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Learning Contract: Emma Dallaire

Goal 1 Statement:
❖ To get involved on campus, whether that be virtually or in person.
❖ Obtain a list of all clubs and organizations on campus, and post it to Brightspace.
❖ Send out a Google Form to students asking what they are interested in and what
organizations they were looking to join.
❖ Make a frequently asked questions sheet.
❖ Include the link for the Google Form.
❖ Include my FAQ sheet.

Goal 2 Statement:
❖ To teach them how to effectively manage their time as a college student.
❖ Send out a Google form to students asking about their experience with managing time
❖ Post a “Tips & Tricks” sheet to Brightspace, regarding time management
❖ Include my Google form.
❖ Include my tips & tricks sheet that I made.
Achieved Goal 1

Objective: To teach my students how to be involved on campus

Activity: Obtain a list of all clubs and organizations on campus, and post it to Brightspace
Send out a Google form to students asking about potential involvement
Make a frequently asked questions sheet

Evidence: Include the link for the Google form.

Include my FAQ sheet.

My evidence includes the link for the Google form that I created and sent out to my students.
This form asked about their potential interests in URI involvement, as well as what some of their
passions are. My other piece of evidence is my frequently asked questions sheet that I made with
the questions the students asked in the Google form.

As a mentor for URI 101, it is important to teach the first years about involvement at URI.
Involvement helps students find their home away from home and really enhances their college
experience. It can provide new professional and social opportunities, as well as spark an interest
in something different.

I chose to make a Google form for the students because it gives me a chance to hear what they
are thinking and provide them with the information they will find most helpful. The questions I
asked were: “What are some of your interests?”, “Are there any specific clubs you are looking
into joining?”, and “What is one question that you have about involvement?”. I also made a
section that said “Check off all the things you could be interested in joining”, just to give them
some ideas. After looking at their responses, I took the questions that were asked most often and
created a FAQ sheet to post to Brightspace.

Through teaching my students about involvement, I learned a lot about myself and my students.
My students were very interested in learning more about Greek Life, sports, and on campus jobs.
I believe these three things are becoming more common interests among first years than in past
years. The Google form was a great way to receive feedback from them because they could
respond anonymously and not bring unwanted attention to themselves. I also learned that the
FAQ sheet was effective because it answers certain student’s questions that others might have
had or brought attention to a topic they haven’t thought about. Lastly, through creating the FAQ
sheet, I learned that I have acquired a good amount of knowledge and experience through these
past couple years at URI. With that being said, I shouldn’t be afraid to share it with those who
will find it valuable, such as my students.

I included this evidence to show how a Google form can be effectively used to gather feedback
from students virtually. I also included the FAQ sheet to show the effort I put forth to educate my
students on all the options available to them, as well as answer any lingering questions.
Achieved Goal 2

Objective: To teach my students how to effectively manage their time as a college student

Activity: Send out a Google form to students asking about their experience with managing time
Post a “Tips & Tricks” sheet to Brightspace, regarding time management

Evidence: Include a screenshot of my Google form

Include my “Tips & Tricks” sheet that I created

My evidence includes the screenshot of the Google form I sent to my students asking them about
their past and present experiences with time management struggles and triumphs. I also included
the “Tips & Tricks” sheet that I created, based off of strategies that helped me and other peers
that I know.

As a mentor for URI 101, it is very important to teach first year students about time management
skills. Jumping from high school to college is a big adjustment, as most students have more
things on their plate to keep track of. For this reason, it is important to help students navigate this
transition, so they can succeed to the best of their abilities.

I chose to make a Google form for the students to fill out because it is always helpful for me to
know what they are thinking. I included the questions: “How did you manage your time in the
past?”, “How have you struggled with time management this semester?”, and “Have you done
anything to try and improve your time management skills while in college?”. With these
responses in mind, I generated a sheet full of tips that helped me, as well as some other students,
during my first year at URI.

Through teaching my students about time management, I have learned a lot about their personal
experiences. Some of the first years mentioned not knowing what an appropriate time limit to
study was, which is something I also struggled with. However, most of them commented on the
lack of balance between school, work, extracurriculars, and social life that they experienced this
semester. I learned that I am educated enough to speak on this topic because I am involved in a
lot of organizations, have a job, keep my grades up, and have a pretty good social life. For me, I
learn the most when I hear about people’s personal experiences. They are not “textbook” and
they provide real world examples that are helpful when trying to put things into perspective or
gain advice. With that being said, I shouldn’t be afraid to share my experiences with those who
will find it valuable, such as my students.

I included this evidence to show how a Google form can be effectively used to gather feedback
from students virtually. I also included the “Tips & Tricks” sheet to show the effort I put forth to
educate my students about time management using my personal experiences and what worked
well for me.

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