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Submitted by: Rajvi Rajendra Chatwani (201900929)

Aarti Satish Shah (201900633)

Submitted to: Prof. Armando Barragan

Program + Course Name
Section Code
Semester  Global e-Business
IBM II-G2 Management
Percentage Weight of Total
Type of Evaluation
Summer 2020 Evaluation
Course Instructor Due Date
Armando Barragan Week 7 (June 29, 2020) Total Marks:                      /100


Ecommerce plays a vital role in the battle against COVID-19, with retailers online
facing a surge of consumer orders limited to their homes. A latest study on
COVID-19’s Effect on Ecommerce, shows that COVID-19 would have a
significant long-term impact on the ecommerce market, with even the most cynical
customers being forced to leave physical stores in response to restrictions.

COVID-19 gave the global e - commerce market a boost, with the main winners
being the online grocery retailers. Supermarkets face unparalleled demand for
delivery of home groceries. As supermarkets around the nation close down their
doors in an attempt to curb the spread of coronavirus, "important" businesses such
as grocery stores and pharmacies seek funding to meet overwhelming demand.

We have taken Loblaws and Walmart as are examples to explain about the above
situation. Recently to manage the rise in demand of online orders Loblaws and
many other retail stores started hiring new people which created a lot of job
opportunities for people. Also Loblaws came up with an idea of Manual Micro-
Fulfilment Centre which is a section that deals only with the online order
fulfillment of different stores from one single store. Proper sanitization practices
are followed to keep everyone safe.

It is similar in the case of Walmart which hired thousands of new associates just to
cope up with the surge in demands. Shelves needed restocking again and again as
people were panic buying and hoarding goods. Walmart also saw a rise in the
number of online orders especially for groceries and vegetables. New measures
were taken while preparing the orders to make sure everyone is safe. Wearing of
masks is made mandatory for the associates. Every associate has to go for a
temperature check before the start of their shift. The picking carts, Texlons (device
used for scanning items in the store) and printers were sanitized at periodic

In our opinion we believe that Covid-19 has strongly affected the growth of e-
commerce and it will continue to last for a longer period since people won’t prefer
to shop because they would still be scared of the spread of the virus even after the
social gathering restrictions are lifted. Also, due to the pandemic people were
forced to shop online which they wouldn’t have done earlier. People realised the
benefits of shopping online and now they would continue shopping online even
after the pandemic is over. This has given a boost to e-commerce globally. We also
feel that people will now be more open to new technologies after they realised the
benefits of technology during the pandemic. More payment options will also be
considered by the customers.

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