or death. 
Think of sleep as an investment in your future. 
Brain Games and Exercises 

The basis for brain games is that you can train your neurons to 
develop positive habits and beliefs regarding all aspects of your 
life.. The more you put these thoughts and habits into practice, 
the more likely it is that you can use the Law of Attraction to 
create an abundant and healthy lifestyle.  

Brain optimizers are designed to help you achieve your mind’s 

full potential. Your mind is made up of so many individual parts 
that it’s important to connect them together with powerful 
practices. That’s exactly what brain optimizers are, the 
techniques and exercises that will help you form new 
health-generating connections in your brain.  

When you go to the gym, you don’t just work out for a couple of 
minutes and then expect yourself to walk out looking like a 


supermodel or action hero. So be patient, put in the time and 

consistency and you will receive the benefits. 

Some beneficial practices 

• ​Meditation  

• Visualization 

• Practice reading skills and speed 

• Writing to do lists & memorize them 

• Learn a new language 

• Learn to lay a musical instrument, learn to sing a song. 

• Problem solving, list pros & cons 

• Brainstorm a solution of a big problem with friends 

There is now an infinite number of brain puzzles and games on 
the internet to keep you busy improving your brain. 

Heart Brain Coherence 

The effect of heart activity on brain function has been researched 
extensively over about the past 40 years. Recent research by The 
Heart Math Institute, ​​ . HeartMath is a 
stress management system that helps you synchronize your 
brain and heart for optimal stress resistance and mental 


They have found that the heart sends many times the amount of 
electromagnetic signals to the brain as does the brain to the 
heart. By sustaining positive emotions, you can generate 
increased heart rhythm coherence with the brain which not only 
benefits your brain and your entire body, but also profoundly 
affects how we perceive, think, feel, and perform. 
The technique is as follows: ​Place your hand on your heart and 
begin thinking of something you are truly grateful for in your life 
for a few minutes. Thoughts of compassion for other people also 
work well. This creates peaceful synchronized brain waves which 
then sends healing stress reducing messages to the body. For a 
very good explanation of this check out this video by Gregg 
Braden: ​ 

The main message I want to give you is that you do not have to 
buy into and accept the mainstream belief that it is inevitable 
that we all will become old and sick and lose brain function. 
This is what I like to call the real fake news we have to beware 
of. We are all so much more powerful than we can imagine. 
We have the capability to heal ourselves and stay healthy to 
at least 125.   


It is really about moving away from the fear of what may 

happen to us in the future and to believe that we have the 
power to create the healthy, long life that we desire and 

We never know exactly what challenges we may face or how 

our lives will unfold. However doesn’t it make sense to give 
ourselves the best possible opportunity to get and stay healthy 
and energetic, both mentally and physically, based on what we 
have learned and will learn in the future?  


The Ageless Living Lifestyle. 

I highly recommend you adopt​ ​what I call ​The Ageless Living 
Lifestyle​. It is the mind/body/spiritual wellness system that I 
have been living and teaching for the past 19 years. 

It first begins with a positive mindset which is about moving out 

of a fear based mindset to a love based mindset. It is about 
making a commitment to following the recommendations in 
this report and the entire ​Vitality For Life Training Program.  

I’m very confident that the more you love yourself and your 
life, the better your health and your life become. 


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